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Señales & Banderas

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Con una Cuenta de nivel 9, los capitanes desbloquean la capacidad de montar señales en sus barcos que proporcionan pequeñas bonificaciones al juego. Para montar las señales, click en la pestaña "EXTERIOR" debajo del botón de ¡BATALLA! en la parte central superior de la pantalla, luego seleccionar "SEÑALES" del menú en la izquierda. Esto mostrara una lista de las señales y las cantidades de cada una. Click en la señal deseada, luego presionar el botón "MONTAR". Tambien puede activar "Autoreabastecer" sus señales, de este modo despues de cada batalla, otra señal igual se montara, siempre que quede alguna en stock. Si no se activa no se montara ninguna señal despues de la última batalla. El barco no tendra montada ninguna señal para la proxima batalla. No se puede seleccionar el autoabastecimiento de una señal individual se montan todas las seleccionadas, si se quiere usar una señal para una sola batalla, además de las otras, se puede tener activado el autoabastecimiento y luego desmontarla manualmente. Las señales se pueden montar y desmontar sin límite, mientras no se usen en batalla. Se consume una unidad de cada señal montada en cada batalla.

Un máximo de ocho (8) señales pueden ondear simultáneamente en acorazados(BB), cruceros(CA/CL) y destructores(DD):

los portaviones(CV) estan limitados a cuatro (4) por batalla.

Las señales se pueden conseguir del modo siguiente:

  • Logros en batalla. Cada logro (excepto Golpe devastador, que no da ninguna) concede diez (10) unidades de la correspondiente señal, excepto Primera sangre que solo da una (1) señal Zulu. Cada logro solo puede conceder señales una vez en un periodo de 24 horas (igual que el bonus diario y los contenedores). Por ejemplo: la primera vez de cada día que un capitán gana el logro "Confederado", conseguira 10 señales "Zulu Hotel", los siguientes logros "Confederado" en ese periodo de 24 horas no proporcionará señales adicionales.
  • Algunas señales se pueden comprar en la Tienda premium, dependiendo del servidor. (EU, NA, Asia o Rus)
  • Las señales se pueden conseguir en los contenedores de Mas señales y camuflajes y Prueba tu suerte.
  • Algunas misiones, Desafíos y Misiones de combate pueden recompensar con señales.
  • Participar en el Test publico le concede 3 de cada señal (incluida la Dragón).

La señal Dragón solo puede ser obtenida a través de contenedores o eventos (como el

World of Warships Birthday Event).

Las señales se pueden vender por créditos, pienso que esto no es provechoso, especialmente para las señales económicas. Puesto que solo se consiguen con logros, algunos muy difíciles de conseguir. Las señales se venden en el Inventario desde 750 créditos la Hotel Yankee hasta 45000 de las especiales.

Las señales se dividen en tres grupos:

  • Combate. Mejoran las capacidades en batalla de nuestro barco.
  • Economía. Proporcionan mas creditos o experiencia, bien de barco, de capitán o libre.
  • Especiales. Suelen dar los mismos beneficios que las de Economia, pero en mayor cantidad.

Los efectos en WOWs se acumulan, todos suman o restan, Módulos, Habilidades, Banderas y Señales, para el cálculo sumar(o multiplicar) los efectos y aplicarlos al valor base. Por ejemplo.Si montamos las señales India X-Ray y Victor Lima aumentamos la probabilidad de cuasar un incendio un 1%+1%=2% en cañones de mas de 160mm y un 0.5%+0.5%=1% en los de menos de 160mm. Hay una excepción si montamos las señales Juliet Charlie -100% probabilidad de detonación y a la vez la Juliet Whiskey Unaone +15% probabilidad de causar una inundación y +5% probabilidad de detonación, el efecto de la JC prevalece, la probabilidad de detonación es 0, ningún elemento, como esas señales, aumenta la probabilidad de detonación con la JC montada. Igual para las señales económicas y de XP, con una excepción la XP libre se calcula sobre el total de la XP de batalla tras los modificadores. Por eso el efecto de la señal Papa Papa +300% XP libre será mayor si se monta la Equal Speed Charlie London +50% Xp obtenida en batalla.

Lista de Señales de Combate

Señal Nombre Logro asociado Percio de venta Significado historico Efecto
November Echo Setteseven Cielo despejado 6 000 Silver_icon.png "Deberías proceder con mucha cautela; hay aviones hostiles"
  • +10% al daño medio por segundo de las monturas AA.
  • +10% al daño medio por segundo del armamento de autodefensa de los aviones con artillero posterior. (TB y DB, aviones de ataque, no cazas)
Mike Yankee Soxisix Experto en combate a quemarropa 3 000 Silver_icon.png "Es peligroso acercarse a mi buque."
  • +5% al alcance máximo de fuego de la batería secundaria.
  • -5% a la dispersión máxima de los proyectiles de la batería secundaria.
  • -5% al tiempo de carga de la batería secundaria.
India X-Ray Incendiario 9 000 Silver_icon.png "El fuego aumenta."
  • +1% a la probabilidad de causar un incendio de las bombas y proyectiles de calibre mayor de 160mm.
  • +0.5% a la probabilidad de causar un incendio de las bombas y proyectiles de calibre menor de 160mm.
  • +5% al riesgo de detonación de la santabárbara de tu barco.
Juliet Whiskey Unaone Liquidador 4 500 Silver_icon.png "La fuga es peligrosa."
  • +15% a la posibilidad de causar una inundación.
  • +5% al riesgo de detonación de la santabárbara de tu barco.
Victor Lima Desastre natural 12 000 Silver_icon.png "Se aproxima huracán. Deberías tomar precauciones."
  • +1% a la probabilidad de causar un incendio de las bombas y proyectiles de calibre mayor de 160mm.
  • +0.5% a la probabilidad de causar un incendio de las bombas y proyectiles de calibre menor de 160mm.
  • +4% a la posibilidad de causar una inundación.
Hotel Yankee Siete vidas 750 Silver_icon.png "El buque con el que he chocado se ha hundido"
  • -20% al daño recibido cuando embistes al enemigo.
  • +50% al daño causado cuando embistes al enemigo.
November Foxtrot Gran calibre 6 000 Silver_icon.png "Vas hacia el peligro."
  • -5% al tiempo de carga de los consumibles.
Sierra Mike Doble golpe 7 500 Silver_icon.png "Estoy realizando pruebas de velocidad."
  • +5% a la velocidad máxima del barco.
India Delta Dreadnought 7 500 Silver_icon.png "El daño se puede reparar en el mar"
  • +20% a la cantidad de PV recuperados cuando se usa el consumible Equipo de reparación.
Juliet Yankee Bissotwo Inhundible 1 500 Silver_icon.png "La fuga está controlada"
  • -20% al tiempo de recuperación de una inundación.(-20% del tiempo de duración de una inundación)
India Yankee A prueba de incendios 6 000 Silver_icon.png "Puedo controlar el fuego sin ayuda."
  • -20% al tiempo en extinguir un incendio.
Juliet Charlie Detonación 6 000 Silver_icon.png "No hay peligro de explosion."
  • -100% al riesgo de detonación de la santabárbara de tu barco.

    Nota: Esta señal reduce la probabilidad de detonanción a cero, independientemente de otros modificadores que puedan aumentar la probabilidad (como las India X-Ray y Juliet Whiskey Unaone).

Lista de Señales de Economía

Señal Nombre Logro asociado Percio de venta Significado historico Efecto
Zulu Primera sangre 6 000 Silver_icon.png La legendaria señal de la Marina Imperial Japonesa.
  • +20% a los créditos obtenidos en la batalla.
India Bravo Terrathree ¡Es solo un arañazo! 3 000 Silver_icon.png "No he recibido ningún daño."
  • -10% al coste de reparación del barco tras la batalla.
Equal Speed Charlie London ¡El Kraken está suelto! 12 000 Silver_icon.png La famosa señal de la Royal Navy.
  • +50% a la XP obtenida en batalla. (XP de barco)
Zulu Hotel Confederado 4 500 Silver_icon.png "Los ejercicios se han completado."
  • +50% a la XP del comandante obtenida en batalla.
Papa Papa Guerrero en solitario 6 000 Silver_icon.png "Keep well clear of me."
  • +300% a la XP libre obtenida en batalla.

Lista de Señales Especiales

Señal Nombre Logro asociado Percio de venta Significado historico Efecto
Wyvern Ninguno 45 000 Silver_icon.png Incrementa la cantidad de créditos conseguidos en una batalla.
  • +50% a los créditos obtenidos en batalla.
Dragón Rojo Ninguno 45 000 Silver_icon.png Incrementa la cantidad de XP conseguidos por el barco y su comandante.
  • +100% a la XP obtenida en batalla.
  • +100% a la XP del comandante obtenida en batalla.
Dragón Ninguno 45 000 Silver_icon.png "Élite naval."
  • +333% a la XP del comandante obtenida en batalla.
Uróboros Ninguno 45 000 Silver_icon.png Incrementa la cantidad de XP libre conseguida en una batalla.
  • +777% a la XP libre obtenida en batalla.
Hidra Ninguno 45 000 Silver_icon.png Incrementa la cantidad de XP libre y XP conseguida por el barco y su comandante.
  • +50% a la XP obtenida en batalla.
  • +150% a la XP del comandante obtenida en batalla.
  • +250% a la XP libre obtenida en batalla.


Las banderas se diferencian de las señales en un par de cosas. Para empezar, los jugadores tienen el límite de exhibir una (1) bandera en su barco cada vez. Además, las banderas no tienen un número limitado de cargas; una vez concedida, los jugadores pueden equipar la bandera una y otra vez sin perderla. Las banderas que tienen efectos son muy raras; todas las señales tienen una función de algún tipo, pero las banderas son casi todas decorativas.

Las banderas se adquieren de diferentes formas, desde eventos dentro del juego, hasta banderas especiales solo disponibles con ciertos paquetes de barcos en la tienda o concursos o eventos en los foros regionales.

List of Ranked Flags

Flag Name Earned Via Effect Notes
The Second League Awarded for reaching Rank 15 in a season of Ranked Battles.
  • -5% to the cost of ship's post-battle service.
Removed from a player's account when the active season of Ranked Battles concludes.
The First League Awarded for reaching Rank 10 in a season of Ranked Battles.
  • -10% to the cost of ship's post-battle service.
Removed from a player's account when the active season of Ranked Battles concludes.
The Premier League Awarded for reaching Rank 5 in a season of Ranked Battles.
  • -20% to the cost of ship's post-battle service.
Removed from a player's account when the active season of Ranked Battles concludes.
Jolly Roger Awarded for reaching Rank 1 in a season of Ranked Battles. None. "This flag, alongside dozens of other flags, was used by pirates in the 17th and 18th century. There was never a unified pirate flag. However, throughout the 19th and 21st century, a flag bearing a skull and crossbones has been associated with piracy."
Jolly Roger II Awarded for reaching Rank 1 in a season of Ranked Battles for a second time. None.
Jolly Roger III Awarded for reaching Rank 1 in a season of Ranked Battles for a third time. None. Once earned, this flag is removed from a player's inventory at the conclusion of the season earned in exchange for a reward ship (currently USS Flint).
The First Season Awarded for participating in the First Season of Ranked Battles. None. "A commemorative flag granted for participating in the First season of Ranked Battles."
Port of Kure Awarded for reaching Rank 15 in the Second Season of Ranked Battles. None. "In the former Empire of Japan, one of the Imperial Navy bases was located in Kure. Yamato, one of the two largest battleships in World War II, was built there."
Hawaii Awarded for reaching Rank 15 in the Third Season of Ranked Battles. None. "The state flag of Hawaii. In 1889, the U.S. Navy established a naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. On 7 December 1941, the base was attacked by Japanese naval aviation and midget submarines, bringing the United States fully into World War II."
Midway Awarded for reaching Rank 15 in the Fourth Season of Ranked Battles. None. "The Battle of Midway was a colossal naval battle that took place in June 1942 in the Pacfic theater of World War II. The decisive victory of the U.S. Navy over the Combined Fleet of Japan marked a turning point in the Pacific war."
Wilhelmshaven Awarded for reaching Rank 15 in the Fifth Season of Ranked Battles. None. "Wilhelmshaven was Germany's largest naval base during World War I and II. The city was founded in 1869 by Prussian King Wilhelm I to serve as a base for the Prussian Navy, with a shipyard built in 1871. Until 1918, the base had been under the command of the Kaiser's Navy. From 1918 to 1935 and from 1935 to 1945, it was under the control of the Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, respectively."
Flag of a Naval Fortress Commandant Awarded for reaching Rank 15 in the Sixth Season of Ranked Battles. None. "The flag of a naval fortress commandant was established in the Russian Empire by decree of Emperor Nicholas II in 1913. The flag depicts and anchor and two crossed gun barrels against a background of St. Andrew's colors. It used to be awarded to commandants of naval fortresses who defended the main sea bases of the Imperial Russian Navy: Sevastopol, Kronstadt, Vladivostok, and others."

List of Promotional Flags

Flag Name Earned Via Effect Notes
Secret Santa Awarded to players who took part in the Secret Santa event in December 2015. None. "Participants of the special event exchanged surprise holiday gifts with random players and were awarded a commemorative flag."
Military Month Contributor Awarded to players on the NA server for completing a series of missions in May 2016.
  • +5% Commander XP earned for the battle.
  • +5% credits earned for the battle.
  • +5% XP earned for the battle.
"This commemorative flag is granted to those who made exceptional effort to raise money for charity during Military Month."
Sea Dog Awarded to players on the EU server who earned 500 Diamonds during the Grand Naval Battles event in May 2016. None. "This flag was granted for actively taking part in the Grand Naval Battles event in May 2016."
Sea Lion Awarded to players on the EU server who earned 900 Diamonds during the Grand Naval Battles event in May 2016. None. "This flag is testimony to the great effort put into ruling the high seas and running out of rum, during the Grand Naval Battles event in May 2016."
World Champions Flag Awarded for completing a series of missions celebrating the Summer Olympics in August 2016. None. "A flag for the ultimate winners."
Black Rock Flag Awarded to players on the NA server for completing a mission celebrating the Burning Man festival in August 2016. None. "For those who experiment in art and community."
gamescom 2016 Available through a code given away to gamescom 2016 attendees. None. "The biggest World of Warships event in 2016 – gamescom. You were there and we hope to see you again!"
Taiwan Navy Flag Awarded to players on the ASIA server who completed a series of missions in September 2016. None. "With 117 equipped ships and 38,000 personnel, the precursor to the modern Taiwanese Navy was established as the Ministry of the Navy in the Provisional Government of the Republic of China in 1911 following the overthrowing of the Qing dynasty. Its operations include maritime patrols in the Taiwan Strait and surrounding waters, as well as counter-strike and counter-invasion operations during wartime."
First Anniversary Awarded for participating in the celebration of the first anniversary of World of Warships in September 2016. None. "One year together!"
Talk Like A Pirate Day Flag Awarded to players on the NA server for completing a mission on International Talk Like A Pirate Day in September 2016. None. "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!"
I Voted Awarded to players on the NA server who participated in a forum thread in November 2016. None. "DEMOCRACY!!! 'The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.' —Winston Churchill."
Restless Fire Awarded to players on the EU server who participated in an in-game event in November 2016. None.
Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary Awarded to players who signed up via the official website in December 2016. None. "The Japanese attack on the American port of Pearl Harbor took place on December 7th, 1941, with more than two thousand servicemen dying in the operation. The attack led to the United States of America declaring war on Japan on December 8th, and to them joining the Second World War as part of both the European and Pacific fronts."
Blue Steel Awarded to players on the NA server who completed the final missions of the various ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL events. None. "A flag bearing the mark of I-401, a submarine of the "Blue Steel". Reference from "ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL -ARS NOVA-"."
Happy Shipsmas Awarded to players on the NA server for completing a mission during Shipsmas 2016. None. "Includes a dinner, an unadorned aluminum pole, and practices such as the 'Airing of Grievances' and 'Feats of Strength'."
King of the Sea First awarded to players on the EU server for winning the Winter King tournament during December 2016.
  • +50% Commander XP earned for the battle.
  • +15% credits earned for the battle.
Supremacy League Soldier Awarded to players on the NA server who participated in Season 3 of Supremacy League. None. "Participated in Supremacy League Season 3."
Supremacy League Gold Champion or Supremacy League Silver Champion Awarded to players on the NA server who were either the Season 3 Gold or Silver Divisions champions of Supremacy League. None. "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you."
Community Contest Winner First awarded to players on the NA server who were members of the Corgi Fleet. None. "Proud winner of a NikoPower forum contest."
Fire Rooster Awarded to players who completed missions for Chinese New Year 2017. None. "In celebration of year 4,714 of the Chinese calendar — the year of the Fire Rooster."
Valentine's 2017 Awarded to players who completed missions for Valentine's Day 2017. None. "Love is the feeling of butterflies in your stomach that makes you perform illogical actions for the sake of another person. We hope you find some today!"
Lá Fhéile Pádraig 2017 Awarded to players who completed missions for St. Patrick's Day 2017. None. "There is a fortune waiting behind every corner. Maybe you'll get lucky and it won't be in the form of a torpedo!"
The Fruits of Your Efforts Awarded to players on the NA server who completed a scavenger hunt that spanned several news articles at worldofwarships.com. None. "You followed the clues! Let fellow commanders know how productively you used your time by flying this flag!"
Veteran's Flag Awarded via the Play Together! promotion. None. "This flag is granted for inviting a friend to join the game to play a battle with a Tier VI ship."
MGT-20 Available to players who visit the MGT-20 while on tour. None. "Flag granted for encountering the MGT-20 during an official offline event."
Let's Battle Tour Flag Available to players who attend a Let's Battle Tour event in North America (keep an eye on worldofwarships.com for upcoming tour stops). None. "Awarded for attending a Let's Battle event!"
Yokosuka Marine High School None. "Emblem of the Yokosuka Marine High School."
WG Fest Awarded to players who attended WG Fest in December 2016. None. "The flag given to players that participated in WG Fest."
Clash of Elements Participant Awarded to players who participated in the Clash of the Elements event in April & May 2017. None. "For famous men have the whole earth as their memorial - Pericles."
Victory Day! Awarded to players who completed missions for VE Day Celebration in May 2017. None. "V-Day Commemorative Flag"
D-Day Flag To be updated. None. "To be updated."
NA & EU Community Flag To be updated. None. "To be updated."
Dunkirk Flag To be updated. None. "To be updated."

List of Special Flags

Flag Name Earned Via Effect Notes
AT Flag Given to players who participated in Alpha Testing for World of Warships.
  • +5% Commander XP earned for the battle.
  • +5% XP earned for the battle.
"A special flag for the Alpha Test participants."
BW Flag Given to players who participated in Beta Testing Weekends for World of Warships. None. "A special flag for the Beta Weekend participants."
CBT Flag Given to players who participated in Closed Beta Testing for World of Warships. None. "A special flag for the Closed Beta Test participants."
Wargaming Flag Given to players who are employees of Wargaming.
  • +5% Commander XP earned for the battle.
  • +5% credits earned for the battle.
  • +5% XP earned for the battle.
Developer Flag Given to players who game developers for World of Warships.
  • +5% Commander XP earned for the battle.
  • +5% credits earned for the battle.
  • +5% XP earned for the battle.
"A special flag for Wargaming employees."
ST Flag Given to players who have participated in Supertesting for World of Warships.
  • +5% Commander XP earned for the battle.
  • +5% credits earned for the battle.
  • +5% XP earned for the battle.
"A special flag for Supertest team members."
Volunteer Flag,
Class III
Given to players who are community contributors for World of Warships. None. "A special flag for the community of project volunteers, Class III."
Volunteer Flag,
Class II
Given to players who are community contributors for World of Warships.
  • +5% Commander XP earned for the battle.
  • +5% XP earned for the battle.
"A special flag for the community of project volunteers, Class II."
Valuable Player Flag None. "A special flag for the community's valuable players."

List of Ship Bundle Flags

Flag Name Earned Via Effect Notes
Graf Spee Flag Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Admiral Graf Spee. None. "The vessel was named after Admiral Maximilian von Spee, commander of the East Asia Squadron that fought the battles of Coronel and the Falkland Islands, where he was killed in action, in World War I."
USS Arizona Memorial Flag Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Arizona. None. "During the attack on Pearl Harbor, Arizona was bombed. She exploded and sank, causing the loss of 1,177 officers and crewmen. The wreck still lies at the bottom of Pearl Harbor below the USS Arizona Memorial."
Battle of Jutland Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Warspite and Campbeltown commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Jutland. None. "The Battle of Jutland was fought from 31 May to 1 June 1916 in the North Sea during World War I, near the coast of Denmark's Jutland Peninsula. It was the largest naval battle and the only full-scale clash of battleships in the war."
The Red Hand of Ulster Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Belfast. None. "The Red Hand of Ulster is an Irish symbol used in heraldry to denote the Irish province of Ulster."
Dunkerque Flag Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Dunkerque. None. "The Dunkerques were designed to counter the German Deutschland-class pocket battleships. When they were commissioned, only the last existing battlecruisers of the British Royal Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy were their equals."
Krasny Krym Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Krasny Krym. None. "The U.S.S.R. Navy Guard was established during World War II in 1942. Warship crews were awarded a Guard status for: prowess demonstrated in battles for the homeland against German invaders; firmness, courage, discipline, and orderliness; and for personal heroism."
Leningrad Flag Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Leningrad. None. "The first major warship to be designed and built entirely in the U.S.S.R. She boasted powerful artillery and a very high speed. During World War II, her AA defenses were reinforced."
Mutsu Flag Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Mutsu. None.
Okhotnik Flag Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Okhotnik. None.
Oleg Flag Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Oleg. None. "During the October Revolution of 1917, the crew of Oleg quickly declared support for the Bolshevik cause. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk required the Soviets to evacuate their base at Helsinki in March 1918 or have their ships interned by newly independent Finland even though the Gulf of Finland was still frozen over. Oleg sailed to Kronstadt in what became known as the 'Ice Voyage'."
Let It Flourish! Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Perth. None. "In February 1942, Perth survived the Allied defeat at the Battle of the Java Sea, only to be torpedoed and sunk by the Imperial Japanese Navy at the Battle of Sunda Strait."
Prinz Eugen Flag Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Prinz Eugen. None. "Prinz Eugen saw action during Operation Rheinübung, an attempted breakout into the Atlantic Ocean with the battleship Bismarck in May 1941. The two ships destroyed the British battlecruiser Hood and severely damaged the battleship Prince of Wales in the Battle of the Denmark Strait. After the German collapse in May 1945, she was surrendered to the British Royal Navy before being transferred to the U.S. Navy as a war prize. After examining the ship in the United States, the U.S. Navy assigned the cruiser to the Operation Crossroads nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll."
Scharnhorst Flag Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Scharnhorst. None. "The flag depicts the coat of arms of Prussian General Gerhard von Scharnhorst, a national hero of Germany's Wars of Liberation of 1813. Both Scharnhorst ships that were named after him had the same coat of arms."
Hood Flag Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Hood. None. "To be updated."
Kaga Flag Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Kaga. None. "To be updated."