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Armored fighting vehicles attributed to either National Socialist Germany and countries which that entity absorbed (such as Czechoslovakia) or the Federal Republic of Germany. A disproportionate number of the most famous and celebrated vehicles in armored warfare hail from this region, making it one of the key factions in WoT.

Wehrmacht tanks have an emphasis on all-round armor thickness rather than angle and can have great protection, but are in exchange relatively heavy. They have large health pools and accurate guns with smaller average calibers but high rate of fire and velocity. There is a vast variety of roles that German tanks fill; arguably, each German tank fights in a way unique from any other one.

Bundeswehr tanks however follow an entirely different philosophy, favoring balanced guns and maneuverable, versatile platforms in exchange for negligible armor protection. These post-war tanks are ideal support tanks but otherwise will be hard-pressed to succeed where earlier German tanks would excel.

German light tanks are notably rounded in capability. They have well armored fronts for light tanks, and are able to bounce shots to their sloped fronts if angled correctly. Low tier light tanks arm powerful autocannons that have fast reload while high tier light tanks can arm powerful derp guns (large howitzers with high alpha-damage but otherwise poor stats). They also tend to weigh more than their counterparts, making ramming opposing light tanks and even some light mediums and tank destroyers a viable option. The RU-251 however brings the Bundeswehr tradition to the German lights: fast, nimble, and well-armed.

German medium tanks tend to be larger and slower targets than their counterparts, but if you keep this in mind and stay at a distance, the accurate and high DPM German guns will make short work of your enemies. There are two lines: the Production/E-Series line, which consists of very flexible counter-assault sniping units with well-armored fronts, and the Daimler-Benz line, which consists of more mobile but poorly-armored support-sniper units that are also capable flankers. The lower tiers of the E50M line up to tier VI tend to be more agile with less firepower while the higher tiers tend to have more armor and firepower while sacrificing agility. The Leopard 1 line tanks tend to offer excellent guns and mobility, and lackluster armour. In comparison with their peers, they tend to have slightly better hull armor in exchange for weaker turret armor, allowing for better use in urban environments while reducing the effectiveness of hull-down positions, though the smaller turrets partially negate this disadvantage.

German heavy tanks have thick all around armor, but share a common weakness in a weaker lower glacis plate, allowing even low tier guns to penetrate their otherwise sturdy frontal armor. These tanks are used to absorb damage for the team, while slowly crawling towards the enemy base or anchoring attack lanes. They tend to rely on armor angling to absorb hits, especially at mid-tier where their armor tends to be boxy. There are two lines: the Porsche (Maus) and Henschel (E-100) lines, they are both fairly similar in playstyle as counter-offensive heavies, although the Henschel heavies tend to trade a little armor and Hit Points for slightly improved mobility and damage-per-minute, with the E-100 boasting the highest alpha damage of all heavy tanks. Both lines end at the largest and heaviest tanks in the game, with the E-100 weighing 130 tonnes and the Maus weighing a whopping 188 tonnes.

German tank destroyers have two starkly different lines, starting from the tier III Marder II. The first is the Production/E-Series line, which starts out similar to the standard Russian TD line, with mobile, well-armed units that have good camo values but evolve into poorly-concealed, well-armored juggernauts at higher tiers boasting powerful, slow-firing guns. The second line is the Waffentrager or 'Glass Cannon' line, with units that have precise and high-damaging guns alongside good camo values but paper-thin armor and poor to average mobility. This line ends at the terrifying Waffenträger auf E 100, which gets a 5-shot 560 damage or 4-shot 750 damage autoloader whose raw damage potential is unrivaled.

German self propelled guns are accurate and quite maneuverable, allowing them to quickly change position after firing to evade any counter-fire lobbed in their direction. They may not have as much firepower as their counterparts, but are unmatched in their accuracy. However, the German SPGs generally have very narrow gun arcs, resulting in the need to turn the hull of the tank frequently and causing the accuracy to decline sharply. It's best to keep them at long ranges where their accuracy really stands out and their narrow gun arcs are less of a problem. The T8 T9 and T10 SPGs, are however, less like their lower tiered brethren: They are large, slow to turn, and decidedly middle of the road in terms of their guns unlike the SPGs before them. Less accurate but more powerful than the French and Russians, and faster firing but not as powerful as the Americans or British.

0.9.1 German Tank Tree

Light Tanks

  • annoG12_Ltraktor.png
    Tier_01_icon.png Leichttraktor GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG108_PzKpfwII_AusfD.png
    Tier_02_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. D PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG139_MKA.png
    Tier_02_icon.png MKA PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG160_Pz_Kpfw_35_R_mit_T_26_Turm.png
    Tier_02_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. 35 R PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG33_H39_captured.png
    Tier_02_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f) PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG07_Pz35t.png
    Tier_02_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG53_PzI.png
    Tier_02_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. I GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG06_PzII.png
    Tier_02_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. II GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG117_Toldi_III.png
    Tier_03_icon.png 43 M. Toldi III PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG161_Pz_Kpfw_M15_38_t.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. M 15 PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG08_Pz38t.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG102_Pz_III.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG36_PzII_J.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG63_PzI_ausf_C.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG82_Pz_II_AusfG.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG50_T-15.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. T 15 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG52_Pz38_NA.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG25_PzII_Luchs.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG26_VK1602.png
    Tier_05_icon.png VK 16.02 Leopard GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG158_VK2801_105_SPXXI.png
    Tier_06_icon.png VK 28.01 mit 10,5 cm L/28 PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG66_VK2801.png
    Tier_06_icon.png VK 28.01 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG85_Auf_Panther.png
    Tier_07_icon.png Aufklärungspanzer Panther PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG113_SP_I_C.png
    Tier_07_icon.png Spähpanzer SP I C GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG120_M41_90.png
    Tier_08_icon.png leKpz M 41 90 mm PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG120_M41_90_GrandFinal.png
    Tier_08_icon.png leKpz M 41 90 mm GF PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG126_HWK_12.png
    Tier_08_icon.png HWK 12 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG140_HWK_30.png
    Tier_08_icon.png HWK 30 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG103_RU_251.png
    Tier_09_icon.png Spähpanzer Ru 251 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG125_Spz_57_Rh.png
    Tier_10_icon.png Rheinmetall Panzerwagen GoldIcon2.png

Medium Tanks

  • annoG100_Gtraktor_Krupp.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Großtraktor - Krupp PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG83_Pz_IV_AusfA.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG34_S35_captured.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG10_PzIII_AusfJ.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG80_Pz_IV_AusfD.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG86_VK2001DB.png
    Tier_04_icon.png VK 20.01 (D) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG107_PzKpfwIII_AusfK.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. K PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG116_Turan_III_prot.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Turán III prototípus PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG81_Pz_IV_AusfH_GuP.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H Ankou PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG28_PzIII_IV.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. III/IV GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG70_PzIV_Hydro.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat. PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG32_PzV_PzIV.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. V/IV PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG32_PzV_PzIV_ausf_Alfa.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. V/IV Alpha PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG81_Pz_IV_AusfH.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG46_T-25.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. T 25 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG13_VK3001H.png
    Tier_05_icon.png VK 30.01 (H) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG77_PzIV_Schmalturm.png
    Tier_06_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG87_VK3002DB_V1.png
    Tier_06_icon.png VK 30.01 (D) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG96_VK3002M.png
    Tier_06_icon.png VK 30.02 (M) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG78_Panther_M10.png
    Tier_07_icon.png Panther/M10 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG03_PzV_Panther.png
    Tier_07_icon.png Panther GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG24_VK3002DB.png
    Tier_07_icon.png VK 30.02 (D) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG106_PzKpfwPanther_AusfF.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71 PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG119_Panzer58.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Panzer 58 PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG119_Panzer58_BF.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Schwarzpanzer 58 PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG119_Pz58_Mutz.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Panzer 58 Mutz PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG142_M48RPz.png
    Tier_08_icon.png M48A2 Räumpanzer GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG154_Kpz_07_RH.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Kampfpanzer 07 RH PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG88_Indien_Panzer.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Indien-Panzer GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG64_Panther_II.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Panther II GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG54_E-50.png
    Tier_09_icon.png E 50 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG105_T-55_NVA_DDR.png
    Tier_09_icon.png T 55A PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG144_Kpz_50t.png
    Tier_09_icon.png Kampfpanzer 50 t PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG147_Kunze_Panzer.png
    Tier_09_icon.png Kunze Panzer PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG91_Pro_Ag_A.png
    Tier_09_icon.png Leopard Prototyp A GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG73_E50_Ausf_M.png
    Tier_10_icon.png E 50 Ausf. M GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG89_Leopard1.png
    Tier_10_icon.png Leopard 1 GoldIcon2.png

Heavy Tanks

  • annoG35_B-1bis_captured.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f) PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG90_DW_II.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Durchbruchswagen 2 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG136_Tiger_131.png
    Tier_06_icon.png Tiger 131 PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG27_VK3001P.png
    Tier_06_icon.png VK 30.01 (P) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG15_VK3601H.png
    Tier_06_icon.png VK 36.01 (H) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG118_VK4503.png
    Tier_07_icon.png VK 45.03 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG04_PzVI_Tiger_I.png
    Tier_07_icon.png Tiger I GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG57_PzVI_Tiger_P.png
    Tier_07_icon.png Tiger (P) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG115_Typ_205B.png
    Tier_08_icon.png VK 100.01 (P) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG138_VK168_02.png
    Tier_08_icon.png VK 168.01 (P) PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG138_VK168_02_Mauerbrecher.png
    Tier_08_icon.png VK 168.01 Mauerbrecher PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG141_VK7501K.png
    Tier_08_icon.png VK 75.01 (K) PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG143_E75_TS.png
    Tier_08_icon.png E 75 TS PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG51_Lowe.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Löwe GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG16_PzVIB_Tiger_II.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Tiger II GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG67_VK4502A.png
    Tier_08_icon.png VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG55_E-75.png
    Tier_09_icon.png E 75 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG110_Typ_205.png
    Tier_09_icon.png Mäuschen GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG58_VK4502P.png
    Tier_09_icon.png VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG56_E-100.png
    Tier_10_icon.png E 100 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG134_PzKpfw_VII.png
    Tier_10_icon.png Pz.Kpfw. VII GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG42_Maus.png
    Tier_10_icon.png Maus GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG92_VK7201.png
    Tier_10_icon.png VK 72.01 (K) PremiumIcon2.png

Tank Destroyers

  • annoG21_PanzerJager_I.png
    Tier_02_icon.png Panzerjäger I GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG20_Marder_II.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Marder II GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG101_StuG_III.png
    Tier_04_icon.png StuG III Ausf. B GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG151_Pz_Sfl_IC.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Pz.Sfl. IC PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG09_Hetzer.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG39_Marder_III.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Marder 38T GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG104_Stug_IV.png
    Tier_05_icon.png StuG IV PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG76_Pz_Sfl_IVc.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Pz.Sfl. IVc GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG05_StuG_40_AusfG.png
    Tier_05_icon.png StuG III Ausf. G GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG41_DickerMax.png
    Tier_06_icon.png Dicker Max GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG17_JagdPzIV.png
    Tier_06_icon.png Jagdpanzer IV GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG40_Nashorn.png
    Tier_06_icon.png Nashorn GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG48_E-25.png
    Tier_07_icon.png E 25 PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG109_Steyr_WT.png
    Tier_07_icon.png Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG18_JagdPanther.png
    Tier_07_icon.png Jagdpanther GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG43_Sturer_Emil.png
    Tier_07_icon.png Sturer Emil GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG37_Ferdinand.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Ferdinand GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG112_KanonenJagdPanzer_105.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG114_Rheinmetall_Skorpian.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Rheinmetall Skorpion G PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG114_Skorpian.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Rheinmetall Skorpion PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG71_JagdPantherII.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Jagdpanther II GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG65_JagdTiger_SdKfz_185.png
    Tier_08_icon.png 8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoG99_RhB_Waffentrager.png
    Tier_08_icon.png Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG44_JagdTiger.png
    Tier_09_icon.png Jagdtiger GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG97_Waffentrager_IV.png
    Tier_09_icon.png Waffenträger auf Pz. IV GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG121_Grille_15_L63.png
    Tier_10_icon.png Grille 15 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG72_JagdPz_E100.png
    Tier_10_icon.png Jagdpanzer E 100 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG98_Waffentrager_E100.png
    Tier_10_icon.png Waffenträger auf E 100 PremiumIcon2.png

Self-Propelled Guns

  • annoG93_GW_Mk_VIe.png
    Tier_02_icon.png G.Pz. Mk. VI (e) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG11_Bison_I.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Sturmpanzer I Bison GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG19_Wespe.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Wespe GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG95_Pz_Sfl_IVb.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Pz.Sfl. IVb GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG22_Sturmpanzer_II.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Sturmpanzer II GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG23_Grille.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Grille GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG02_Hummel.png
    Tier_06_icon.png Hummel GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG49_G_Panther.png
    Tier_07_icon.png G.W. Panther GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG94_GW_Tiger_P.png
    Tier_08_icon.png G.W. Tiger (P) GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG45_G_Tiger.png
    Tier_09_icon.png G.W. Tiger GoldIcon2.png

  • annoG61_G_E.png
    Tier_10_icon.png G.W. E 100 GoldIcon2.png
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