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Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H

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17:55, 21 May 2012(23,336 bytes)automatically edited by Snib's WoTWikiBot
03:17, 27 April 2012(23,453 bytes)Moved a sentence from the Description to Thoughts and Suggestions
03:14, 27 April 2012(23,693 bytes)Added Thoughts and Suggestions panel, with a few things from the Russian wiki, and also my personal experiences from playing this tank.
20:41, 18 March 2012(22,567 bytes)added Snib's pages
01:43, 26 February 2012(24,978 bytes)Added Equipment section
19:27, 23 August 2011(23,818 bytes)6.6 Statistics Checked
13:25, 4 August 2011(23,654 bytes)historical gallery fixed
13:20, 4 August 2011(23,350 bytes)History gallery fixing
13:19, 4 August 2011(23,368 bytes)historical gallery images added
13:17, 4 August 2011(22,546 bytes)External images removed
19:11, 16 July 2011(23,185 bytes)knife fighter as a description for a tank makes little sense.
10:02, 28 June 2011(23,187 bytes)Added tank life with new turret based on site: https://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/36389-hp-stat-of-tanks-with-upgraded-turret
12:14, 21 April 2011(23,206 bytes)Minor grammar mistakes fixed
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