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Template:Commander Skills

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---> This template is OBSOLETE Please use 'Commander Skills 2' <---

Note: The skills names must match both in the ship page and in the skill 'switch:' statement in this template. Don't change that name unless you're prepared to edit every ship page.

The newer 'Template:Commander Skills 2' doesn't have that problem, but this one is everywhere already.

Template code

{{Commander Skills
| Priority Target = 
| Preventative Maintenance = 
| Expert Loader = 
| Air Supremacy = 
| Direction Center for Fighters = 
| Improved Engine Boost = 
| Incoming Fire Alert = 
| Last Gasp = 

| High Alert = 
| Jack of All Trades = 
| Expert Marksman = 
| Torpedo Acceleration = 
| Smoke Screen Expert = 
| Improved Engines = 
| Adrenaline Rush = 
| Last Stand = 

| Basics of Survivability = 
| Survivability Expert = 
| Torpedo Armament Expertise = 
| Aircraft Armor = 
| Basic Firing Training = 
| Superintendent = 
| Demolition Expert = 
| Vigilance = 

| Manual Fire Control for Secondary Armament = 
| Fire Prevention = 
| Inertia Fuse for HE Shells = 
| Sight Stabilization = 
| Advanced Firing Training = 
| Massive AA Fire = 
| Radio Position Finding = 
| Concealment Expert = 

An example of the completed template

{{Commander Skills
| Priority Target = 3
| Preventative Maintenance = 1
| Expert Loader = 1
| Air Supremacy = 1
| Direction Center for Catapult Aircraft = 2
| Improved Engine Boost = 1
| Incoming Fire Alert = 2
| Last Gasp = 1

| High Alert = 3
| Jack of All Trades = 2
| Expert Marksman = 3
| Torpedo Acceleration = 1
| Smoke Screen Expert = 2
| Improved Engines = 3
| Adrenaline Rush = 2
| Last Stand = 1

| Basics of Survivability = 3
| Survivability Expert = 1
| Torpedo Armament Expertise = 1
| Aircraft Armor = 2
| Basic Firing Training = 2
| Superintendent = 3
| Demolition Expert = 1
| Vigilance = 2

| Manual Fire Control for Secondary Armament = 1
| Fire Prevention = 2
| Inertia Fuse for HE Shells = 3
| Sight Stabilization = 2
| Advanced Firing Training = 2
| Massive AA Fire = 0        <- "Not Recommended"
| Radio Position Finding = 1
| Concealment Expert = 2

