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T18 (Stock)

3000 가격
125 내구력
13.17 / 14 kg중량
  1. 지휘관
51/32/25차체 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
51/25/44포탑 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
245 마력엔진 출력
48 km/h최대 속력
28 도/초회전 속도
40 기본 포탄 공격력
56 mm기본 포탄 관통력
2.1 클립 재장전 시간
44 도/초포탑 회전 속도
240 m관측 범위
265 m통신 범위

The T18 is a closed-type tank destroyer with thick frontal armor plating that makes it a tough nut to crack. Its armor gives it a good chance of survival, but it has low hit points if penetrated. It is also quite mobile and has excellent close-range firepower for its tier once armed with the 75mm howitzer. It functions reasonably well as a front line force. However, if one shoots the T18's gun directly, one has a decent chance of damaging the tank rather than having a ricochet. Circle strafing will more than often not work on this tank unless it is attacked from behind, due to its big gun arc. Just remember that you have poor view range and poor radio range.

Compatible Equipment

소형 파편 방지대
코팅 광학장비
개량형 주포 구동 장치
개량형 수직 코일 스프링 1급
개량형 환기장치 1급
공구 상자

Compatible Consumables

자동 소화기
콜라 상자
수동 소화기
대형 구급 상자
대형 수리 도구
소형 구급 상자
소형 수리 도구

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Good armor gives this tank good ramming ability against low weight tanks
  • Good engine power and top speed
  • Good gun arc
  • Highly accurate and good penetration with the Mk.IX gun
  • Extreme damage of 75 mm howitzer can one-shot most Tier-2 tanks and some Tier-3 tanks


  • Poor view range
  • Poor signal range makes it difficult for back-line sniping
  • Somewhat sluggish traverse
  • Horrible accuracy with the 75 mm howitzer
  • Fairly long braking time while on top speed because of the weight


The T18 can be either the best tier 2 TD or the worst, all depending on how you use it. As a stock tank, it leaves much to be desired, with weak suspension, engine, and gun. For the early stages of game play, sniping with this tank can be the best way to go. Its small size allows it to hide well from afar, and its heavier than usual armor allow for many deflections at medium to long range, or even at close range against low-penetration guns.

Close-quarters fighting, however, must be done with caution, and preferably with the tank fully upgraded. Even with the top engine and suspension, this TD is very sluggish when compared with other tanks of its class. In the way of armament, however, nothing can defeat it. Armed with a 75mm howitzer, the T18 can destroy any tier 2 tank in one or two hits, and kill tier 3 tanks with relative ease. Also, the Mk. IX 2-pdr gun is deadly when used at any range and can be very effective when a good player uses its high penetration and accuracy to their advantage.

When using the tank in close quarters, it is imperative to always have supporting tanks, as the T18 has VERY light side and rear armor, and since it lacks a turret, it can be surrounded very easily. Although the frontal armor is quite thick, just a few penetrating shots will take this tank out, and caution should always be used.

Early Research

  • The SCR 200 radio carries over from the T1 Cunningham and should be equipped immediately.
  • Research the suspension upgrade first.
  • Next focus on getting the 75 mm Howitzer M1A1.
  • After that go for the Continental R-975-C1 engine.
  • Optionally unlock the QF 2 pdr. gun if you want to try something that is much more accurate and fires faster.

Historical Info

The T18 was originally designed as a self-propelled gun for supporting infantry. It was armed with a 75-mm Howitzer installed in a spacious, fully enclosed armored hull. The development was started in October 1941 and finished in May 1942. The project was abandoned due to the emergence of the more advanced M8.

Historical Gallery

Sources and External Links

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers
Self-Propelled Artillery