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16:59, 6 July 2023(14,703 bytes)
20:41, 18 December 2022(14,810 bytes)I updated the page to include Rochester when comparing how many other US cruisers have access to smoke, re-wording that section slightly so as to read more smoothly. I also put more emphasis on how her torpedoes are unique for an American heavy cruiser.
22:10, 12 December 2021(15,192 bytes)Devblog test changes added for blog 62
01:48, 11 November 2021(14,552 bytes)change-log updated for 0.10.10
18:59, 3 September 2021(14,730 bytes)minor updates to performance section
02:04, 1 September 2021(14,616 bytes)Added recommended upgrades
01:36, 1 September 2021(13,681 bytes)New performance opinion, rewritten pros/cons
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