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Des Moines

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03:34, 27 May 2024(19,193 bytes)13.4
03:35, 2 August 2022(19,496 bytes)Added missing consumables, fixed some formatting, added AA caveat
08:44, 27 July 2022(18,425 bytes)AA builds are objectively worthless
18:34, 16 July 2022(19,170 bytes)added supership research note
05:13, 6 March 2022(19,429 bytes)added 0.6.1 reload note
17:53, 1 January 2022(19,751 bytes)Added to the beginning of the performance section all of the Tier IX-X cruisers which can fire 90 rounds per minute or more
16:19, 23 June 2021(16,643 bytes)Spelling correction
23:32, 20 June 2021(16,643 bytes)Warning about AA data, improved Pro/Con, rework upgrades
20:00, 4 January 2021(17,130 bytes)Formatting to make the gun build separated from the AA build
04:19, 26 September 2020(17,116 bytes)Undo revision 298514 by disa_destroyer:sea (talk) Snark is not appreciated.
16:39, 7 August 2020(17,116 bytes)Rewrite descriptions of the UU
22:14, 4 June 2020(17,379 bytes)Premium consumables? What are those?
17:37, 3 April 2020(18,026 bytes)references to ship - worldofwarships.com & YouTube
22:46, 26 March 2020(17,779 bytes)references to Wikipedia for ship and class
01:24, 15 February 2020(17,557 bytes)Use the not-fubar icon
20:59, 14 February 2020(17,487 bytes)9.1 changed the AAM1 to lowering the priority sector prep time and combining the AAM1, AAM2 and SBM2 all into the new AAM2.
22:13, 14 November 2019(17,375 bytes)Edited recommended commander skills
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