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Battle Tiers (Conquest)
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Replay name: plateau
Description: Colorado, Southwestern United States. Early evening.

Plateau was available at the start of 2.0

Surprise Attack


Gamemode: Conquest

Tier: 7-10

Size: -

Description: To deter the enemy, the corp of engineers established command centers that coordinate bombing raids to the frontline. They need protection from aerial counterattacks, or else the advantage will be lost and the corps will have to retreat from the industrial complexes that were reached at such high cost.



Gamemode: Conquest

Tier: 7-10

Size: -

Description: By destroying artillery positions, a fragile balance was established between the opposing forces. But the enemy had one more ace up their sleeve: the expeditionary forces have been hit by an incessant bombardment. Enemy airbases need to be captured to provide maneuvering room for capturing industrial objects in the hollows.

Decisive Hour


Gamemode: Conquest

Tier: 5-8

Size: 11700m

Description: The devastating bombing raids ruined the command center and left the opposing forces without coordination or the ability to call in support. Under the circumstances, an initiative is now required: the army that employs the best tactics and gets their priorities right will become the winner of the confrontation.

Turning Point


Gamemode: Conquest

Tier: 5-10

Size: 11700m

Description: During the battle for control over the military base at the bottom of the table rock, its rocket launchers located in the base's territory were severely damaged. This opened up an opportunity to regroup and choose another strategy for both sides. However, it has proved impossible to concentrate the force: the regular raids by heavy bombers impede the advance.

Weapon of Revenge


Gamemode: Conquest

Tier: 5-8

Size: 11700m

Description: The advancement of the expeditionary force has slowed down, impeded by the difficult mission to capture the military base securely hidden at the bottom and surrounded by rocks. If captured, the base can be used for breaking through the enemy positions. If lost, the base will put the advancing allied ground force under fire.

Shockwave (Removed in 2.0.2)


Gamemode: Conquest

Tier: 5-10

Size: -

Description: After restoring the operation of the industrial complex and regrouping, the expeditionary force has prepared to make an advance. Meanwhile, the enemy has increased the frequency of bombing raids and consolidated at the northern command center. Command has assigned a mission to the expeditionary force to break through and leave the enemy without support of bombers so that the expeditionary force will not be cut off from the supply.

2.0.2: Removed

Cursed Valley


Gamemode: Conquest

Tier: 7-10

Size: -

Description: Long continuous battles, as well as artillery and bomb raids led to enormous destruction in the Area of Operation. Only small Garrisons remain, under the constant threat of air raids directed by Command Centers in the plateau lowlands. These Command Centers must be captured or destroyed, otherwise the operation may be disrupted.

Deserted Fortress


Gamemode: Conquest

Tier: 7-10

Size: -

Description: Although the expeditionary forces leading the charge managed to neutralize enemy command centers, which disrupted their defenses, a last-minute attempt to capture the military base at the bottom of the table rock was unsuccessful. The element of surprise was lost and a rapid preventive strike turned into a full-fledged military operation.

Blazing Sky


Gamemode: Conquest

Tier: 7-10

Size: -

Description: The military base at the bottom of the table rock still remained a tough nut to crack. Leaving such an object in the rear of advancing troops would have been madness, so the expeditionary forces had to halt their offensive. If left unresolved, this problem would bring the entire military operation to the verge of collapse. The Defense Force Headquarters understood this situation perfectly well, thus all available reserve forces were brought to the plateau.

Expansion (Invasion)


Gamemode: Invasion

Tier: 5-9

Size: -

Description: The military industrial facilities, securely concealed by the complex terrain and protected by a chain of garrisons, have proved a tough nut to crack for the expeditionary corps. Instead of continuing the fighting, command has decided to take a drastic measure—launch a massive air raid that is supposed to drive the enemy from their positions and secure the advance of the troops.

Weapon of Revenge (Attrition)


Gamemode: Attrition

Tier: 6-9

Size: -

Description: Same as Weapon of Revenge

Ultimate Stakes (Bomber Escort)


Gamemode: Bomber Escort

Tier: 7-8

Size: -

Description: The expeditionary corps' access to the operational space is blocked by a narrow passage through the mountain range, dotted with fire points and large enemy strongholds. A frontal attack by land forces seems impossible. Command has entrusted the task of breaking through the fortifications to the bomber regiment, which will conduct a raid at sunset. Our task is to ensure their safe passage through the enemy's anti-aircraft defenses.

