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nation class tier
Cost cost
Health health
Weight/Load Limit weight
Engine Power engine
Speed Limit speed
Traverse Speed traverse
Hull Armor armor
Turret ArmorturretArmor
Damage damage
Penetration penetration
Rate of Fire rof
Accuracy accuracy
Aim time aim
Turret Traverse turretTraverse
Gun Traverse Arc gunTraverseArc
Gun Vertical Limits gunVerticalLimits
Ammo Capacity ammo
Chance of Fire fire
View Range view
Signal Range signal
Parent parent
Child child
Values Are Stock // Top


  • Missing or incorrect input will be red
  • Add only the numerical statistic (ie. "32" not "32km/h")
  • All tank info and related module info should be of the stock model
  • Leave empty if stat is currently unavailable
  • Inputs are limited by the format, example for Leichttraktor:
    • name = in-game tank name; acceptable - nothing or name of tank (ie. "Leichttraktor"), if nothing template will use page name
    • image = official tank render image; name of uploaded image or nothing if render is unavailable (ie. "Wot_leichttraktor_render.jpg" not "[[image:Wot_leichttraktor_render.jpg|232px]]")
    • designation = real world tank designation (ie. "Rheinmetall Leichttraktor (VK31)")
    • nation = nation tree of tank; acceptable input = "germany", "ussr", "usa", "Germany", "USSR", "USA" etc. (ie. "germany")
    • class = tank class; acceptable input = "light", "medium", "heavy", "spg", "td", "ttd", "Light", "Medium", "Heavy" etc. (ie. "light")
    • tier = tank tier; acceptable input = "I"..."X", "i"..."x", "1"..."10" (ie. "1")
    • cost = tank cost in store; (ie. "0")
    • crew = crew members (seperated by <br />); (ie. "1. Commander (Radio, Gunner)<br /> 2. Driver<br /> 3. Loader")
    • health = tank health/hit points; (ie. "110")
    • weight = tank weight and load limit (weight/load limit); (ie. "7.5/9.2")
    • engine = engine horse power; (ie. "51")
    • speed = tank speed limit; (ie. "32")
    • traverse = tank traverse speed; (ie. "34")
    • turretTraverse = turret traverse speed; (ie. "40") (not used for TDs or SPGs)
    • gunTraverse = gun traverse speed; (ie. "40") (used only for TDs or SPGs)
    • gunTraverseArc = gun traverse arc; (ie. "360")
    • gunVerticalLimits = gun vertical limits (gun elevation and depression); (ie. "-5 +10")
    • armor = tank armor (front/side/rear); (ie."14/12/12")
    • turretArmor = turret armor (front/side/rear); (ie."14/12/12")
    • damage = standard shell damage (min-max); (ie."22-42")
    • penetration = standard shell penetration (min-max); (ie."24-44")
    • rof = rate of fire; (ie. "30")
    • ammo = ammo count; (ie. "105")
    • view = view range; (ie. "270")
    • signal = radio signal range; (ie. "100")
    • accuracy = gun dispersion @ 100m; (ie. "0.4")
    • aim = aim focus time; (ie. "1.5")
    • fire = change of engine fire; (ie. "25")
    • parent = vehicles that lead to this one in research tree, use contour template (ie. {{contour|PzKpfw II}})
    • child = vehicles that this vehicle leads to in research tree, use contour template (ie. {{contour|PzKpfw II}})


|name = 
|image = 
|designation = 
|premium = 
|nation = 
|class = 
|tier = 
|cost = 
|crew = 
|health = 
|weight = 
|engine = 
|speed = 
|traverse = 
|turretTraverse = 
|armor = 
|turretArmor = 
|damage = 
|penetration = 
|rof = 
|ammo = 
|view = 
|signal = 
|accuracy = 
|aim = 
|fire = 
|parent = 
|child = 