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China | Light Tank | Tier VII
Battle Tier
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[Client Values; Actual values in
Specifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus. Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction. The client values, given for 100% crew, will normally be taken into battle with 110% crew skill members aside from specific functions, causing their actual performance to deviate from the expected client value. These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes.
1 350 000  Credits Cost
820244 HP Hit Points
20.75/21.513.24/24 t Weight Limit
  1. Comandante
  2. Artillero
  3. Conductor
  4. Cargador (Operador de radio)
450550 hp Engine Power
60/23 km/h Speed Limit
5254 deg/s Traverse
21.6941.54 hp/t Power/Wt Ratio
NoNo Pivot
// mm Hull Armor
45/30/2045/30/20 mm Turret Armor








Shell Cost
180/180/300200/200/320 HP Damage
145/220/43159/230/43 mm Penetration





8.57 r/m 

Standard Gun

Reload Times
Nominal: 7 s
50% Crew: 8.67 s
75% Crew: 7.57 s
100% Crew: 6.71 s
Rammer: 6.04 s
Vents: 6.56 s
Both: 5.91 s
Both and BiA: 5.78 s
Both and Max Crew %: 5.54 s

See Crew, Consumables, or Equipment for more information.





8 r/m 

Standard Gun

Reload Times
Nominal: 7.5 s
50% Crew: 9.29 s
75% Crew: 8.11 s
100% Crew: 7.19 s
Rammer: 6.47 s
Vents: 7.03 s
Both: 6.33 s
Both and BiA: 6.19 s
Both and Max Crew %: 5.93 s

See Crew, Consumables, or Equipment for more information.
Rate of Fire






Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (180 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1542.6
50% Crew: 1245.6
75% Crew: 1425.6
100% Crew: 1609.2
100% Crew
Vents: 1645.2
Rammer: 1787.4
Both: 1828.8
Both and BiA: 1868.4
Both and Max Crew %: 1949.4

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1722.6
50% Crew: 1425.6
75% Crew: 1605.6
100% Crew: 1789.2
100% Crew
Rammer: 1967.4
Vents: 1825.2
Both: 2008.8
Both and BiA: 2048.4
Both and Max Crew %: 2129.4

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (180 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1542.6
50% Crew: 1245.6
75% Crew: 1425.6
100% Crew: 1609.2
100% Crew
Vents: 1645.2
Rammer: 1787.4
Both: 1828.8
Both and BiA: 1868.4
Both and Max Crew %: 1949.4

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1722.6
50% Crew: 1425.6
75% Crew: 1605.6
100% Crew: 1789.2
100% Crew
Rammer: 1967.4
Vents: 1825.2
Both: 2008.8
Both and BiA: 2048.4
Both and Max Crew %: 2129.4

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (300 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 2571
50% Crew: 2076
75% Crew: 2376
100% Crew: 2682
100% Crew
Vents: 2742
Rammer: 2979
Both: 3048
Both and BiA: 3114
Both and Max Crew %: 3249

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2871
50% Crew: 2376
75% Crew: 2676
100% Crew: 2982
100% Crew
Rammer: 3279
Vents: 3042
Both: 3348
Both and BiA: 3414
Both and Max Crew %: 3549

See here, here, or here for more information.






Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (200 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1600
50% Crew: 1292
75% Crew: 1480
100% Crew: 1668
100% Crew
Vents: 1706
Rammer: 1854
Both: 1896
Both and BiA: 1938
Both and Max Crew %: 2020

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1800
50% Crew: 1492
75% Crew: 1680
100% Crew: 1868
100% Crew
Rammer: 2054
Vents: 1906
Both: 2096
Both and BiA: 2138
Both and Max Crew %: 2220

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (200 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1600
50% Crew: 1292
75% Crew: 1480
100% Crew: 1668
100% Crew
Vents: 1706
Rammer: 1854
Both: 1896
Both and BiA: 1938
Both and Max Crew %: 2020

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1800
50% Crew: 1492
75% Crew: 1680
100% Crew: 1868
100% Crew
Rammer: 2054
Vents: 1906
Both: 2096
Both and BiA: 2138
Both and Max Crew %: 2220

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (320 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 2560
50% Crew: 2067.2
75% Crew: 2368
100% Crew: 2668.8
100% Crew
Vents: 2729.6
Rammer: 2966.4
Both: 3033.6
Both and BiA: 3100.8
Both and Max Crew %: 3232

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2880
50% Crew: 2387.2
75% Crew: 2688
100% Crew: 2988.8
100% Crew
Rammer: 3286.4
Vents: 3049.6
Both: 3353.6
Both and BiA: 3420.8
Both and Max Crew %: 3552

See here, here, or here for more information.
Damage Per Minute



0.37 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.458 m
With 75% Crew: 0.4 m
With 100% Crew: 0.355 m
With BiA: 0.347 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.339 m
Maximum possible: 0.325 m

For more details, see Crew



0.36 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.446 m
With 75% Crew: 0.389 m
With 100% Crew: 0.345 m
With BiA: 0.338 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.33 m
Maximum possible: 0.317 m

For more details, see Crew



2.5 s 

With 50% Crew: 3.097 s
With 75% Crew: 2.704 s
With 100% Crew: 2.397 s
With GLD: 2.179 s
With BiA: 2.344 s
With BiA and Vents: 2.293 s
With both and GLD: 2.085 s
Maximum possible: 1.998 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment



2.5 s 

With 50% Crew: 3.097 s
With 75% Crew: 2.704 s
With 100% Crew: 2.397 s
With GLD: 2.179 s
With BiA: 2.344 s
With BiA and Vents: 2.293 s
With both and GLD: 2.085 s
Maximum possible: 1.998 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment
Aim time
4848 deg/s Turret Traverse
360° Gun Arc
-5°/+20°-5°/+20° Elevation Arc
4747 rounds Ammo Capacity
1212 % Chance of Fire

360 m 

With 50% Crew: 282.8 m
With 75% Crew: 321.5 m
With 100% Crew: 360 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 378.2 m
With Coated Optics: 396 m
With Binocular Telescope: 450 m
Maximum possible: 515.4 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment

370 m 

With 50% Crew: 290.7 m
With 75% Crew: 330.4 m
With 100% Crew: 370 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 388.7 m
With Coated Optics: 407 m
With Binocular Telescope: 462.5 m
Maximum possible: 529.7 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment
View Range



600 m 

With 50% Crew: 484.3 m
With 75% Crew: 554.7 m
With 100% Crew: 625.8 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 720 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 660 m
Maximum possible: 900.7 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment



750 m 

With 50% Crew: 605.4 m
With 75% Crew: 693.4 m
With 100% Crew: 782.2 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 900 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 825 m
Maximum possible: 1125.9 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment
Signal Range
Values are Stock - click for Top

Additional Statistics
(Top Configuration)


  • Stationary: 16.5%
  • When Moving: 16.5%
  • When Firing: 3.6%

Terrain Resistance

  • On Hard Ground: 0.58
  • On Medium Ground: 0.67
  • On Soft Ground: 1.34

Dispersion Change Values

  • Turret Contribution
  • Rotation: 0.15
  • Shot Recoil: 3.84
  • Suspension Contribution
  • Acceleration: 0.15
  • Turning: 0.15

With 100% Crew




The WZ-131 is a Chinese tier 7 light tank.

En 1957 comenzó el desarrollo de una versión ultraligera del carro Type 59. El nuevo carro fue diseñado para luchar en el terreno pantanoso y montañoso del sur de China. El primer prototipo se construyó en 1962. Más tarde el vehículo fue sometido a una modernización en varias etapas.

The WZ-131 leads to the WZ-132.

Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables




Tier Gun Penetration
Rate of fire
Aiming time

VII 85 mm 62-85T 145/220/43 180/180/300 8.96 0.37 2.5 1650 75000
VIII 85 mm 64-85T 159/230/43 200/200/320 8 0.36 2.5 1700 89000



Tier Engine Engine Power
Chance of Fire on Impact

VI 12150L3 450 12 700 17000
VII 12150L2 550 12 750 49100



Tier Suspension Load Limit
Traverse Speed
Rmin Weight

VI WZ-131 21.5 52 B/2 5500 9500
VII WZ-131 model 2 24 54 B/2 5500 18500



Tier Radio Signal Range

X A-220A 750 40 54000
IX A-220 600 40 38000

Compatible Equipment

Sistema de extracción silencioso clase 2 Estabilizador vertical clase 2 Planchas antifragmentación ligeras Red de camuflaje clase 2 Ópticas recubiertas clase 2 Sistema de equipamiento estabilizador Ópticas experimentales Cierre de retícula duradero Configuración mejorada Sistema de ventilación Sistema de carga experimental Cierre de retícula mejorado clase 2 Temple mejorado clase 2 Garras tractoras adicionales clase 2 Configuración modificada clase 2 Mecanismo de giro mejorado clase 2 Apuntado mejorado clase 2 Ventilación mejorada clase 3 Telescopio binocular clase 2 Barra de carga clase 2 Turbocompresor clase 2 

Compatible Consumables

Estabilizador engrasado Extintor automático de incendios Cobertura natural Calibración de ópticas Cierre de retícula afinado Expertos en extinción de incendios Extintor manual de incendios Mantenimiento previo a la batalla Purga de gases Botiquín de primeros auxilios grande Kit de reparación grande El deber ante todo Organizador de proyectiles Aceite de calidad Depósito de munición ordenado Enfoque en el objetivo Raciones de combate mejoradas Regulador de velocidad eliminado Concentración aumentada Botiquín de primeros auxilios pequeño Kit de reparación pequeño Caja de cambios compleja Mano firme Curso de combate 

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Painless stock grind if the first 85mm gun and the top engine has been researched from the Type 58
  • Very fast and nimble; easily maintains at least 45 km/h even when making wide turns
  • Consistent and good gun upgrades, most of which carry on to the WZ-132
  • 100mm top gun is same as on the Type 59
  • Last 85mm gun has over 2100 base DPM with acceptable penetration and good aiming time


  • 100mm top gun has below average rate of fire and accuracy, bad aiming time
  • Prone to multiple module and crew damage due to modules being cramped together; ammo rack is weak and explodes easily
  • Poor gun depression like many higher tier Chinese tanks
  • Long grind to unlock all modules


The stock WZ-131 is played as a scout until you get the guns upgraded and mounted. It is a fast, low profile light tank that has the gun and speed to deal a good sum of damage on the run. Play the tank as a light medium. It is a good passive scout, but that is not recommended on most maps. Because the WZ-131 has speed and maneuvers quite well, it is a good support/flanking tank.

Your speed is your advantage – use it wisely when fighting your opponents – your good maneuverability means that you lose very little speed while turning and you can easily circle lone heavy tanks or tank destroyers with poor turret and/or track traverse.

Keep in mind that the WZ-131 is "not" a scout, but more of a speedy medium with the camouflage bonus of a Light tank. Spotting targets for the team is still just as useful as before, but when you're in the WZ you must never forget that you have a gun with enough penetration to go through the front of all Tier 7 Heavy tanks with ease, so don't be afraid to add some firepower of your own to the board when you get the chance. Don't let yourself end up in bad situations however, the powerful gun on this light tank doesn't compensate for the lack of armor. Even though this tank isn't one of the taller vehicles in game, it's profile from the front and sides is quite wide, making it an easy target for the enemy to hit, so it is essential to use nearby cover to your advantage.

Early Research

  • If you've researched the Type 58's top gun and top engine, you can install both of them on the stock WZ-131 without needing any suspension upgrades. The 85mm gun is pretty much a must as the WZ-131 comes stock with the 59-16's top gun which has only 85mm penetration, just short of catastrophic for any Tier VII vehicle that doesn't have the HE punch of an SPG.
  • If you haven't researched the 85mm gun and engine from the Type 58, then welcome to Chinese hell.

The first thing to do is to get the 85mm gun. There are two choices here; either you can go back to the Type 58 and research it from there which is much easier on both your temper and your in-game wallet, or you can try to be a scout until you've gathered enough XP. Once you've got the 85mm gun, you should get the upgraded engine as it is 21% more powerful than the stock engine and will give your mobility and acceleration a decent buff.

  • Once you've got both the top engine and the first 85mm gun, it's a pretty straight shot towards the 100mm gun. If you don't like it, don't mount it, the important thing is that you research it so that you've got it ready when you get the WZ-132. The stock radio is decent enough, but it is recommended to get the next radio, remember, the WZ-131 is a tier 7 scout so it will see tiers 7-10. the radio comes in handy. The stock suspension is enough for most stock equipment and upgraded guns/turret, but it is recommended to get the next suspension .Things to know about the 100mm gun,the 100mm has a slow reload, so it is recommended to equip a Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer.

Little known fact: The last 2 85mms actually weigh LESS than the 1st 85mm. If you want a quick boost in firepower, you may get that, instead of the suspension. Keep in mind, however, that the 100mm's weigh exceeds the stock suspension's capacity, meaning that you must research the suspension before mounting the beastly cannon.

Suggested Equipment

Vertical Stabilizer Mk 1 Coated Optics Binocular Telescope Camouflage Net Improved VentilationMedium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer 


Historical Info

The Chinese long focused on swift maneuverable vehicles. Rather than ploughing all their resources into building heavier and heavier vehicles like the western nations, they instead opted to pack as much punch into light skirmishing vehicles as possible. The Type 59 proved to be a success in this regard, and so the Chinese engineers started to look for ways to evolve the concept even further.

The Type 62 was the next generation of Chinese skirmishing vehicles. Several variants were produced – one of the more successful versions was known as the WZ-131.

The Type 62 was basically a cut down version of the Type 59. It had lighter armour, a smaller size and an 85 mm gun. The aim was for it to be a modern flexible machine capable of taking on infantry and other light vehicles.

Production began in 1958 and continued right up until 1989. Nearly 1,400 vehicles were produced during this time.

The tank first saw combat during the Vietnam War and were widely used by the Vietnam People’s Army. However, problems were encountered – the tank’s thin armour was simply too weak to withstand attacks, particularly by rocket-propelled grenades.

The tank was successfully exported to numerous nations across eastern Asia and Africa. Many Type 62 / WZ-131 tanks are still in service today, although in China, they are currently in the process of being decommissioned.

Historical Gallery

Light Tanks IIVickers Mk. E Type B IIIType 2597 Chi-Ha IVM5A1 Stuart VI59-16 VIType 64 VIIType 62 VIIWZ-131 VIIIWZ-132 VIIIM41D IXWZ-132A XWZ-132-1
Medium Tanks VType T-34 VIType 58 VIIT-34-1 VIIIType 59 VIIIT-34-2 VIIIT-34-3 VIII59-Patton VIII122 TM VIIIType 59 G IXWZ-120 X121 X121B
Heavy Tanks VIIIS-2 VIIIWZ-111 VIIIWZ-111 Alpine Tiger VIII110 VIII112 IXWZ-111 model 1-4 IXWZ-114 X113 X113 Beijing Opera XWZ-111 model 5A XWZ-111 Qilin
Tank Destroyers IIT-26G FT IIIM3G FT IVSU-76G FT V60G FT VIWZ-131G FT VIIT-34-2G FT VIIIWZ-111-1G FT VIIIWZ-120-1G FT IXWZ-111G FT IXWZ-120G FT XWZ-113G FT X114 SP2
Self-Propelled Artillery
Light Tanks
USA IT1 Cunningham IIM2 Light Tank IIT1E6 IIT2 Light Tank IIT7 Combat Car IIIM22 Locust IIIM3 Stuart IIIMTLS-1G14 IVM5 Stuart VM24 Chaffee VM7 VIM24E2 Super Chaffee VIT21 VIT37 VIIT71 CMCD VIIT71 DA VIIIT92 VIIIM41 Walker Bulldog IXT49 XXM551 Sheridan
UK ICruiser Mk. I IIM2 IICruiser Mk. II IILight Mk. VIC IIIValentine IIIStuart I-IV IIICruiser Mk. III IVCruiser Mk. IV VCovenanter VIA46 VICrusader VIIGSR 3301 Setter VIIIFV1066 Senlac VIIILHMTV IXGSOR3301 AVR FS XManticore
Germany ILeichttraktor IIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. D IIMKA IIPz.Kpfw. 35 R IIPz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f) IIPz.Kpfw. 35 (t) IIPz.Kpfw. I IIPz.Kpfw. II III43 M. Toldi III IIIPz.Kpfw. M 15 IIIPz.Kpfw. 38 (t) IIIPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E IIIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J IIIPz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C IIIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G IIIPz.Kpfw. T 15 IVPz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. IVPz.Kpfw. II Luchs VVK 16.02 Leopard VIVK 28.01 mit 10,5 cm L/28 VIVK 28.01 VIIAufklärungspanzer Panther VIISpähpanzer SP I C VIIIleKpz M 41 90 mm VIIIleKpz M 41 90 mm GF VIIIHWK 12 VIIIHWK 30 IXSpähpanzer Ru 251 XRheinmetall Panzerwagen
France IRenault FT IID1 IIAM 39 Gendron-Somua IIAMR 35 IIFCM 36 IIRenault R35 IIHotchkiss H35 IIIAMX 38 IVAMX 40 VAMX ELC bis VIAMX 12 t VIPanhard AMD 178B VIIAMX 13 75 VIIHotchkiss EBR VIIAMX 13 57 VIIAMX 13 57 GF VIIIPanhard EBR 75 (FL 10) VIIIPanhard AML Lynx 6x6 VIIIBat.-Châtillon 12 t VIIIELC EVEN 90 IXAMX 13 90 IXPanhard EBR 90 XPanhard EBR 105 XAMX 13 105
USSR IMS-1 IIBT-2 IIT-45 IIT-26 IIT-60 IITetrarch IIIBT-SV IIILTP IIIM3 Light IIIBT-7 artillery IIIT-116 IIIBT-5 IIIT-127 IIIT-46 IIIT-70 IVBT-7 IVT-80 IVValentine II VA-20 VT-50 VIMT-25 VIT-50-2 VIILTG VIIILTTB VIIILT-432 IXT-54 ltwt. XT-100 LT
China IIVickers Mk. E Type B IIIType 2597 Chi-Ha IVM5A1 Stuart VI59-16 VIType 64 VIIType 62 VIIWZ-131 VIIIWZ-132 VIIIM41D IXWZ-132A XWZ-132-1
Japan IRenault Otsu IIType 95 Ha-Go IIType 97 Te-Ke IIIType 97 Chi-Ha IIIType 98 Ke-Ni IVType 5 Ke-Ho
Czechoslovakia IKolohousenka IILT vz. 35 IIILT vz. 38
Sweden IStrv fm/21 IIStrv m/38 IIL-60 IIIStrv m/40L IIILago M38