Bounty Equipment (WoT)
Bounty Equipment
Bounty Aiming
Effect before upgrading: -5% to the aiming circle size.
Effect after upgrading: -8% to the aiming circle size.
Note: Improves accuracy by decreasing the aiming circle.
Bounty Rammer
Effect before upgrading: −10% to loading time.
Effect after upgrading: −12.5% to loading time.
Weight : 200 kg
Limitation : Installation is impossible on tanks with a magazine loading system, as well as if the "Rammer" is already installed on the tank.
Note: Reduces Gun Reload Time.
Bounty Gun Laying Drive
Effect before upgrading: +10% to aiming speed.
Effect after upgrading: +12.5% to aiming speed.
Weight : 100 kg
Limitation : Installation is not possible if the tank is already installed "Enhanced Gun Laying Drive".
Note: Reduces the aiming time of the reticle.
Bounty Optics
Effect before upgrading: +10% to view range (up to 445 m).
Effect after upgrading: +12.5% to view range (up to 445 m).
Limitation : Installation is not possible if "Coated Optics" is already installed on the tank.
Note: Increases the view range of your vehicle, allowing for early spotting of enemy vehicles.
Bounty Stabilizer
Effect before upgrading: −20% to dispersion during movement and turret rotation.
Effect after upgrading: −25% to dispersion during movement and turret rotation.
Weight : 100 kg
Limitation : Installation is not possible if the tank is already equipped with "Vertical Stabilizer".
Note: Improves aim by reducing dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during turret rotation.
Bounty Protection Technology
Effect before upgrading: +25% to repair speed
+100% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability
−50% to the loading speed penalty and loss of engine power upon the damaging of modules
−50% to the chance of engine fire
Effect after upgrading: +40% to repair speed
+150% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability
−70% to the loading speed penalty and loss of engine power upon the damaging of modules
−70% to the chance of engine fire
Weight : 50 kg
Note: Prevents one fuel tank fire, ammo rack explosion, and engine destruction in a battle upon the destruction of these modules.
Bounty Ventilation
Effect before upgrading: +5% to all crew skills.
Effect after upgrading: +7.5% to all crew skills.
Weight : 100 kg
Limitation : Installation is not possible on the tank with an open deck, as well as if the vehicle is already equipped with "Improved ventilation".
Note: Improves crew skills that affect the vehicle characteristics.
Bounty Rotation Mechanism
Effect before upgrading: −10% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during turret rotation
+10% to hull and turret traverse speed
Effect after upgrading: −15% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during turret rotation
+15% to hull and turret traverse speed
Note: Increases hull and turret traverse speed for vehicles with turrets. Increases hull and gun traverse speed for vehicles with stationary cabins. Reduces gun dispersion during movement and during hull and turret traverse.