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T-28 (Stock)

135000 Preis
500 SPRobustheit
16.04 / 32.3 Gewicht
  1. Kommandant
  2. Richtschütze
  3. Funker
  4. Fahrer
  5. Ladeschütze
  6. Funker
30/20/20Wannenpanzerung(Front/Seiten/Heck mm)
20/20/20Turmpanzerung(Front/Seiten/Heck mm)
400 PSMotorleistung
45 km/hHöchstgeschwindigkeit vorwärts/rückwärts
35 °/sDrehen/Wenden
160 damage
37 mmMittlere Durchschlagskraft
11.6640253565769 Dauer für vollständiges Nachladen
46 °/sGeschützrichtgeschwindigkeit
230 mSichtweite
500 mFunkreichweite
Der T-28 wurde im Versuchsmaschinen-Entwicklungsbüro des Woroschilowwerks entwickelt. Das Fahrzeug wurde am 11. August 1933 zum ersten Mal eingesetzt. Insgesamt wurden zwischen 1933 und 1940 503 Panzer im Leningrader Kirowwerk gebaut. Während der Serienfertigung wurde der T-28 mehrfach geändert und verbessert. Die Fahrzeuge wurden im Krieg gegen Finnland im Winter 1939–1940 und zu Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs eingesetzt.

The T-28 is a Soviet tier 4 medium tank

This tank is best described as an "odd" tank. It is one of the largest tanks in the early tiers, making it a proverbial barn door for incoming fire; a fact not helped by its rather poor armor. Having said this, it is surprisingly fast and maneuverable. Although its initial guns are weak, it can eventually equip some very effective armament. The 57mm guns are very accurate, have a fast firing rate and are probably preferred over the slightly higher-damage dealing 76mm guns. These contradictions lead to the T-28 using some rather odd tactics; it can't slug it out with the heavies and its size means speed and stealth aren't much help either. Caution and patiently-laid fire are the best policies with the T-28. Let your team mates push forward and find the enemy, then use your speed and acceleration to get to the place you're most needed and use your excellent firepower to help tip the balance. A T-28 can also be surprisingly effective scout (despite its bulk) due to its speed.



Stufe Turm Turmpanzerung (Front/Seiten/Heck mm) Geschützrichtgeschwindigkeit (°/s) Sichtweite (m) Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
III T-28 zylindrisch 20/20/20 46 230 0 2000
Stufe Geschütz Mittlere Durchschlagskraft (mm) Feuergeschwindigkeit Streuung auf 100 m Zielerfassung Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
II 76 mm KT-28 37/75/20 160/160/200 5.14 0.47 2.3 0 540
III 76 mm L-10 66/75/20 160/160/200 5.38 0.45 2.3 600 641
IV 76 mm F-32 67/75/20 160/160/200 7.59 0.43 1.8 570 770
IV 57 mm ZiS-8 75/112/15 90/90/110 12.5 0.45 1.8 620 400
V 57 mm ZiS-4 112/189/15 90/90/110 13.62 0.34 1.8 2490 740
Stufe Turm Turmpanzerung (Front/Seiten/Heck mm) Geschützrichtgeschwindigkeit (°/s) Sichtweite (m) Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
IV T-28 kegelförmig 20/20/20 44 230 1160 2500
Stufe Geschütz Mittlere Durchschlagskraft (mm) Feuergeschwindigkeit Streuung auf 100 m Zielerfassung Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
II 76 mm KT-28 37/75/20 160/160/200 5.14 0.47 2.3 0 540
III 76 mm L-10 66/75/20 160/160/200 5.38 0.45 2.3 600 641
IV 76 mm F-32 67/75/20 160/160/200 7.59 0.43 1.8 570 770
IV 57 mm ZiS-8 75/112/15 90/90/110 12.5 0.45 1.8 620 400
V 57 mm ZiS-4 112/189/15 90/90/110 13.62 0.34 1.8 2490 740


Stufe Motor Motorleistung (PS) Brandwahrscheinlichkeit bei Treffer Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
IV M-17T 500 20 1010 610
IV M-17L 450 20 360 610
IV M-5-400 400 20 0 410

Stufe Fahrwerk Maximalgewicht Drehen/Wenden (°/s) Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
III T-28 32.3 35 0 5160
IV T-28A 32.3 40 1380 5300


Stufe Funkgerät Funkreichweite (m) Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
III _71-TK-3_USSR 500 0 100

Compatible Equipment

Mittlerer Splitterschutz
Entspiegelte Optik
Verbesserter Waffenrichtantrieb
Verbessertes Candle-Laufwerk
Verbesserte Lüftung Klasse 2
Ansetzer für Panzergeschütze mittleren Kalibers
„Nasses“ Munitionslager Klasse 1

Compatible Consumables

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Good top-end guns
  • Good acceleration and top speed
  • Good RoF, DPM, and accuracy with the 57 mm ZiS-4


  • Large silhouette
  • Poor, unsloped armor
  • Crew are easily killed by HE
  • Suspension gets easily destroyed, often resulting in death due to the low armour
  • The stock grind is one of the worst.


Once upgraded, this tank combines speed with strong firepower. However, most players have a difficult time achieving that. While it may look more impressive than the M3 Lee, the armor on this tank is not very effective in battle, as it is not very thick or well sloped. The gun it starts out with is not very effective, and most players agree that it is best to upgrade it right away.

This tank plays well as either a skirmisher or a sniper. Unless you have played the BT-7 or the SU-8 before to unlock the engine upgrades, it is advisable to begin with sniping, as the stock engine doesn't have the power to make skirmishing feasible. Compared with other tanks, the sides are easy targets, making this tank much easier to de-track, so it pays to be aware of the tank's alignment both while still and while moving. Once you get some upgrades, you can use your mobility to move around the battlefield with ease, position yourself where you're needed, and fall back before being overrun. Using the awesome ZiS-4 gun with its astounding accuracy (on par with Tiger's L/71), great penetration for the tier, good damage and good rate of fire and the mobility of this tank to its best, a person can easily single-handedly control tier 4 matches, tier 5 matches - and since the ZiS-4 is so good (great even on the T-34) the T-28 still remains competitive in tier 6 matches, being able to penetrate the common KV-1S from the front, but the VK 36.01 (H) will give this tank some trouble.

Players tend to regard the T-28 as a free kill, and if they can score just one direct hit that’s exactly what you’re going to be. Your best bet is to stay in cover as much as you can and if you’re stuck in the open keep moving. If you get spotted you can bet that every player the enemy has is going to be targeting you. You can use this to your advantage; if you are skilled they will generally be unprepared.

Early Research

  • The 76 mm L-10 gun carry over from the T-46 and if you played the T-34 previously before getting this tank, the ZiS-4 is available and can be equipped immediately upon purchasing this tank. If you have played the BT-7 or the SU-8 previously, the M17F engine can also be equipped right away.
  • Most players choose to upgrade the gun first. Choosing between the 76 mm and the 57 mm line is up to you, all four guns offer good firepower.
  • Next focus on the engine (if you don't already have them from the BT-7 or SU-8), and then the suspension.
  • Research the turret last. It adds 30 hit points and 20 view range.

Historical Info

The Soviet T-28 was among the world's first Medium tanks. The prototype was completed in 1931 and production began in late 1932. It was an infantry-support tank intended to break through fortified defenses.

The type didn't have that much success in combat, but it played an important role as a development project for the Soviet designers. A series of new ideas and solutions were tried out on the T-28 and were later incorporated in future models.

Design History

The T-28 was in many ways similar to the British Vickers A1E1 Independent tank. This tank greatly influenced tank design in the period between the wars, although only one prototype was manufactured in 1926. The Kirov Factory in Leningrad began manufacturing a tank, which was based on the British Independent in 1932. The T-28 tank was officially approved on August 11, 1933. The T-28 had one large turret with a 76.2mm gun and two smaller turrets with 7.62mm machine guns. A total of 503 T-28 tanks were manufactured over a period of 8 years from 1933 to 1941.

Combat History

The T-28 was deployed during the Invasion of Poland and the Winter War against Finland. During the initial stages of the Winter War, the tank was used in direct fire missions against Finnish pillboxes. In the course of these operations, it was found that the armour was inadequate and programs were initiated to upgrade it. Frontal plates were upgraded from 50 mm to 80 mm and side and rear plates to 40 mm thickness. With this up-armoured version the Red Army broke through the main Finnish defensive fortification, the Mannerheim Line. According to Russian historian M. Kolomietz's book "T-28. Three-headed Stalin's Monster", over 200 T-28s were knocked out during the Winter War, but only 20 of them were in irrecoverable losses (including 2 captured by the Finnish Army). Due to proximity of the Kirov Plant, all other knocked-out tanks were repaired, some of them over five times.

The Finns knew the T-28 as the Postivaunu ("mail wagon" or stagecoach), a name which alluded to Finnish troops' discovery of Red Army field mail sacks inside the first destroyed T-28. Another explanation is that the high profile of the tank resembled the old west stagecoaches of the United States. Finns captured two T-28s during the Winter War and five in Continuation War, for a total of 7 vehicles.

The Soviets had 411 T-28 tanks when the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941. Most T-28s were lost during the first two months of the invasion, many of them abandoned after mechanical breakdown. Some T-28s took part in the 1941 winter defence of Leningrad and Moscow, but after late 1941, they were rare in Red Army service; a few were operated by enemy forces.

Today three T-28s remain, two in Finland and one in Moscow. One restored T-28 is on display in Finnish field camouflage in the Parola Tank Museum, Finland.

Sources and External Links

Light Tanks IMS-1 IIBT-2 IIT-26 IITetrarch IIIBT-7 IIIBT-SV IIILTP IIIM3 Light IIIT-127 IIIT-46 IVA-20 IVValentine II
Medium Tanks IVA-32 IVT-28 VMatilda IV VT-34 VIT-34-85 VIT-34-85 Victory VIIKV-13 VIIT-34-85 Rudy VIIT-43 VIIIT-44 IXT-54 XObjekt 140 XT-62A
Heavy Tanks VChurchill III VKV-220 Beta-Test VKV-1 VIKV-1S VIKV-2 VIT-150 VIIIS VIIKV-3 VIIIIS-3 VIIIIS-6 VIIIIS-6 Fearless VIIIKV-5 VIIIKV-4 IXIS-8 IXST-I XIS-4 XIS-7
Tank Destroyers IIAT-1 IIISU-76 IVSU-85B VSU-85 VSU-85I VISU-100 VISU-100Y VIISU-152 VIISU-100M1 VIISU-122-44 VIIIISU-152 VIIISU-101 IXObjekt 704 IXSU-122-54 XObjekt 263 XObjekt 268
Medium Tanks