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Armor thresholds

Armor thresholds

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HE penetration

Here are some common armor thicknesses and the minimum HE shell diameters needed to penetrate them, according to the HE penetration formula.

1/6, 1/5 and 1/4 are the HE shells' penetration coefficients.

Armor thickness (mm) Occurrences
HE shell diameter needed to penetrate (mm)
1/6 1/6 with IFHE 1/5 1/5 with IFHE 1/4 1/4 with IFHE
013 Low-tier destroyer plating 075 063 062.5 052.5 050 042
016 Tier 3 battleship bow/stern
Tier 6 - 7 battleship superstructure
Most tier 6 - 7 cruiser bow/stern
The entirety of British light cruiser and Smolensk hull plating
Tier 6 - 7 destroyer plating
093 075 077.5 062.5 062 050
019 Tier 4 - 5 battleship bow/stern
Tier 6 - 7 light cruiser side plating
Tier 8 - 10 battleship superstructure
Tier 8 - 10 destroyer plating
111 093 092.5 077.5 074 062
020 Tier 6 and 7 cruisers' decks
Most tier 8 - 10 cruisers' bow/stern
Tier 8 - 10 light cruisers' side plating
117 093 097.5 077.5 078 062
025 Tier 6 and 7 cruisers' decks
Most tier 8 - 10 cruisers' bow/stern
Tier 8 - 10 light cruisers' side plating
Audacious bow/stern
147 117 122.5 097.5 098 078
026 Tier 6 and 7 battleship bow/stern and some of their casemate plating 153 123 127.5 102.5 102 082
027 Tier 8 and 9 cruiser decks
Some tier 8 - 10 cruiser bow/stern (USN and German heavy cruisers)
159 129 132.5 107.5 106 086
30 Most tier 10 cruiser deck plating, most tier 10 heavy cruiser side plating
Ägir, Siegfried, Albemarle and Drake deck plating
177 141 147.5 117.5 118 094
032 Tier 8 - 10 battleship bow/stern
Tier 8 - 10 British and French battleships' casemate plating
Slava deck plating
189 153 157.5 127.5 126 102
038 Tier 8 - 10 USN battleship decks 225 183 187.5 152.5 150 122
040 Petropavlovsk, Vladivostok casemate plating 237 189 197.5 157.5 158 126
050 Khabarovsk, Delny, Zorkiy belt
Moskva, Stalingrad, casemate plating
Tier 7 - 11 German battleships' decks , Cristoforo Colombo deck armor

Petropavlovsk Front end armor belt
Admiral Nakhimov, Manfred von Richthofen Flight deck armor

297 237 247.5 197.5 198 158
051 Vermont deck and aux armor 303 243 252.5 202.5 202 162
060 Sovetsky Soyuz, AL Sov. Rossiya and Kremlin deck 357 285 297.5 237.5 238 190
114 Audacious citadel armor (Currently only Thunderer and Hannover can penetrate) 684 547 570.0 456.0 456 366

HE penetration (before Update 0.9.2)


Here are some common armor thicknesses and the minimum HE shell diameters needed to penetrate them, according to the HE penetration formula. "Super" refers to the 1/4 HE penetration coefficient.

By armor thickness

Armor thickness Occurrences
Beneficiaries (without IFHE)
Beneficiaries (with IFHE)
16 mm Tier 3 battleship bow/stern
Tier 6 - 7 battleship superstructure
Most tier 6 - 7 cruiser bow/stern
The entirety of British light cruiser and Smolensk hull plating
Tier 6 - 7 destroyer plating
All guns of 114 mm or more calibre
19 mm Tier 4 - 5 battleship bow/stern
Tier 6 - 7 light cruiser side plating
Tier 8 - 10 battleship superstructure
Tier 8 - 10 destroyer plating
All guns of 114 mm or more calibre
25 mm Tier 6 and 7 cruisers' decks, most tier 8 - 10 cruisers' bow/stern, tier 8 - 10 light cruisers' side plating Heavy cruisers (203mm)
Light cruisers (155mm)
Japanese 100 mm guns
German 105 mm secondary guns
Most destroyers (120 mm - 150 mm)
26 mm Tier 6 and 7 battleship bow/stern and some of their casemate plating Heavy cruisers (203 mm)
Light cruisers (180 mm, T8+ 152/155 mm)
Japanese 100 mm guns
German 105 - 150 mm guns
Light cruisers (152mm) up to and including tier 7
Most destroyers (127 mm - 139 mm)
27 mm Tier 8 and 9 cruiser decks, some tier 8 - 10 cruiser bow/stern (USN and German heavy cruisers) Heavy cruisers (203 mm)
Light cruisers (180 mm, T8+ 152/155 mm)
Japanese 100 mm guns
German 128 - 150 mm guns
Light cruisers (152mm) up to and including tier 7
Some destroyers (130 mm - 139 mm, 100 mm super)
30 mm Most tier 10 cruiser deck plating, most tier 10 heavy cruiser side plating, Ägir, Siegfried, Albemarle and Drake deck plating Heavy cruisers (203 mm)
Light cruisers (180 mm, T8+ 152/155 mm)
Japanese 100 mm guns
German 128 - 150 mm guns
Tier 7 and lower light cruisers (152 mm, 155 mm)
32 mm Tier 8 - 10 battleship bow/stern, tier 8 - 10 British and French battleships' casemate plating, Slava deck plating Heavy cruisers (203 mm)
German 128 - 150 mm guns (both main and secondary)
Most light cruisers (152 mm, 155 mm, 180 mm)
Japanese 100 mm guns
38 mm Tier 8 - 10 USN battleship decks Henri IV (240 mm)
Goliath (234 mm)
Superheavy cruisers (305 - 310 mm)
All german cruisers
German 150 mm guns
All non-German 203 mm ships, and Mogami. Not worth it on 203mm guns, since you lose a lot fire chance just to penetrate this category of armor.
50 mm Khabarovsk belt
Moskva, Stalingrad and Petropavlovsk casemate plating
Tier 7 - 10 German battleships' decks
German 203 mm (Hindenburg, Roon, Hipper, Yorck)
Superheavy cruisers (305 - 310 mm)
Henri IV (240 mm) (not worth it, considering how much fire chance you lose)
60 mm Sovetsky Soyuz, AL Sov. Rossiya and Kremlin deck Only battleship calibre HE can penetrate their deck armor German 203 mm (Hindenburg, Roon, Hipper, Yorck)
Superheavy cruisers (305 - 310 mm), but it's not worth speccing into IFHE considering how much fire chance you lose

By HE diameter

HE shell Occurrences
Maximum armor thickness penetrated IFHE beneficial against
Without IFHE With IFHE
Tier 8 - 10 152 mm
180 mm
Japanese 100 mm
Most light cruisers
Some Japanese destroyers/secondaries
30 mm 32 mm Tier 8 - 10 battleship bow/stern, tier 8 - 10 British and French battleships' casemate plating, Slava deck plating
419-420 mm with improved HE penetration Conqueror, Friedrich der Große, Großer Kurfürst, Lion 104 mm 136 mm Citadels: Cleveland, Edinburgh, Fiji, Helena, New Orleans, Worcester
456 mm with improved HE penetration Thunderer 114 mm 142 mm Citadels: Cleveland, Edinburgh, Fiji, Helena, New Orleans, Worcester, Audacious


  • As per the tables above, 152 mm and 155 mm HE, primarily found on light cruisers; and 100 mm HE, found on Japanese gunboat destroyers and some secondary batteries, are by far the biggest beneficiaries.
  • 180 mm HE benefits less from IFHE because of a more drastic relative reduction in fire chance for not much gain in both absolute and impactful damage output
  • The only secondary weapons that may benefit from IFHE are German 105 mm secondaries with 26 mm base penetration, however, they give up a lot of fire chance for the ability to penetrate up to and including 32 mm plating, which is most of the time not worth it
  • Some other ships gain some benefit, but this is not generally considered worth the cost in skill points and the tradeoff in fire starting capabilities.

AP overmatch

An AP shell whose diameter is greater than 14.3 times the thickness of an armor plate will overmatch and pass through it regardless of angle. Here are some thresholds where this occurs, which determines whether it is feasible to "bow-tank" a particular AP shell.

Armor thickness AP shell diameter
needed to overmatch
10 mm 144 mm Tier 4-5 cruiser superstructure
Tier 4-5 destroyer plating
Will bounce most destroyer (except German 150mm guns) shells if sufficiently angled, but not most light cruiser shells.
13 mm 186 mm Tier 4 - 5 battleship superstructure
Tier 4 and 5 cruiser bow/stern
Most tier 6 - 7 cruiser superstructure
Tier 8 - 10 and Super destroyer superstructure plating
Will bounce light cruiser shells if sufficiently angled but not heavy cruiser shells (203 mm and larger).
16 mm 229 mm Tier 3 battleship bow/stern
Tier 6 - 7 battleship superstructure
Most tier 6 - 7 cruiser bow/stern
The entirety of British light cruiser and Smolensk hull plating
Tier 6 - 7 destroyer plating
Will bounce almost all cruiser shells if sufficiently angled.
Notable: Can bounce Moskva (220 mm) but not Goliath (234 mm), Henri IV (240 mm), Graf Spee, Scharnhorst or Gouden Leeuw (283 mm).
19 mm 272 mm Tier 4 - 5 battleship bow/stern
Tier 6 - 7 light cruiser side plating
Tier 8 - 10 and Super battleship and cruiser superstructure
Tier 8 - 10 and Super destroyer plating
Tier 8, 10 and Super aircraft carrier bow/stern plating
Will bounce up to 254 mm AP if sufficiently angled.
Notable: Can bounce Henri IV (240 mm), but not Graf Spee, Scharnhorst, Gouden Leeuw (283 mm) and other battlecruiser AP shells (305 - 330 mm).
25 mm 358 mm Tier 6 and 7 cruisers' decks; the bow/stern plating of Yorck, Pensacola, New Orleans and Florida; most tier 8 - 10 and Super cruisers' bow/stern plating, tier 8 - 10 light cruisers' side plating; bow/stern plating of Mackensen, Prinz Heinrich, Borodino, Constellation, Slava and Incomparable Will bounce up to 14-inch shells (356 mm) if sufficiently angled.
26 mm 372 mm Tier 6 and 7 battleship bow/stern and some of their casemate plating Will bounce up to 14-inch shells (356 mm) if sufficiently angled.
27 mm 387 mm Tier 8 and 9 cruiser decks, some tier 8 - 10 cruiser bow/stern (USN and German heavy cruisers); parts of Zieten, Prinz Rupprecht and Schlieffen bow/stern plating. Will bounce up to 15-inch shells (381 mm) if sufficiently angled.
30 mm 430 mm Most tier 10 and Super cruiser deck plating, most tier 10 and Super heavy cruiser side plating, Ägir, Siegfried, Albemarle, Cheshire, Drake, Haarlem and Johan de Witt deck plating. At the moment, République (431 mm), Thunderer (457 mm), Georgia (457 mm), Vermont (457 mm), Ohio (457 mm), Kremlin (457 mm), Preussen (457 mm), Adatara (457 mm), Bungo (457 mm), Tsurugi (457 mm), Ruggiero di Lauria (457 mm), Sun Yat-Sen (457 mm), Musashi (460 mm), Yamato (460 mm), super battleship Hannover (483 mm), Incomparable (508 mm), super battleship Satsuma and Shikishima (both 510 mm) can overmatch.
32 mm 458 mm Tier 8-10 and Super battleship bow/stern, tier 8 - 10 and Super British and French battleships' casemate plating, Slava deck plating At the moment, Musashi, Yamato (both 460 mm), Hannover (483 mm), Incomparable (508 mm), Satsuma and Shikishima (both 510 mm) can overmatch.
35 mm 500 mm Tier 9 Riga deck plating, tier 6 Fuso deck plating At the moment, Incomparable (508 mm), Satsuma and Shikishima (both 510 mm) can overmatch.


  • The formula for fire chance can be found in Fires.