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Assault HQ

Assault HQ

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There are currently 7 different Assault HQs in WoT Generals. Assault HQs typically have the lowest resource gain per turn values. Assault HQs have the best firepower values in the game. But they haven't much HP. The only HQs with 4 firepower (the highest possible base firepower of an HQ) are the Germans Assault HQs.

Assault HQs try to rush the enemy HQ and try to destroy the enemy HQ early.

Tier 4

Name Nation
Panzer Division Jüterbog Germany
2nd Armored Battalion U.S.A
7th Tank Corps U.d.S.S.R

Tier 8

Name Name
Panzer Division Müncheberg Germany
7th Armored Battalion U.S.A
41st Tank Division U.d.S.S.R