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Base Earnings

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Main article: Economy

The two most important currencies in World of WarshipsCreditsCredits and Experience in its several forms — are earned primarily by fighting battles. This article discusses how the base amounts of experience and credits are determined from a ship's performance in battle. While the formulas for the calculation of base earnings are not published, the factors affecting the base amounts are known.

From these base amounts the final rewards for the battle are calculated. (These formulas are well known. See the Economics article for details.)

Note: Special rules apply for ships participating in Clan Battles.

Base Credits


CreditsCredits is the primary monetary currency in World of Warships. Credits are needed to buy unlocked tech tree ships, premium consumables, modules, upgrades, and commander retraining, as well as to pay for servicing and resupply after battle.

Players earn credits through battles, campaigns, containers, premium shop bundles, or special missions. Base credit income depends on performance in battle. The base amount earned may be modified by such as Premium time, ship bonuses, etc.

There are three values that are important to understand:

  • Base credit earnings
  • Gross credit earnings (base earnings with bonuses applied; this is the amount applied against mission requirements)
  • Net credit earnings (gross earnings with expenses deducted; this is the amount that goes into your treasury)[1]

Here we discuss only Base credit earnings.

Base Experience


Experience is the primary research currency in World of Warships. Players earn experience in the same way as they do Credits — through battles and special missions. Experience is measured by Experience Points (XP). In its various forms, XP is used to research (unlock) new ships and modules and develop more capable commanders, allowing the player to progress.

There are several types of experience. All types — ship XP, Free XP, commander XP — derive from Base XP: the raw amount earned in battle.

Base XP (sometimes BXP) is the experience earned directly from a ship's performance in battle. See Earning Credits and Experience below for factors that determine base experience.

Base XP is modified by various bonuses to yield the modified ship XPModified Ship Experience used to research modules and ships, and Elite XP. It is also the basis of earned Free experienceFree XP and Commander experience. See the Economics article for how these derived values are calculated.

Base XP is rarely used directly. A team's relative performance in a battle is ordered by Base XP. Missions may require the accumulation of Base XP as the mission objective.

Base Earnings Revealed

The amounts of base earning appear in the post-battle report.

Base XP earned appears on the 'Team Score' tab and is used to rank team performance. It also appears on the 'Credits and XP' tab in the left-hand (non-premium) column as XP/Received/Earned above where its use in calculating derived XP values is broken out.

Base Credits earned appears on the 'Credits and XP' tab on the top line of the left-hand column. (The right-hand column is modified by Premium Account). [2]

Earning Credits and Experience

For visual learners.

After a battle, each player receives base credits and experience according to his contribution to the battle.[3]

Factors affecting the base amounts are listed below. [4]  N.b. that while these factors are used to calculate both XP and Credits, how they are used is not identical between the two.

In-game Actions

  • The greatest base earnings come from damage done to enemy ships.
  • The rewards for damage is determined by the percentage of the target ship's hit points removed, not the amount of raw damage done. Removing 90% of a destroyer's HP will generate the same base earnings as removing 90% of a battleship's HP at the same tier.
  • The rewards from damage scale depending on the tier disparity between ships. More is earned for damaging a higher tiered than a lower tiered ship.

Damage to ships and aircraft, kills, and captures make up about 85% of total earnings.

Action Credits
420_ribbon_frag.png Frags (enemy kills) award credits the equivalent of 25% of the target's hit points in damage.
72_ribbon_splane.png422_ribbon_plane.png Total damage to aircraft is tracked and contributes to earnings.[5] The tier of the aircraft carrier that launched the planes is considered for tier disparity.
415_ribbon_base_capture.png Captured rewards credits "equivalent to 1/3 of a completely destroyed ship".[6]
414_ribbon_base_capture_assist.png If several ships contribute to a capture, the rewards are divided by each ship's contribution to the capture.
416_ribbon_base_defense.png The reward for blocking capture is the same as a capture assist dividing by the duration of the enemy's capture.
Base experience points
Action Base Experience
420_ribbon_frag.png Frags (enemy kills) award base experience the equivalent of 10% of the target's hit points in damage.
72_ribbon_splane.png422_ribbon_plane.png Total damage to aircraft is tracked and contributes to earnings.[5] The tier of the aircraft carrier that launched the planes is considered for tier disparity.
415_ribbon_base_capture.png Captured rewards base experience "equivalent to 2/3 of a completely destroyed ship".[6]
414_ribbon_base_capture_assist.png If several ships contribute to a capture, the rewards are divided by each ship's contribution to the capture.
416_ribbon_base_defense.png The reward for blocking capture is the same as a capture assist dividing by the duration of the enemy's capture.

Tanking and Spotting

  • The following typically contribute less than 15% of total earned credits and base XP.

Potential damage

  • Tanking and potential damage is rewarded. Potential damage is the sum of the maximum damage of all shells, bombs, torpedoes, etc. that hit the ship or pass within 700m.[7]
  • Earnings are modified by ship type. For example, battleships earn the most credits and base XP and aircraft carriers the least for receiving the same amount of potential damage.

Potential damage, spotting, damage upon spotting economics modifiers by ship type


  • Detection - detecting a ship for the first time or detecting one that has been undetected for at least 90 seconds:
    • CV receives 0.75% of XP/Credits of the reward for full HP damage to the detected ship.
    • BB receives 1.50% of XP/Credits of the reward for full HP damage to the detected ship.
    • DD receives 2.00% of XP/Credits of the reward for full HP damage to the detected ship.
    • CR receives 3.25% of XP/Credits of the reward for full HP damage to the detected ship.
  • The detection of aircraft and torpedoes also generates a small reward.

Spotting and Damage on Spotting

  • Spotting - detecting a ship that is then damaged by one's allies that otherwise could not see the target
  • rewards (both XP and Credits) the spotter for the same percent of damage done as the shooter.[9]
  • The spotter must be detecting the target at the moment the ordnance hits.
  • The rewards will be credited to all such "spotters" in full.[7]
  • Damage-over-time (fire, flood) is not rewarded to spotters.

Other Considerations

  • The more Base Capture and Base Defense points you earn, the better.
  • XP is not awarded for damage to shore installations.
  • Rewards from actions scale. Destroying one cruiser earns full reward. Destroying two cruisers earns about 0.85 x gross reward. For destroying three cruisers, 0.67 x gross reward. (These are estimates; actual scaling is not known.)[10]
  • Diversity of activity is rewarded. For instance, a BB that camps at the back doing one task - shooting at long range - will earn less than the BB that accrues the same damage while shooting and also defending a capture point.
  • Finally, the Base XP rewards increase 50% for the winning team.[11]

The Ship Itself

Each ship has multipliers to XP and credits. The multipliers of premium ships are known to be higher than those for tech tree ships. However, the values themselves are unknown.[12]

The multiplier scales with the tier of the ship. For XP, a two-fold difference is possible between Tiers I and X. E.g. a Tier I ship may have a multiplier of 1.0 while a Tier X ship has a multiplier of 2.0. For credits, the difference may be even greater.

Friendly Fire

Friendly fire (dealing direct damage to allies, accidental or otherwise) decreases the amount of credits and experience earned, imposing a fine on the total amount. This will never cause the reward to go below zero, though.

How Base Earnings Are Used

To these base amounts, modifiers are applied to calculate the final reward amounts (see the Economics article for details). The post-battle report states the final, modified results on the 'Personal Score' tab, states the base XP on the 'Team Score' tab, summarizes the elements that affected the base rewards on the 'Details' tab, and breaks down the calculation of derived results on the 'Credits and XP' tab.


Scouting & Experience Gains from Nov. 2017. A bit old, but mostly relevant.

  1. Net earnings may be negative. See the main Economy article.
  2. Note that the credit amount shown on the 'Personal Score' tab is neither the base credits nor the final credit amount; it is the gross credit amount applied to mission requirements — operating expenses have not yet been deducted.
  3. A ship that does nothing will be evaluated as "No Battle Contribution" and receive zero Credits and XP.
  4. This data originated in an early WG document "The Root of All Evil". Some parts subsequently have been changed, particularly with Update 0.5.12. The release in May 2019 of the 'How It Works: Economic' video has provided more data.
  5. 5.0 5.1 From Update 0.8.3, only the number of shot down planes are calculated into credits and XP. This has been changed to damage done to planes
  6. 6.0 6.1 The type and tier of this example ship is unspecified.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Update 0.7.4
  8. 8.0 8.1 Although the ribbon awarded for detecting a ship is labeled "Spotted", it is awarded for simple detection, not for spotting for damage.
  9. This may be modified by relative tier etc. but the details are not known.
  10. With Update 0.11.6 the scaling changed: "Since the very beginning, the XP and Credit reward system used a declining method to reward players for this or that action in the game, i.e., the first actions brought more reward than the following. This made it easier to earn small amounts of XP or Credits and hampered the gain of larger amounts. Starting from this update, we're increasing the amount that will be easier to obtain and slightly decreasing the threshold from which it'll be more difficult to obtain large amounts." Guide to Separation of Exterior Visuals and Economic Bonuses in the Changes to Basic Earnings section.
  11. How It Works:Modifiers.
  12. For an example of periodic adjustment of these values, see Ship:Update_0.8.5#Battle_Economics.