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Template:Signal Flags

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This template is used on ship pages to display the signal flag recommendations for the ship.

Template code

{{Signal Flags

| Charlie Kilo =  <!-- +5% ship HP; +2.5% squadron HP. -->
| India Yankee =  <!-- -20% Fire duration -->
| Juliet Yankee Bissotwo =  <!-- -20% flood duration -->
| Hotel Yankee =  <!-- ram someone -->
| Victor Lima =  <!-- +1/0.5% (160mm) fire, +4% flood -->
| India X-Ray =  <!-- +1/0.5% (160mm) fire -->

| Juliet Whiskey Unaone =  <!-- +15% flood -->
| Mike Yankee Soxisix =  <!-- Secondaries: +5% range, -5% reload, -5% dispersion-->
| November Echo Setteseven =  <!-- +5% AA damage -->
| Sierra Mike =  <!-- +5% speed -->
| November Foxtrot =  <!-- -5% Consumables reload -->
| India Delta =  <!-- +20% HP from Repair Party -->

| X-Ray Papa Unaone =  <!-- +15% Smoke Gen action time -->
| Sierra Bravo =  <!-- +10% Hydro action time;  -10% DFAA reload time -->

An example of the completed template

{{Signal Flags
| Charlie Kilo =  3
| India Yankee =  2
| Juliet Yankee Bissotwo =  1
| Hotel Yankee =  2
| Victor Lima =  3
| India X-Ray =  1

| Juliet Whiskey Unaone =  2
| Mike Yankee Soxisix =  
| November Echo Setteseven =  3
| Sierra Mike =  1
| November Foxtrot = 2
| India Delta = 1

| X-Ray Papa Unaone = 3
| Sierra Bravo =  

