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Tech Tree Position
Research price223000 exp
Purchase price19 500 000 Kredity
Hit Points25 600 
Main Battery
100 mm/65 Type98 na palebném stanovišti Model A5 х 2 pcs.
Rate of Fire20 shots/min.
Reload Timesec.
Rotation Speed16 deg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time11.25 sec.
Firing Range12.55 km.
Maximum Dispersion109 m.
HE Shell100 mm HE Type98 
Maximum HE Shell Damage1 200 
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell%
Initial HE Shell Velocity1000 m./s.
HE Shell Weight13 kg.
AP Shell100 mm AP Type98 
Maximum AP Shell Damage1 700 
Initial AP Shell Velocity1000 m./s.
AP Shell Weight13 kg.
Torpedo Tubes
610 mm 6hlavňový1 х 6 pcs.
Rate of Fire0.35 shots/min.
Reload Time171 sec.
Rotation Speed25 deg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time7.2 sec.
TorpedoType93 mod. 3 
Maximum Damage23 767 
Torpedo Speed67 knot
Torpedo Range12 km.
AA Defense
100 mm/65 Type98 na palebném stanovišti Model A5 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second104 
. . . Firing Range5.01 km.
25 mm/60 Type 96 na samostatném palebném stanovišti16 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second28.8 
. . . Firing Range2.49 km.
40 mm/60 Type 5 na dvouhlavňovém palebném stanovišti6 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second66 
. . . Firing Range3.51 km.
Maximum Speed35.7 knot
Turning Circle Radius830 m.
Rudder Shift Time5.5 sec.
Surface Detectability Range7.68 km.
Air Detectability Range4.18 km.
Battle Levels
19 500 000

Harugumo — Japonska Tier X Torpédoborec.

A further development of the Akizuki-class destroyers. This ship features larger dimensions and ten dual-purpose 100 mm guns arranged in five turrets to serve as the ship's primary armament.


Main Battery Guns Rychlost střelby
Čas otočení o 180°
Maximální rozptyl
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
100 mm/65 Type98 na palebném stanovišti Model A2011,251091 20051 700 01 700 000
Hull Body výdrže
Hlavní věže
Sekundární dělové věže
Bodová obrana
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
Harugumo (A)25 600132056/16/51 02 000 000
Torpedoes Rychlost střelby
Torpedo Tubes Reload Time
Čas otočení o 180°
Maximální poškození
Rychlost torpéda
Dosah torpéda
Research price
Purchase price
Type F30,41577,221 366768 30 0002 500 000
Type93 mod. 30,41717,223 7666712 02 500 000
Fire Control System Zvýšení dostřelu
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
Type10 mod. 1012,6 01 100 000
Engine Maximální rychlost
Research price
Purchase price
Pohon: 79 240 hp35,7 01 650 000


 Slot 1  Úprava hlavní výzbroje 1 Úprava pomocné výzbroje 1 Úprava muniční komory 1 Úprava havarijního týmu 1
 Slot 2  Úprava systému řízení oprav 1 Úprava posílení strojů 1 Ochrana strojovny
 Slot 3  Úprava hlavní baterie 2 Úprava protiletadlových děl 1 Úprava zaměřovacích systémů 1 Úprava kouřového generátoru 1 Úprava torpédometů 1
 Slot 4  Úprava systému řízení oprav 2 Úprava pohonu 1 Úprava řízení 1 Úprava hlubinných náloží 1
 Slot 5  Systém vyhledávání torpéd Úprava maskovacího systému 1 Úprava řízení 2 Úprava spotřebních doplňků lodi 1 Další generátory kouře
 Slot 6  Úprava hlavní baterie 3 Úprava torpédometů 2 Úprava systému řízení palby 2 Úprava pomocné výzbroje 2

Názor hráče

Představení lodi

Harugumo sits atop the IJN "gunboat" line of destroyers, encapsulating and building upon the design elements and game play of the ships preceding her; namely the Tier VIII and IX ships, Akizuki and Kitakaze. Armed with ten 100 mm rifles and a single sextuplet torpedo launcher, she is a ship of absolutes; she has the highest base hit points and DPM of all Tier X destroyers, while also possessing the worst maneuverability (turning radius) and base detection range (tied with Khabarovsk).

The most notable differences when moving up to Harugumo are the addition of a fifth main battery turret and major performance losses in the areas of handling and concealment. She also gains a significant amount of health in comparison to that of her immediate predecessors: a whopping 25,600 base health. Captains will also notice the significant loss in mobility — especially in regards to turning radius — as well as the far-worse concealment. Despite the major drawbacks found when upgrading to Harugumo, most captains will find that play styles that worked well on the previous destroyers are still applicable, albeit with some modifications.

First and foremost, Harugumo is not a capture-point contesting destroyer. Her poor concealment, awful turning radius, and huge size make her incredibly easy to hit with torpedoes, and enemy ships far behind a capture point will have no difficulty landing shots on her. Enemy destroyers will see her coming long before she spots them, and a competent enemy destroyer captain can easily avoid being spotted by Harugumo.

Captains should play Harugumo in a similar fashion to that of a light cruiser; stay outside of capture points early on, but stay within effective gun range to support the destroyers on the team who can capture. Engagements of all enemies should be done from within the relative safety of smoke or from behind islands. Open water engagements should be planned and executed a manner that minimizes the number of enemy ships that can engage her in return.

Do to the 1/4 HE penetration of the Japanese 100mm rifle, Harugumo does not require the Inertia Fuse for HE Shells skill to do damage to enemy destroyers. However, captains who do use it gain the ability to penetrate 32mm of armor, a thickness found on most high-tier battleships in many places. This allows Harugumo to engage all ship classes with great effectiveness.

Fans of Akizuki and Kitakaze will have no issues adapting their play styles to Harugumo. In the right hands, Harugumo poses a massive threat to all enemy ship types and can have a significant impact on the outcome of a match.


  • Highest damage output potential of all Tier X destroyers.
  • Largest base health pool of all destroyers.
  • Powerful torpedo armament.
  • 1/4 penetration for her main battery results in no need for Inertia Fuse for HE Shells skill.
  • Using IFHE anyway results in the ability to penetrate 32mm of armor with her HE.
  • Low-caliber Armor Piercing is effective at engaging enemy destroyers when given broadside.
  • Torpedo Reload Booster consumable allows her to put 12 torpedoes in the water every few minutes.


  • Second worst concealment among Tier X destroyers, only beaten by 'Khabarovsk.
  • Worst turning radius among all destroyers; turning circle is larger than that of many cruisers, in fact.
  • Huge size makes her an easy target; battleship AP has no issues getting full penetrations against her.
  • Only one set of six torpedoes per salvo with a long reload.
  • Lack of a Opravárenská četa (Pokud je aktivní, doplní každou sekundu procentuální část celkového zdraví lodi.) consumable results in her having less "effective" HP than the two Tier X Russian destroyers.
  • Lack of Obranná protiletadlová palba (Zatímco je aktivní, zvýší se udílené poškození AA zbraní velké ráže.) consumable and large turning radius makes her an easy target for enemy aircraft carriers.


  • Torpedoes: Type F3 Torpedoes.
There is only one module to research to acquire Elite status; the 8 km, 76 knot Type F3 torpedo. This upgrade is unnecessary for most captains, as the short range of the torpedoes make them quite difficult to use properly. Captains are free to research it on their own time.

Doporučená konfigurace


The recommended upgrades for Harugumo are as follows:

In Slot 6, either option is good. For captains that decide to not use Advanced Firing Training, opting for the extended main battery range is a good choice. If both Gun Fire Control System Modification 2 and Advanced Firing Training are used in concert, Harugumo can reach a whopping 17.47 km of range. It should be noted that that is not recommended, as engaging all but a stationary battleship at that range is nearly impossible.

Kapitánské body

Key skills for Harugumo commanders include the standard "gunboat" destroyer skills. Captains who want a pure gunboat build should pick up both Basic Firing Training and Advanced Firing Training. Despite now having 1/4 HE penetration, taking Inertia Fuse for HE Shells is still recommended, as it now allows the Japanese 100mm gun to penetrate 32mm plating.

Spotřební doplňky

Harugumo can equip the following consumables:

Premium variants of the consumables can be used to increase her performance in battle.


Type 1, 2, or 5 camouflage can be equipped for credits; Types 1 or 5 are recommended at a minimum to reduce detectibility range.

Players who wish to spend doubloons can equip Harugumo with Type 20 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, reduces her repair costs, and increases the amount of experience she earns.


Poznámka: Použití signálu Juliet Charlie plně zabraňuje detonaci.


Historické informace

Ships of Japan
Torpédoborce  II Tachibana Doubloons • II Umikaze • II Tachibana Lima Doubloons • III Wakatake • IV Isokaze • V Minekaze • V Fūjin Doubloons • V Kamikaze Doubloons • V Kamikaze R Doubloons • V Mutsuki • VI Fubuki • VI Hatsuharu • VI Shinonome B Doubloons • VI Shinonome Doubloons • VII Akatsuki • VII Shiratsuyu • VII Yūdachi Doubloons • VIII Akizuki • VIII Kagerō • VIII Asashio Doubloons • VIII HSF Harekaze II Doubloons • VIII Asashio B Doubloons • VIII HSF Harekaze Doubloons • VIII AL Yukikaze Doubloons • IX Yūgumo • IX Kitakaze • X Shimakaze • X Harugumo • X Hayate •  Yamagiri 
Křižníky  I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III Katori Doubloons • IV Yūbari Doubloons • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki Alpha Doubloons • V Furutaka • V Agano • V Yahagi Doubloons • VI Aoba • VI Gokase • VII Myōkō • VII Omono • VII Tokachi Doubloons • VII Maya Doubloons • VII ARP Myōkō Doubloons • VII ARP Ashigara Doubloons • VII ARP Haguro Doubloons • VII Southern Dragon Doubloons • VII Eastern Dragon Doubloons • VII ARP Nachi Doubloons • VIII Mogami • VIII Tone Doubloons • VIII Atago Doubloons • VIII Shimanto • VIII Atago B Doubloons • VIII ARP Takao Doubloons • VIII ARP Maya Doubloons • IX Ibuki • IX Takahashi • IX Azuma Doubloons • IX AL Azuma Doubloons • X Zaō • X Yodo • X Yoshino Doubloons • X Yoshino B • X Kitakami 
Bitevní lodě  II Mikasa Doubloons • III Kawachi • IV Myōgi • IV Ishizuchi Doubloons • V Kongō • V ARP Kongō Doubloons • V ARP Kirishima Doubloons • V ARP Haruna Doubloons • V ARP Hiei Doubloons • V HSF Hiei Doubloons • VI Fusō • VI Mutsu Doubloons • VI Ise Doubloons • VII Nagato • VII Ashitaka Doubloons • VII Hyūga Doubloons • VIII Amagi • VIII Kii Doubloons • VIII Ignis Purgatio Doubloons • VIII Ragnarok Doubloons • IX Izumo • IX Musashi Doubloons • IX Hizen Doubloons • IX Iwami Doubloons • IX Daisen • X Yamato • X Shikishima • X ARP Yamato •  Satsuma 
Letadlové lodě  IV Hōshō • VI Ryūjō • VIII Shōkaku • VIII Kaga Doubloons • VIII Kaga B Doubloons • X Hakuryū •  Sekiryu
Japonsko  II Tachibana Doubloons • II Umikaze • II Tachibana Lima Doubloons • III Wakatake • IV Isokaze • V Minekaze • V Fūjin Doubloons • V Kamikaze Doubloons • V Kamikaze R Doubloons • V Mutsuki • VI Fubuki • VI Hatsuharu • VI Shinonome B Doubloons • VI Shinonome Doubloons • VII Akatsuki • VII Shiratsuyu • VII Yūdachi Doubloons • VIII Akizuki • VIII Kagerō • VIII Asashio Doubloons • VIII HSF Harekaze II Doubloons • VIII Asashio B Doubloons • VIII HSF Harekaze Doubloons • VIII AL Yukikaze Doubloons • IX Yūgumo • IX Kitakaze • X Shimakaze • X Harugumo • X Hayate •  Yamagiri 
U.S.A.  II Sampson • II Smith Doubloons • III Wickes • IV Clemson • V Nicholas • V Hill Doubloons • VI Farragut • VI Monaghan Doubloons • VII Mahan • VII Sims Doubloons • VII Sims B Doubloons • VIII Benson • VIII Kidd Doubloons • IX Fletcher • IX Benham Doubloons • IX Black Doubloons • X Gearing • X Somers Doubloons • X Forrest Sherman •  Joshua Humphreys 
Pan-Asie  II Longjiang • III Phra Ruang • IV Shenyang • V Jianwei • VI Fushun • VI Anshan Doubloons • VII Gadjah Mada • VIII Hsienyang • VIII Siliwangi Doubloons • VIII Loyang Doubloons • VIII Fenyang Doubloons • VIII Loyang B Doubloons • VIII Ship Smasha Doubloons • IX Chung Mu • X Yueyang •  Kunming 
Německo  II V-25 • III G-101 • IV V-170 • V T-22 • VI Ernst Gaede • VI T-61 Doubloons • VI Karl von Schönberg Doubloons • VII Leberecht Maass • VII Z-31 • VII Z-39 Doubloons • VIII Z-23 • VIII Gustav-Julius Maerker • VIII Z-35 Doubloons • IX Z-46 • IX Felix Schultz • IX Z-44 Doubloons • IX ZF-6 Doubloons • X Z-52 • X Elbing • X Z-42 
Evropa  II Tátra • III Romulus • IV Klas Horn • V Visby • VI Västerås • VII Skåne • VII Błyskawica Doubloons • VIII Öland • VIII Orkan Doubloons • IX Östergötland • IX Velos Doubloons • IX Friesland Doubloons • X Halland • X Småland Doubloons • X Ragnar •  Dalarna 
U.S.S.R.  II Storozhevoi • III Derzki • IV Izyaslav • V Gremyashchy Doubloons • V Podvoisky • V Okhotnik Doubloons • VI Gnevny • VII Minsk • VII Leningrad Doubloons • VII Tashkent '41 • VIII Ognevoi • VIII Kiev • IX Udaloi • IX Tashkent • IX Neustrashimy Doubloons • X Khabarovsk • X Grozovoi • X Delny •  Zorkiy 
U.K.  II Medea • III Valkyrie • III Campbeltown Doubloons • IV Wakeful • V Acasta • VI Icarus • VI Gallant Doubloons • VII Jervis • VIII Lightning • VIII Cossack Doubloons • VIII Cossack B Doubloons • IX Jutland • X Daring • X Druid 
Itálie  II Curtatone • III Nazario Sauro • IV Turbine • V Maestrale • VI Aviere • VI Leone Doubloons • VII Luca Tarigo • VII FR25 Doubloons • VIII Vittorio Cuniberti • IX Adriatico • IX Paolo Emilio • X Attilio Regolo 
Nizozemí  IX Groningen • X Tromp 
Francie  II Enseigne Gabolde • III Fusilier • IV Bourrasque • V Jaguar • V Siroco Doubloons • VI Guépard • VI Aigle Doubloons • VII Vauquelin • VIII Le Fantasque • VIII Le Terrible Doubloons • IX Mogador • X Kléber • X Marceau 
Commonwealth  III Vampire Doubloons • VII Haida Doubloons • VII Huron Doubloons • X Vampire II 
Španělsko  X Álvaro de Bazán 
Pan-Amerika  VI Juruá Doubloons