Update 13.10
Due to the installation of the update, the server will be unavailable
from: Wed. Oct 30 4:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
until: Wed. Oct 30 9:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
Update 13.10: STAR TREK
Update 13.10 delivers the following:
Star Trek Operations
Starts: Wed. Oct 30 4:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
Ends: Wed. Dec 11 3:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
Dark clouds have appeared over Vulcan, bringing the Borg invasion to World of Warships. If you ever wanted to unleash your phasers, raise your shields, and fire a salvo of photon torpedoes in World of Warships your day has come! Join the combined defending forces of the Federation, Vulcans, Klingons, and Romulans, as they fight for the very existence of free sentient life.
STAR TREK Operations will take you through the exciting story of the Borg invasion of Vulcan. The first and second Operations will happen during Update 13.10, with the third one becoming available at the start of Update 13.11. Each Operation will last for two weeks and feature special STAR TREK−themed rental ships, new and exciting weapons and shield mechanics as well as the new module mechanic for upgrading them. This new mechanic lets you mix and match different module sets, changing the type of armaments present on your chosen ship, as well as consumables and special Auxiliary systems.
You’ll be able to join the battles in Divisions of up to 5 players.
Completing as many secondary missions as you can will earn you Stars. You will still need to complete the primary task, but no stars will be issued for it. Earning these Stars will enable you to warp through a reward track quickly. There are three parts to the reward track with each one unlocking as each new Operation becomes available. You will be able to unlock module upgrade packs and rewards such as days of WoWs Premium Account, Star Tokens, eight pieces of the "Space, the Final Frontier" collection, "To Boldly Go" and "Assimilated" permanent camouflages; resources; and more.
You can receive more Star Tokens and "Space, the Final Frontier" collection pieces by completing extra levels. Each Operation will have separate extra levels on the reward track and once an Operation ends, its extra levels will become unavailable.
A dedicated article is here.
The module mechanic will let you upgrade your ships, bringing them to unprecedented levels of firepower and defense. Each event ship, except for the aircraft carrier, will have four slots with modules that can be upgraded. The slots will hold modules for primary and secondary weapons, hulls, and shields. They will also start with the basic version of each module already mounted. Additionally, there are more module sets for even more game play options to purchase from the Armory for Star Tokens.
STAR TREK Content Additions
We’re adding a new STAR TREK−themed Port to the game. It will serve as a hub for the Operations and will showcase the "Space, the Final Frontier" collection. You can access the STAR TREK Operations, reward track, and ship upgrade terminals from the Port. You can leave the STAR TREK Port to participate in other battle types at any time.
We share the details about all STAR TREK Operations, as well as new content (including new Commanders, permanent camouflages, containers, and more!) in a separate article.
Black Friday Event Pass
Starts: Wed. Oct 30 4:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
Ends: Sat. Nov 30 3:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
We invite you to another Black Friday celebration! In the first progression line, you’ll find a new enemy destruction effect that you can link to any of your ships to display a unique destruction animation when sinking enemy ships. Black Friday 2024 Premium and standard containers also await you along with days of Warships Premium Account, a {{PSlot} Port slot, and more. After unlocking all the rewards in the first progression line, 2x More Signals containers will be ready for the taking for each extra level you complete.
For 2,500 Doubloons, you can unlock the second progression line. And what rewards are there to earn, you ask? You’ll find French battleship VI Dunkerque B, Commander Jeremie Noel with 10 skill points, Black Friday 2024 standard and Premium containers, and more — enough to make it a pretty amazing deal! To sweeten it even further, you’ll get 1x Black Friday 2024 container for each additional level you complete beyond the 20th.
If VI Dunkerque B is already in your Port, you’ll receive 4,350,000 Credits as compensation. If you already have the standard VI Dunkerque and then receive black version of the ship, or if you acquire the black and standard versions during the event, you’ll be issued with a special mission that will grant you
1,500 Doubloons for its completion.
More information is available in an additional article about all the Black Friday content and activities.
Pan-American Battleships Leave Early Access
Early Access to VIII Ipiranga, IX Los Andes, and X Libertadends with the release of Update 13.10, and these ships will join the Pan-American Tech Tree and become available to everyone.
This aggressive trio is focused on getting up close and personal, blanketing their enemies with accurate and massive secondary HE shell fire, and providing fire support with their primary guns. This is reflected in their prominent features, namely:
- Powerful long-range secondary batteries with high HE alpha and improved accuracy.
- Combat Instructions improving the secondary battery's damage, range, and reload time. Charged both by receiving potential damage and landing main battery hits.
- Improved Repair Party consumable with a fast cooldown and capable of restoring a higher percentage of damage inflicted, boosting survivability in close encounters.
- Ships of this branch have solid armor schemes; however, their citadels are vulnerable when bringing all of their guns to bear.
More information about new Pan-American battleships can be found in a [ "How to Play" article] which will be released soon.
Expedition to the North Pole Mushes Onward
Ends: Sun. Dec 1 3:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
The next part of the adventure awaits as Commanders Li Wei and Olaf Lundgren continue their journey to the North Pole! Completing parts of the mission chain will bring you useful rewards on your path to getting a free new ship! The third part of the event is available in Update 13.10, and the expedition will conclude with a final chapter in Update 13.11.
We've also spotted some new ship choices at the end of their journey! These include Japanese destroyer VIII Akizuki or Japanese destroyer X Shimakaze, which you can obtain if you get 7,500 Expedition Tokens or more during the missions.
Please note that you’ll get rewards for the Expedition to the North Pole only after the end of the whole event. We’ll go into [ more details] later.
Ranked Battles
Starts: Wed. Oct 30 12:00 PM Central (UTC-5)
Ends: Wed. Jan 8 2:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
Ranked Battles Season 20 starts in Update 13.10.
Bronze League – 6v6; Tier VIII ships
Silver League – 6v6; Tier IX and X ships
Gold League – 6v6; Tier IX and X ships
For all leagues: No more than 1 aircraft carrier, 1 submarine, 3 battleships, 3 destroyers, and 5 cruisers.
In Season 20, the rule for keeping a Star in the event of a loss is the same for all leagues. Only the top XP earner on the losing team keeps a Star.
The seas will boil with four new Brawls in Update 13.10.
First Brawl starts: Nov 4, 10:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
First Brawl ends: Nov 11, 03:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
Brawl 1
- 4v4
- Tier VIII ships of all classes
- No more than 3 cruisers, 3 destroyers, 1 submarine, and 1 aircraft carrier of each
- Maximum Division size: 4
Brawl 2
- 2v2
- Tier X cruisers, battleships, and destroyers
- Maximum Division size: 2
Brawl 3
- 3v3
- Tier IX cruisers, battleships, and destroyers
- Maximum Division size: 3
Brawl 4
- 1v1
- Tier VIII cruisers, battleships, and destroyers
New Ships
We’re giving some ships a permanent place in the Armory: VII Scharnhorst '43, VII Stord '43, IX Karl XIV Johan, and VIII Anhalt are joining the lineup.
VII Scharnhorst '43
Scharnhorst '43 is a German battleship that was intended for raiding operations and designed to counter the French Dunkerque-class ships. Presented in the 1943 configuration. It was this year, on December 26, that Scharnhorst was sunk in a battle with an Allied squadron off North Cape.
- Great armor scheme
- Large number of rapid-firing secondary batteries
- Improved Repair Party consumable
- High speed
- Low penetration
VII Stord '43
Stord '43 was one of eight S-class destroyers. She was transferred to the Royal Norwegian Navy. Presented in the 1943 configuration, in which she took part in the sinking of the German battleship Scharnhorst.
- Good damage potential
- Great accuracy
- Strong torpedoes
- Short-range torpedoes
- High detectability
IX Karl XIV Johan
Karl XIV Johan is a battleship of German origin, named after one of the most prominent kings of Sweden. She's armed with twelve 305 mm main battery guns with a short reload time that's balanced by relatively low damage per salvo.
- Good concealment
- Well-protected citadel
- Small HP Pool
- Short-range main battery guns
VIII Anhalt
Anhalt is a battleship with an unconventional layout design, armed with 15 main battery guns and 700 mm torpedo launchers.
- Large number of main battery guns with good accuracy
- Good HE shell penetration
- Good survivability and effective armor against HE and SAP shells
- Torpedoes with turning mechanics and good damage, as well as comfortable launch angles
- Small-caliber main battery guns
- Low-damage HE shells
- Slow speed
Starting from the second week of Update 13.10 and until the release of Update 13.11, the Naval Community category of the Armory will temporarily be replaced with a special category dedicated to the King of the Sea XVII tournament. Here, you’ll be able to purchase some special goodies dedicated to the tournament.
Starts: Wed. Nov 6 3:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
Ends: Wed. Nov 13 3:00 AM Central (UTC-5)
Gear up for a new leaderboard dedicated to Operation Catechism, the British WWII air raid operation that destroyed battleship Tirpitz! This leaderboard will be active for one week. To qualify, you need to earn at least 1,200 Base XP in a single battle playing Tier VII–X ships or superships in Random Battles, Ranked Battles, Operations, or Brawls.
The leaderboards and associated rewards will be separate for all regions and update every hour to show player rankings at that time.
Keep earning as much Base XP as possible in each battle you fight — the highest result you achieve across all battles in the associated period will determine your position on the leaderboard. Achieving a high score may just bring you some of these rewards:
- The grand prize for the first ten players is German Premium battleship VIII Tirpitz
- with a 6-skill point Commander;
1,000 Steel; and an event patch!
- Places 11–25 will receive
1,000 Steel and an event patch
- Places 26–50 will receive
500 Steel and an event patch
- Places 51+ will earn an event patch
- Places 1–100 will receive the Tirpitz commemorative flag and
5,000 Coal
Players who already own VIII Tirpitz will instead receive 5,000 Steel.
Content Additions and Changes
Visual Improvements
We’re adding a new visual effect for submarines when activating Hydrophone. A small visual marker will activate on the bow of the submarine to confirm that Hydrophone is active even if there aren't any enemy ships in range.
Content Additions
- Polish-Lithuanian flag, Trick or Treat flag and Operation Catechism patch
- King of the Sea XVII Event: King of the Sea XVII Participant flag; King of the Sea XVII Viewer flag; King of the Sea XVII flag; King of the Sea XVII Finalist achievement; "The Unmoored" permanent camouflage for X Gouden Leeuw, European Commander Arend Dickmann, Pan-American Commander Sairus Guerrero as well as American Commanders Demo Matt and Fat Electrician.
- We’ve changed the contents of the STAR TREK Premium container
One item:
- 28% – 8× Blue Bonuses of the same type {
} or;
- 26.25% – "To Boldly Go" permanent camouflage or;
- 26.25% – "Assimilated" permanent camouflage or;
- 13% – one of the following commanders: Picard, Spock, Sela, Gowron, Riker, Janeway, Borg Queen, Worf or;
- 6.5% – one of the following permanent camouflages: Vulcan Gneisenau, Romulan Akatsuki, Klingon Fiji, Star Trek Yamato, Star Trek Salem.
- 28% – 8× Blue Bonuses of the same type {

Clan Battles
We've also added another quality-of-life improvement for those who enjoy Clan Battles! Commissioned Officers are now able to form Divisions and begin Clan Battles.
Improvement to Payment Protection, Communication and Chat, and Age Verification System for Minors on the EU server
In June 2024, we introduced parental controls for all residents of the EU/EEA; U.K.; and Switzerland on the EU server, including payment controls for minors.
If payments or random item purchase restrictions have been set in the parental controls, players under 18 will not be able to purchase items with real money, exceed the monthly spending limit, or purchase random items with real money or Doubloons, depending on these restrictions. These controls apply only to purchases handled by Wargaming.
By default, players under 16 will not receive any personalized content from us, such as marketing messages, offers, or news. In addition, certain chat features in World of Warships are restricted.
Players must self-declare their full date of birth when setting up a Wargaming Account. Current players can do so via Account Management. Please note that those players who have already self-declared their full date of birth will have a simplified procedure at the checkout without needing to confirm their age. This change is aimed at improving convenience by eliminating the need to verify your age multiple times.
If you haven't provided your full date of birth yet, you can find all the details and links [ here].
These changes will not affect players from the other regions.
Test Ships
Dutch Tier VIII cruiser Jaarsveld, Dutch Tier IX cruiser Menno van Coehoorn, Dutch Tier VIII cruiser Vrijheid, Pan-Asian Tier IX battleship Taihang, and Dutch Tier X cruiser Utrecht were added for testing by developers, volunteers, and Community Contributors.
Future Changes
Don't forget to save your Steel because a new iteration of the Steel Will event is coming in Update 13.11. You’ll be able to obtain ships X G. Hoffmann, X Prins van Oranje, and IX Chikuma II, X Archerfish, and X Shinano. The latter two will remain in the Armory as permanent offers even after the end of the event.
Other Changes
- Fixed an issue with Commander Sir John Vincent being disabled when hiding "Decorative" content.
- Fixed an issue with the “North Sea” permanent camouflage for X Incomparable: now it can be hidden by disabling "Painting" in Additional Content settings.
- Improved game client performance in the Rotterdam Port.
- Fixed an issue with wires and similar objects rendering incorrectly in some cases.
- Fixed issues with the terrain on the Islands of Ice map.
- Fixed the cost of Depth Charges on X Álvaro de Bazán, as well as the cost of shells on VI Rahmat when using stock Main Battery module.
- Updated the icon for the “Black, Red and Gold” permanent camouflage.
- Fixed a visual issue with a submarine sonar ping.
- Fixed an issue with the Watchful skill on submarines not working properly.
- Fixed an issue with the display of the X Rhode Island's icon.
- Fixed an issue when the client isn't maximized after restarting the game.
- Updated the description of the login error for Korean accounts that are not suitable for playing World of Warships due to the game's age rating in Korea.
For a complete list of changes, please refer to Player Support.
[transmission ends]