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19:19, 20 February 2019(25,363 bytes)No change. Force rebuild.
20:46, 15 February 2019(25,362 bytes)Default skills table to collapsed
20:23, 15 February 2019(25,131 bytes)Move the skills table out to a sub-article
03:26, 7 February 2019(51,288 bytes)Corrected icon for Improved Engines skill
19:54, 1 February 2019(50,858 bytes)→ Spending Commander Experience‎ Use new icons (white outline, but better than nothing)
08:30, 23 January 2019(50,756 bytes)add to Rules pages category
01:02, 23 January 2019(50,656 bytes)Update Recruiting pic
22:05, 22 January 2019(50,211 bytes)→ Spending Commander Experience‎ IFHE is not just for main battery any more.
02:39, 18 January 2019(50,433 bytes)→ Elite Commander Experience‎ Simplify, simplify. simplify. Then decorate.
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