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Styles (WoT)

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Preset styles are a pre-made set of customization elements for all map types. Each preset style can include paints, camouflage, decals, inscriptions, emblems, and visual effects.

Preset styles can be divided into the following types:

  1. Rental styles. Styles that can be rented for any vehicle for a number of battles using credits.
  2. Main styles. Permanent styles for some vehicle tiers, available for gold for an unlimited number of battles.
  3. Special styles. Styles that can be received as a gift in special events, or earned in missions and some battle types, like Ranked battles.
  4. Unique styles. Rare 3D styles can be obtained from Large Boxes during Holiday Ops and applied to Tier X vehicles.

Camouflage bonus:

+4% for DT_AT-SPG.png TD;
+3% for DT_lightTank.png LT and DT_mediumTank.png MT;
+2% v DT_heavyTank.png HT and DT_SPG.png SPG.

The style already contains all the customization elements, you can't add anything else to the final style. The exception is progressive elements.

Apart from the balanced design for all map types, preset styles usually provide a concealment bonus. Preset styles are applied to the whole vehicle. Depending on the adjustability, preset styles can be:

  1. Adjustable. Allows you to remove or replace elements that come with certain styles, such as the Flora adjustable 2D style.
  2. Adjustable after receiving progressive decals. Allows you to make adjustments to most preset styles in the game once you receive a progressive decal for the selected vehicle.
  3. Unadjustable. Does not allow you to edit styles, such as rental styles.

Apply and remove styles

Offer a selection of styles

You can buy the style permanently for gold, or just rent the style for credits.

Styles that are rented - temporary, are rented for 100 battles for the amount of 75,000 Silver_icon.png.

Permanent styles can be purchased in-game for GoldIcon2.png, in a premium store, or received as a reward in various competitions or game missions.

Styles can be suitable for tanks of one nation, for a given group of nations, or for all nations.

To apply a preset style to your vehicle:

  1. In your Garage, click Exterior. In the lower part of the screen, the exterior customization panel is displayed.
  2. Go to the PRESET STYLES tab on the customization panel.
  3. Select a style—it is automatically applied to your vehicle. To see the exterior design for other map types, switch between them on the left side of the screen.
  • To learn more about some of the styles — click custom_info.png (Style Details). The style's concealment bonus, historical accuracy, type, and description will be displayed in a panel on the right side of the screen.
  • While applying a Rental style, you can turn on automatic rent extension—click custom_button_001.png (Extend Rental Period) in the radial menu in the center of the screen.
  1. If you are applying an adjustable style, click customize_icon.png (Adjust Style) and edit it with the available customization elements.
  2. To rent or buy the selected style, click Go to Purchase in the upper-right corner of the customization panel. In the screen with the elements for purchase, click Purchase and Exit.

To undo all changes and cancel the purchase, click Cancel in the window above the Go to Purchase button. If you change your mind and decide not to buy one or more customization elements, clear the corresponding checkbox in the screen with the elements for purchase.

To remove a preset style from your vehicle:

  1. In your Garage, click Exterior.
  2. Go to the PRESET STYLES tab.
  3. Click the vehicle, then click custom_button_004_1.png (Remove Style) in the radial menu displayed.
  4. Click Apply and Exit in the upper-right corner of the customization panel.

Rental styles can be removed and reapplied to the same vehicle until the end of the rental period. However, they can’t be sold.

Deleted styles are retained and can be reused on the same vehicle or any other vehicle for which the style is available. You can also sell permanent styles purchased for gold: right-click on the style and select "Sell".

Rental styles can be removed and reapplied to the same vehicle until the end of their rental period. However, they cannot be sold.

Archives style

Rental styles

Styles that can be rented for any vehicle for a number of battles using credits.

2D Style

2D Styles allows you to customize the appearance of the tank with one click.

3D Style


The 3D style allows you to add a unique appearance and details to your favorite tank. Does not affect combat effectiveness
