Heavy Fighters

Heavy Fighters are twin-engined aircraft usually tailored to interceptor or fighter-bomber roles. They have poor maneuverability but usually boast an array of accurate nose-mounted heavy weaponry capable of shredding fighters in a few seconds as well as the power output of two engines which gives them great boost length. As such, using them for vertical combat (Boom and Zoom) is usually the best tactic. Their large hitpoint pool also makes them ideal for attacking enemy ground attack aircraft without being affected by the rear gunner fire as much as fragile light fighters. While many heavies are able to carry an impressive amount of external payloads rivaling even ground attackers, using these may hinder your flight performance quite a lot while making the heavy fighter a true jack-of-all-trades. Heavy Fighters appear as green or red rhombuses with a black dash through it at a 45 degree angle on the mini-map and over target marker.