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Dealing With Enemies in Mirny

Let’s take a closer look at your opponents and how to deal with each AI enemy vehicle:

Guard (Churchill, Sherman, Pershing, Churchill BP, Patton, or Caernarvon): The basic enemy with “normal” behavior
Make sure you finish them off quickly, collect all the Mirium promptly, and then focus on more dangerous foes. But keep in mind that they can be vicious in groups, so don’t allow yourself to get surrounded.

Alpha (T28 Prototype): Leader of the Guards and a strong opponent with aggressive behavior
Teamwork is key to even the odds. Try to take it down quickly without losing too much time or HP and be on the lookout for other enemies that will try to take advantage of the distraction.

Rabbit (Luchs): A weak but fast enemy with lots of Mirium that tries to escape
Act quickly and decisively, but be wary of getting into a difficult, and potentially no-win, situation. The rabbit tries to lure players to stronger bots.

Hedgehog: A fast kamikaze tank that rams into the player and explodes upon contact.
Dodge, duck, dip, and dive out of its way–and if that fails, do a barrel roll. Whatever it takes, don’t let them touch you, and take them out before they get close. Fortunately, only one shot is needed to destroy them.

Alpha Hedgehog: The more menacing version of the standard Hedgehog
It is bigger, scarier, and when it explodes, it will spawn normal Hedgehogs. Keep away and only take them out as a group to quickly deal with the nasty surprise inside.

Hunter (Panther II, E 50, or an E 50 Ausf. M): Persistently stalks the player that spawned it until it is destroyed
Like a puppy who knows you’ve got a treat in your pocket, this foe will follow you until you give it what it wants–but don’t try to pet it, as it will definitely bite.

Mosquito (KV-2 turret): A static bot that can spawn in unreachable locations (like roofs or hills) and shoots from long range
Try to get into a position where your shots can reach it, or just block their line of sight using cover, leaving them perched like an ugly gargoyle.

The Immortal: The ultimate enemy with massive damage and a fiery aura that steals Mirium and inflicts damage
The tactic for the first three phases is easy: don’t engage with it, don’t go near it, don’t even look at it ... and when you see it, run! Until you reach Phase 4 and the tables turn!
