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Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)

Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)

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Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) in World of Warships concerns the methods of locating, dealing damage to, and avoiding damage from submarines. This includes using consumables and other mechanics to locate a submarine, as well as using various weapons to damage a submarine.

Finding a Submarine

The two primary means of finding a submarine are fuel spills and emitted sonar pings. Other methods include consumables such as Hydroacoustic SearchWhile active, detects all enemy ships and torpedoes within the specified radius, without regard of obstacles such as smoke and terrain. and Surveillance RadarWhile active, detects all enemy ships within the specified radius, disregarding obstacles such as smoke and terrain..

Fuel Spills

When a submarine is hit at periscope or maximum depth from any armament, she begins to leak fuel (oil) that rises to the surface, regardless of whether she is detected or undetected. Fuel spills last for 40 seconds, and are the best way to pinpoint a submarine’s location, as they always leak from the exact location of a submarine, unlike sonar ping emissions. They are also visible from any range.

Ping Launch Emission

When a submarine uses its sonar, a visual effect appears within a 1 km radius of her, lasting five seconds. In addition to this visual effect, the actual sonar ping moving across the map is visible to ships within 8 km. In combination with the ping launch effect, it allows surface ships to get a general idea of the location of the submarine. It is generally not as accurate as fuel spills, as the ping launch effect is only accurate within 1 km. In addition, the moving sonar ping is not visible outside of 8 km. Finally, each ship sees only sonar pings within her acquisition radius (i.e a ship cannot see the sonar pings launched against an ally on the other side of the map).


Against submarines on the surface or periscope depth, the Hydroacoustic SearchWhile active, detects all enemy ships and torpedoes within the specified radius, without regard of obstacles such as smoke and terrain. consumable is perhaps the best offensive and defensive tool against submarines, as it detects them all the way to maximum depth (albeit only at a range of 2 km at maximum depth), as well as detecting their torpedoes before they would otherwise become visible. The consumable’s long duration also helps as a submarine deterrent.

The Surveillance RadarWhile active, detects all enemy ships within the specified radius, disregarding obstacles such as smoke and terrain. consumable detects submarines only at surface depth. It is unable to detect them at periscope and maximum depth. It can be useful for a quick update on a submarine’s position, but its limited use makes it a poor tool against submarines.

The Submarine SurveillanceDetect submarines underwater. consumable, available to all submarines (except I-56) and tech-tree Tier V+ Commonwealth, Japanese and Italian cruisers, is also an effective tool against underwater submarines[1]. However, the version found on submarines has a long preparation time, making it unavailable for them in the early game. Submarines are unable to detect each other at maximum depth without it.

While the HydrophoneWhile submerged, highlights the terrain and positions of surface ships beyond the spotting range. consumable does not detect submarines, it does highlight their position (their silhouette) in the game world if they’re at surface or periscope depth. It also updates their “last spotted position” on the minimap.

Killing a Submarine

The primary ASW weapons are shipborne depth charges and airborne (via air strikes) depth charges. Other weapons (varying in effectiveness) include main battery and secondary guns, airborne rockets and bombs, and torpedoes.

Splash Damage

Because water is incompressible, the energy from an underwater explosion propagates outward in the form of a spherical shock wave, dispersing energy as the sphere expands. The energy at a given point on the sphere depends on the initial energy and the distance from the explosion. High enough energy will cause damage to the target. Thus unlike surface ships a direct hit is not necessary. “Close enough” applies with depth charges as it does with horseshoes.[2]

In order to simplify the physics, the sphere is represented as concentric circles with the center at the explosion and the radius — the splash radius — at the farthest distance that damage is done. Within that radius, the splash damage is uniform (a simplification for game purposes), and decreases in each circle. With this comes a splash damage coefficient assigned to all weapon types in the game (except torpedoes), that affects the overall damage dealt to a submarine within the splash radius.

Introduced to model damage from underwater explosions, splash damage works by giving each shell and bomb a splash radius and splash damage coefficient. Splash radius is determined mostly by caliber for shells, bombs and rockets — the larger they are, the larger the radius. In terms of shell types, HE and SAP shells have large splash radii, while AP shells of the same caliber have approximately half their splash radius. The splash radius of depth charges from ships and aircraft is fixed.

——  Splash Radius Data  ——
Depth Charges Splash Radius
Armament Splash Radius
Ship-mounted Depth Charges 800 m
Airstrike Depth Charges (Cruisers & Battleships) 375 m
Airstrike Depth Charges (Ägir, Mengchong & Siegfried) 300 m
Airstrike Depth Charges (Aircraft Carriers) 600 m

Shell Caliber Splash Radius
Caliber AP Splash Radius HE Splash Radius SAP Splash Radius
76/88 mm 31.5 m 63.3 m 81.3 m
100 mm 40.5 m 81.3 m 81.3 m
102/105 mm 37.5 m 75 m 81.3 m
105 mm Secondaries N/A 81.3 m N/A
120 mm 40.5 m 81.3 m 81.3 m
127/130 mm 41.7 m 83.4 m 81.3 m
128 mm 40.5 m 83.4 m N/A
135 mm N/A 81.3 m 90.6 m
140 mm 43.5 m 87.3 m 81.3 m
Japanese 150 mm 45.3 m 90 m N/A
All Other 150 mm 43.5 m 90.6 m 90.6 m
152 mm 43.5 m 90.6 m 81.3 m
Sicilia's 152 mm N/A N/A 90.6 m
155 mm 45.6 m 91.2 m N/A
180/200/203/210/234/240/254 mm 50.7 m 101.7 m 101.7 m
190 mm 50.7 m 101.7 m N/A
283/310 mm 58.8 m 117.6 m N/A
305 mm 58.8 m 117.6 m 126.3 m
320 mm 61.8 m N/A 126.3 m
330/340/356 mm 61.8 m 123.9 m N/A
343/380/381 mm 63 m 126.3 m 126.3 m
406 mm 64.5 m 129 m 126.3 m
410 mm 64.5 m 129.3 m N/A
419/420/431 mm 64.5 m 129 m N/A
457/460/510 mm 66.9 m 133.8 m 126.3 m

Dutch Airstrike Splash Radius
Bomb Name Splash Radius Deployed Aboard
P.u.W 25 kg 45 m Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Tromp
P.u.W 100 kg 60 m Icon_default_cruiser.png VI Kijkduin
P.u.W 120 kg 69 m Icon_default_cruiser.png VII Eendracht, Icon_default_cruiser.png VIII Haarlem,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VIII De Zeven Provinciën
P.u.W 120 kg 72 m Icon_default_cruiser.png IX Johan de Witt, Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png IX Van Speijk
P.u.W 140 kg 81 m Icon_default_cruiser.png X Gouden Leeuw

Aircraft Armaments Splash Radius

Rhein’s AP Rockets and AP Bombs have no Splash Radius (the value is set to 0 m)

Weapon Name (Type) Splash Radius Deployed Aboard
5-inch FFAR (HE Rocket) 19.5 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png IV Langley
AN-M64 (HE Bomb) 16.5 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png IV Langley, Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Hornet,
Icon_default_battleship.png VIII Nebraska, Icon_default_battleship.png IX Delaware,
Icon_default_battleship.png X Louisiana
5-inch FFAR (HE Rocket) 11.4 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Ranger, Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Independence,
Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Lexington
AN-M65 (HE Bomb) 13.8 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Ranger, Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Lexington
HVAR 127 mm (HE Rocket) 12 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Lexington, Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Midway,
Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png X Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Icon_default_aircarrier.png XI United States
Tiny Tim (HE Rocket) 32.1 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Lexington, Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Yorktown,
Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Saipan (B),
Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Sanzang
Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Midway, Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Essex,
Icon_default_battleship_premium.png IX Kearsarge (B),
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Halford
AN-M62 (HE Bomb) 8.4 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Independence, Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Yorktown
AN-M62 (AP Bomb) 7.5 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Enterprise
AN-M60 (AP Bomb) 5.4 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Hornet
AN-M66 (HE Bomb) 16.8 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Midway,Icon_default_aircarrier.png XI United States
AN-M63 (HE Bomb) 8.1 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Essex
AN-M66 (HE Bomb) 15.9 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png X Franklin D. Roosevelt
11.75-inch AR Rocket mod. 1
(HE Rocket)
52.2 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png XI United States
AN-M56A1 (HE Bomb) 24 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png XI United States
AN-M65 (HE Bomb) 11.1 m Icon_default_battleship.png VIII Nebraska (stock)
Type 3 No. 6 Mk. 27 (HE Rocket) 16.5 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png IV Hōshō
Type 99 No. 25 mod. 2 (AP Bomb) 3.9 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png IV Hosho
Type 3 No. 6 Mk. 27 (HE Rocket) 13.2 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Ryūjō, Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Shōkaku,
Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Kaga (B)
Type 99 No. 25 mod. 1 (AP Bomb) 6.9 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Ryūjō (stock)
Type 3 No. 25 Mk. 4 (AP Bomb) 7.8 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Ryūjō, Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Shōkaku (stock)
Type 2 No. 50 Mk. 1 (AP Bomb) 9.3 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Shōkaku
Type 90 No. 50 Mk. 2 (HE Bomb) 13.2 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Kaga (B)
Type 5 No. 6 Mk. 9 (HE Rocket) 13.2 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Taihō
Type 5 No. 6 Mk. 9 (HE Rocket) 18.9 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Hakuryū, Icon_default_aircarrier.png XI Sekiryu
Type 99 No. 80 Mk. 5 (AP Bomb) 10.2 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Hakuryū, Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Taihō,
Icon_default_aircarrier.png XI Sekiryu
RP-3 18 lb Mk.I (HE Rocket) 13.5 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png IV Hermes
40 lb G.P. Bomb (HE Bomb) 13.5 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png IV Hermes
RP-3 60 lb No1 Mk.I (HE Rocket) 9 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Furious, Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VI Ark Royal,
Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Implacable (stock)
250 lb G.P. Bomb (HE Bomb) 7.2 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Furious, Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Indomitable,
Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Colossus
HVAR 127 mm (AP Rocket) 20.4 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Colossus
40 lb G.P. Bomb (HE Bomb) 3.7 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VI Ark Royal
RP-3 60 lb No2 Mk.I (HE Rocket) 14.1 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Implacable, Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Audacious,
Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png X Malta, Icon_default_aircarrier.png XI Eagle
250 lb G.P. Bomb Mk.I (HE Bomb) 8.4 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Implacable
RP-3 60 lb No1 Mk.I (HE Rocket) 12.6 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Indomitable
500 lb G.P. Bomb (HE Bomb) 9.6 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Audacious, Icon_default_aircarrier.png XI Eagle
500 lb G.P. Bomb (AP Bomb) 6.6 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png X Malta
1000 lb G.P. Bomb (HE Bomb) 12 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png XI Eagle
RZ-73 (AP Rocket) 10.2 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Weser
PC 500c (AP Bomb) 10.5 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Weser,
Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII August von Parseval (stock)
Panzerbrechend L/4.8 (AP Rocket) 14.1 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VI Erich Loewenhardt,
Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII August von Parseval
SC 1000 (HE Bomb) 18.3 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Erich Loewenhardt
PC 500 (AP Bomb) 11.7 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII August von Parseval,
Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Manfred von Richthofen (stock)
Wfr.Gr.21E (HE Rocket) 26.7 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Graf Zeppelin (B)
PD 500 (AP Bomb) 8.7 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Graf Zeppelin (B)
Panzerbrechend 2 L/4.8 (AP Rocket) 18.6 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Manfred von Richthofen
PC 1000 (AP Bomb) 13.2 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Manfred von Richthofen
SD 1000 (Skip Bomb) 16.5 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png X Max Immelmann
RS-132 (HE Rocket) 42 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png IV Komsomolets
FAB-100 (Skip Bomb) 72 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png IV Komsomolets
RS-132M (HE Rocket) 57 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Serov
FAB-100 (Skip Bomb) 9.3 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VI Serov
S-21M (HE Rocket) 21 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Pobeda
FAB-250 (Skip Bomb) 10.2 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Pobeda (stock)
FAB-500 (Skip Bomb) 13.2 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png VIII Pobeda, Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Chkalov (B),
Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Admiral Nakhimov
FAB-500B (Skip Bomb) 11.4 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Chkalov (B)
S-21 (HE Rocket) 24.3 m Icon_default_aircarrier.png X Admiral Nakhimov
150-kg G.P. Mle 1930 (AP Bomb) 5.4 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VI Béarn
500-kg G.P. Mle 1930 (Skip Bomb) 8.7 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VI Béarn
RZ.65 (AP Rocket) 6.9 m Icon_default_aircarrier_premium.png VIII Aquila

The splash damage coefficient affects the amount of damage a submarine receives from indirect hits. Splash damage against submarines is calculated with the formula Alpha Damage * Splash Damage Coefficient. Alpha damage is the maximum damage of an armament listed in the port. The splash damage coefficient of various armaments is listed below.

——  Splash Damage Coefficient Data  ——
Depth Charges Splash Damage Coefficients
Armament Splash Damage Coefficient
Ship-mounted Depth Charges 1.0 (From 0.0 m to 120 m);
0.33 (From 120.1 m to 800 m)
Airstrike Depth Charges (Cruisers & Battleships) 1.0 (From 0.0 m to 150 m);
0.50 (From 150.1 m to 300 m);
0.0 (From 300 m to 375 m)
Airstrike Depth Charges (Ägir, Mengchong & Siegfried) 1.0 (From 0.0 m to 96 m);
0.45 (From 96.1 m to 240 m);
0.0 (From 240.1 m to 300 m)
Airstrike Depth Charges (Aircraft Carriers) 1.0 (From 0.0 m to 300 m);
0.50 (From 300.1 m to 480 m);
0.0 (From 480.1 m to 600 m)

Shell & Bomb Splash Damage Coefficients
Armament Splash Damage Coefficient
AP Shells 0.1
HE Shells, SAP Shells, AP Rockets, AP Bombs, HE Bombs, Skip Bombs, Dutch Airstrikes 0.165

Example: A submarine is hit by an airstrike depth charge from 200 meters away launched by Vermont.

Alpha damage of Vermont’s Depth Charge Airstrike: 4,900

Splash damage coefficient at 200 meters: 0.50

Damage taken: 4,900 X 0.50 = 2,450

Example: A submarine at periscope depth is hit within the splash radius (i.e. not a direct hit) of a single AP rocket from Manfred von Richthofen.

Alpha damage of Manfred von Richthofen’s AP rockets: 3,100

Splash damage coefficient of AP rockets: 0.165

Damage taken: 3,100 X 0.165 = 512

Depth Charges

Found on almost all Tier V+ destroyers, and some Tier V+ cruisers, ship-mounted depth charges can be thought of as “underwater bombs”, designed to deal damage to submarines at all depths, and cannot damage other classes. Depth charges have a low flooding and fire chance, and rely on direct damage to deal with submarines. All depth charges have a 40 second reload time per charge, and an 800 meter splash radius. They also have an increased chance to disable a submarine’s sonar. Within a 120 meter radius, depth charges have a splash coefficient of 1. Past this range, they have a splash coefficient of 0.33.

Depth charges mounted on cruisers and destroyers vary in their drop pattern and the location of the mount. Both can be found in the table below.

——  Depth Charge Data  ——

Okhotnik and Leone do not carry depth charges.

As there is currently no reticle for shipborne depth charges, a common tactic is to use depth charges at the beginning of the battle and observe their drop pattern. This way, one won’t be caught off-guard when attacking a submarine with them.

All ships have 2 charges with a 40 second reload time, except for Karl von Schönberg which has 3 charges.

The ASW Mount Location is not necessarily the exact physical location of the mounts, but rather the general location of the mounts. Rear = behind or around the rearmost turret. Forward = ahead or around the forwardmost turret. Middle = Anywhere between the rearmost and forwardmost turrets.

In regards to the Drop Pattern, each depth charge is thrown/dropped one at a time, with a 1 second delay in between them. They are thrown/dropped in the order listed in the column. “Thrown” means the depth charge is launched some distance from the ship (~100 meters unless specified) before being armed, and, unless specified, thrown to the direct left/right side of the ship. “Dropped” means the depth charge does not travel a distance from the ship before arming (i.e. rolled off the ship). A semicolon (;) denotes the start of a new “cycle” of the drop pattern. A “cycle” is a different physical area/mount location depth charges are thrown/dropped from. Unless specified, notes about repetitions only apply to the cycle they appear immediately after.

Ship Bombs per Charge Damage per Bomb Fire Chance Flooding Chance ASW Mount Location Drop Pattern
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VII Atlanta (B),
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VII Flint
8 3,800 15% 23% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png X Austin 12 3,800 15% 23% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png V Nicholas 8 5,100 21% 43% Middle (Beside Turret #3);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VI Farragut 6 5,100 21% 43% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VI Monaghan 8 3,800 15% 23% Middle (Between Torpedo Tubes);
Middle (Beside Turret #3);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Mahan 8 5,100 21% 43% Middle (Beside Turret #4);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VII Sims (B) 10 3,800 15% 23% Middle (Between Torpedo Tube #2 and Turret #3);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 3x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Benson 10 5,100 21% 43% Middle (Between Turret #3 and #4);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png V Hill,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Benham,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Somers
6 5,100 21% 43% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII Kidd,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Black
10 5,100 21% 43% Middle (Between Turret #3 and #4);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Fletcher 12 5,100 21% 43% Middle (Between Turret #3 and #4);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Halford 16 5,100 21% 43% Middle (Beside Turret #3);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Gearing 14 5,100 21% 43% Middle (Beside Torpedo Tube #2);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Forrest Sherman 16 5,100 21% 43% Rear 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 15x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png XI Joshua Humphreys 12 5,100 21% 43% Middle (Beside Torpedo Tube #2);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 3x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png V Yahagi 6 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VII Maya 9 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear, 1 dropped right rear, 5 dropped centerline rear
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png X Kitakami 10 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 4x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png V Mutsuki,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png V Kamikaze (R),
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png V Fūjin
4 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png V Minekaze 4 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VI Fubuki 6 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown left rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown left rear 2 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VI Shinonome (B) 4 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 thrown right rear, 1 thrown left rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VI Hatsuharu,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII HSF Harekaze,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII HSF Harekaze II
6 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 thrown right rear, 1 thrown left rear (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Akatsuki 8 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Shiratsuyu,
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Kagerō
8 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 thrown left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VII Yūdachi 8 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 thrown right, 1 thrown left (Cycle repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII Asashio (B),
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII AL Yukikaze
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Minegumo
8 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 3 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Akizuki,
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Kitakaze
12 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 thrown left (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Yūgumo 12 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 2 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Harugumo,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Hayate
12 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 thrown right rear, 2 thrown left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Shimakaze 16 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 3 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png XI Yamagiri 20 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown left rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown left rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 thrown left rear, 3 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_cruiser.png V Kotovsky,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png V Murmansk
4 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png V Kirov 14 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right (Cycle repeated 4x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png V Mikoyan 2 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png V Krasny Krym 2 3,900 16% 42% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VII Lazo,
Icon_default_destroyer.png VI Gnevny
6 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear, 2 dropped left, 2 dropped right
Icon_default_cruiser.png VI Budyonny,
Icon_default_cruiser.png VII Shchors,
Icon_default_cruiser.png VIII Chapayev
6 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VI Molotov,
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Grozovoi
12 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 5x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VIII Pyotr Bagration,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VIII Bagration
4 3,900 16% 43% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_cruiser.png IX Dmitri Donskoi 8 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VIII Ochakov,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png X Smolensk
16 2,400 10% 15% Forward; Rear 1 thrown left forward (~300 meters), 1 thrown right forward (~300 meters) (Cycle repeated 4x); 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 3x)
Icon_default_cruiser.png X Alexander Nevsky 10 2,400 10% 15% Forward 1 thrown left forward (~1 km), 1 thrown right forward (~1 km) (Drop Pattern repeated 4x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png V Podvoisky 4 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png V Gremyashchy,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VII Leningrad
4 2,400 10% 15% Rear 2 dropped left rear, 2 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Minsk 6 2,400 10% 15% Rear 2 dropped left rear, 2 dropped right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VII Tashkent '39 6 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Kiev 8 2,400 10% 15% Rear 2 dropped left rear, 2 dropped right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Ognevoi 10 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right, 1 dropped left, 1 dropped right (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Tashkent 14 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown left rear, 1 dropped right rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 dropped centerline rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Udaloi 9 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 1x), 5 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Neustrashimy 12 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 5x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Delny 16 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle Repeated 4x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Khabarovsk 16 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle Repeated 4x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png XI Zorkiy 14 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 4x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VII München 4 2,200 9% 26% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png V T-22,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VIII Mainz (B),
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VIII Cross of Dorn,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VIII Prinz Eugen
6 2,200 9% 26% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Z-42 8 2,200 9% 26% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VI Ernst Gaede,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VI Karl von Schönberg
8 2,200 9% 26% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VI T-61 10 2,200 9% 26% Middle (Beside Funnel);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Z-31 10 2,200 9% 26% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 4x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VII Z-39 12 2,200 9% 26% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 5x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Leberecht Maass, Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Z-23 12 2,200 9% 26% Middle (Beside Torpedo Tube #1);
Middle (Between Turret #3 and #4); Rear
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Gustav-Julius Maerker 10 2,200 9% 26% Middle (Beside Torpedo Tubes and Turret #3); Rear 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII Z-35, Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Z-44 4 2,200 9% 26% Middle (Beside Torpedo Tube #1);
Middle (Between Turret #3 and #4)
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX ZF-6 4 2,200 9% 26% Middle (Beside Turret #2); Rear 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Z-46 12 2,200 9% 26% Middle (Between Torpedo Tubes);
Middle (Between Torpedo Tube #2 and Turret #2)
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Felix Schultz 12 2,200 9% 26% Middle (Between Funnel #2 and Turret #3) 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Drop Pattern repeated 5x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Z-52 16 2,200 9% 26% Middle (Beside Torpedo Tube #1);
Middle (Beside Torpedo Tube #2)
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Elbing 16 2,200 9% 26% Middle (Beside Funnel #1);
Middle (Between Funnel #2 and Turret #2);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right middle (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_cruiser.png V Emerald,
Icon_default_cruiser.png VI Leander
2 5,000 20% 42% Rear 2 dropped left rear
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VI Dido 5 5,000 20% 42% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear, 1 dropped left rear
Icon_default_cruiser.png VII Fiji,
Icon_default_cruiser.png VIII Edinburgh,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VIII Belfast '43
3 5,000 20% 42% Rear 3 dropped left rear
Icon_default_cruiser.png IX Neptune,
Icon_default_cruiser.png X Minotaur
4 5,000 20% 42% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png X Plymouth 4 5,000 20% 42% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear
Icon_default_cruiser.png IX Edgar 3 5,000 20% 42% Rear 5 thrown left rear (~300 meters, ~4 seconds travel time)
Icon_default_destroyer.png V Acasta 7 5,000 20% 42% Middle (Beside Turret #3);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x), 1 dropped centerline rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png VI Icarus 8 5,000 20% 42% Middle (Beside Turret #3);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x), 2 dropped centerline rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Jervis 10 5,000 20% 42% Rear 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 2 dropped centerline rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VI Gallant,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII Cossack (B)
8 5,000 20% 42% Middle (Beside Turret #3);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 2 dropped centerline rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Lightning 12 5,000 20% 42% Rear 1 thrown left, 1 thrown right; 1 dropped left, 1 dropped right (Cycle repeated 4x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Jutland,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Somme
12 5,000 20% 42% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped centerline rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Daring 16 5,000 20% 42% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 7x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Druid 9 5,000 20% 42% Rear 1 thrown centerline rear, 1 thrown diagonally right rear, 1 thrown centerline rear (~400 m) (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png V Jaguar 8 3,400 14% 18% Middle (Between Turret #2 and Torpedo Tube #1);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VI Guépard 10 3,400 14% 18% Middle (Between Turret #2 and Torpedo Tube #1);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png V Siroco, Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VI Aigle, Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII Le Terrible 6 4,600 19% 36% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Vauquelin 10 3,400 14% 18% Middle (Between Turret #3 and Torpedo Tube #1);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Le Fantasque 14 3,400 14% 18% Middle (Between Turret #2 and Torpedo Tubes #1/#2);
Middle (Between Turrets #3 and #4);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Mogador 16 3,400 14% 18% Middle (Between Turret #3 and Torpedo Tubes #3/#4);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Kléber 18 3,400 14% 18% Middle (Between Turret #3 and Torpedo Tubes #3/#4);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Marceau 8 5,700 23% 55% Middle (Between Turret #3 and Torpedo Tubes #3/#4) 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VI Perth 2 5,000 20% 42% Rear 2 dropped left rear
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png IX Hector 8 5,000 20% 42% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VII Haida, Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VII Huron 9 5,000 20% 42% Middle (Between Turret #3 and Torpedo Tube #1); Rear 1 thrown diagonally left middle, 1 thrown diagonally right middle; 1 dropped centerline rear (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Vampire II 5 5,000 20% 42% Middle (Between Turret #3 and Torpedo Tube #1); Rear 1 dropped left middle, 1 dropped right middle; 3 thrown right (~300 meters, ~4 second travel time)
Icon_default_cruiser.png V Raimondo Montecuccoli 4 3,200 13% 17% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VI Duca d'Aosta,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VII Duca degli Abruzzi,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VII Francesco Ferruccio
4 3,200 13% 17% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VI Aviere 10 3,200 13% 17% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VII FR25 6 2,400 13% 17% Middle (Behind Turret #1); Rear 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png V Maestrale,
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Luca Tarigo,
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Vittorio Cuniberti,
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Adriatico,
10 3,200 13% 17% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Paolo Emilio,
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Attilio Regolo
8 3,200 13% 17% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VI Huanghe 3 1,700 10% 15% Rear 3 dropped left rear
Icon_default_cruiser.png V Chungking,
Icon_default_cruiser.png VI Rahmat
9 1,700 10% 15% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x); 3 dropped left rear
Icon_default_cruiser.png VII Chumphon 8 1,700 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear
Icon_default_cruiser.png VIII Harbin 10 1,700 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png IX Dalian 12 1,700 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 3x)
Icon_default_cruiser.png IX Sejong, Icon_default_cruiser.png X Jinan 12 1,700 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 2x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png V Jianwei 4 1,700 10% 15% Middle (Between Turret #4 and Torpedo Tube #2) 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VI Fushun,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VI Anshan
6 1,700 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Gadjah Mada 6 1,700 10% 15% Middle (Between Turret #3 and Torpedo Tube #2);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 2 dropped centerline rear (Drop Pattern Repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Hsienyang 18 1,700 10% 15% Middle (Beside Turret #3);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 7x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII Loyang (B) 10 1,700 10% 15% Middle (Between Turret #3 and Torpedo Tube #2);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII Siliwangi 10 1,700 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left, 1 thrown right (Cycle repeated 4x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII Fenyang,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII Ship Smasha
18 1,700 10% 15% Middle (Beside Turret #3);
1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown left rear (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 thrown left rear, 3 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Chung Mu 12 1,700 10% 15% Middle (Between Turret #3 and Turret #4);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 dropped rear left, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Yueyang 16 1,700 10% 15% Middle (Beside Torpedo Tube #2);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 3x, then Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Lüshun 12 1,700 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 5x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png XI Kunming 12 1,700 10% 15% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 5x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VI Elli 2 3,200 13% 17% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png V Visby 6 2,000 11% 12% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown left rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 2 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png V Muavenet 6 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 dropped centerline rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VI Västerås 8 2,000 11% 12% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown left rear, 1 dropped left rear, 1 thrown right rear, 1 dropped left rear, 3 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer.png VI Stord,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VII Stord '43
8 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped centerline rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Skåne 10 2,000 11% 12% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Cycle repeated 1x); 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VII Grom 8 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VII Błyskawica 6 2,800 16% 43% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Öland 12 2,000 11% 12% Rear 1 thrown right rear, 1 thrown left rear (Drop Pattern repeated 5x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png VIII Split 10 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 dropped ceneterline rear (Drop Pattern repeated 9x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VIII Orkan 6 2,800 16% 43% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Östergötland 12 2,000 11% 12% Middle (Beside Torpedo Tube #1);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Lambros Katsonis 12 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 5x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Velos 12 5,100 21% 43% Rear 12 dropped right rear
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Jäger 6 5,100 21% 43% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Friesland,
Icon_default_destroyer.png IX Dalarna
8 2,000 11% 12% Forward 1 thrown left forward, 1 thrown right forward (~1.1 km) (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Halland,
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Småland
8 2,000 11% 12% Forward 8 thrown centerline forward (~1.1 km)
Icon_default_destroyer.png X Gdańsk 12 2,400 10% 15% Rear 1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle (Drop Pattern repeated 5x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Ragnar 4 2,000 11% 12% Forward 4 thrown centerline forward (~1.2 km)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png VI Juruá 6 5,000 20% 42% Rear 6 dropped centerline rear
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VIII Almirante Grau 6 2,000 11% 12% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_cruiser.png V Celebes,
Icon_default_cruiser.png VI Kijkduin
4 2,000 11% 12% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_cruiser.png VII Eendracht 6 2,000 11% 12% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 2x)
Icon_default_cruiser.png VIII Haarlem 8 2,000 11% 12% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png VIII De Zeven Provinciën 6 2,000 11% 12% Rear 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_cruiser.png IX Johan de Witt,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png IX Van Speijk,
Icon_default_cruiser.png X Gouden Leeuw,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png X Prins van Oranje
4 5,000 20% 42% Rear 1 thrown left rear, 1 thrown right rear (Drop Pattern repeated 1x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png IX Groningen 8 2,000 11% 12% Forward 1 thrown left forward, 1 thrown right forward (~1.1 km) (Drop Pattern repeated 3x)
Icon_default_destroyer_premium.png X Álvaro de Bazán 8 2,200 9% 26% Middle (Beside Turret #3);
1 thrown left middle, 1 thrown right middle; 1 dropped left rear, 1 dropped right rear (Cycle repeated 3x)
The damage distribution of Daring’s depth charges (cr. WoWs Shipbuilder)

When a depth charge from a ship is launched and hits the water, it becomes “active”. It falls at a base 10 knot speed, which is randomized by a multiplier of anywhere from about 0.8 to 1.2 times. It then explodes after a 7 second timer, which is also randomized by a multiplier of anywhere from about -0.5 to +0.5 seconds. This means the detonation depth at the end is random (from about 139.6 to 241.7 meters). The depth at which a depth charge detonates can be calculated by multiplying the fall speed, detonation timer and the travel speed in meters/second (1 knot = 2.6854 m/s). Shipborne depth charges explode at a much deeper depth than those from airstrikes.

Generally speaking, while ship-mounted depth charges have better potential damage over airborne depth charges, the fact that cruisers and destroyers have to risk their hull to attack a submarine with them limits their effectiveness. More often than not, it is not worth it for said classes to go out of their way to strike a submarine with depth charges, unless there is little risk of being attacked by enemy surface ships or aircraft. In addition, enemy submarines can also shotgun[3] an approaching ship (or simply dive away either vertically or horizontally)[4], further increasing the risk of using this type of depth charge effectively.

Example: A single depth charge from Daring drops at 9 knots (determined randomly), and explodes after 6.9 seconds (also determined randomly).

9 * 6.9 * 2.6854 = 166.7 meters at which the depth charge explodes.

Depth Charge Airstrikes

With the development of aviation, it became clear that aircraft made not only a great vehicle for traveling large distances, but also for scouting and attacking enemies. Patrol aviation became necessary to defend a country’s coastlines and shipping, as well as attack enemy submarines. Flying boats became the prime means of conducting these tasks, due to their ability to land and takeoff at sea, the vast amount of bodies of water, and low engine reliability of early aircraft. Equipped with searchlights, radar, and depth charges, they became a major threat to submarines throughout the course of World War II.

Found on all Tier V+ battleships, all Tier VI+ aircraft carriers, and some Tier V+ cruisers, Depth Charge Airstrikes (aka ASW airstrikes) are the other, arguably superior anti-submarine weapon in the game. They operate similarly to airstrikes on Dutch cruisers, where after a delay, they arrive at the designated area to drop their payload, but cannot spot ships or deal damage to other classes. Like shipborne depth charges, they have a low fire chance, but all depth charges from airstrikes have a 100% chance of causing flooding[5], as well as an increased chance of incapacitating a submarine’s sonar. Depth Charge Airstrikes on cruisers and battleships have a 30 second reload, with a 375 meter explosion radius (300 meters in the case of Ägir, Mengchong and Siegfried). Depth Charge Airstrikes found on aircraft carriers have a 25 second reload with almost double the explosion radius, at 600 meters. In addition, the Depth Charge Airstrike on aircraft carriers is automatically controlled, activating when a submarine is detected, leaking fuel or emitting pings within the airstrike’s range. The full characteristics of Depth Charge Airstrikes are listed below:

——  Depth Charge Airstrike Data  ——

The full list of ships with access to Depth Charge Airstrike is as follows (not including clones):

Tier Ship Number of Charges Range Number of Aircraft Bombs per Aircraft Damage Fire Chance Flooding Chance Reload
V Cruisers 1 5 km 1 1 2,900 19% 300% 20 s
V Icon_default_cruiser.png Delhi 2 7 km 1 1 2,300 16% 300% 20 s
VI Cruisers 2 6 km 1 1 2,900 19% 300% 20 s
VI Icon_default_cruiser.png Hobart 2 8 km 1 1 2,300 16% 300% 20 s
VI Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png Canarias 1 6 km 1 3 1,600 12% 300% 20 s
VII Cruisers 2 6 km 1 1 3,400 19% 300% 25 s
VII Icon_default_cruiser.png Uganda 3 8 km 1 1 2,700 16% 300% 25 s
VIII - IX Cruisers 2 7 km 1 2 4,200 24% 300% 30 s
VIII - IX Icon_default_cruiser.png Auckland,
Icon_default_cruiser.png Encounter
3 10 km 1 2 3,400 24% 300% 30 s
IX Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png Ägir,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png Mengchong,
Icon_default_cruiser_premium.png Siegfried
2 7 km 1 3 1,600 12% 300% 30 s
X - XI Cruisers 2 8 km 1 2 4,900 28% 300% 30 s
X Icon_default_cruiser.png Cerberus 3 11 km 1 2 3,900 28% 300% 30 s
V Battleships 1 8 km 1 1 2,900 19% 300% 20 s
V Icon_default_battleship_premium.png Giulio Cesare 1 4 km 1 1 2,900 19% 300% 20 s
VI Battleships 1 8 km 1 1 2,900 19% 300% 20 s
VII Battleships 2 9 km 1 1 3,400 19% 300% 25 s
VIII - IX Battleships 2 10 km 1 2 4,200 24% 300% 30 s
VIII - IX Icon_default_battleship_premium.png Massachusetts (B),
Icon_default_battleship_premium.png Musashi
2 5 km 1 2 4,200 24% 300% 30 s
X - XI Battleships 2 11 km 1 2 4,900 28% 300% 30 s
VI Carriers 1 6 km 1 1 3,400 19% 300% 25 s
VIII Carriers 1 7 km 1 1 4,200 24% 300% 25 s
X - XI Carriers 1 8 km 1 1 4,900 28% 300% 25 s

Within a 150 meter radius, airborne depth charges from battleships and cruisers have a splash coefficient of 1.0. From 150.1 to 300 meters, the splash coefficient is 0.50. From 300.1 to 375 meters, the splash coefficient is 0.0, however they can still disable a submarine’s sonar at this range. For Ägir, Mengchong and Siegfried, the splash coefficient is 1.0 within a 96 meter radius, 0.45 from 96.1 to 240 meters, and 0.0 from 240.1 to 300 meters, but they can still disable a submarine's sonar at the outermost range.

For aircraft carriers, within a 300 meter radius, airborne depth charges have a 1.0 splash coefficient. From 300.1 to 480 meters, they have a 0.50 splash coefficient. From 480.1 to 600 meters, they have a 0.0 splash coefficient, however they can still disable a submarine’s sonar at this range.

The damage distribution of Vermont’s Depth Charge Airstrike (cr. WoWs Shipbuilder)
The damage distribution of Siegfried’s Depth Charge Airstrike (cr. WoWs Shipbuilder)
The damage distribution of Midway’s Depth Charge Airstrike (cr. WoWs Shipbuilder)

Similar to shipborne depth charges, airborne depth charges become “active” as soon as they hit the water. They fall at a base speed of 3.5 knots, randomized by a factor of about 0.8 to 1.2 times. It then explodes after a 4 second timer, which is also randomized, at a factor of about -0.5 to +0.5 seconds. Therefore, detonation depth is also random (from about 26.3 to 50.8 meters). Like shipborne depth charges, the explosion depth of airborne depth charges can be calculated by multiplying the fall speed, detonation timer and the travel speed in meters/second (1 knot = 2.6854 m/s). Depth charges from aircraft explode closer to the surface than ship-launched depth charges.

Depth Charge Airstrikes provide a consistent source of attacking submarines, due to the armament’s quick reload and long range, especially for battleships, and — in the case of those on aircraft carriers — the high accuracy. If a submarine is detected or showing signs of its presence through fuel spills or sonar ping emissions, captains should make sure to use this armament as soon as possible against a submarine.

Example: A single depth charge from Vermont drops at 4.2 knots, and explodes after 3.5 seconds.

4.2 * 3.5 * 2.6854 = 39.4 meters at which the depth charge explodes.

Other Weaponry

HE and SAP shells are the most effective shell types against submarines, as they have a large splash radius compared to AP shells (almost twice as large), as well as exploding on contact with armor, of which submarines have very little of. However, as HE and SAP shells have a splash damage coefficient of 0.165, underwater submarines[1] have almost comparable durability to that of French destroyers and their unique HP saturation mechanic (the value of 0.165 being, in fact, identical to that of saturated parts of a ship’s hull). AP shells have a splash coefficient of 0.1, further limiting their effectiveness against underwater submarines. In regards to armor penetration, submarines follow the same rules as other classes, even when the shell arms by hitting the water and penetrates afterwards.[6]

Secondaries are usually unreliable for directly killing a submarine, but can force them to dive underwater. They are also useful for forcing a fuel spill from a submarine, due to their high rate of fire.

Regular ship- and airborne torpedoes can hit submarines at surface and periscope depths, but are generally ineffective as they lack a splash damage coefficient, requiring direct hits to deal damage. While airborne torpedoes are dropped at closer distances, a submarine is likely able to dive to escape damage. Finally, for ship torpedoes specifically, the distances at which they typically are launched means submarines will have ample time to avoid them by diving. Deepwater torpedoes do not hit submarines at any depth. Homing torpedoes, however, are a submarine’s best weapon against other submarines, due to the short distance at which their homing shuts off, combined with their homing capability.

The HE bomb airstrikes of Dutch ships deserve a special mention, as they can do heavy damage to surfaced submarines due to the large drop area size and amount of bombs dropped, as well as the large splash radius. However, it is just as easy for submarines to avoid airstrikes by diving, making this armament type unreliable against submarines. Indeed, one should not actively use this armament against submarines.

For aircraft carriers, their automatic ASW is arguably their best source of damage against submarines. The high accuracy of the airstrike combined with their large explosion radius means they can cripple if not destroy submarines who wander too close. For offensive purposes, rockets and bombs will prove useful to at least force a submarine to dive, due to their (usually) quick aiming nature. However, they are subject to the same 0.165 splash damage coefficient as HE shells, limiting their effectiveness against periscope depth submarines. In addition, their splash radius is usually very small (for comparison, Tachibana’s 76 mm AP shells have a splash radius ~3 times larger than most rockets and bombs), increasing their difficulty in dealing damage to submarines. Dropping a fighter on top of a submarine can also force them underwater, as a submarine will usually want to remain undetected to avoid enemy fire, as well as avoid a carrier’s ASW.

Upgrades & Commander Skills

Some upgrades and commander skills enhance combat capability against submarines:

Depth Charges Modification 1 +2 depth charges. adds two charges to the depth charge armament (i.e. a ship with 2 charges of the depth charge armament is increased to 4. It does not increase the amount of bombs in a single charge).

Airstrike Modification 1 -20% cooldown time. +25% aircraft HP. +15% depth charge damage. increases the damage of airborne depth charges by 15%, as well as reducing the reload of airstrikes by 20%.

Demolition Expert on destroyers, cruisers and battleships increase the splash radius of shells by 15%.

Extra-Heavy Ammunition on destroyers increases depth charge damage by 10%.

AA Defense and ASW Expert on cruisers and battleships increases depth charge damage (both ship- and airborne) by 10%.

Secondary Armament Expert on aircraft carriers increases the damage of depth charges from the automatic ASW aircraft by 10%.

The Radio Location skill gives a bearing to a submarine if it is at surface or periscope depth. It does not work if the submarine is at maximum depth.

Defense Against Submarine-Launched Weapons

Against Homing Torpedoes

When dealing with homing torpedoes, the most common tactic is to slow down and/or turn in or out. For battleships in particular, they have it the easiest: Homing stops at the greatest distance for the class (2.1 km for single pings, 1.6 km for double pings in the case of Tier X submarines[7]), and more often than not the simple act of slowing down is enough to dodge torpedoes at long ranges. As soon as a battleship spots torpedoes, they should slow down and turn in. Damage Control PartyWhen activated, instantly repairs fires, floods, and incapacitations, and prevents more for the duration. should ideally be used if you are pinged and homing torpedoes are spotted heading towards you, and not immediately when you are pinged. However, if there is a risk of being set on fire or being flooded, it may be best to hold the usage of one’s Damage Control PartyWhen activated, instantly repairs fires, floods, and incapacitations, and prevents more for the duration.. In addition, battleships have strong ASW, with the longest reach and second-hardest hitting Depth Charge Airstrikes, behind aircraft carriers. Therefore, once pinged, battleship captains should be on the lookout for the ping emission effects, using them in tandem with fuel spills to locate and deal damage to submarines.

Cruisers and destroyers have it harder, as the homing distance is much closer. In addition, if a submarine lands a double ping, the homing distance cutoff is decreased by half. Both of these classes also have a very short Damage Control PartyWhen activated, instantly repairs fires, floods, and incapacitations, and prevents more for the duration. duration, enabling submarines to quickly re-ping them. The same tactics as battleships apply, but it will be harder to pull it off. In addition, cruiser Depth Charge Airstrikes are weaker than battleships, particularly their range is significantly shorter. While you can still look out for signs of submarines, more often than not they will be out of your range to use your ASW. Cruisers and destroyers with depth charges should only actively try to deal with the submarine if no other ships present an active threat to them, and if they can minimize the risk of being shotgunned by a submarine.

Aircraft carriers initially have a long immunity duration against homing torpedoes, due to their automatic Damage Control Party that lasts a long time. Once the duration runs out, however, they can be easy prey for submarines. If a submarine is within range and spotted or showing a sign of its location, an aircraft carrier’s automatic ASW will keep it wary, due to the large AoE radius and almost pin-point accuracy. However, it is likely an aircraft carrier will have to rely on their team’s assistance in dealing with a skilled submarine intent on hunting them, especially if the submarine is at a range greater than a carrier’s ASW.

As submarine homing is the strongest against the class itself, submarine-vs-submarine combat is generally risky, and should ideally be avoided unless necessary and if a submarine has allied support. If engaged in combat with another submarine, captains should not only use their Damage Control Party wisely, but also change depths and course to dodge homing torpedoes. In addition, underwater submarine-vs-submarine combat relies on one’s Submarine SurveillanceDetect submarines underwater. to spot the submarine.

Against Conventional/Unguided Torpedoes (AKA “Shotgunning”)[3]

In dealing with submarines who do not use their homing capabilities, it is much harder to counter them. If no sonar ping is emitted, there is no warning that a submarine is approaching (unless one uses a consumable to detect them, or the submarine is leaking fuel). Their stealth at the surface and complete invisibility at maximum depth also makes them tricky to deal with.

In general, one should be on the lookout for a submarine’s whereabouts at all times. Captains should pay attention to where a submarine was last spotted on the minimap. Consumables like Hydroacoustic SearchWhile active, detects all enemy ships and torpedoes within the specified radius, without regard of obstacles such as smoke and terrain. and Surveillance RadarWhile active, detects all enemy ships within the specified radius, disregarding obstacles such as smoke and terrain. will help in providing recent updates to a submarine’s position, as well as potentially a deterrent in a submarine making shotgun attacks. One can also try slowing down when a submarine is preparing to shotgun, in an effort to avoid their torpedoes.

The unfortunate reality, however, is that there is very little — if anything — one can do in mitigating damage from an above-average submarine player who chooses to primarily rely on shotgunning in dealing damage to ships.



  1. 1.0 1.1 “Underwater submarines” refers to submarines at periscope and maximum depth.
  2. Horseshoes, the game.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Shotgunning is the act of getting to point-blank range of a ship (either stationary or moving towards you), and launching unguided torpedoes at it, often crippling or destroying the ship.
  4. The depth of submarines is displayed in a value known as ship_m. To convert to actual in-game meters, multiply the value by 2 (i.e. Submarines have a maximum depth of 120 ship_m = 240 m in the game, though the most a player can dive to is 60 ship_m = 120 m).
  5. The actual flooding chance assigned to Depth Charge Airstrikes is 300%. As submarines have no torpedo protection, they will always be flooded when hit with an airborne depth charge, regardless if it deals full damage or splash damage. However, they can only have one active flood at a time.
  6. Water (Liquid Armor)
  7. For more information about the distances homing stops at, visit the Acoustic Homing Torpedoes section of the Torpedoes page.