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2,410,000 ![]() |
1050210 HP Hit Points |
22.3/22.514.16/24 t Weight Limit |
- 車長
- 炮手
- 駕駛
- 裝填手 (通訊員)
600770 hp Engine Power |
68/20 km/h Speed Limit |
4648 deg/s Traverse |
26.9154.38 hp/t Power/Wt Ratio |
NoNo Pivot |
// mm Hull Armor |
90/75/5290/75/52 mm Turret Armor |
AP/APCR/HE Shells |
180/180/300180/180/300 HP Damage |
144/194/44170/216/44 mm Penetration |
r/m ▲
10.91 r/m Standard Gun ▲
11.11 Rate of Fire Standard Gun |
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
1963.8 Standard Gun ▲
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
1999.8 Damage Per Minute Standard Gun |
m ▲
0.37 m With 50% Crew: 0.458 m ▲
0.36 Accuracy With 50% Crew: 0.446 m |
s 2.1 s 2.1 Aim time |
4848 deg/s Turret Traverse |
360° Gun Arc |
-5°/+15°-5°/+15° Elevation Arc |
4842 rounds Ammo Capacity |
1212 % Chance of Fire |
m 380 m 380 View Range |
m 525 m 730 Signal Range |

The LTTB is a [[蘇聯|]] tier 8 輕型戰車.
於 1944 年早期在 No. 174 工廠所開始的輕型戰車研發計畫。該計畫在設計階段和設置戰術及技術需求階段期間就被取消了。
The LTTB leads to the T-54 ltwt..
Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables

等級 | 炮管 | 平均穿透力(毫米) | 射擊速率 | 100 公尺處擴散度 | 瞄準時間 | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, | |
VII | 85 mm D-5T-85BMU | 144/194/44 | 180/180/300 | 10.91 | 0.37 | 2.1 | 0 | 1850 | 72300 |
VIII | 85 mm D-10-85 | 170/216/44 | 180/180/300 | 11.11 | 0.36 | 2.1 | 17200 | 2100 | 94400 |

等級 | 引擎 | 引擎功率(匹馬力) | 碰撞時火災發生機率 | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
VII | KZ V8 | 600 | 12 | 0 | 600 | 26000 |
VIII | KZ V16 | 770 | 12 | 17300 | 750 | 54000 |

等級 | 懸吊 | 負載限制 | 迴轉速度(度/秒) | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
VII | LTTB | 22.5 | 46 | 0 | 5500 | 17600 |
VIII | LTTB enhanced | 24 | 48 | 14800 | 5500 | 30600 |

等級 | 通訊設備 | 通訊範圍(公尺) | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
X | R-113 | 730 | 8700 | 80 | 52200 |
VIII | 9RM | 525 | 0 | 100 | 24240 |
Compatible Equipment
Compatible Consumables
Player Opinion
Pros and Cons
- Well armored for its tier and class compared to contemporaries, including turret armor
- Downright amazing power to weight ratio with top engine, accelerates in a snap and can go 30-35 km/h up rather steep hills.
- Good top speed with top engine (Though with the Hp/T it comes with it is misleading, expect speeds more in the range of 73-75)
- Turns well at high speeds, turns very quickly at low speeds; stops in a snap
- Very nice penetration with top gun; can exploit most higher tier tanks weak spots with ease
- Very frustrating gun elevation arc (-3°/+15°) with the top gun.
- Somewhat long silhouette.
- Tends to be prone to module damage when fired at.
- Lacks a separate radio operator.
In some respects this tank is nearly as odd as the T-28 in terms of its role, except unlike the T-28 it has more going for it. It actually has both good hull armor and turret armor unlike virtually all of the other light tanks in its tier, those who were frustrated by the MT-25's firepower will begin to really like the LTTB's top gun, as it fares unbelievably better against more heavily armored foes. The top gun also has good accuracy and the exact same aim time as the Ru-251.
However the poor elevation and depression angles on the top gun mean that you will very often struggle to hit the enemies in front of you, or miss them because you drive onto a bump at the time you shoot. Try to avoid ridge lines and hilly terrain because you will be completely outplayed there.
The good speed and fantastic horsepower per ton on the top engine make actually harassing a armored opponent all the more tempting, but remember, you still are outmatched in armor even with the LTTBs surprisingly good armor ratings. The armor of the LTTB simply allows you to harass for somewhat longer periods of time (to a point it almost seems like your just directly engaging) before you have to escape with the LTTB's good agility and amazing acceleration.
The top gun though has one massive disadvantage, its very long, comparable to the 8.8cm Kw.K L/100 on the E 50 in scale for the tank. Luckily the LTTB's fast turret traverse allows you to turn the turret so it cannot be seen coming out of a corner before your tank does, you can even stop on a near dime to fool a hostile into firing and missing, though it will take skill.
The good top radio means that this seemingly perfect all-rounder light tank can even scout, and it does have a decent enough size to do so pretty well. However the LTTB appears at first glance to be played more as a precision ambusher, coming out of nowhere to unload multiple shots into a tanks exposed weak spots and then darting away before anyone can react. The LTTB, when looking at it on paper, also appears to be able to hunt down and eliminate other light tanks with relative success.
If you do wish to use this tank in such a role, getting light spall liner can help the LTTB much more easily survive other tanks that try to kill it via ramming. Enhanced suspension will also make getting tracked due to collisions more difficult.
Early Research
Obviously you must get the upgraded suspension in order to fit the top gun, but since the second gun is so much similar, you can grind to the second gun and mount it without having to get the suspension first. Second gun can be unlocked if you played T-35-85 before. The top engine and radio should also be kept in mind as without them the LTTB is not as effective in its seemingly all-purpose role. Both can and should be unlocked already with MT-25. If all those modules are already unlocked, they can be installed immediately, but installing gun rammer or other equipment (anything but coated optics) needs updated suspension. After that, only missing piece to research is top gun, which is unique to this tank.
Suggested Equipment
Historical Info
Historical Gallery
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