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VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B

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13:55, 24 March 2013(4,461 bytes)I changed "o" to "to" and "old by its own" to "hold up on its own"
18:31, 11 January 2013(4,429 bytes)typographical error change ordinance (law or regulation) to ordnance
05:00, 27 December 2012(4,430 bytes)Grammar and punctuation. Moved some stuff to the Performance section.
20:57, 26 December 2012(4,693 bytes)major edits on tank stats, strategy and research
05:42, 9 December 2012(3,341 bytes)Added link to Tactics page
17:57, 21 May 2012(2,441 bytes)automatically edited by Snib's WoTWikiBot
00:15, 20 May 2012(2,467 bytes)Converted to TankData. Removed broken link from Sources. Added a link to achtungpanzer.com but didn't copy the info. Some editing of text pasted into Performance section from the former Title panel.
12:10, 29 April 2012(2,860 bytes)Added 1 historical photo
08:46, 4 April 2012(2,831 bytes)Added empty Thoughts and Suggestions panel so people can add their thoughts
02:25, 23 March 2012(2,567 bytes)Minor grammar edits
20:50, 18 March 2012(2,465 bytes)added Snib's pages
19:36, 23 August 2011(4,710 bytes)6.6 Statistics Checked
12:03, 25 January 2011(32 bytes)Redirected page to VK 4502 (P) Ausf.B
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