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03:07, 20 Temmuz 2014 Rear_Gunner_Action.png (dosya) 290 KB Chesilin:na The rear gunner in action 1
01:01, 20 Temmuz 2014 Rear_Gunner_Seat.png (dosya) 79 KB Chesilin:na A picture of the rear gunner's seat. The pilot is in the leftmost seat while the rear gunner sits in the next one. 1
04:32, 15 Temmuz 2014 Plane_Tree_Japan.png (dosya) 349 KB Chesilin:na The Japan Tech Tree consists of ten planes in the main line (In order, the Type-91, A4N, A5M, A6M1, A6M2, A6M5, A7M, J7W1, J7W2, and the J7W3), and one tier VI premium plane (The Ki-88). 1

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