35k+ games, almost every tank in the game played, all T10's owned but the FV4005, 30b, T50/51 and the 907
also gud@ships
Ships template for copypasting new ships:
<!-- DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE LINES WITH COMMENTS (it's look like as this or next line) -->{{WoWs_Ship|Promo=<!-- in case of gift or promo ship write conditions to get it. --> |Anno=<!-- you can write below short description for the ship. it will replace default once. --> |Performance=<!-- write text about performance in battles below --> |Research=<!-- write text about priority sequence of research below --> |Pros=<!-- write list of positive points below. use * as in ordinary wiki-list. --> |Cons=<!-- write list of negative points below. use * as in ordinary wiki-list. --> |Gallery=<!-- write below list of files without tags. description (if necessary) for each should be separated with template {{!}} --><gallery> </gallery>|History=<!-- write text below --> |HistoricalGallery=<!-- write below list of files without tags. description (if necessary) for each should be separated with template {{!}} --><gallery> </gallery>|Video=<!-- put below video clips with using template VideoYT. You can use html-tags for formatting. --> |Ref= <!-- write below --> }}<!-- DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE. DO NOT INSERT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE -->