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9,900 Cost |
1400280 HP Hit Points |
35.5/3826.66/38 t Weight Limit |
- 車長
- 炮手
- 駕駛
- 裝填手 (通訊員)
520520 hp Engine Power |
50/20 km/h Speed Limit |
4646 deg/s Traverse |
14.6519.5 hp/t Power/Wt Ratio |
NoNo Pivot |
// mm Hull Armor |
200/130/60200/130/60 mm Turret Armor |
AP/HEAT/HE Shells |
390/390/530390/390/530 HP Damage |
196/250/61196/250/61 mm Penetration |
r/m ▲
4.48 r/m Standard Gun ▲
4.48 Rate of Fire Standard Gun |
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
1747.2 Standard Gun ▲
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
1747.2 Damage Per Minute Standard Gun |
m ▲
0.42 m With 50% Crew: 0.52 m ▲
0.42 Accuracy With 50% Crew: 0.52 m |
s 2.5 s 2.5 Aim time |
4646 deg/s Turret Traverse |
360° Gun Arc |
-7°/+15°-7°/+15° Elevation Arc |
4040 rounds Ammo Capacity |
1212 % Chance of Fire |
m 380 m 380 View Range |
m 600 m 600 Signal Range |
Additional Statistics
(Top Configuration)
The T-34-3 is a [[中國|]] tier 8 premium 中型戰車.
T-34-3 中型戰車被設計為 T-34-2 的修改型。其研發始於 1957 年。但由於 Type 59 戰車在 1958 年投入了大量生產,T-34-3 計畫也因此被中止。
Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables
等級 | 炮管 | 平均穿透力(毫米) | 射擊速率 | 100 公尺處擴散度 | 瞄準時間 | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, | |
VIII | 122 mm D-25TA | 196/250/61 | 390/390/530 | 4.48 | 0.42 | 2.5 | 0 | 2590 | 135000 |
等級 | 引擎 | 引擎功率(匹馬力) | 碰撞時火災發生機率 | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
VIII | NORINCO 12150L | 520 | 12 | 0 | 750 | 79290 |
等級 | 懸吊 | 負載限制 | 迴轉速度(度/秒) | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
VIII | T-34-3 | 38 | 46 | 0 | 12000 | 30000 |
等級 | 通訊設備 | 通訊範圍(公尺) | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
IX | A-220 | 600 | 0 | 40 | 24240 |
Compatible Equipment
Compatible Consumables
Player Opinion
Pros and Cons
- Good alpha damage for a medium
- Tough turret
- Good mobility
- Good camo values
- Abysmal gun depression
- Poor aim time and accuracy
- Long reload time for a medium tank
- Very expensive for a tier 8 premium medium
- Premium ammo is HEAT rounds which fare poorly against sloped and spaced armor
T-34-3 plays unlike medium tanks of any other nation. T-44 equipped with 122mm gun comes close. The 390 average damage of 122mm is amazing for a tier 8 medium, and it's better than some heavies or tank destroyers on same tier get. High alpha gives this tank very good damage potential. Penetration is similar than other medium tanks get and mobility allows you to flank and get to sides of heavy tanks. Unfortunately accuracy of the Chinese gun is even lower than similar Soviet guns.
Turret armor is strong like similar tanks. One of the best ways to play this tank is to find a shell hole or depression in the ground and sit it in while only exposing your turret armor and watching the other teams shots just bounce. (Just remember to move before arty gets you). If you cant find a hole to hide in, play carefully as your hull armor while good, won't save you in a brawl with other tanks, if you do find yourself in a brawl try to keep your very thin side armor covered so they have to shoot your turret. Also try not to get flanked as while you have ok mobility other tanks have better and can circle you to death by shooting you weak side armor. With your low pen without gold ammo try to hit weak spots or shoot tanks in the side, if you try to circle them don't get tracked or you will die fast as your reload is slow compared to other tanks.
Facehugging is a viable tactic while using this tank.
Because of its long reload having a shell rammer is a must for this tank. Other than that it's advisable to try to improve your aim time and equip Vertical Stabilizer and Enhanced Gun Laying Drive.
Also should be noted that this tank has very good camouflage values. Training crew with camo skills can keep the tank hidden until its gun is fired. Training Brothers in Arms for all crew gives extra 5% crew skill which helps slightly with aiming time, accuracy and reload.
Suggested Equipment
Historical Info
輕型戰車 | Vickers Mk. E Type B • Type 2597 Chi-Ha • M5A1 Stuart • 59-16 • Type 64 • Type 62 • WZ-131 • WZ-132 • M41D • WZ-132A • WZ-132-1 |
中型戰車 | Type T-34 • Type 58 • T-34-1 • Type 59 • T-34-2 • T-34-3 • 59-Patton • 122 TM • Type 59 G • WZ-120 • 121 • 121B |
重型戰車 | IS-2 • WZ-111 • WZ-111 Alpine Tiger • 110 • 112 • WZ-111 model 1-4 • WZ-114 • 113 • 113 Beijing Opera • WZ-111 model 5A • WZ-111 Qilin |
驅逐戰車 | T-26G FT • M3G FT • SU-76G FT • 60G FT • WZ-131G FT • T-34-2G FT • WZ-111-1G FT • WZ-120-1G FT • WZ-111G FT • WZ-120G FT • WZ-113G FT • 114 SP2 |
Self-Propelled Guns |