Campaigns and Missions
A campaign is a feature that provides a lot of goodies for players to obtain through a certain period of time. Each campaign starts and ends together with their related update; which means that if an update starts on January 1st and ends on February 5th, the campaign will start and end on those same days. Most campaigns, like their related updates, last for 35 days (5 weeks). However, it can happen that a campaign lasts for 6 weeks, or even 3 weeks at times, depending on the amount of content the related update brings.
Rewards and Admiralty Backing
As campaigns usually last for 5 weeks, they comprise 100 milestones which each give rewards. A campaign's final reward is almost always a ship (its tier may vary occasionally). On its way to the final milestone, one can expect a fair bit of goodies; ranging from simple credits, promotion orders, Global and Commander XP to premium days, commendations and even doubloons! Players need to be aware that not all campaign rewards are accessible for free. Some rewards are indeed free, but the others can only be obtained if one purchases the Admiralty Backing, which costs only a small 2500 doubloons. When one purchases Admiralty Backing and reaches a new milestone, they get rewarded with both the bottom and top line rewards.
How to Progress
Each campaign can be completed in 2 different ways:
- By completing weekly missions throughout the entire campaign.
- By using doubloons to instantly go through the desired number of milestones
Completing weekly missions is the regular method used by the vast majority of players to go through a campaign. Weeklies are divided in 3 separated missions; which are Weekly Havoc, Heroic Effort and Battle Prowess. All three sets of missions reset every Monday along with other types of weekly missions and more.
The first, Weekly Havoc, is the most common and easiest set of weekly campaign missions players can complete. These missions are relatively simple to complete, though can sometimes take a bit of time to complete depending on one's preferences and available ships. By completing this set of missions only, players can expect to reach the last milestone of the campaign during its last week.
Heroic Effort is another set of missions that everyone has the chance to complete. By completing this one in addition to the Weekly Havoc, one can expect to complete the campaign up to 1 week earlier. However, these missions are much harder than the ones mentioned earlier.
A campaign can be completed entirely without completing Heroic Efforts. This set of weekly missions is only for players who wish to complete the campaign faster.
The last one, Battle Prowess, is a set of very simple missions that is only available as a reward of the first milestone to people purchasing the Admiralty Backing. These missions combined with both Weekly Havoc and Heroic Effort can make a player complete the campaign up to 2 weeks earlier.
When completing a mission from the above, players receive Renown, which is the campagin "currency". Each campaign milestone represents 25 Renown. If one wants to go through some milestones, they need to know that each one will cost 250 doubloons to skip; which means that a 100 milestones campaign will cost around 27 500 doubloons to get through (including the 2500 doubloons Admiralty Backing).
Once one reaches the final milestone of the campaign, the Daily and Weekly Endless Trials become available; which allow the player to reach new milestones. Every milestone reached after this point gives the player 5 Steel. The amount of Steel earned with this method is also boosted by the Port of Steel fleet upgrade.
In Legends, there are a lot of different missions available to players. They can be viewed in the Missions tab accessible through the main menu. There are three sections, each representing a type of missions:
- Renown
- Assignments
- Trials
Missions in the Renown section are, as mentioned in the previous section, dedicated to the current campaign. The only reward players can expect from these are Renown, which is the campaign currency (see related image).
The Assignments section is not always showing as it only contains very special missions either available to buy in the store, or with very specific requirements. For example, when one obtains a tech-tree ship during its Early Access period, they are given a mission that makes them earn doubloons by winning battles with the said ship; when active, these missions can be found in the Assignments section.
Sets of missions found in the Trials tab are called Weekly Boost, Weekly Assignments and Premium Supplies.
Weekly Boost
- Reset every Sunday
- Consists of 3 different missions that are relatively easy and can be completed at all tiers from Tier II/III to Legendary Tier, in all game modes (except for Training Rooms and Fleet Battles)
- Grant small amounts of camouflages and boosters, up to 35 Promotion Orders as well as 5000 Global XP
Weekly Assignments
- Reset every Monday
- Consists of 5 different missions that are slightly more complicated than the Weekly Boost's. They can be completed at all tiers from Tier II/III to Legendary Tier, in all game modes (except for Training Rooms and Fleet Battles)
- Grant multiple camouflages and boosters, a few Promotion Orders, some Global XP and credits as well as 3 Big Crates (which vary depending on the current season)
Premium Supplies
- Reset every Monday
- Consist of 7 different missions that require players to win a battle exclusively in Tier II to Tier VIII premium and Legendary Tier ships
- Grant multiple different rewards including crates, commander progression items, steel and more depending on the mission's tier requirements
- Tier II/III — Win a battle
- Tier IV — Win a battle
- Tier V — Win 2 battles
- Tier VI — Win 2 battles
- Tier VII — Win 3 battles
- Tier VIII — Win 5 battles
- Legendary Tier — Win 5 battles
The Calendar is a feature that appears in some updates during the year. When taking place, the Weekly Assignments become unavailable as calendars offer daily missions that give about the same amount of goodies as the typical assignments, but with some extras most of the time.
Daily calendar missions work in a way which is different than the usual missions:
- Once missions of all 7 days have been completed, the player receives a weekly reward
- If one doesn't complete a set of daily tasks, they can get those missions back to complete them by paying 250 doubloons per uncompleted day
- After completing all daily tasks from the calendar, one receives the final reward (usually an exclusive flag, commander guise or commander)