Tank Destroyers (TD)
Tank Destroyers are vehicles designed specifically to destroy enemy tanks. They have more powerful weapons than most other vehicles of their tier and are able to penetrate most targets they encounter.
Soviet Tank Destroyers sacrifice armor for more powerful guns and better camouflage values. American Tank Destroyers generally have medium range guns, medium to good armour, and are fairly fast (except for T95). German Tank Destroyers usually have medium penetrating and damaging guns, while featuring more armour than other TD lines.
The role of Tank Destroyers is to provide close support fire power where ever it is needed. Due to the fact that most lower tiered TDs have weak armour, close quarters engagements should be avoided. When playing a Tank Destroyer, the best position to be in is a place that has a good view of the map and cover to duck behind. Many TD drivers prefer to locate their tank on a hill that overlooks the battlefield, from here you can provide assistance to anyone who needs it.
Equipment On Tank Destroyers: Most TD drivers mount binoculars, a camouflage net, and a gun rammer. Binoculars extend the view range of your tank, so you can detect enemy tanks from a greater distance, but they reset every time you move your tank. Camouflage nets increase the camouflage value of your tank, making it harder to detect, they also reset if you move your tank. Gun Rammers increase the rate of fire of your tank's gun.
Mounting Guns: On most lower tiered tank destroyers you will have the option of mounting two different types of guns. The first type has very little penetration, but does a lot of damage, these guns are good at decimating lower tiered tanks, they also have a very low rate of fire. The second type has very good penetration and does a medium amount of damage, these guns have a faster rate of fire and are good at fighting higher tiered tanks.