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810162 HP Hit Points |
32.23/3517.38/35 t Weight Limit |
- 車長
- 炮手
- 通訊員
- 駕駛
- 裝填手
500500 hp Engine Power |
53/20 km/h Speed Limit |
4040 deg/s Traverse |
15.5128.77 hp/t Power/Wt Ratio |
NoNo Pivot |
// mm Hull Armor |
90/75/5290/75/52 mm Turret Armor |
AP/APCR/HE Shells |
180/180/300180/180/300 HP Damage |
144/194/44144/194/44 mm Penetration |
r/m ▲
11.54 r/m Standard Gun ▲
11.54 Rate of Fire Standard Gun |
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
2077.2 Standard Gun ▲
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
2077.2 Damage Per Minute Standard Gun |
m ▲
0.37 m With 50% Crew: 0.458 m ▲
0.37 Accuracy With 50% Crew: 0.458 m |
s 2.2 s 2.2 Aim time |
4646 deg/s Turret Traverse |
360° Gun Arc |
-7°/+25°-7°/+25° Elevation Arc |
6060 rounds Ammo Capacity |
1515 % Chance of Fire |
m 360 m 360 View Range |
m 525 m 525 Signal Range |

The T-34-85M is a [[蘇聯|]] tier 6 premium 中型戰車.
一輛修改型的 T-34-85 戰車,於 No. 183 工廠生產。不像原始的車輛,它配備了強化過的正面裝甲以及減輕過的後方裝甲。油箱從戰鬥艙移動到了後方。當懸吊被證實出有缺點時,其生產工作在僅建造出一輛原型車後隨即被終止。
Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables

等級 | 炮管 | 平均穿透力(毫米) | 射擊速率 | 100 公尺處擴散度 | 瞄準時間 | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, | |
VI | 85 mm ZiS-S-53 | 144/194/44 | 180/180/300 | 11.54 | 0.37 | 2.2 | 0 | 1550 | 62000 |

等級 | 引擎 | 引擎功率(匹馬力) | 碰撞時火災發生機率 | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
VI | V-2-34 | 500 | 15 | 0 | 750 | 27860 |

等級 | 懸吊 | 負載限制 | 迴轉速度(度/秒) | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
VI | T-34-85M | 35 | 40 | 0 | 7800 | 10000 |

等級 | 通訊設備 | 通訊範圍(公尺) | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
VIII | 9RM | 525 | 0 | 30 | 24240 |
Compatible Equipment
Compatible Consumables
Player Opinion
Pros and Cons
- Nice front armor can easily deflect most lower tier shots
- High rate of fire with above average alpha on a medium tank
- Round turret commonly nets bounces
- Good top speed
- Good number of crew, can also train a radio operator allowing you to train lower tier Soviet mediums effectively
- No Special Match-Making
- Only has T-34-85's historical gun, not worth the trade-off for it's weaknesses
- Slower than most other medium tanks at tier
- Below average traverse speed (turret and hull)
- Turret cheeks and cupola easier to hit than regular T-34-85
Plays very similar to the in-game T-34-85 with the mid gun. The front armor is much thicker than the stock tanks with the same sloping, allowing a surprising number of bounces that the standard T-34 would have eaten. A lot has been made of the weak penetration on the gun, but as a medium and flanker/opportunist it has adequate penetration, similar in fact to American counterparts in it's tier. As the historical description alludes to, the suspension/tracks were the weak point, making this tank slightly less mobile than the standard -85. This makes turning and maneuvering seem sluggish, although if you are using it as a crew trainer for your upper-tier crew the added skills and perks should mitigate this. As to crew training, the tank contains the same crew slots as the regular -85. This means if you've left the low tiers behind you will have to find a Radio Operator to fill that slot. All in all this tank plays like the E2 version of the Sherman, whereas the regular T-34-85 is closer to the E8. The T-34-85M also does not have Special Match-Making like other Premium tanks.
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