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First: good idea to have a separate page for this !

Suggestion: remove the first formula for Commander XP, or add the corresponding formula for free XP.

At least put the simpler 'XP' formula first.

The only use of the longer formula is to recall that ship XP modifiers also apply to Commander XP (which many people seem unaware of). This could be stated more clearly by a sentence in bold for instance.

I think this change should be made in the Commander Experience section:

CXP  =  XPB · At · (1 + Σ MXP + Σ MC) + ZXP + ZC
CXP  =  XP Ship XP + (XPB · At · Σ MC) + ZC


--Franz_von_Suppe:eu (talk) 15:15, 15 August 2020 (UTC)