Tournaments (WoT)
Currently, there are three Tournament formats being offered - Challenges, Skirmishes, and Clan Tournaments.
Tournaments differ from random battles in several ways:
- Teams can range anywhere from three to fifteen players. (Each team can also contain several 'reserve' players to swap out as needed.)
- Team members are chosen by the Team Captain (the player who created the team), rather than thrown together randomly.
- Tournaments are played at specific times, and are not available 24/7.
- Tournament battles generally last 7, or 10 minutes, not 15.
- All battles are generally played on a single map, or a small collection of maps.
- Teams are limited in types of tanks allowed. (By Tier, Type, and sometimes even model.)
- As with training rooms - players do not need to pay for repair costs during tournaments, but they must pay for ammunition and consumables.
- Credits and Experience are rewarded after a Tournament battle.
- However, members of winning teams are rewarded with Gold, or cash prizes (USD) at the tournament's conclusion. (The exact amounts vary from tournament to tournament.)
General Tournament Information
When forming a team, you need to name the team. Obvious rules apply - no profanity or other vulgarity. Clan-related names are allowed, but only if the Captain is a member of said Clan. Other than that, the sky's the limit! And while it's not expressly forbidden to copy any existing team's name, it is highly frowned upon and will most likely result in action by Wargaming. Don't do it!
A Team password is optional, but recommended. This makes managing who joins easier on the Captain.
Registering A Team
Finally, once the team is assembled, the Captain needs to register the team. This simply means you're signalling to Wargaming that this is the final lineup, and you're ready to participate. Registration must happen before Registration closes, as set by Wargaming. Also, a team must have the minimum number of players to register. Teams that are too small will be be rejected. Once Wargaming confirms that your team meets the minimum standards (size + appropriate name), you're ready to go.
TIP - Make sure each of your teammates are available for the tournament and has appropriate Tanks before registering your team. Once your team is Registered it is locked in, and may not be altered.
Joining a Tournament Team
This is a very simple process - all a player has to do is find the appropriate team page and click "Join Team" and then provide the team's password (if set).
Please note that if a team is full (ie- team size + max reserves) you may not join unless the Captain excludes an existing player.
Once you're in, and the team is properly registered, all you need to do is wait for the Tournament to begin.
Gold Prizes
Gold prizes vary from Tournament to Tournament, and range from just 100 Gold per player, up to 20,000 or more per player, making Tournaments very popular amongst players. Because Gold must be rewarded manually, Wargaming does not have a set time that Gold will be paid out. But it is generally rewarded within a week of the Tournament's conclusion.
Group Play
Generally, Tournaments begin with simple round-robin Group Play. Each night, teams are randomly divided into small groups, and every team battles every other team in that group once. Points are awarded on performance - 3 points for a Win, 1 point for a Draw, 0 points for a loss. At the end of Group Play, points are tallied and used to determine who continues on to the Playoffs.
In the Playoffs, teams are divided into Brackets. Two teams will then play each other until one of the teams has earned 3 wins, with the winning team moving on, and the losing team being eliminated from the Tournament. If neither team has earned 3 wins within 10 battles, it is a Draw with neither team moving on.
Bracket winners then fight each other, and so on, until an overall winner is determined. At which point, the Tournament is over and prizes are awarded.
Skirmishes offer very handsome Gold payouts making them a very popular format, with hundreds of team competing each week.
Teams that register for Alpha seeding will play 3 days of Group Play, Monday through Wednesday of that week.
The Top 50% of point earning teams will receive a Gold Prize and then continue on to the Alpha playoff to compete for additional Gold. The Bottom 50% of point earning teams do not earn gold, but will be moved to the Bravo Playoffs, where they have a chance to earn gold instead.
The Bravo Playoffs are made of two groups - teams that registered for Bravo only, and the Bottom 50% of point earning teams from Alpha Group Play. While the competition in Bravo is generally less, the Gold earning potential is less as well. (No Group Play Gold, and half Playoff Gold.)
Tie Breakers
Teams that register for the Alpha stage, but are on the borderline between Top 50% and Bottom 50% will generally play tie breaking rounds on Thursday evening. The winning teams will participate in the Alpha Playoffs, losing teams go to Bravo.
Skirmish Playoffs
Skirmish Playoffs consist of Friday evening, Saturday evening, Sunday afternoon, and finally Sunday evening. Once a team loses a playoff, they are done with the Skirmish.
Note that in Skirmishes, teams are divided into several groups, and teams are competing to win there individual group only. So, depending on the number of groups, there could be a dozen or so "1st Place" teams.
Clan Tournaments
Useful Links
- Unofficial tournament standing: