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This list will attempt to explain some of the more common jargon found within WoT that is not always readily apparent to the newer player.

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General Terms (by letter)


  • 1 shot/1 shotted - Zničit či být zničen jedním výstřelem.
  • Number (in reference to a gun) - It is common for players to refer to a gun by its caliber and length. For instance, players commonly refer to the 8.8 cm PaK 36 L/56 as the short 88 and the 8.8 cm KwK L/71 as the long 88.


  • AFK – zkratka z angličtiny znamenající, že je dotyčný nepřítomen u klávesnice/počítače.
  • Aim time – čas zaměřování, po kterém dělo plně doměří.
  • Alpha - udělené poškození jedním výstřelem.
  • Ammo Rack - The area of a vehicle where ammunition is stored. It can be located in the hull or the turret of a tank (ready rack).
  • Ammo Racking - výbuch bedny s municí, kterou máte uloženou ve vašem tanku.
  • Armor Skirts - Additional armor plates designed to give a tank additional protection, usually placed on the sides over the tracks. See "Spaced Armor".
  • Arty/Artillery - zkratka anglického artillery (dělostřelectvo) označující samohybná děla ve hře. V češtině se využívají také označení jako "housky", "artska".
  • Autoaim – automatické zaměřování aktivující se kliknutím pravým tlačítkem myši na nepřítele.
  • Autoloader - An automatic loading system which allows for a tank to fire multiple shots in succession without a long pause for a reload. Vehicles equipped with autoloaders typically have magazines holding three to eight shots with short load times in-between. Once this magazine has been expended, the vehicle must reload the entire magazine, which usually takes much longer. These are not to be confused with autocannons, which are similar but have a few different characteristics.
  • Autocannon - An autocannon is a low caliber weapon capable of fully automatic fire (burst-fire in the game), but unlike machine guns, they fire shells instead of bullets. Used in early-war light tanks to give them an edge versus their (at the time) machine gun-armed opponents. However, autocannons rapidly fell behind in the shell-vs-armor race and quickly became used only by a few specialized German reconnaissance vehicles. However, autocannon use vastly expanded in the region of anti-aircraft defense.


Big/Small Banana - Na mapě Ruinberg je označovaná ulice kolem města jako "velký banán" a ulice, která vede prostředkem mapy jako "malý banán".

  • Bino – binokulární dalekohled, vybavení, které zvyšuje dohled tanku o 25 procent.
  • Blind shot – střela vyslaná tzv. na slepo, kdy není tank spotnutý/viditelný.
  • Bot – počítačový program, který namísto hráče ovládá tank a zajišťuje sbírání zkušeností.
  • Bounce - A shot that ricocheted off of or failed to penetrate another vehicle.
  • Brawling - Close-range, head-to-head fighting. Vehicles which are proficient at brawling are referred to as brawlers. Heavy tanks are most commonly associated with brawling, although it's not uncommon for medium tanks or certain kinds of tank destroyers to do this also. Brawling is different from close-range flanking, which involves attacking another vehicle from its sides or rear rather than head-on.
  • Buff - zlepšování statistik/vlastností jednotlivých tanků ze strany tvůrců hry.

  • Bug – určitá chyba ve hře, kdy lze např. prostřelit neprůhlednou zeď domu či projet skálou.
  • BVR - Beyond Visual Range


The IS has a large commander's cupola on top of its turret.
  • Caliber - The diameter (usually expressed in centimeters, millimeters or inches) of a gun bore or the rounds it fires. It can also express the length of an a gun barrel as the length of the barrel divided by the diameter of the bore, i.e. 4" x L50 is a barrel 50 times longer than the 4" bore or 200" length barrel.
  • Camo Net/Net - kamufláž tanků určující, jak moc se snižuje dohled nepřátelských tanků vůči vašemu stroji.
  • Camping - tzv. kempení, označuje výrazně statickou hru tanku, který neustále střílí jen z jedné pozice. Označení pro takového hráče je "camper".
  • Cap - z angličtiny, výraz pro základnu, capování je pak výraz označující obsazování základny.
  • Carry - When one tank or group of tanks win a game for their team with little to no help from them.
  • Circle/Circling - Driving around a slow tank in a faster and more mobile tank, ideally faster than it can traverse/rotate its turret to track you.
  • Clicker - označení pro hráče dělostřelectva. Využívavá se i označení jako "houskař".
  • Critical Hit/Crit - česky "Kritický zásah", moment, kdy je v tanku poškozen některý z modulů.
  • Cupola - An elevated (usually either cylindrical or conical) structure on top of a vehicle's hull or turret which a vehicle's commander or other crew member uses to see out of the tank. These structures tend to stick out from the roof of most vehicles, and are often weak spots in their armor.


The various elements of a tank track
  • Damage – způsobené poškození, psáno také zkráceně dmg.
  • Decap – resetování či snížení úrovně zabírání základny nepřátelským týmem.
  • Deprese – úroveň sklopení děla (pod -6° špatné, nad -9° skvělé).
  • Derp – také nazývána jako houfnice či Derp Gun, jde o kanóny s velikou ráží a alfou, většinou střílející vysoce explozivní HE munici.
  • Detrack – zničení pásu tanku střelbou nebo nárazem.
  • Dohled – vzdálenost, na kterou tank dokáže spatřit nepřátelský stroj, skvělý je dohled 400 metrů a více.
  • Double-Bushed - In a position with a bush (or other camouflage) between you and your opponent where you are far enough back that you cannot see through the bush (normally 15m, see Battle_Mechanics#Camouflage)[1]. Firing from this position will not make you easier to spot.
  • DPM - z anglického "damage per minute", poškození za minutu, které je tank schopný udělit.
  • Drive Wheel - The sprocket in a tracked vehicle's suspension that provides power from the engine and drives the tracks. These wheels are usually positioned at either the front or rear of the tracks, with the unpowered idler wheel on the other end. The drive wheels and idler wheels are usually the best place to shoot a vehicle in order to track it.


  • Elevace děla – úroveň zdvihu děla (nad 20° dobré).
  • Expy/Expení – z anglického experience (zkušenost), herní zkušenosti jsou nezbytné k postupu hrou.


  • Face Hugging - Driving a vehicle up to an enemy and pressing the front of your vehicle against it. This is most commonly done on heavily armored tank to either make the enemy panic or conceal a weak spot low on the vehicle's hull (such as a weak lower glacis).
  • Farmit – z angl. farming, často používáno ve spojení s damage, jde o nastřílení poškození na afk stroji.
  • Finger of God - Large-caliber SPGs which have the potential to one-shot kill vehicles or deal large amounts of damage to a vehicle in one hit.
  • Flanker - A tank which can use its speed and maneuverability to attack the unprotected sides or rear of enemy vehicles. Flankers exploit holes in an enemy team's defenses to attack its tanks from different angles.
  • Frag – výraz označující zničení nepřátelského stroje.
  • Free expy – označovány jako volné zkušenosti, jež je možné užít k otevření všech tanků a modulů.


  • GG - z anglického "good game" - dobrá hra.
  • Gold – speciální herní prémiová měna (za reálné peníze) umožňující zrychlený postup hrou.
  • Goldová munice – zkr. gold, prémiové dražší střelivo s vyšší penetrací, než standardní náboje.
  • Gold Round - Ammunition which can be purchased for in-game gold or a higher credit price than regular rounds. These rounds provide some sort of enhanced capability (usually penetration) verses regular rounds, and usually take the form of HEAT or APCR (although some guns fire APCR as standard ammunition). Firing gold rounds is sometimes referred to as spamming gold.
  • Grinding- Repeatedly playing games in order to earn experience or credits to use on unlocking higher tier tanks.
  • Glacis Plate - Describes the sloped front-most section of the hull of a vehicle. In a head-on-head armored engagement, the glacis is the largest and most obvious target available to an enemy gunner. On many vehicles, the lower half of the glacis (the lower glacis) is a weak spot.
  • Gun Elevation - The gun's maximum angle above horizontal (i.e. aiming up).
  • Gun Depression - The gun's maximum angle below horizontal (i.e. aiming down).
  • Gun Handling - A gun's overall aiming characteristics. Guns with short aim times, good accuracy, and low aim dispersion caused by moving and shooting are considered to have good gun handling.


  • Hard Stats - Stats that are fixed by historical values and usually cannot be changed for the sake of game balance (ie - a tank's size or armor thickness).
  • HE – výbušná munice s nízkou penetrací, která i bez probití způsobí poškození, i když třeba nevelké.
  • HP – zkratka anglického hitpoint, znázorňující počty životů vašeho stroje.
  • HT – zkratka pro anglický výraz heavy tank, neboli těžký tank.
  • HUD - Short for Heads up Display.
  • Hull Down - způsob boje, kdy tank schovává vše kromě své (většinou silně opancéřované) věže.
  • HVSS - Horizontal volute spring suspension. A type of suspension used on the M4A3E8 Sherman and other tanks. See also VVSS.


  • Idler Wheel - The unpowered front or rear wheel of a tracked vehicle's tracks. This wheel is usually on the opposite end of the drive wheel, and is an area to aim for when attempting to de-track a vehicle.
  • Ikea – označení veškerých švédských tanků odkazující na severský nábytkový gigant.


  • Jingles – nejznámnější anglicky hovořící youtuber a streamer známý také jako The Mighty Jingles.


  • Kredity – herní měna, označována také jako stříbrňáky kvůli jejich stříbrné barvě.


  • Legionnaire - A player who is a member of another clan or doesn’t have a clan at all, and can be invited into a detachment for Skirmishes or Advances[2].
  • Lemming Train - When most (or all) of the vehicles in one team attack one flank and leave the others undefended. This is usually a poor strategy, and leads to most of the people in the lemming train getting killed because of poor coordination.
  • Lit - Another word for "spotted". Spotting can also be referred to as lighting enemy tanks.
  • LL - Short for Lend Lease. A tank that was built by one nation and provided to another under the Lend-Lease Act during World War II. For example, "Matilda LL" refers to the Matilda with a Soviet crew as opposed to the British Matilda.
  • LOL - Z anglického "Laughing Out Loud/Lot Of Laughing". Volně přeloženo "hlasitě se směju/hodně se směju" (často myšleno ironicky).
  • Lowtier – označení pro herní moment, ve kterém se tank ocitne v pozici nejnižšího tieru na mapě.
  • LT – zkratka pro anglický výraz light tank (lehký tank).


The T34 has a thick gun mantlet protecting the front of its turret.
  • Mantlet/Gun Mantlet - část kolem děla, většinou se jedná o nejopancéřovanější část tanku.
  • MM - zkratka z anglického Match Maker or Matchmaking, herní mechanismus, který nasazuje tanky do bitev podle tieru. Využívá se také označení "matchmaking".
  • Mod (game modification) - Short for modification. A mod changes the game's visuals, sound, or interface. Mods can be either legal or illegal depending on what they do.
  • Mod (staff) - zkratka od slova moderator, člověk, který koriguje komunitu v chatu či na foru.
  • Modul – části tanku, které je možné poškodit nebo vyřadit z provozu (munice, dělo, věž, pásy aj.).
  • MT – zkratka pro anglický výraz medium tank (střední tank), lidově nazívan také jako medko.
  • Muzzle Velocity - The speed at which a round leaves the gun barrel. The penetration ability of armor piercing and armor piercing, composite, rigid rounds is greatly affected by muzzle velocity.


  • Nerf - zhoršování statistik/vlastností jednotlivých tanků ze strany tvůrců hry.
  • Newb - A truly new player who is inexperienced and learning the game.
  • Noob - A tanker, who, because of their inexperience, irritates other team members. Also used to refer to experienced players who just made a mistake that a new player would be likely to make (e.g. "Come on <Player>, stop being a noob!").
  • Normalization - An effect that causes AP and APCR shells angle verses a plate of armor to decrease upon impact. This gives these shells a greater chance to penetrate armor which is well angled.
  • NS - Short for "nice shot".


  • o7, <O or o> - Salute emoticon, often used to greet friends or used as a friendly gesture.
  • Overmatching - A mechanic which gives AP and APCR shells an increased chance to penetrate well angled armor which is half the thickness of their caliber size as well as the ability to penetrate armor a third of their caliber size at any angle.
  • OMG - z anglického "Oh my God". Volně přeloženo "Ó můj bože". Kontext záleží na situaci.
  • OP - zkratka anglického "over powered" označující tanky, které jsou podle hráčů příliš silné na svůj tier.
  • Osobní hodnocení – herní hodnocení hráče (narozdíl od neoficiálního WN8), značně neobjektivní.


  • Peek-a-boo/Peek-a-boom - způsob boje, kdy s tankem hráč vyjíždí zpoza úkrytu a po výstřelu opět zajíždí. Využívá se také zkratka tzv. "píkovat".
  • Pen - Short for penetration. This can refer to either the penetration rating of a gun or the actual act of penetrating a vehicle with a round.
  • Perk – schopnost posádky tanku, která je aktivní až po té, co dosáhne 100 procent.
  • Permatrack - To continually immobilize an enemy by repeatedly shooting his tracks at a rate where his automatic repair rate for the suspension cannot fix them before the next round hits.
  • Premium Account - Status which gives a 50% bonus on credits and experience earned in battle plus a clean garage. Normally purchased for gold, but can also be received as a bonus or with an invite code.
  • Premium Consumables - See Gold Consumables
  • Premium Rounds - See Gold Rounds
  • Public – standardní druh bitvy hraných na veřejných serverech.
  • Puppy Kicker - An overpowered tank that people play with (usually with premium rounds and consumables) to troll and boost their win rate and whose use is generally shamed upon.


  • QuickyBaby – nejznámnější anglicky hovořící youtuber a streamer známý také jako Quickfingers.


  • Racked - See Ammo Racked
  • Ram – anglický výraz pro náraz, jde o situaci, kdy do nepřátelského vrazíte nebo naopak.
  • Reload nebo RLD – doba, za kterou dělo přebije. Ve hře využíváno také jako "přebíjím".
  • RESET - zastavit/snížit obsazování vlastní základny nepřítelem.
  • RNG - zkratka od Random Number Generation, anglická zkratka pro generátor náhodných čísel, který ve hře ovlivňuje naprosto všechno.
  • RTB - Return To Base
  • Rush - útok větším počtem tanků s cílem využít momentu překvapení a prorazit nepřátelské linie.


  • Seal Clubber - An experienced player who plays in the lower tiers in order to fight new, inexperienced players. This is often done to get easy wins and increase the player's stats. Note that the player's intention is key here. Playing low tier simply to play a tank that happens to be of low tier is not considered Seal Clubbing.
  • Shotgun - When a Self Propelled Gun destroys a tank without aiming that's driving close.
  • Side Scraping - způsob boje, kdy se kryjete za překážkou a naúhlovaní ukazujete jen pásy a střílíte. Jedná se o jistou alternativu herního stylu Peek-a-boo.
  • Skin - A cosmetic mod that changes the appearance of an in-game texture. Skins are usually used to change the appearance of vehicles. This is different than the purchasable in-game camouflage, since it's a mod that only affects what the player sees, not what other players see.
  • Skill - schopnost posádky tanku, která je aktivní od 1 procenta a postupně se zlepšuje. Ovšem je to také výraz z angličtiny pro úroveň hráčových schopností.
  • Sniper - A vehicle which positions itself far away from the front lines and takes shots at vehicles from a distance. Generally these snipers have guns with very good accuracy, usually high damage, a high camouflage coefficient, and sometimes poor armor.
  • Soft Stats - Stats that are not fixed by historical specifications and can be changed to affect game balance.
  • Spaced Armor - Armor plates which are placed separately from a vehicle's main armor, with a gap in-between the two. Spaced armor provides greater protection from high explosive and high explosive anti-tank rounds, which can detonate on it before reaching a vehicle's actual armor. Tracks also behave like spaced armor.
  • Sponson - A structure extending out of the side of a vehicle's hull which serves as an area to mount a gun.
  • Spotter - Any tank that spots enemy vehicles for artillery, TDs, and/or snipers, allowing them to fire beyond their own visual range. This can be intentional (See Scout) or it can be coincidental. For example, an artillery player might say "No spotters" when a request for fire is made.
  • Sprem/Spremmo - Short for Silver Premium. The term is often used pejoratively to describe indiscriminate spamming of premium rounds.
  • Statpadder - Refers to someone who uses certain tank to inflate stats. Statpadder's stats may give a artifial picture of the player, making him seem better than he actually is. Also see Seal Clubber
  • Stock - The beginning state of a vehicle, before any of its modules have been unlocked and mounted. Stock tanks almost always perform worse than their upgraded counterparts.
  • Suiscout/Suicide Scout - The act of scouting by immediately charging deep into the enemy lines at the beginning of the game. This is usually done with little regard to one's survival, and almost always results in the scout dying. It is rarely an effective way to scout enemy tanks, as they will often be out of range of allies, or who haven't gotten a chance to position themselves yet.
  • Support - Taking a secondary role to other vehicles, who are needed either to spot or draw fire from enemy vehicles. Support vehicles are often lacking in some aspect (poor armor, poor view range, etc.) but are strong in other aspects and can be very effective if combined with cooperative teammates. Artillery is an example of a vehicle class whose role is almost purely support.


  • Šestý smysl – jeden z klíčových perků na posádce (velitel), který vám signalizuje, že vás vidí nepřítel.


  • TD – zkratka pro anglický výraz tank destroyer, neboli stíhač tanků.
  • Tier – herní úroveň tanku.
  • TK/Team Kill - Killing an allied tank, whether on purpose or by accident. The names and outlines of players who team damage/team kill show up in blue.
  • Tomato - A pejorative term used to describe players who have poor win rate statistics. The term is derived the the color coding used by stat-tracking websites and mods, which display low or bad statistics in red.
  • Tracking/Tracked - zkratka pro "de-tracking", jedná se o situaci, kdy shodíte nepříteli pásy a znehybníte ho, nebo on vás.
  • Tumor - A large, obvious weak spot in a vehicles armor that serves no functional purpose and is only a hindrance. Many cupolas and sponsons on various tanks are considered tumors.
  • Turret – otočná věž tanku.
  • Turret Ring - The area between a turret and the vehicle's hull that allows the two to move independently of each other. Though usually small, the turret ring is often a weak spot and damaging it can result in either slower turret traverse or jamming the turret altogether.


  • Unicum/Unicorn - označení pro tankisty, kteří mají osobní statistiky vysoce nad průměrem ostatních hráčů.


  • VVSS - Vertical volute spring suspension. A type of suspension used on the M4 Sherman and other tanks. See also HVSS.


  • Wallet Warrior - A premium tank player. It can be used to describe players who buy a lot of premium tanks, or pejoratively to describe inexperienced players who buy their way into the higher tiers by using a premium tank.
  • WG – zkratka pro název společnosti Wargaming, tvůrce World of Tanks.
  • Win rate – označení poměru vítězství vůči prohrám.
  • WN8 – neoficiální „barevné“ herní hodnocení hráče, objektivnější než oficiální osobní hodnocení.
  • Wolfpack - A group of highly coordinated medium or light tanks working together to take down single targets.
  • WTF - z anglického "What The Fuck" - Co to sakra (je/znamená)?


  • XVM (eXtended Visualization Mod) - statistiky hráčů v podobě hodnoty WN8, které se vám mohou u hráčů zobrazovat ve hře (uvidíte, zda máte v týmu hráče označené jako Tomato či Unicum).


  • YOLO - také yolo útok, kdy se bez ohledu na ztrátu vlastních HP vrhne hráč proti nepřátelům.


  • Žárovka – jeden z klíčových perků na posádce (velitel), který vám signalizuje, že vás vidí nepřítel

Ammunition Abbreviations

See Also: Ammo

  • AP - Armor Piercing rounds. Armor piercing rounds, as their name suggests, are designed to pierce the armor of heavily protected armored fighting vehicles. AP rounds are the standard ammunition for most direct-fire vehicles in the game, and sometimes are premium ammunition for some artillery.
  • APCR - Armor Piercing, Composite, Rigid rounds. Composite rounds are also designed to pierce armor, and are comprised of a dense, sub-caliber core surrounded by a lightweight ballistic shell. These shells have greater penetration values and higher muzzle velocities than armor piercing rounds, but react more adversely to angled armor. APCR rounds are premium ammunition for most direct-fire vehicles in the game, and are standard rounds for some higher-tier vehicles.
  • HE - High Explosive rounds. High explosive rounds explode on impact, and their armor penetration ability is derived from their strength as explosives. They have higher alpha damage than other types of ammo, but are unreliable for penetrating thick or spaced armor. Typically, HE rounds are used for their utility for resetting caps, demolishing cover, or attacking poorly armored targets. HE rounds are standard secondary ammunition for most direct-fire vehicles in the game, and are the standard ammunition for almost all artillery.
  • HEAT - High Explosive, Anti-Tank rounds. High explosive anti-tank rounds use a shaped explosive charge to sear a hole in a vehicle's armor. This means that their penetration ability is determined by the amount of explosive the round carries, rather than weight and muzzle velocity. HEAT rounds react adversely to well-angled armor, and can harmlessly pre-detonate on spaced armor. HEAT rounds are premium ammunition for some high-caliber, direct fire vehicles in the game or those that shoot APCR as standard ammunition. HEAT is also the premium ammunition for most artillery.
  • HESH - High Explosive Squash Head rounds. High explosive squash head rounds are rounds which spread an explosive "paste" on the surface they hit which explodes and causes spalling, wounding or killing the crew inside of the structure it hits. In-game, the realistic properties of HESH are not simulated, and HESH rounds are simply HE rounds with high penetration values (and are labeled as HE as well). HESH rounds are the premium ammunition on some high-tier vehicles (usually British).

Vehicle Shorthand (Guide)

In battle there often isn't time to type full names. Many players don't know how to touch-type, for one thing, and battle doesn't allow much time to begin with.

1) It's very typical in battles for players to refer to specific vehicles in shorthand. This is often done by only listing the model number. For example, "212" instead of "Object 212". If you aren't sure, you can review the list of tanks in the battle on the side of the screen in detail by pressing the Tab key. Once you familiarize yourself with most of the tank names, you shouldn't have any problems. Shorthand may vary somewhat according to the tanks in the battle. For instance if there were VK 30.01 (H)'s in the battle, but no VK 30.01 (P)'s, a player may leave off the H and just say "3001". Some other examples:

2) Another common tendency, especially when talking to friendlies, is to only use the prefix. For example, if you're the only VK model on the team, players will most likely refer to you as "VK" instead of by your tank's model number. AMX, KV, IS, M4, AT and GW are other common prefixes used.

3) Models that don't have numbers and have unique names are often shortened. Some examples:

4) Likewise, players might shorten a name using initials, such as:

5) Sometimes a player may simply not have time to even worry about identifying you specifically and say "VK" even though there are four VKs on your team. For example, "VK behind you!". Usually this is done because the player typing doesn't know your model number and doesn't have time to look. However, in most situations this should be avoided because in this example, it would confuse the other three VKs, possibly getting them killed as they look behind them for enemies that aren't there.

Map Nicknames

Even some maps have nicknames.

Vehicle Nicknames

A number of vehicles in the game have been given nicknames by the community. These names are either derived from their distinguishing characteristics or are made to shorten their longer technical names. Only a few are nicknames that were used in real life. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of every nickname in the game.


  • MS-1 - Potato Launcher
  • SU-18 - Lego Duplo
  • BT-SV - Hovercraft, Spaceship, Duck (Not to be confused with AMX 40, the French Duck)
  • ISU-152 - Troll Cannon (When using the BL-10 gun)
  • KV-1S - KV-1 Sport
  • KV-2 - Derp King, Herpederp, Pinocchio (With 107mm gun), Toothpick (With 107mm gun), Stronk Tenk
  • KV-4 - KV-4tress
  • KV-5 - R2D2 (Refers to the radioman's cupola)
  • LTP - Learn to Play
  • SU-14-1 - Convertible, Fail Boat, houseboat
  • SU-14-2 - School Bus, Scum Bus, Deathbus
  • S-51 - Finger of God/Stalin, Unicorn, Boner
  • SU-100Y - The Barn, Box Tenk
  • T-54 - HEAT-54
  • T-127 - Beer Can
  • T-150 - The Brick
  • IS-7 - Clown Face (See back of turret)
  • 212A - Magic Schoolbus
  • ST-I - ST-some-fucking-thing
  • Object 416 - Frying pan, UFO
  • Object 268 Version 4 - Bobject



  • Kolohousenka - Kolo, Ice Cooler, Boob-box, Mobile Home, K-House, Czech Caterpillar
  • LT vzor 35 - Czech Panzer 35
  • LT vzor 38 - Czech Panzer 38
  • Škoda TVP T 50/51 - Bat-Chat Destroyer, Track-Cracker (for the ability to track and retrack a tank, effectively holding it still for the team or artillery)
  • The name "Škoda" is commonly often use in Czech tanks by Škoda Works like Škoda T 24, Škoda T 25, Škoda T 40, and Škoda T 50


  • Strv. m/42-57 Alt A.2 - Stridsvagn Autoloader, Strv Prem
  • Strv 74 - Stridswaggn 74
  • Kranvagn - KRV, Kranberry, Krane, Krakenwagen, Swedish Trolley, Trolley, Crackwagon, Kranvagina
  • Strv 103B - S-Tank B
  • Strv 103 0 - S-Tank 0
  • The nickname is "Strv" stands for Stridsvagn, in Swedish means military fighting vehicle




  • AT 15A - AT-AT (sometimes referred to any of AT-serie TDs)
  • Caernarvon - Carnie, Carnegie, Caravan
  • Cromwell - Crommie, Crom, Chromium
  • Cromwell B - Bromwell, Crombie, Bromine
  • FV215b (183) - Death Star, HESH Star, Mister One Shot
  • FV4005 Stage II - Shitbarn, Doombarn, Death Star II
  • FV304 - Bert The Avenger, Bert, Berty, Shoebox, Magic Shoe
  • Grant - Lend Lee
  • Centurion Action X - Cent AX, CAX
  • TOG II* - XP Piñata, Landship, TOGboat, HotTOG, Train, Bus, HMS TOG, Royal Navy, TOGboggan, Whale, Land-whale, HMS Dank Meme, HMS Epic Meme, HMS Agility, various TOG puns
  • Conqueror Gun Carriage - Conqueror Orbital Laser Cannon


  • Type 59 - Printing Press, Chinese Knockoff
  • WZ-131 - Wheezy, Wheezie, Double-u-zed, Wheezy Mk I
  • WZ-132 - Wheezy Mk II
  • WZ-120 - Wheezy 59, Fake Type, Wheezy 120
  • WZ-120-1G FT - Zedong's Hammer
  • WZ-111 1-4 - Wheezy 414, Wheezy 111 Senior, WZ 11111111111111111-4, WZ YuanYuanYuan YuanFour
  • Type T-34 - Fake 34, Chinese T-34
  • IS-2 - Fake IS-2 (not to be confused with, IS-2 Berlin, the Russian Premium Heavy)
  • The nickname "Wheezy" is often used for all the Chinese tanks that start with "WZ (in Chinese, Wuqi Zhuangjiazhanche means AFV Weapons)" in their names, such as the WZ-120 and WZ-111



  • Renault Otsu - Rotten Sushi, Peanut Otsu
  • Type 4 Chi-To - Cheeto, Snack Tank
  • Type 5 Chi-Ri - Cheery
  • Type 5 Ke-Ho - Keyhole
  • Type 97 Te-Ke - Tiki Torch
  • Type 89 I-Go/Chi-Ro - Ego
  • O-Ni - Oni, Demon, Onii-chan (in Japanese means 'Big Brother')
  • O-Ho - Santa Claus, O-No, O-ho ho ho
  • O-I - Oi, Big Mama
  • HT No. VI - Nippon Tiger, JapTiger
  • O-I Exp. - O-I Junior
  • STB-1 - Set-top box
  • Type 5 Heavy - Godzilla, Derpzilla
  • Japanese heavy tanks as whole (tier 5 - 10) are sometimes referred on different names, such as "Jap heavies", "Bentoboxes" or "Noob Boxes". "Godzilla", while most commonly used when talking about Type 5 (especially after patch 9.17.1), is sometimes referred to Japanese heavies as whole.


  1. https://youtu.be/MCTtqK373Lk?list=PLuTii-cm-AgvKBue-79QqkRrVIvC52KAu&t=950
  2. https://worldoftanks.com/en/content/strongholds_guide/legionnaires/
