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Atla: kullan, ara
Lakeville - 800m x 800m

An isolated mountain valley on one flank and city blocks on the other allow you to thrust close to the enemy. A large lake in the middle gives long-range weapons a clear field of fire.

Camo Type: Summer

Victory in Lakeville largely hinges between maintaining a balance between the direct but hilly western valley or the eastern town. The ridge dominating the center of the western valley often becomes a no-man's land where both team's valley detachments await for a curious light or heavy to look over the edge. The Eastern town tends to promote more dynamic battles, while the small road in the center tends to be relatively impeded by a single Tank Destroyer. Failure to send sufficient units to the town often leads to a slow defeat as the valley units remain in standoff. Conversely, failure to properly defend the valley can lead to quick defeat, allowing the heavy tanks uninterrupted access to your artillery and capture point.
