CombatChars Syntax Matrix
[vehicle_code] [mark, shortMark, description, nation, notInShop, price, gold, level, tags, class, speedForward, speedBack, hullWeight, hullHealth, health, loadLimit, power, traverseSpeed, signalRange, viewRange, armorHullFront, armorHullSide, armorHullBack, armorTurretFront, armorTurretSide, armorTurretBack, weight, gun, turretTraverse, traverseLeft, traverseRight, elevationSpeed, maxAmmo, reloadTime, elevation, depression, penetration1, penetration2,
penetration3, damage1, damage2, damage3, isTurret ]
- [vehicle_code] [modulesTree] [chassis, gun, vehicle, turret, engine, radio, vehicle] [keys]
- [vehicle_code] [modulesTree] [chassis, gun, vehicle, turret, engine, radio, vehicle] [module_code, vehicle_code] [keys]
- [vehicle_code] [modulesTree] [chassis, gun, vehicle, turret, engine, radio, vehicle] [module_code, vehicle_code] [cost, parentType, parentMark]
+ [engine] [engine_code] [mark, description, enginetype, level, price, notInShop, power, weight, fireStartingChance]
+ [engine] [vehicle_code] [top, stock, engine_code] [mark, description, enginetype, level, price, notInShop, power, weight, fireStartingChance]
+ [shell] [shell_code] [mark, description, price, kind, caliber, gold, damage]
+ [shell] [vehicle_code] [top, stock, shell_code] [mark, description, price, kind, caliber, gold, damage]
+ [radio] [radio_code] [mark, description, level, price, weight, distance]
+ [radio] [vehicle_code] [top, stock, radio_code] [mark, description, level, price, weight, distance]
+ [turret] [turret_code] [mark, level, price, weight, health, turretTraverse, traverseLeft, traverseRight, viewRange, armorTurretFront, armorTurretSide, armorTurretBack]
+ [turret] [vehicle_code] [top, stock, turret_code] [mark, level, price, weight, health, turretTraverse, traverseLeft, traverseRight, viewRange, armorTurretFront, armorTurretSide, armorTurretBack]
+ [chassis] [chassis_code] [mark, level, price, weight, loadLimit, traverseSpeed, turningRadius]
+ [chassis] [vehicle_code] [top, stock, chassis_code] [mark, level, price, weight, loadLimit, traverseSpeed, turningRadius]
+ [fuelTank] [fuelTank_code] [mark, description, price, weight]
+ [fuelTank] [vehicle_code] [top, stock, fuelTank_code] [mark, description, price, weight]
+ [gun] [gun_code] [mark, description, level, price, weight, reloadTime, maxAmmo, aimingTime, shotDispersionRadius, elevationSpeed, elevation, depression, shell1,2,3, shellKind1,2,3, penetration1,2,3, damage1,2,3]
+ [gun] [vehicle_code] [top, stock, gun_code] [mark, description, level, price, weight, reloadTime, maxAmmo, aimingTime, shotDispersionRadius, elevationSpeed, elevation, depression, shell1,2,3, shellKind1,2,3, penetration1,2,3, damage1,2,3]
+ [gun] [vehicle_code] [gun_code] [mark, description, level, price, weight, reloadTime, maxAmmo, aimingTime, shotDispersionRadius, elevationSpeed, elevation, depression, shell1,2,3, shellKind1,2,3, penetration1,2,3, damage1,2,3]
+ [gun] [vehicle_code] [gun_code] [turret_code] [mark, description, level, price, weight, reloadTime, maxAmmo, aimingTime, shotDispersionRadius, elevationSpeed, elevation, depression, shell1,2,3, shellKind1,2,3, penetration1,2,3, damage1,2,3]
+ [gun] [gun_code] [tanks, turrets]
+ [gun] [vehicle_code] [gun_code] [tanks, turrets]
+ [device] [device_code] [mark, description, price, weight]
+ [equipment] [equipment_code] [mark, description, price]
+ [devices] [vehicle=vehicle_code]
+ [equipments] [vehicle=vehicle_code]
- [tanks] [mark=smth(and so on), shortMark, description, nation, notInShop, price, gold, level, class, speedForward, speedBack, hullWeight, hullHealth, health, loadLimit, power, traverseSpeed, signalRange, viewRange, armorHullFront, armorHullSide, armorHullBack, armorTurretFront, armorTurretSide, armorTurretBack, weight, gun, turretTraverse, traverseLeft, traverseRight, elevationSpeed, maxAmmo, reloadTime, elevation, depression, penetration1, penetration2, penetration3, damage1, damage2, damage3, isTurret ]
- [arenas] [type=[summer, winter, desert]]
CombatChars - usage examples
Command #combatchars
Default values
Command #combatattr
Module specifications
Installed module specifications
Cannon specifications depending on installed turret
Full spec and stock vehicle specifications
Command #wotstr
Command #wotlist
Syntax '''{{#combatchars:Ltraktor}} {{#combatattr:nation}}''' gives the following value: Germany
Syntax '''{{#combatchars:T-43| modulesTree:vehicle:T-44:cost}}'''
gives the value: 93653 – this is the experience, required to unlock the T-44 through the T-43. Required experience was not available before as tanks could be unlocked through different paths.
If the chassis of the T-44 are unknown, the following syntax could be used:
'''{{#combatchars:T-44| modulesTree:chassis::keys}}'''
As it will give the following result: [T-44];[T-44Bis]
(square brackets mean, that this is not a value, but a key element)
'''{{#combatchars:T-44| modulesTree:chassis:T-44Bis}}'''
results in: 13365;chassis;T-44
Same syntax with the optional keys
'''{{#combatchars:T-44| modulesTree:chassis:T-44Bis::keys}}'''
results in the line: [cost];[parentType];[parentMark]
from this line we know which attribute to ask for in order to get the requested value.
Parameters available for the attributes at this moment:
'mark' => 'AEC', 'description' => 'AEC_descr', 'enginetype' => 'diesel', 'level' => '3', 'price' => '1500', 'notInShop' => , 'power' => '174', 'weight' => '331',
'mark' => '_105mm_Sprg_L', 'description' => '_105mm_Sprg_L descr', 'price' => '650', 'kind' => 'HIGH_EXPLOSIVE', 'caliber' => '105', 'gold' => 0, 'damage' => '420',
'mark' => '_100mm_44-100JT', 'description' => '_100mm_44-100JT', 'level' => '7', 'price' => '90000', 'weight' => '2257', 'reloadTime' => '8.0', 'maxAmmo' => '34', 'aimingTime' => '2.85714285714286', 'shotDispersionRadius' => '0.388571428571429', 'elevationSpeed' => '33.25', 'elevation' => 20, 'depression' => '7', 'shell1' => '_100mm_UBR-412training', 'shellKind1' => 'ARMOR_PIERCING', 'penetration1' => '120', 'damage1' => '160',
'mark' => 'A-220', 'description' => 'A-220_descr', 'level' => '9', 'price' => '38000', 'weight' => '40', 'distance' => '600',
'mark' => 'Turret_1_Ch01_Type59_2', 'level' => '8', 'price' => '28000.0', 'weight' => '8500', 'health' => '260', 'turretTraverse' => '46', 'traverseLeft' => 180, 'traverseRight' => '180', 'viewRange' => '380', 'armorTurretFront' => '200', 'armorTurretSide' => '130', 'armorTurretBack' => '60',
'mark' => 'Chassis_Ch01_Type59_2', 'level' => '8', 'price' => '30200.0', 'weight' => '7700', 'loadLimit' => '39800', 'traverseSpeed' => '46', 'turningRadius' => 'B/2',
'mark' => 'Average', 'description' => 'Average_descr', 'price' => '100', 'weight' => '250',
'mark' => 'toolbox/name', 'description' => 'toolbox/descr', 'price' => '500000', 'weight' => '100',
'mark' => 'handExtinguishers/name', 'description' => 'handExtinguishers/descr', 'price' => '3000', 'weight' => '0',
Command #combatchars
In order to insert the specifications of a vehicle into the syntax, the following parser command can be used with:
A request for the price of the PzKpfw V “Panther”.
Command: {{#combatchars: PzV | price }}
Result: 1380000
Reversed compatibility in cases when the name of a tank would change. For example the tank M2 Medium Tank was called M2 Med in the game client in the past, but after the changes to the characteristics of the vehicle in game the lines would stop working.
Default values
Should the requested attribute not exist, or its value not specified within the syntax, the space will display an empty value. If the space has to be reversed to default values in such cases, the following syntax should be used:
The artillery Hummel lacks a turret, this code {{#combatchars:turret:Hummel::top | weight | 0 }} has to equal the weight for the top turret or return to 0.
Command #combatattr
Used in combination with the command #combatchars and is designed to reduce the size of text when inserting long lines of number of attributes, characteristics of a vehicle/module. Syntax:
1. In front of the command #combatattr the command #combatchars, has to be inserted as it sets the code of the vehicle/module.
2. When using the command #combatattr, command #combatchars could be used in its simplified form: : {{#combatchars: <vehicle_id> }} (without the code of the attribute).
Line: {{#combatchars: Ch01_Type59 }}Tank {{#wotstr:{{#combatattr:mark}} }} weights {{#combatattr:weight}} kg and has {{#combatattr:health}} HP.
Result: Tank Type 59 weights 36000 kg and has 1300 HP.
Characteristics of the modules
Characteristics of the modules can be inserted by using the same commands as for the vehicles (#combatchars or #combatchars in combination with #combatattr). However, the type of the module has to be inserted into the syntax. Types:
- engine
- chassis
- turret
- gun
- radio
- fuelTank
Characteristics of installed modules
For modules installed on specific vehicles, the vehicle id should be specified:
For the 122 mm D-25-44 the reload time could be displayed in two ways.
1. {{#combatchars:gun:_122mm_D-25-44|reloadTime}} sec.
2. {{#combatchars:gun:T-44:_122mm_D-25-44|reloadTime}} sec.
1. 15.42857142857140 sec.
2. 19.2 sec.
This example clearly shows that the vehicle id should be included into the line as long as the vehicle is known as the characteristics can drastically change depending on the vehicle the module is mounted.
Cannon specifications depending on the installed turrets The characteristics of the guns can change even when those are mounted on the same vehicle depending on the turret. In such cases, the code of the turret should be included into the syntax as well:
''Reload time for the 8,8 cm KwK 36 L/56 for the Tiger I with different turrets.
1. {{#combatchars:gun:PzVI:_88mm_KwK_36_L56:PzVI_Anfangsturm|reloadTime}} sec.
2. {{#combatchars:gun:PzVI:_88mm_KwK_36_L56:PzVI_Porsche_Turm|reloadTime}} sec.
1. 7.4 sec.
2. 6.6 sec.
Full spec and stock vehicle specifications
In order to display either the top or stock values of a vehicle’s module, following options could be used ::top or ::stock. In these cases, the following syntax should be used:
Syntax: Hummel’s stock engine weights {{#combatchars:engine:Hummel::stock|weight}} kg, the top engine — {{#combatchars:engine:Hummel::top|weight}}, which is heavier by {{#expr: {{#combatchars:engine:Hummel::top|weight}} - {{#combatchars:engine:Hummel::stock|weight}} }} kg.
Result: Hummel’s stock engine weights 510 kg, the top engine — 580, which is heavier by 70 kg.
Command #wotstr
Command #wotstr displays the name of the vehicle. It does automatically take the selected language setting for the Wiki into account.
Use of the vehicle/module id will result in a code. That code is required if you wish to get diverse characteristics of the module. However, if you only need the name, the command #wotstr should be used.
Syntax: The top gun of the[[{{#wotstr:M2_med }}]] is the {{#wotstr:{{#combatchars:gun:M2_med::top|mark}} }}.
Result: The top gun of the M2 Medium Tank is the 37 mm Gun M6.
Command #wotlist
Command #wotlist results in a list which is filtered and sorted by the requested parameters.