No Nível de Acesso 4, os jogadores desbloqueiam a habilidade de montar sinais em seus navios para ganhar pequenos benefícios na gameplay e recompensas.
Ao alcançar o Nível de Acesso 14, os jogadores podem usar bandeiras não-nacionais.
Sinais são pequenas flâmulas, mostradas individualmente ou em conjunto, que são nominalmente usados para se comunicar com outros navios. No jogo, eles conferem bônus econômicos ou de combate ao navio que estiver com eles hasteados. Um máximo de oito (8) sinais de combate podem ser hasteados simultaneamente. Com a Update 0.9.3 um número ilimitado de sinais econômicos e especiais (um de cada) podem ser montados.
Sinais são consumidos após o uso. Podem ser obtidos das seguintes maneiras:
- Cada conquista em Batalhas Aleatórias/Classificatórias, (exceto a Ataque Devastador) dá sinais econômicos ou de combate a cada 24 horas. (Por exemplo: a primeira vez a cada dia que um capitão ganhar a condecoração "Confederado", ele ganhará 10 do sinal "Zulu Hotel" . Se acontecer de ganhar uma "Confederado" novamente no mesmo dia, não serão recebidos sinais.) Quando você ganha uma condecoração n vezes em uma única batalha e recebe sinais por ela, você receberá 10 x n sinais do mesmo tipo, exceto que você só ganha um "Zulu" pela conquista "Primeira Morte".
- Sinais Econômicos e de Combate podem ser comprados no Arsenal por Carvão .
- Sinais de Combate podem ser comprados no Arsenal por Créditos .
- Sinais Econômicos podem ser comprados na hora em que for montar por Dobrões se a opção de Reabastecimento Automático estiver ativada.
- Alguns sinais (atualmente pacotes de sinais Econômicos) podem ser comprados na Loja Premium (dependendo do servidor).
- Contêineres, especialmente os de Sinais & Camuflagem, possuem sinais.
- Campanhas, desafios, e missões de combate oferecem sinais como recompensa com uma boa frequência.
- Jogar uma batalha no Teste Público (PTS) normalmente vai te fornecer 3 de cada sinal, exceto os especiais. Outras missões do PTS podem dar sinais Especiais. (Confira as regras do PTS em questão).
- Sinais Especiais podem ser obtidos apenas em contêineres, eventos, missões, ou ocasionalmente em pacotes grandes de navios Premium.
Sinais podem ser vendidos do Inventário por créditos, apesar de não ser muito lucrativo, especialmente para os sinais Especiais e Econômicos.
Para equipar sinais, clique na aba "Exterior" abaixo do botão BATALHA! no centro do topo da tela do Porto, e então selecione "SINAIS" no menu. Uma lista dos sinais disponíveis e a quantidade deles será exibida. Ao clicar no sinal desejado, o mesmo será montado. Para desmontar basta clicar novamente. Colocar o mouse sobre um sinal mostra os benefícios obtidos com ele.
Reabastecimento Automático
Além de montar eles manualmente, você pode escolher o 'Reabastecimento Automático dos seus sinais, para que após a batalha, os sinais escolhidos inicialmente sejam automaticamente montados. A opção de ativar / desativar essa função aparece abaixo da lista de sinais. Estará desativada por padrão. Se você não ativar, o navio não terá nenhum sinal montado após retornar ao porto, vindo de uma batalha.
Os sinais renovados automaticamente que forem do grupo Econômicos podem ser comprados automaticamente (se não houverem mais disponíveis para montar) por dobrões . Quando o Reabastecimento Automático for ativado, uma caixinha se abrirá abaixo da opção para saber se quando não houverem mais sinais, se a compra pode ser realizada. Estará ativada por padrão.
Lista de Sinais de Combate
Sinal | Nome | Valor em Créditos (a cada 20)[1] |
Preço em Carvão (a cada 20)[1] |
Valor em Créditos [2] | Significado Histórico | Efeito |
Hotel Yankee | 240.000 | 800 | 750 | "O navio com o qual colidi, afundou." | |
India Delta | 2.400.000 | 8.000 | 7.500 | "Dano pode ser reparado no mar." |
India Yankee | 1.920.000 | 6.400 | 6.000 | "Posso cuidar do incêndio sem ajuda." |
Juliet Charlie | 1.920.000 | 6.400 | 6.000 | "Não há perigo de explosão." |
Juliet Yankee Bissotwo | 480.000 | 1.600 | 1.500 | "O vazamento está sob controle." |
Mike Yankee Soxisix | 960.000 | 3.200 | 3.000 | "É perigoso se aproximar do meu navio." |
Sierra Mike | 2.400.000 | 8.000 | 7.500 | "Estou passando por testes de velocidade." |
November Foxtrot | 1.920.000 | 6.400 | 6.000 | "Está correndo para o perigo." |
November Echo Setteseven | 1.920.000 | 6.400 | 6.000 | "Proceda com cuidado; aeronave inimiga avistada." |
Victor Lima | 3.840.000 | 12.800 | 12.000 | "Furacão se aproxima; tome os cuidados adequados." | |
India X-Ray | 2.880.000 | 9.600 | 9.000 | "O incêndio está aumentando." | |
Juliet Whiskey Unaone | 1.440.000 | 4.800 | 4.500 | "O vazamento está perigoso." | |
X-Ray Papa Unaone | 2.400.000 | 8.000 | 7.500 | "Estou entrando em uma zona com visibilidade restrita." |
Sierra Bravo | 2.400.000 | 8.000 | 7.500 | "Estou indo para a posição do acidente." |
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 O preço base para cada 20 sinais. Existem cupons de desconto de 25% e 50% disponíveis mensalmente. Perceba que estes sinais estão comumente disponíveis por outras moedas como créditos , pontos de pesquisa , e moedas de evento.
- ↑ O valor em créditos quando vendido do Inventário.
Nandeiras Nacionais
Cada navio na Árvore Tecnológica de uma mesma nação hasteia a bandeira nacional ou o "emblema" naval daquela nação. Navios de árvores tecnológicas que cobrem mais de uma nação - como a Comunidade das Nações, Pan-América ou Europa - podem escolher se irão hastear a bandeira "nacional" da árvore tecnológica ou aquela da nação que representam.
Bandeiras Não-Nacionais
A partir do Nível de Acesso 14 os jogadores podem escolher se irão hastear uma bandeira não-nacional, em conjunto com a bandeira nacional do navio. Estas bandeiras podem ser obtidas de várias maneiras: de eventos no jogo, através de pacotes com navios na loja, em concursos ou eventos nos fóruns regionais.
Entender as diferenças entre Bandeiras e Sinais é essencial:
- Sinais são funcionais, enquanto as bandeiras são ornamentais. (As poucas bandeiras que afetam recompensas são raras e geralmente indisponíveis.)
- O jogador é limitado a montar uma (1) bandeira não-nacional em cada navio. (A habilidade de montar duas (2) bandeiras pode ser obtida ao completar algumas Coleções.)
- A bandeira não pe consumida; permanece hasteada até o momento em que o capitão ordenar que ela seja arriada.
- A mesma bandeira pode ser usada em mais de um navio ao mesmo tempo.
Abaixo temos apenas bandeiras não-nacionais:
Lista de Bandeiras de Temporadas de Batalhas Classificatórias
Pedimos desculpas por não termos traduzido esta tabela. Optamos por não traduzir por não sabermos exatamente a tradução que está no jogo.
Flag | Name | Earned Via | Notes |
Jolly Roger | Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles. | "This flag, alongside dozens of other flags, was used by pirates in the 17th and 18th century. There was never a unified pirate flag. However, throughout the 19th and 21st century, a flag bearing a skull and crossbones has been associated with piracy." |
Jolly Roger II | Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles for a second time. | "Uma bandeira comemorativa obtida por alcançar a Posição 1 novamente nas Batalhas Classificatórias (antiga)." |
Jolly Roger III | Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles for a fourth time. | "Uma bandeira comemorativa obtida por alcançar a Posição 1 pela quarta vez nas Batalhas Classificatórias (antiga)." |
Jolly Roger IV | Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles for a sixth time. | "Uma bandeira comemorativa obtida por alcançar a Posição 1 pela sexta vez nas Batalhas Classificatórias (antiga)." |
Jolly Roger V | Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles for a seventh time. | "Uma bandeira comemorativa obtida por alcançar a Posição 1 pela sétima vez nas Batalhas Classificatórias (antiga)." |
Jolly Roger VI | Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles. | "A commemorative flag awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Tenth Season of Ranked Battles (old)." |
The First Season | Awarded for participating in the first season of ranked battles. | "A commemorative flag granted for participating in the First season of Ranked Battles." |
Port of Kure | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the second season of ranked battles. | "In the former Empire of Japan, one of the Imperial Navy bases was located in Kure. Yamato, one of the two largest battleships in World War II, was built there." |
Hawaii | Awarded for reaching rank 14 in the third season of ranked battles. | "The state flag of Hawaii. In 1889, the U.S. Navy established a naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. On 7 December 1941, the base was attacked by Japanese naval aviation and midget submarines, bringing the United States fully into World War II." |
Midway | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the fourth season of ranked battles. | "The Battle of Midway was a colossal naval battle that took place in June 1942 in the Pacfic theater of World War II. The decisive victory of the U.S. Navy over the Combined Fleet of Japan marked a turning point in the Pacific war." |
Wilhelmshaven | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the fifth season of ranked battles. | "Wilhelmshaven was Germany's largest naval base during World War I and II. The city was founded in 1869 by Prussian King Wilhelm I to serve as a base for the Prussian Navy, with a shipyard built in 1871. Until 1918, the base had been under the command of the Kaiser's Navy. From 1918 to 1935 and from 1935 to 1945, it was under the control of the Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, respectively." |
Flag of a Naval Fortress Commandant | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the sixth season of ranked battles. | "The flag of a naval fortress commandant was established in the Russian Empire by decree of Emperor Nicholas II in 1913. The flag depicts and anchor and two crossed gun barrels against a background of St. Andrew's colors. It used to be awarded to commandants of naval fortresses who defended the main sea bases of the Imperial Russian Navy: Sevastopol, Kronstadt, Vladivostok, and others." |
Chatham Dockyard Emblem | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the seventh season of ranked battles. | "The Royal Navy Dockyard was founded in 1567. For over four hundred years, warships for the British Royal Navy were built here. The Chatham Dockyard emblem features a crossed trident and sword. The same elements feature on the Coat of Arms of the town of Chatham." |
Akureyri | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the eighth season of ranked battles. | "In the evening of 23 December 1943, the task force of warships headed by battleship Duke of York departed from the port of Akureyri in Iceland to provide distant cover for Arctic Convoy JW-55B. Three days later, on 26 December, Duke of York would play a leading role in the Battle of the North Cape." |
Brooklyn Navy Yard | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the ninth season of ranked battles. | "At the Brooklyn Navy Yard, many famous US Navy ships were launched, including such cruisers as New Orleans, Pensacola, Brooklyn, Helena, and battleships Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico, and New York." |
Puerto Belgrano Naval Base | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the tenth season of ranked battles. | "The major Argentinian naval base situated near Bahía Blanca came into operation in the late 19th century. The base received its current name in 1923, in honor of brigantine called General Belgrano, which had been exploring the region about a century prior." |
Malta | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the eleventh season of ranked battles. | "A comemorative flag awarded for reaching Rank 15 in the Eleventh Season of Ranked Battles." |
Port Captain flag | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the twelfth season of ranked battles. | "The corresponding flag was hoisted on the mast of a Soviet Navy ship with a Captain of the Port on board. A blue cloth with a white common anchor and a naval ensign in the upper left corner." |
Marseille | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the thirteenth season of ranked battles. | "An emblem of Marseille, one of the largest and most ancient ports in France, depicting a blue cross on a white background, dates back to the times of the crusades, when this city served as a base for the army of crusaders." |
Taranto | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the fourteenth season of ranked battles. | "The Italian city of Taranto was founded by the Spartans in the 8th century BC, and named by them in honor of one of the heroes of ancient Greek myths. After the unification of Italy, this port began to be used as a base of the Regia Marina." |
Devonport | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the fifteenth season of ranked battles. | "Devonport, County Devonshire, is one of the oldest naval bases of the Royal Navy. It has been one of the primary centers of British shipbuilding for several centuries." |
Commander of the Soviet Union's Naval Forces | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the sixteenth season of ranked battles. | Flag of the Commander of the Soviet Union's Naval Forces from 1924 through 1935. It is a naval ensign of the U.S.S.R. that bears two crossed blue admiralty anchors at its center." |
Minister of Defense of the Weimar Republic | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the seventeenth season of ranked battles. | "During the Weimar Republic period (1919–1933), the German Navy was under the command of the Minister of Defense. The flag of the Minister of Defense was cloth composed of the national colors with an image of the Iron Cross placed at its center." |
Army-Navy Excellence in Production Award | Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the eighteenth season of ranked battles. | "An honor presented by the U.S. to public and private companies and organizations during World War II whose production facilities achieved excellence in production of war equipment." |
Nagasaki | Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of the Test Season of Ranked Battles. | "A commemorative flag, awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League in the Test Ranked Season." |
Regia Marina Grand Admiral and Commander | Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 2 of Ranked Battles. | "A commemorative flag granted for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 2 of Ranked Battles." |
General-Admiral: Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine | Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 3 of Ranked Battles. | "A commemorative flag, awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League in the Third Ranked Season." |
Submarine Warfare Insignia | Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 4 of Ranked Battles. | "A variant of a future insignia for U.S. Navy submariners, developed in 1923. The design was based on a submarine officer badge of the Imperial Russian Navy from 1909 with a tiger shark silhouette placed over it." |
Supernavios | Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 5 of Ranked Battles. | "Pináculos da engenharia, os projetos dos supernavios foram desenvolvidos com base nos melhores representantes de seus tipos." |
Cidade Excêntrica | Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 6 of Ranked Battles. | "Austin é uma cidade do Texas famosa pela riqueza cultural e pela Congress Avenue Bridge, que abriga uma das maiores colônias urbanas de morcegos do mundo.
Bandeira concedida por alcançar a Posição 1 na Liga de Bronze da 6ª Temporada de Batalhas Classificatórias." |
Batalha de Helgeå | Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 7 of Ranked Battles. | "Na primeira metade do século XI, centenas de dracares se enfrentaram na foz do rio Helgeå. Este evento foi exaltado em crônicas e sagas nos anos que se seguiram." |
Lista de Bandeiras Promocionais
Pedimos desculpas por não termos traduzido esta tabela. Optamos por não traduzir por não sabermos exatamente a tradução que está no jogo.
Bandeira | Nome | Recompensa de | Notas |
Noel Secreto 2015 | Uma bandeira comemorativa pela participação no evento especial \Noel Secreto\
em 2015. |
"Participantes do evento especial trocaram presentes de feriado com jogadores aleatórios e foram condecorados com uma bandeira comemorativa." |
Military Month Contributor | Concedida aos jogadores do servidor NA por completarem uma série de missões em Maio de 2016. | "Esta bandeira comemorativa é concedida àqueles que realizaram esforço excepcional para levantar dinheiro para caridade durante o Mês Militar. |
Cão do Mar | Concedido aos jogadores no servidor da EU que ganharam 500 Diamantes durante o eventoGrande Batalhas Navais em maio de 2016. | "Esta bandeira foi concedida pela participação ativa no evento de Grandes Batalhas Navais em maio de 2016." |
Leão do Mar | Concedido aos jogadores no servidor da EU que ganharam 900 Diamantes durante o eventoGrande Batalhas Navais em maio de 2016. | "Esta bandeira é testemunha do ótimo esforço desempenhado no alto mar e pelo esgotamento do rum durante o evento das Grandes Batalhas Navais em maio de 2016." |
Campeões Mundiais | Concedida aos jogadores que completaram a série de missões celebrando as Olimpíadas de Verão de agosto de 2016. | "Uma bandeira para os vencedores definitivos" |
Black Rock | Concedida aos jogadores do servidor NA por completarem uma missão celebrando o festival The Burning Man em agosto de 2016. | "Para aqueles que têm experiência em arte e comunidade." |
Gamescom 2016 | Disponível através de um código distribuído aos participantes da gamescom 2016. | "Um evento importante para o jogo em 2016: Gamescom. Você esteve lá e esperamos vê-lo novamente!" |
O jogo tem um ano de idade | Concedida por participar das celebrações celebrações do primeiro aniversário de World of Warships em setembro de 2016. | "Um ano juntos!" |
Fale Como Um Pirata | Concedida aos jogadores do servidor NA por completarem uma missão no Dia Internacional de Falar como um Pirata em setembro de 2016. | "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" |
Eu Votei | Concedida aos jogadores do servidor NA por participarem em uma thread no forum em novembro de 2016. | "DEMOCRACIA!!! 'O melhor argumento contra a democracia é um conversa de cinco minutos com o eleitor médio .' —Winston Churchill." |
Incêndio sem Trégua | Concedida aos jogadores do servidor NA por participarem em um evento dentro do jogo em novembro de 2016. | "Você é parte integrante da comunidade do jogo. Nós amamos você." |
75º Aniversário de Pearl Harbor | Concedido aos jogadores que se inscreveram através do site oficial em dezembro de 2016. | O ataque japonês ao porto americano de Pearl Harbor aconteceu em 7 de dezembro de 1941 com mais de dois mil americanos em serviço vitimados na operação. O ataque levou os Estados Unidos da América a declarar guerra ao Japão em 8 de dezembro e entrar na Segunda Guerra Mundial como parte de ambas as frentes europeias e do pacífico. |
Blue Steel | Concedido aos jogadores no servidor NA que completaram as missões finais dos vários eventos ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL. | ""ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL -ARS NOVA-" Bandeira de Colaboração. Uma bandeira ostentando a marca do I-401, um submarino do "Blue Steel". "Referência de "ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL -ARS NOVA-"." |
Precisa-se de Papai Noel 2016 | Concedido aos jogadores que participaram do evento Secret Santa em dezembro de 2016. | "Uma bandeira comemorativa pela participação no especial 'Precisa-se de Papai Noel' em 2016'." |
Feliz Shipsmas | Concedido aos jogadores no servidor NA por completar uma missão durante o Shipsmas 2016. | "Inclui um jantar, um mastro de alumínio sem adornos e práticas tais como 'Airing of Grievances' e 'Feats of Strength'." |
Soldado da Liga Suprema | Concedido aos jogadores no servidor NA que participaram da Temporada 3 da Liga Suprema. | "Participou da Temporada 3 da Liga Suprema." |
Campeão de Ouro da Liga Suprema or Campeão de Prata da Liga Suprema | Concedido aos jogadores no servidor de NA que foram campeões das Divisões Ouro ou Prata da Temporada 3 da Liga Suprema. | "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you." |
Vencedor do Concurso da Comunidade | Concedido primeiramente a jogadores no servidor NA que eram membros da Corgi Fleet. | "Vencedor orgulhoso do concurso do fórum NikoPower!" |
Galo de Fogo | Concedido aos jogadores que completaram missões no Ano Novo Chinês de 2017. | "Na comemoração do ano 4.714 do calendário chinês — o ano do Galo de Fogo." |
Dia dos Namorados 2017 | Concedido aos jogadores que completaram missões no Dia dos Namorados de 2017. | "Amor é sentir borboletas em seu estômago o que faz você realizar ações ilógicas para o bem de outra pessoa. Esperamos que você o encontre algum dia!" |
A Recompensa de Mérito | Concedido aos jogadores dos servidores da América do Norte por votar no melhor Vídeo oficial do World of Warships 2016. | "Esta ação foi dedicada à entrega do prêmio da Academia Americana de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas, conhecido como "Oscar". .com/en/news/common/id-like-to-thank-the-academy/ aqui]." |
Lá Fhéile Pádraig 2017 | Concedido aos jogadores que completaram missões no Dia de São Patrício de 2017. | "Há uma fortuna esperando atrás de cada esquina. Talvez você tenha sorte e não seja na forma de um torpedo!" |
Os Frutos do Seu Esforço | Concedido aos jogadores no servidor NA que concluíram uma caça ao tesouro que abrangeu vários artigos de notícias em | "Você seguiu as dicas! Deixe os comandantes camaradas saberem como você produtivamente gastou seu tempo usando esta bandeira!" |
Veterano | Concedido através da promoção Play Together!. | "Esta bandeira é concedida por convidar um amigo para entrar no jogo e jogar uma batalha com um navio de Nível VI." |
MGT-20 | Disponível para jogadores que visitam o [1] durante a turnê. | "Bandeira obtida pelo encontro do MGT-20 durante um evento oficial offline." |
Bandeira Guia Vamos Batalhar | Disponível para jogadores que participarem de um evento Vamos Batalhar Tour na América do Norte. | "Concedida por participar de um evento Vamos Batalhar!" |
Colégio Marítimo de Yokosuka | Concedido aos jogadores que concluírem a subcoleção "Bridge Crew" da Coleção "High School Fleet". | "Emblema do "Colégio Marítimo Feminino de Yokosuka". Este colégio foi fundado para treinar as "Sereias Azuis" |
Festival WG 2016 | Concedido aos jogadores que participaram do WG Fest em dezembro de 2016. | "Uma bandeira comemorativa concedida aos participantes do Festival WG 2016." |
Participante do Confronto dos Elementos | Concedido aos jogadores que participaram do evento Clash of the Elements em abril e maio de 2017. | "Homens famosos têm toda a terra como seu memorial - Péricles" |
Dia Internacional dos Trabalhadores | Concedido aos jogadores que completaram uma missão do dia do trabalhador em abril e maio de 2017. | "O Dia Internacional dos Trabalhadores, também conhecido em vários países como Dia do Trabalho, é celebrado no dia 1º de maio. É dedicado à classe trabalhadora, sendo universalmente tratado como feriado público." |
Victory Day! | Awarded to players who completed missions for VE Day Celebration in May 2017. | "V-Day Commemorative Flag" |
D-DAY Flag | To be updated. | "Recalling the Normandy landing, let's remember those who were brave!" |
NA & EU Community Flag
(AKA "The TransAtlantic") |
Awarded to players who won or voted in the Build Me a Fleet—Model Ship Contest in May 2017. Also awarded to players who participated in Shipstorm in December 2018. | "For those who have participated in our Community and made it more awesome." |
The Battle of Dunkirk Flag | Awarded to players for completing the Dunkirk missions in May 2017. | "The battle to evacuate over 300,000 Allied troops, fought valiantly by multiple nations." |
The Dunkirk Evacuation Flag | Awarded to players who completed the "Dunkirk" Collection. | "In late May through early June 1940, during the operation code-named 'Dynamo', the British managed to evacuate over 330,000 Allied troops surrounded near Dunkirk over the course of a few days. Thus the British professional army was preserved, and the struggle against Nazi Germany continued." |
Battle of Midway | Awarded to players on the EU server who completed Battle of Midway mission in June 2017. | |
Battle of Phillipines | Awarded to players on the NA server who completed Battle of The Philippine Sea missions in June 2017. | "A decisive victory involving the largest carrier-to-carrier fleet engagement in history." |
Yamamoto Isoroku | Awarded to players who complete the "Yamamoto Isoroku" Collection. | "My soul is always ready to fight!" |
gamescom 2017 | Available through a code given away to gamescom 2017 attendees. | |
World of Warships is Two Years Old | Awarded to players who complete the "2nd Anniversary of World of Warships" Collection. | "Two years together!" |
Lifesaver | Awarded to players who donated to hurricane relief with Team Rubicon. | "For participation in a donation event. Thank you for helping answer the call to help others." |
Coo of Boom | Awarded to players at the sole discretion of Pigeon_of_War. | "From the Nest to the Sea, He flaps his wings Free. Those who hear "Coo" share in doom, as guns thunder a loud Boom!" |
Battle of Guadalcanal | Awarded to players who completed a series of missions in November 2017. | "The Naval Battle of Guadalcanal was the decisive engagement between Allies and the Empire of Japan during the Guadalcanal Campaign in the Solomon Islands in November 1942." |
WG Fest 2017 | Awarded to players who attended WG Fest in December 2017. | "The flag given to players that participated in WG Fest 2017." |
New Year | Awarded to players who complete the "Battle of the North Cape" Collection. | "Happy New Year!" |
Songkran Festival 2016 | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag of The Songkran Festival" |
The Republic of China Navy | Unknown. | |
A Helping Hand | Unknown. | "Issued to those whose gallantry in battle is surpassed only by their selfless compassion for those in need." |
Squared Circle | Unknown. | "Keep it Tight" |
| | Unknown. | "Get Buffed with the Cap!" |
Project Oil Flag | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag granted to participants of Project Oil in the RU cluster." |
Coinsup User | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag granted to players who joined via Coinsup." |
CNY | Unknown. | "Celebrating the Lunar New Year" |
Turtle Ship | Unknown. | "A flag design featuring a Turtle character in the center of a black background. It has been used by the Korean Royal Navy for the Turtle ship since the 16th century." |
March Charge Tournament | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag for support and participation in the March Charge Tournament" |
Blue Mermaid | Unknown. | "The emblem of the Blue Mermaids. The Blue Mermaids are a company of women tasked with keeping the sea safe. In the series, Akeno Misaki and Moeka China enroll in Yokosuka Girls Maritime High School to become Blue Mermaids." |
The Rabbit | Awarded to players who completed the Easter Bunny Flag mission in April. | "I warned you! But did you listen to me? Oh, no, you knew it all, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it?" – Tim the Enchanter. |
Victory Day! | Unknown. | "V-Day commemorative flag" |
The Dragon Boat Festival | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag of The Dragon Boat Festival" |
Loot Boy | Unknown. | "Go on and grab your loot!" |
Military Veteran | Unknown. | "For those who gave for their country, community, and family. Wargaming Appreciates Your Service. |
Sea Smackdown | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag for Sea Smackdown participants" |
Corgi Fleet II | Unknown. | "A brave participant of the Corgi Battle Fleet! Cry Havoc and let slip the Borks of War!" |
Supremacy League One Year Anniversary Participants | Unknown. | "It's been a year since its establishment, and you were there for the historic fights." |
Supremacy League Season 4 Champions | Unknown. | "It's the one year anniversary of the Supremacy League and you're the winners!" |
FNFL | Unknown. | "Les Forces Navales Françaises Libres were the naval branch of the Free French Forces during the Second World War. The FNFL were commanded by Admiral Émile Muselier." |
Wargaming Summer Fest 2017 | Unknown. | "You've participated in the first Wargaming Summer Fest in history!" |
The U.S. Coast Guard | Unknown. | "For over 225 years, America's shores have been protected by the brave men and women of the U.S. Coast Guard." |
The Battle of Vella Gulf | Unknown. | "As later vessels say, "Move swiftly, and strike vigorously"." |
STALINGRAD #1 | Unknown. | "For completing the combat mission in the Typhoon League. Exchange 3 flags for the Tier X cruiser Stalingrad" |
STALINGRAD #2 | Unknown. | "For completing the combat mission in the Typhoon League. Exchange 3 flags for the Tier X cruiser Stalingrad" |
STALINGRAD #3 | Unknown. | "For completing the combat mission in the Typhoon League. Exchange 3 flags for the Tier X cruiser Stalingrad" |
Navy Day | Unknown. | "Navy Day commemorative flag" |
Wargaming 19 | Unknown. | "A flag to commemorate Wargaming's Anniversary" |
Twitch Prime | Unknown. | "Twitch is the world's leading social video platform and online community for gamers." |
Tokyo Game Show 2017 | Unknown. | "Join the excitement of Tokyo Game Show 2017!" |
Dudinka | Unknown. | "350 years of Dudinka town" |
message.png | Unknown. | "7772672e616d2f70726f6d65746865616e2d66696c6573" |
Seriously? Another Flag? | Unknown. | "Just tell yourself that the real prize was the friends you made along the way." |
The Hard Fought Victory | Unknown. | "On October 21, 1805, over 70 vessels of French, Spanish, and British origin fought on the Cape of Trafalgar in the most important naval battle of the War of the Third Coalition." |
Giving Thanks Flag | Unknown. | "Spend time with family and friends, feel thankful, and celebrate the good things in life." |
Santa Claus Legion | Unknown. | "The distinguishing flag of a principal participant of the glorious Santa Claus Legion, from here till eternity!" |
Yokosuka Curry Flag | Unknown. | "Thank you for purchasing the curry!" |
Steam | Unknown. | "Unique flag dedicated to the release of World of Warships on Steam." |
Kure Maritime High School | Awarded to players who complete the "High School Fleet" Collection. | "Emblem of the Kure Maritime High School. From the series "High School Fleet"." |
High School Fleet Musashi | Awarded to players who complete the "Others" sub-collection of the "High School Fleet" Collection. | "Emblem of HSF Musashi. From the series "High School Fleet"." |
Yokosuka Girls Maritime High School Weapons Department. | Awarded to players who complete the "Weapons Department" sub-collection of the "High School Fleet" Collection. | "Emblem of the Yokosuka Girls Maritime High School Weapons Department. From the series "High School Fleet"." |
Yokosuka Girls Maritime High School Navigation Department. | Awarded to players who complete the "Navigation Department" sub-collection of the "High School Fleet" Collection. | "Emblem of the Yokosuka Girls Maritime High School Navigation Department. From the series "High School Fleet"." |
Yokosuka Girls Maritime High School Engineering Department. | Awarded to players who complete the "Engineering Department" sub-collection of the "High School Fleet" Collection. | "Emblem of the Yokosuka Girls Maritime High School Engineering Department. From the series "High School Fleet"." |
Yokosuka Girls Maritime High School Logistics Department. | Awarded to players who complete the "Logistics Department" sub-collection of the "High School Fleet" Collection. | "Emblem of the Yokosuka Girls Maritime High School Logistics Department. From the series "High School Fleet"." |
Vive la France | Awarded to players who complete the "Vive la France" Collection. | "A good deed will be rewarded" |
Year of the Dog | Unknown. | "In celebration of the Year of the Brown Earth Dog" |
Kitty Purrfurst | Awarded to players who completed all four Twitch mission chains in November 2020. | "The owner of this flag completely and recklessly vows to fight for the gallant cause of Admiral Kitty Purrfurst, sparing no paws, no tail, no belly!" |
manjuu | Awarded to players who completed the Azur Lane: Third Wave mission in July 2020. | "Logo of manjuu" |
Azur Lane | Unknown. | "Logo of Azur Lane" |
Humble Bundle | Unknown. | - |
U.S. Navy Cruisers | Awarded to players who complete the "American Cruisers" Collection. | "A commemorative flag meant to honor the combat achievements of the U.S. Navy cruisers and their crews, as well as to mark completion of the collection inspired by them." |
Port of Hamburg | Unknown. | "Celebrate the anniversary of the Port of Hamburg and earn your very own commemorative flag!" |
Go Navy! | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag given for participation in the "Go Navy!" competition" |
Sharks | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag given for participation in the "Go Navy!" competition in the Sharks Team." |
Eagles | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag given for participation in the "Go Navy!" competition in the Eagles Team." |
gamescom 2018 | Unknown. | "A special flag to mark the biggest World of Warships event in 2018— gamescom!" |
World of Warships Anniversary | Awarded to players who completed the "3 Years of World of Warships" Collection. | "Many happy returns of the day!" |
Pirate Hunter | Unknown. | "A scurvy sea dog sits in Davy Jones' Locker thanks to you!" |
DMM Games | Unknown. | "A unique flag dedicated to the release of World of Warships on the DMM Games platform" |
The Great Eight | Unknown. | "Bull's Eye" |
Brought the Heat! | Unknown. | "It's official: the holder of this flag brought the heat during WG Fest 2018." |
British Collection | Awarded to players who complete the "Royal Navy Destroyers" Collection. | "Commemorative flag granted for completing the "Royal Navy Destroyers" collection" |
Prussia | Awarded to players who complete the "Belle Époque" Collection. | "New Year Celebration Commemorative Flag" |
Czechoslovakian Riverine Navy | Unknown. | "To commemorate 100 years of the mighty, unbeaten Czechoslovakian riverine fleet." |
100 Years of the Polish Navy | Unknown. | "Morze, nasze morze, wiernie ciebie będziem strzec." |
The Community Turkey Shoot | Unknown. | "Thanks for joining us for our Community Turkey Shoot 2018 Event!" |
Year of the Pig | Unknown. | "In celebration of the Year of the Earth Pig" |
Neustrashimy | Unknown. | "Neustrashimy is one of the Soviet "super-destroyers", an experimental ship with high-powered weapons and advanced propulsion, commissioned in January 1955." |
Secret Santa 2019 | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag for participating in the "Secret Santa" special event in 2019." |
Lifting of the Siege of Leningrad | Unknown. | "January 27, 1944 marks the Day of complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege." |
Clash at the Carnival! | Unknown. | "You survived a macabre Mardi Gras melee!" |
Eagle Union | Awarded to players who complete the "Eagle Union" sub-collection of the "Azur Lane" Collection. | "Flag of the Eagle Union – From Azur Lane" |
Royal Navy | Awarded to players who complete the "Royal Navy" sub-collection of the "Azur Lane" Collection. | "Flag of the Royal Navy – From Azur Lane" |
Ironblood | Awarded to players who complete the "Ironblood" sub-collection of the "Azur Lane" Collection. | "Flag of the Ironblood – From Azur Lane" |
Sakura Empire | Awarded to players who complete the "Sakura Empire" sub-collection of the "Azur Lane" Collection. | "Flag of the Sakura Empire – From Azur Lane" |
Northern Union | Awarded to players who complete the "Eastern Radiance and Northern Union" sub-collection of the "Azur Lane" Collection. | "Flag of the Northern Union – From Azur Lane" |
Eastern Radiance | Awarded to players who complete the "Eastern Radiance and Northern Union" sub-collection of the "Azur Lane" Collection. | "Flag of the Eastern Radiance – From Azur Lane" |
Iris | Awarded to players who complete the "Iris and Vichya" sub-collection of the "Azur Lane" Collection. | "Flag of the Iris Libre – From Azur Lane" |
Vichya | Awarded to players who complete the "Iris and Vichya" sub-collection of the "Azur Lane" Collection. | "Flag of the Vichya Dominion – From Azur Lane" |
Honor | Unknown. | "Honor, Navy, Motherland!" |
Glory | Unknown. | "In the name of the glorious deeds and valor of officers!" |
Victory | Unknown. | "We won't depart without victory in our grasp!" |
Paragraph 11 | Awarded to players who completed the Sinking of the High Seas Fleet mission in June 2019. | "June 21, 1919—Scuttling of the German fleet at Scapa Flow" |
gamescom 2019 | Unknown. | "A special flag to mark another year that World of Warships was part of Europe’s largest gaming event—gamescom! Thank you for coming, we hope to see you again!" |
For Meritorious Service | Given to players who have been in the game for four years in September 2019. | "World of Warships Fourth Anniversary. Four years together!" |
ACT Fibernet | Unknown. | "ACT Fibernet—Born of Speed, Forged in Fiber—Feel the Advantage" |
Imperial Standard at Sea | Awarded to players who completed the Emperor's Standard mission in October 2019. | "The first image of the Imperial Standard at Sea dates back to 1703. A cloth in the colors of the coat of arms of the Russian Empire, with the state eagle holding the maps of the four seas—Baltic, White, Caspian, and Black." |
Pumpkin Smash | Unknown. | "For crushing ships, smashing gourds, and being too spoopy!" |
Gold Dolphin | Unknown. | "These flags are flown aboard submarines when not under way, to indicate that all the officers have qualified as submarine warfare specialists." |
Battle of Leyte Gulf | Awarded to players who completed the Battle of Leyte Gulf mission in October 2020. | "Between October 23 and 26, just off the Philippine islands, the largest naval battle in history occurred. It became known as the Battle of Leyte Gulf." |
Piece of Cake | Unknown. | "Sailing full Steam ahead for 2 years now! May your battles be a piece of cake." |
Santa's Gifts 2020 | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag for participating in the "Santa's Gifts" special event in 2020." |
Year of the Rat | Unknown. | "To honor the celebration of the year of the White Metal Rat according to the Lunar calendar." |
Recruiting Station | Available in the Armory for 3,000 Community Tokens. | "Friendship is free and the rewards are priceless." |
Veteran’s Mental Health Donor | Unknown. | "Thank you for your donation to support the Veteran’s Mental Health Campaign organized by World of Warships and Stack Up." |
Bad Advice | Awarded to players who complete the "Bad Advice: Behind the Scenes" Collection. | "In honor of the collection dedicated to the adventures of Cap and Fishy." |
Remember Gallipoli | Awarded to players who completed the Anzac Day mission in April 2020. | "Honoring those that took part in the Battle of Gallipoli." |
Imperium of Man | Given to players who purchased a special bundle for Warhammer 40,000. | "A galaxy-spanning interstellar human empire, ruled by a living god—the Emperor of Mankind." |
Ruinous Powers | Given to players who purchased a special bundle for Warhammer 40,000. | "The Followers of Chaos are the harbingers of the apocalypse that threatens the galaxy." |
Imperial Navy | Given to players who purchased a bundle for Warhammer 40,000. | "The Imperial Navy is responsible for the fleets of starships that seek to maintain Imperial rule in the void between the stars and planets in the galaxy." |
Khorne | Given to players who purchased a bundle for Warhammer 40,000. | "The mark of the Blood God. Commanders of ships flying Khorne’s flag are imbued with Khorne’s battle rage, becoming utterly merciless in combat and losing any sense of fear or restraint." |
El Libertador | Awarded to players who completed the Simón Bolívar Day mission in July 2020. | "An ensign to honor Simón Bolívar." |
The Autobots | Given to players who purchased a bundle for WoWS x Transformers. | "Ensign of the heroic Autobots." |
The Decepticons | Given to players who purchased a bundle for WoWS x Transformers. | "Ensign of the mighty Decepticons." |
Qihoo 360 | Unknown. | "Logo of Qihoo 360." |
Anniversary | Unknown. | "A commemorative flag in honor of the World of Warships Fifth Anniversary" |
Bandeira do Cruzeiro | Awarded to players who completed the Sailor's Day combat mission in December 2021. | "Flag of the Brazilian Navy" |
Remembrance Day | Unknown. | "Lest we forget" |
Pearl Harbor Anniversary | Awarded to players who completed the Attack on Pearl Harbor mission in December 2020. | "Flag honoring all who served at Pearl Harbor." |
Golden Week | Unknown. | "For East Asia, the Golden Week celebrations last for several festive days, weekends included, in spring. In Japan, for example, most employers provide their employees with extra days off during this week so they can enjoy the festivities." |
Team Godzilla | Given to players who purchased a bundle for Godzilla vs. Kong. | "King of the Monsters" |
Team Kong | Given to players who purchased a bundle for Godzilla vs. Kong. | "Alpha Titan on Skull Island" |
Year of the Ox | Unknown. | "To honor the celebration of the year of the White Metal Ox according to the "
"Lunar calendar." |
EAT PLAY TALK 2020 | Awarded to players who participated in the Eat Play Talk 2020 event in November 2020. | "The flag awarded to players who participated in EAT PLAY TALK Online." |
To commemorate Navy Day | Unknown. | "In memory of people who have made great contributions." |
German Destroyers: Part 1 | Awarded to players who purchased a sequential bundle containing Z-31 in Update 0.10.3. | "To commemorate the launch of the new German destroyers hitting the seas in Early Access in Update 0.10.3." |
World of Warships: The Beautiful Game | Awarded to players who completed the World of Warships: The Beautiful Game mission in June 2021. | "Our game, much like sports, is often praised for its unpredictability. More importantly, we unite players both on land and at sea!" |
Skagerrakschlacht | Awarded to players who completed the Battle of Jutland missions in June 2021. | "Skagerrak is the name of the strait that separates Scandinavia and the Jutland peninsula, where the Battle of Skagerrak took place. The general engagement between the German and British fleets on May 31, 1916, in German historical tradition, is known as Skagerrakschlacht. From 1926, on each anniversary of the battle, ships of the German Navy have raised naval ensigns of the German Empire to commemorate it." |
The Hunt for Bismarck | Awarded to players who completed the Hunt for Bismarck missions in May 2021. | "A deadly sequence of events unfurled in the North Atlantic during World War II: from the moment battleship Bismarck and heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen were detected by British cruisers Norfolk and Suffolk in the Denmark Strait on May 23, 1941, to the moment Bismarck met her fate under the fire of battleships King George V and Rodney, and cruiser Dorsetshire on May 27, 1941." |
Welthund | Awarded to players who participated in the Battle of the Beasts event in Update 0.10.4. | "Team flag in the Battle of the Beasts competition. A large black hound with a single eye in the middle of its head. It grows bigger and more evil during epidemics and wars. Some legends say that it's a ship captain who sold his soul to the devil." |
Glühschwanz | Awarded to players who participated in the Battle of the Beasts event in Update 0.10.4. | "Team flag in the Battle of the Beasts competition. A night spirit—a mythical glowing dragon-like creature. At night, it flew to the houses of witches and villains. It brought grain or money in exchange for treats. If they refused, it burned their houses down." |
Feuerputz | Awarded to players who participated in the Battle of the Beasts event in Update 0.10.4. | "Team flag in the Battle of the Beasts competition. A demon that can take different forms, mainly anthropomorphic. It's most often described as a burning and glowing skeleton, a dark human figure in a pillar of fire, a burning horseman, a plougher, or simply a ball of flames— just like a meteor." |
Lindwurm | Awarded to players who participated in the Battle of the Beasts event in Update 0.10.4. | "Team flag in the Battle of the Beasts competition. A wingless dragon with a serpentine body and animal head, often with scales. It lies in wait for prey near water. Originally found in German folklore, and later in fairy tales and legends." |
German Destroyers: Part 2 | Awarded to players who complete the "German Destroyers" Collection. | "Continuation of the new Early Access German destroyers in Update 0.10.4." |
Battleship Yamato | Unknown. | "Rising over a shore of the tiny Japanese island of Tokunoshima in the East China Sea is a lookout tower that resembles the first character of the Japanese word "Yamato" in shape. It's a memorial to the famous battleship Yamato, the pride of the Japanese Navy that perished off the shore of the island in 1945." |
Grand Battle | Awarded to players who participated in the Grand Battle event in Update 0.10.5. | "Flag awarded to participants of the Grand Battle." |
USS Missouri | Unknown. | "A famous American battleship. On September 2, 1945, the "Instrument of Surrender", which marked the end of World War II, was signed by Japanese envoys aboard this ship." |
Dutch Cruisers: Part 1 | Awarded to players who completed a mission chain in Update 0.10.6. | "To celebrate the arrival of Dutch cruisers in Early Access in Update 0.10.6." |
Naval Ensign of Belgium | Awarded to players who completed the Belgian National Day mission in July 2021. | "At the beginning of World War II, neutral Belgium didn't have its own navy. But in 1936, all state-owned ships received a special flag that depicted a black lion with a crown in the center of the Belgian tricolor. A sparse number of mobilized vessels of the hastily created Naval Corps of Belgium served during the brief military campaign of 1940 under this flag." |
Glory to the Navy! | Awarded to players who completed the 325th Anniversary of the Russian Navy mission in October 2021. | "The continuation of the traditions of Russian sailors in the modern navy is symbolized not only by St. Andrew's flag, but also by the naval jack that was used from 1699 to 1917. The primary distinguishing feature of St. Andrew's flag was the depiction of Saint George on the coat of arms. It was the highest award for warships of the Russian navy." |
Brazilian Imperial Flag | Awarded to players who completed the Independence Day of Brazil mission in September 2021. | "The flag of the Empire of Brazil (1822–1889), which features the national emblem with the imperial crown and a shield depicting a golden sphere placed over the cross of the Military Order of Christ, surrounded by 20 stars—the same number as the number of provinces in the empire as of 1853." |
Argentine Independence Day | Given to players who activated a Wargaming Code in July 2021. | "In celebration of the victory achieved in the battle for independence." |
Colombian Independence Day | Given to players who activated a Wargaming Code in July 2021. | "In celebration of the victory achieved in the battle for independence." |
Her Majesty's Naval Toaster | Awarded to players who completed the Anniversary mission in September 2021. | "Always ready to be used. Can make perfect toast even in the worst conditions." |
Dutch Cruisers: Part 2 | Awarded to players who completed a mission chain in Update 0.10.7. | "To celebrate the second part of our event dedicated to the Dutch cruisers arriving in Early Access in Update 0.10.7." |
Arirang | Unknown. | "Arirang is a Korean folk song and one of the most famous songs in the country. It is so popular that it is often considered to be the unofficial anthem of Korea. It was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list in 2012." |
6 Years of World of Warships | Awarded to players who complete the "6 Years of World of Warships" Collection. | "We've sailed through six years of unforgettable sea battles and invaluable experiences, which will definitely come in handy in new voyages." |
35th Anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie | Awarded to players who complete the "Transformers: 35th Anniversary" Collection. | "The iconic 1986 animated feature The Transformers: The Movie is celebrating its 35th anniversary in World of Warships!" |
The Matrix of Leadership | Awarded to players who completed the Transformers Challenges mission in September 2021. | "One day... an Autobot shall rise from our ranks... and use the power of the Matrix... to light... our darkest hour." |
Moon Rabbit | Awarded to players who completed the Full Moon mission in September 2021. | "In honor of the Mid-Autumn Festival." |
Mexican Flag | Awarded to players who completed an Independence Day combat mission in September 2021. | "Viva México" |
Chile Presidential | Awarded to players who completed an Independence Day combat mission in September 2021. | "By reason or force. The national motto of the Republic of Chile." |
Encouraçados Alemães: Parte 1 | Awarded to players who purchased a sequential bundle containing Mackensen in Update 0.10.9. | "Para comemorar o lançamento dos novos encouraçados alemães chegando os mares no Acesso Antecipado na Atualização 0.10.9." |
Quatro anos na Steam | Awarded to players who completed a mission chain in November 2021. | "Para comemorar o quarto aniversário de lançamento do jogo no Steam." |
Memorial Encouraçado Arizona | Awarded to players who completed a mission chain in December 2021. | "O casco do encouraçado Arizona, que afundou durante o ataque a Pearl Harbor em 7 de dezembro de 1941, é um marco histórico nacional. Um memorial foi construído em 1962 para os 1.177 marinheiros e fuzileiros navais que morreram com o navio. Flutuando acima do casco, o memorial só pode ser alcançado pela água." |
Encouraçados Alemães: Parte 2 | Awarded to players who completed a mission chain in Update 0.10.10. | "Para comemorar a continuação dos novos encouraçados alemães no Acesso Antecipado na Atualização 0.10.10." |
O WAAAGH! | Given to players who purchased a bundle for Warhammer 40,000. | "Vamos Nós, Vamos Nós, Vamos Nós!" |
Campeão do Império | Given to players who purchased a bundle for Warhammer 40,000. | "Os Black Templars são o exemplo mais conhecido de Capítulo da Cruzada em todo o Império; suas doutrinas, tradições e organização refletem sua abordagem particular para perseguir as guerras do Império." |
Sea Smackdown | Unknown. | "Uma bandeira comemorativa para jogadores que participaram de um episódio do Sea Smackdown." |
Constelação de Ano-novo | Awarded to players who completed the New Year's mission in December 2021. | "Em comemoração ao Ano-novo" |
Ano do Tigre | Awarded to players who completed the Year of the Tiger mission in January 2022. | "Para homenagear a celebração do ano do Tigre Negro da Água, de acordo com o calendário Lunar." |
EAT PLAY TALK 2021 | Unknown. | "Para participantes do evento on-line EAT PLAY TALK." |
Cruzadores pan-asiáticos: Parte 1 | Awarded to players who completed a mission chain in Update 0.11.0. | "Para comemorar os cruzadores Pan-asiáticos chegando aos mares no Acesso Antecipado na Atualização 0.11.0." |
Global Sync | Unknown. | "Para participantes do evento Global Sync." |
Cruzadores pan-asiáticos: Parte 2 | Awarded to players who completed a mission chain in Update 0.11.1. | "Continuação do Acesso Antecipado de cruzadores pan-asiáticos na Atualização 0.11.1." |
Contratorpedeiros italianos: Parte 1 | Awarded to players who purchased a sequential bundle containing Aviere in Update 0.11.2. | "Em 1943, um Emblema de Guerra para as tripulações dos navios da Marinha Italiana foi estabelecido em três classes. A classe mais alta era dada por 48 meses de serviço em navio de guerra; 5.000 horas gastas em ataques marítimos ou seis encontros de combate. No meio do emblema concedido às tripulações de contratorpedeiros, um ictiocentauro mitológico era retratado segurando um torpedo.
Para comemorar o lançamento dos novos contratorpedeiros italianos chegando aos mares no Acesso Antecipado na Atualização 0.11.2." |
Copa Latina-Americana Warships | "Participou da Copa Latina-Americana Warships." | |
Constelação da Memória | Awarded to players who completed all Longest Night of Museums combat missions between May and July 2022. | "Para celebrar a Noite dos Museus 2022." |
A Marinha do Peru | "Somente uma rota — honra!" | |
A Marinha do Equador | "Vitória ou morte!" | |
Ator pago | "É preciso ser um ator pago para velejar na frente da equipe inimiga. Aqui está o seu prêmio!" | |
Contratorpedeiros italianos: Parte 2 | Awarded to players who complete the "Italian Destroyer" Collection. | "A dinastia Saboia é uma das mais antigas da Europa. Seus representantes governaram o ducado, depois o Reino da Sardenha e, de 1861 a 1946, uniram a Itália. O centro do brasão e da bandeira do reino italiano exibia um escudo com uma cruz — o brasão e a bandeira do Ducado de Saboia.
Bandeira para comemorar a continuação do Acesso Antecipado aos contratorpedeiros italianos na Atualização 0.11.3." |
Gamla örlogsflaggan | Given to players who activated a Wargaming Code in June 2022. | "Uma antiga bandeira hasteada pela Marinha Sueca no século XVI. A Marinha Sueca celebrou seu 500º ano de existência em 7 de junho de 2022." |
Cruzadores Franceses | Awarded to players who completed a mission chain in Update 0.11.4. | "Marianne é o símbolo da República Francesa desde 1792. Ela é retratada como uma jovem usando um barrete frígio e representa o lema francês "Liberdade, Igualdade, Fraternidade". O perfil de Marianne está presente nos selos e moedas do estado, bem como na maioria das ordens e medalhas francesas." |
Bandeira São Sebastião | "Sobre a Cruz de Santo André, a bandeira do Rio de Janeiro exibe o brasão da cidade pintado de vermelho, simbolizando o sangue do santo mártir São Sebastião, padroeiro do Rio de Janeiro." | |
Encouraçados Britânicos | "A medalha comemorativa da Batalha da Jutlândia ilustra uma âncora do almirantado com coroas de louros sob a coroa naval." | |
Cruzadores Japoneses | "A imagem de um crisântemo, um dos símbolos nacionais do Japão, foi colocada na proa dos navios de guerra da Marinha Imperial." | |
Sete Mares | "Para marcar o sétimo aniversário do jogo." | |
Empreendimento | "Para comemorar o primeiro contratorpedeiro moderno projetado e desenvolvido pela China." | |
Dispare! | "Orgulhosos aviadores navais chineses — disparem!" | |
World of Combat Vehicles | "In honor of the collaboration between World of Warships, World of Tanks, and Tanks Blitz." | |
The HE Blessing Is Here | "The defeated ship exploded like a firework, flashes coloring the sky in festive hues. Let’s enjoy a different kind of victory celebration!" | |
Submarinos | "Os primeiros relatos de veículos capazes de se mover debaixo d'água datam dos séculos XVI e XVII. No entanto, foi só após as duas Guerras Mundiais do século XX que os submarinos adquiriram um significado verdadeiramente grande." | |
Noite Gelada | "Em comemoração ao Ano Novo." | |
Encouraçados americanos | "Para comemorar o lançamento dos novos encouraçados americanos chegando os mares no Acesso Antecipado na Atualização 12.0." | |
EAT PLAY TALK 2022 | "Para participantes do evento on-line EAT PLAY TALK." | |
Submarinos britânicos | "Para celebrar a chegada dos submarinos britânicos aos nossos mares em Acesso Antecipado na Atualização 12.1." | |
A Rainha dos Mares | "Uma Cruz de Malta Azul Celeste encimada por uma Coroa Real Tudor é o emblema do estado australiano de Queensland (literalmente, "a terra da Rainha"). Os mosquetes são uma arma comumente empregada por piratas — eles eram carregados pela boca e só podiam disparar um tiro a cada recarga." |
Lista de Bandeiras Especiais
Pedimos desculpas por não termos traduzido esta tabela. Optamos por não traduzir por não sabermos exatamente a tradução que está no jogo.
Flag | Name | Earned Via | Notes |
AT Participant | Given to players who participated in Alpha Testing for World of Warships. | "A special flag for the Alpha Test participants." |
BW Participant | Given to players who participated in Beta Testing Weekends for World of Warships. | "A special flag for the Beta Weekend participants." |
CBT Participant | Given to players who participated in Closed Beta Testing for World of Warships. | "A special flag for the Closed Beta Test participants." |
Wargaming | Given to employees of Wargaming. | "A special flag for Wargaming employees." |
Developer | Given game developers for World of Warships. |
"A special flag for the Development Team members." |
ST Participant | Given to players who have participated in the World of Warships Supertest program. |
"A special flag for Supertest team members." |
Supertest Veteran's flag | Since May 2019 given to players who have participated in the World of Warships Supertest program for at least 2 years. |
? |
CST | Given to members of the CST program. | "Flag of a CST team member." |
Volunteer, Class III | Given to players who contribute to the World of Warships community. | "A special flag for the community of project volunteers, Class III." |
Volunteer, Class II | Given to players who contribute to the World of Warships community. | "A special flag for the community of project volunteers, Class II." |
Volunteer, Class I | Given to players who contribute to the World of Warships community. | "A special flag for the community of project volunteers, Class I." |
Valuable Player | Unknown. | "A special flag for the community's valuable players." |
Moderator | Since June 2017 given to players who are moderators. | "The commemorative flag of a Moderator." |
Community Contributor | Given to participants in the Community Contributor program in the EU region. | ? |
Contributor | Given to Community Contributors. | ? |
WoWs Privateers | Given to participants in the Privateer program. |
"A special flag honoring those who make valuable contributions to the game and community." |
World of Warships: Legends | Unknown. | "TURN THE TIDE" |
PT Summer Season | Given to players who participated on the Summer Season of Public Test. | "Flag for participants of the Public Test Summer Marathon." |
PT Autumn Season | Given to players who participated on the Autumn Season of Public Test. | "Flag for participants of the Public Test Autumn Marathon." |
PT Winter Season | Given to players who participated on the Winter Season of Public Test. | "Flag for participants of the Public Test Winter Marathon." |
PT Spring Season | Given to players who participated on the Spring Season of Public Test. | "Flag for participants of the Public Test Spring Marathon." |
King of the Sea | Awarded to the region-winning teams in the King of the Sea tournament through April 2020 (KotS X).[1] |
"You stand tall among all captains and have proven your superiority in real, fierce, naval combat. You are the King of the Sea, until someone manages to stand up and take the crown away from you." [2] |
King of the Sea | Awarded to the region-winning teams in the King of the Sea Tournament from KotS XI on. | "King of the Sea Tournament Winner"[2] |
King of the Sea XIII | Awarded to participants. | "Para comemorar o décimo terceiro torneio King of the Sea." |
Collector | Given to players who have more than 50 ships in Port. | "A commemorative flag granted to members of the Collectors Group." |
Stealthy Threat | Given to players who participated on Public Test and special open test sessions with Submarines. | "To the valiant Commanders fighting in deep waters!" |
Verizon Warrior's Championship | Unknown. | "Participant of the Verizon Warrior's Championship." |
Anchors | Unknown. | "The first anchors were used thousands of years ago in the Bronze Age. Images of sea and river anchors are widely used in heraldry and well-known to modern people." |
Sextant | Unknown. | "The sextant was invented in the 18th century and subsequently replaced the astrolabe as the main navigational instrument. The name of sextant comes from the Latin word "sextans" in the genitive case-the length of the scale of this instrument is 1/6 of a full circle." |
Wind Rose | Unknown. | "The wind rose is usually placed on compasses and maps to show the cardinal directions and their intermediate points. It is a star with a number of rays that is a multiple of four." |
Elite Tournament 2022 | Unknown. | "A contestant in Elite Tournament 2022." |
Lista de Bandeiras de Navios
Pedimos desculpas por não termos traduzido esta tabela. Optamos por não traduzir por não sabermos exatamente a tradução que está no jogo.
Flag | Name | Earned Via | Notes |
Armada | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing all premium ships released to date. | "For those that have built the largest of fleets and given continuous support to World of Warships!" |
Graf Spee | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Admiral Graf Spee. | "The vessel was named after Admiral Maximilian von Spee, commander of the East Asia Squadron that fought the battles of Coronel and the Falkland Islands, where he was killed in action, in World War I." |
Admiral Makarov | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Admiral Makarov. (???) | "Designer, Oceanographer, Commander of the Russian Pacific Fleet." |
Aigle | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Aigle. | Aigle ("Eagle") was the lead ship in a series of large destroyers (contre-torpilleurs) named after predatory birds: Gerfaut ("Gyrfalcon"), Vautour ("Vulture"), Épervier ("Sparrowhawk"), Albatross, and Milan ("Kite"). The primary task for the ships of this type was to hunt down destroyers. |
Azur Lane – Montpelier | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing AL Montpelier. | "Did you know? The Cleveland-class light cruisers were the best in the Eagle Union during the great war, so you should show more respect towards big sis. As for me: Rennell Islands, Empress Augusta Bay, and a few other operations, I guess I did participate in some engagements." |
Azur Lane – Yukikaze | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing AL Yukikaze. | "Listen up! Erm… I'm the noble, the lucky, the invincible Yukikaze, the Eighth Kagerō-class ship, the gee... the gene… what was it again?! It's so hard to say!… Ahem, in any case, you're quite the lucky person for getting your hands on me! Rely on my luck as much as you want! Hahahah!" |
The Lucky A | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Alabama. | "The tides roll crimson with the ship's defeated foes!" |
Alaska | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Alaska. | "Traditionally, the U.S. Navy cruisers got their names in honor of cities, while battleships were named in honor of states. The "large cruisers", ships classified as a mix between cruisers and battleships, were named after the U.S. territories. The lead ship of the series carried the name of Alaska, the largest of all such territories." |
USS Arizona Memorial Flag | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Arizona. | "During the attack on Pearl Harbor, Arizona was bombed. She exploded and sank, causing the loss of 1,177 officers and crewmen. The wreck still lies at the bottom of Pearl Harbor below the USS Arizona Memorial." |
Ark Royal | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Ark Royal. | "Ark Royal has been a traditional name used for Royal Navy ships since the late 16th century. HMS Ark Royal, the first British aircraft carrier of a new generation, entered service in 1938." |
Asashio | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Asashio. | "The name of Japanese destroyer Asashio translates as "Morning Tide". Asashio entered service in 1937 as the lead ship of a whole class of destroyers, and sank during the Battle of the Bismarck Sea in March 1943." |
Ashitaka | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Ashitaka. | "Laid down in 1921, the fourth battlecruiser of the Amagi class initially bore the name of mount Ashitaka, an extinct volcano situated in the Shizuoka Prefecture on the south coast of Japan." |
USS Atlanta | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Atlanta. | "The Battle of Friday the 13th, which took place in November 1942, was fatal for light cruiser Atlanta. However, two years after the ship's destruction, USS Atlanta "rose from the ashes" like the city the ship was named after. Thus, in December 1944, a new cruiser carrying this glorious name entered service." |
Azuma | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Azuma. | "Developed in 1941, the super-cruisers of Project B-65 were supposed to play a key role in the Kantai Kessen or the Decisive Battle Doctrine – the defeat of the U.S. Navy in the impending war." |
Bayard | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Bayard. | "Pierre Terrail, seigneur de Bayard (d. 1524), known as Le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche (French for "The knight without fear and beyond reproach"), was one of the brightest representatives of the chivalry. Several ships of the French Navy were named after him." |
Battle of Jutland | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Warspite and Campbeltown commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Jutland. | "The Battle of Jutland was fought from 31 May to 1 June 1916 in the North Sea during World War I, near the coast of Denmark's Jutland Peninsula. It was the largest naval battle and the only full-scale clash of battleships in the war." |
The Red Hand of Ulster | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Belfast. | "The Red Hand of Ulster is an Irish symbol used in heraldry to denote the Irish province of Ulster." |
USS Benham | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Benham. | "USS Benham (DD-397) is the lead ship in a series of ten destroyers with powerful torpedo armament. During the war in the Pacific Ocean, she earned five battle stars and was destroyed during the Battle of Guadalcanal in November 1942." |
ORP Błyskawica | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Błyskawica. | "The emblem of the Polish destroyer Błyskawica depicts the naval jack of the Polish Navy with a scimitar ready to strike at the enemy, the traditional symbol of the Polish Navy since the 17th century." |
USS Boise | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Boise. | "The sixth Brooklyn-class cruiser, named after the capital of Idaho, was laid down in 1935. She became the most honored ship in the series, having received 11 battle stars for her distinguished service during World War II." |
HMS Cossack | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Cossack. | "Commissioned in 1938, HMS Cossack earned fame in World War II under the command of Philip Vian during the Altmark incident, the Battle of Narvik, and the hunt for Bismarck." |
De Grasse | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing De Grasse. | "The Crowned Lion Rampant. Coat of arms for François Joseph Paul, marquis de Grasse Tilly, comte de Grasse." |
HMS Dreadnought | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Dreadnought. | ""All big guns!"" |
Duca d'Aosta | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Duca d'Aosta. | "Patria e Onore. The sailors of the Regia Marina stand ready to defend their storied nation!" |
Duca degli Abruzzi | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Duca degli Abruzzi. | "One of the best light cruisers in the Regia Marina, Duca degli Abruzzi was named after Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, Duke of the Abruzzi, a famous traveler, mountaineer, explorer, and admiral." |
Duke of York | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Duke of York. | "The battleship Duke of York emblem bears the motto of the British Order of Garter Honi soit qui mal y pense ("Shamed be he who evil of it thinks" in Old French), which dates back to the golden age of chivalry, when the title of Duke of York was established for the first time." |
Dunkerque | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Dunkerque. | "The Dunkerques were designed to counter the German Deutschland-class pocket battleships. When they were commissioned, only the last existing battlecruisers of the British Royal Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy were their equals." |
Legacy of Enterprise | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Enterprise. | "In honor of the ships that served all with the name Enterprise, past, present, and future." |
HMS Exeter | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Exeter. | "HMS Exeter, the last heavy cruiser built for the Royal Navy, was commissioned in 1931. In December 1939, she participated in the battle against German raider Graf Spee off the estuary of the River Plate. In March 1942, the ship was sunk by a Japanese squadron during the Second Battle of the Java Sea." |
Friesland | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Friesland. | "A series of Dutch submarine hunters ("onderzeebootjagers"), commissioned during the 1950s, were named after various cities and provinces of the Netherlands. The lead ship was called Friesland (Dutch for "the lands of the Frisii")." |
HMS Gallant | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Gallant. | "From fighting in the Spanish Civil War to assisting the troops stranded on the beaches of Dunkirk, HMS Gallant served for King and Country from 1934 to 1943." |
Gascogne | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Gascogne. | "From the mid 18th century, the ships in the French Navy were named after historical provinces of France. In the late 1930s, after a 20-year break, battleship Gascogne was destined to revive this tradition, but the outbreak of World War II impeded her construction." |
Genova | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Genova. | "The image of a red cross on a white background depicted over the coat of arms of Genoa dates back to the XII–XIII centuries, when this bustling Mediterranean port played a significant role in the crusade wars." |
Georgia | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Georgia. | "Wisdom, Justice, Moderation" |
Giulio Cesare | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Giulio Cesare. | "Ad quamvis vim perferendam." |
Graf Zeppelin | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Graf Zeppelin. | "The forces of nature cannot be eliminated but they may be balanced one against the other." |
HMCS Haida | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Haida. | This Tribal-class destroyer served in the Royal Canadian Navy. The ship was named for the Haida people originating from the Haida-Gwaii islands off the west coast of North America. |
Hill | Given to players who completed the 2nd directive of the Rogue Wave event 2019 and to players who purchased a special bundle containing Hill. | "U.S. Navy Petty Officer William Lowell Hill received a Medal of Honor in 1884 for rescuing a drowning shipmate who had fallen overboard USS Minnesota." |
Hood | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Hood. | "Ventis Secundis. Sunk by her enemies, but avenged by her allies, in memory of HMS Hood." |
Wilhelmshaven Maritime High School | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing HSF Admiral Graf Spee. | "This is the German school that trains the Blue Mermaids, and a sister school of the 'Yokosuka Girls Maritime High School.'" |
Harekaze | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing HSF Harekaze. | "She belongs to the Yokosuka Girls Maritime High School, and is operated by the main character, Akeno Misaki. In the series, the ship is modernized and mounts advanced sonar and radar. From the series 'High School Fleet.'" |
Huanghe | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Huanghe. | "The most powerful ship of the Chinese Navy at that time, named after the Yellow River (Huang He), one of the longest rivers in Asia and the cradle of the Chinese civilization." |
HMS Indomitable | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Indomitable. | "Aircraft carrier Indomitable: the last in the series of the Illustrious-class ships, entered service in 1941. During World War II, she took part in the Malta convoys, the Battle of Madagascar, the landings in Sicily, and operations conducted by the British Pacific Fleet." |
USS Indianapolis | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Indianapolis. | "A Portland class heavy cruiser that had just completed a mission carrying atomic bomb parts when it was struck on July 30th, 1945. Only 317 of the 1,196 men survived." |
Irian | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Irian. | "The Indonesian Navy received their most powerful surface artillery ship in 1963, when the U.S.S.R. transferred the Project 68-bis light cruiser Ordzhonikidze to Indonesia." |
Iron Duke | Given to players who completed a series of missions in August 2017. | "Battleship Iron Duke, named after Field Marshal "Iron Duke" Wellington, served for more than two years as a flagship of the British Grand Fleet during World War I, including the Battle of Jutland." |
Jean Bart | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Jean Bart. | "Several ships of the French Navy carried the name of the legendary Dunkirk corsair Jean Bart, who covered himself with glory in all the naval wars led by France in the late 17th century. One of them was a Richelieu-class battleship commissioned in 1949." |
Kaga | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Kaga. | "Kaga was the ancient name given to a location off the west peninsula of Japan. The area is well known for their famous black and gold Japanese lacquerware; a perfect image of an Aircraft Carrier so graceful and delicate." |
USS Kidd | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Kidd. | "USS Kidd was named after Rear Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, the first American flag officer to die in World War II. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, he was on board battleship Arizona, giving orders to his subordinates, when the ship's ammunition stores exploded." |
Kii | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Kii. | "The winds blow, but the mountains stand still." |
Krasny Krym | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Krasny Krym. | "The U.S.S.R. Navy Guard was established during World War II in 1942. Warship crews were awarded a Guard status for: prowess demonstrated in battles for the homeland against German invaders; firmness, courage, discipline, and orderliness; and for personal heroism." |
Honorary Revolutionary Naval Flag | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Kronshtadt. | "The Honorary Revolutionary Naval Flag was awarded to warships and complements for outstanding military service. The cloth carried the Naval Ensign of the Soviet Union with the depiction of the Order of the Red Banner. This Order was given to the Soviet Baltic Fleet and the Kronstadt naval fortress in 1922 and 1954, respectively." |
Lazo | (???) | "One of the Project 68 light cruisers planned to be laid down in autumn 1941. This ship was supposed to be named Lazo after Sergey Lazo, the Russian Army officer, Bolshevik, and a prominent participant of the civil war in Russia." |
Lenin | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Lenin. | ""Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin shall live."" |
Leningrad | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Leningrad. | "The first major warship to be designed and built entirely in the U.S.S.R. She boasted powerful artillery and a very high speed. During World War II, her AA defenses were reinforced." |
Le Terrible | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Le Terrible. | "Le Terrible, a Le Fantasque-class torpedo-boat destroyer, was built at the shipyard of Caen, Calvados Department. Since the Old Regime era, Caen has been one of the largest port cities on the coasts of Normandy." |
Massachusetts | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Massachusetts. (???) | "This battleship named in honor of the sixth U.S.A. state has a unique history. During World War II, she saw action in the Atlantic, as well as in the Pacific, and earned 11 battle stars. Now, she serves as a museum ship (Fall River, Massachusetts, U.S.A.)." |
Monaghan | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Monaghan. | "One of the Farragut-class destroyers named after US Navy officer John R. Monaghan who fell in battle rescuing his wounded compatriot. Awarded with 12 battle stars, USS Monaghan started her battle duty in Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and foundered during Typhoon Cobra in December 1944." |
Musashi | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Musashi. (???) | "A sister ship of the legendary Yamato, named after the historic Musashi Province, the political center of Japan during the Tokugawa Shogunate." |
Mutsu | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Mutsu. | "Battleships of the Imperial Japanese Navy were named after ancient locations throughout Japan. These locations were well known to the people and also appeared in ancient myths. Battleships were given sacred names that had a strong bond within history and the land. Mutsu was named after an old province in Japan, located north of Honshu." |
HMS Nelson | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Nelson. (???) | "Leave off action? Now, damn me if I do!" |
Nueve de Julio | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Nueve de Julio. | "USS Boise, a Brooklyn-class light cruiser, was sold to the Argentine Navy (Armada de la República Argentina) in 1951, and until the late 1970s she was one of the fleet's most powerful combat units." |
The Okhotnik | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Okhotnik. | "The hunter stalks its prey silently, striking only when success is assured." |
Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya. | "Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya was a battleship of the Russian and Soviet Navy, one of four dreadnoughts of the Baltic series of the Sevastopol class." |
Oleg | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Oleg. | "During the October Revolution of 1917, the crew of Oleg quickly declared support for the Bolshevik cause. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk required the Soviets to evacuate their base at Helsinki in March 1918 or have their ships interned by newly independent Finland even though the Gulf of Finland was still frozen over. Oleg sailed to Kronstadt in what became known as the 'Ice Voyage'." |
Let It Flourish! | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Perth. | "In February 1942, Perth survived the Allied defeat at the Battle of the Java Sea, only to be torpedoed and sunk by the Imperial Japanese Navy at the Battle of Sunda Strait." |
Poltava | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Poltava. | "The very first ship to receive a name in honor of the victory in the Battle of Poltava was laid down personally by Peter the Great just a few months after the battle. This fact was recorded in the Tsar’s Travel Book: "On December 6, the Tsar himself laid down the ship named Poltava in St. Petersburg, in memory of the deeds at Poltava." The name Poltava has since become traditional in the Russian Navy." |
Prinz Eitel Friedrich | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Prinz Eitel Friedrich. | "A Mackensen-class battlecruiser named in honor of Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia, son of Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany, was laid down in 1915. The defeat of Germany in World War I prevented the ship from being completed." |
Prinz Eugen | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Prinz Eugen. | "Prinz Eugen saw action during Operation Rheinübung, an attempted breakout into the Atlantic Ocean with the battleship Bismarck in May 1941. The two ships destroyed the British battlecruiser Hood and severely damaged the battleship Prince of Wales in the Battle of the Denmark Strait. After the German collapse in May 1945, she was surrendered to the British Royal Navy before being transferred to the U.S. Navy as a war prize. After examining the ship in the United States, the U.S. Navy assigned the cruiser to the Operation Crossroads nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll." |
Roma | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Roma. | "The battleship Roma, named after the capital city of Italy, was commissioned in August 1942. Just a little more than a year later, in September 1943, when Italy signed an armistice with the Allies, she was sunk by the German Luftwaffe during the passage to Malta." |
USS Saipan | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Saipan. | "On July 9, 1944, the three-week battle for Saipan came to an end. Backed by the Navy, U.S. Marines took control of the island which become one of the key events in the entire Pacific campaign. The very next day, USS Saipan was laid down, a light aircraft carrier of the U.S. Navy." |
USS Salem | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Salem. (???) | "USS Salem, a Des Moines-class cruiser, was commissioned in 1949. Currently, she serves as a museum ship in Quincy, Massachusetts. This warship is the last surviving heavy cruiser in the world." |
Scharnhorst | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Scharnhorst. | "The flag depicts the coat of arms of Prussian General Gerhard von Scharnhorst, a national hero of Germany's Wars of Liberation of 1813. Both Scharnhorst ships that were named after him had the same coat of arms." |
Siroco | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Siroco. | "Commissioned in 1927, French destroyer Siroco was named after the strong and hot wind from the Sahara desert typical for the Mediterranean region." |
Slava | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Slava. | "Slava was a name of a number of Russian and Soviet ships, including a sailing frigate, squadron battleship, Project 26-bis cruiser, and Project 1164 missile cruiser." |
Stalingrad | (???) | "The lead cruiser of Project 82 was officially laid down on December 31, 1951. She was named Stalingrad after the city on the Volga River. This ship was to become a symbol of the unbreakable power and a kind of "calling card" of the Soviet Union." |
T-61 | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing T-61. (???) | "The German Kriegsmarine destroyers with extensively balanced combat features were built in the Netherlands and were officially designated as the 1940-Class fleet destroyers. None of them ever came into commission while the T-61 lead ship was sunk by allied aviation during towage for completion in Germany." |
Tirpitz | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Tirpitz. (???) | "The heaviest European Battleship ever made, this ship raided convoys and was a feared vessel in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans." |
Vampire | Given to players who purchased Vampire. | "One of the ships from the famous Scrap Iron Flotilla that became renowned in the Mediterranean during World War II. The ship received five battle honors, namely "Calabria 1940", "Libya 1940–1941", "Greece 1941", "Crete 1941", and "Indian Ocean 1941–1942". She was lost in April 1942 as a result of bomb hits from Japanese aircraft, while giving cover to the Hermes aircraft carrier." |
HMS Vanguard | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Vanguard. | ""We Lead" was the motto of HMS Vanguard, the last representative of the ship type in the Royal Navy originating from the legendary Dreadnought in the early 20th century." |
1st Rank Cruiser Varyag | (???) | "Varyag, one of the most famous Russian cruisers, made a name for itself at the start of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905. Blocked by a Japanese squadron, Varyag refused to surrender and accepted a badly unequal battle against 14 enemy ships." |
Viribus Unitis | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Viribus Unitis. | "Viribus Unitis (Latin for "With United Forces") was the personal motto of Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph. This was also the name of the lead ship of the sole series of Austro-Hungarian dreadnoughts." |
USS West Virginia | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing West Virginia. | "Notable for its mountain landscape and motto "Montani semper liberi" ("Mountaineers are Always Free"), West Virginia gave its name to three ships of the US Navy, including the Colorado-class battleship nicknamed Wee Vee in the Navy." |
USS Wichita | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Wichita. | "The combat duty of USS Wichita, named after the city in Kansas, began with patrolling the Atlantic waters in September 1939, long before the U.S.A. joined World War II. The cruiser received news of the end of hostilities near Okinawa Island in August 1945, after almost six years of campaigns and battles, for which Wichita was awarded 13 battle stars." |
Yahagi | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Yahagi. | "Light cruiser Yahagi, having survived the heat of the battle in the Philippine Sea and Leyte Gulf, was assigned to accompany battleship Yamato on her final voyage. On April 7, 1945, Yahagi was sunk by an assault from American carrier-based aircraft." |
Yoshino | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Yoshino. | "From times immemorial, the Yoshino mountain is famous for its hillsides dotted with sakura trees. The first ship of the Imperial Japanese Navy named after this mountain was a protected cruiser destroyed during the war against Russia in 1904." |
Yūdachi | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Yūdachi. | "Yūdachi (Japanese for Evening Squall) was the name of one of the Shiratsuyu-class destroyers commissioned in 1937 and destroyed during the Battle of Friday the 13th near Guadalcanal Island in November 1942." |
Z-39 | (???) | "Destroyer Z-39 was commissioned in 1943. Unofficially, Z-39 was known under the name "Hermes" which she acquired out of a tradition for Narvik-class warships to take the names of their perished same-class ships. Previously, the name "Hermes" was assigned to destroyer ZG-3 (formerly the Greek destroyer Vasilefs Georgios that was sunk in the Mediterranean in May 1943 with part of the complement joining the crew of Z-39)." |
Bourgogne | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Bourgogne? | "New battleships, the most powerful ones ever built in France, expected to be laid down in 1941-1942, were to carry the names of the country's historical provinces. One of the steel giants was to be heralded "Bourgogne" in honor of the region in Eastern France famous for its wealth of history, culture and traditions." |
USS Charleston | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Charleston? | "During her 18 years of service, USS Charleston, a St. Louis-class cruiser named after the city in South Carolina, managed to take part in a festival in Portland, serve as a flagship of two fleets, and visit Russia and Japan, as well as cross the Atlantic Ocean several times while escorting convoys carrying troops durng World War I." |
Leone | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Leone? | "The Latin saying Quia Sum Leo ("For I am a lion") was the motto of the lead ship of the "scouts" series (Esploratori in Italian) that joined the Royal Italian Navy in July 1924." |
Iowa | Given to players who visited Battleship Iowa during a special collab with the museum. ? | "This is a memorial flag for those who ever visited Battleship Iowa. With this flag, along with the Pacific Battleship Center, World of Warships marks the memorable collaboration between the game and the museum. Honor the past: Action Stations!" |
Smolensk | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Smolensk.? | "The ancient Russian city of Smolensk, which has a coat of arms depicting a bird of paradise sitting on a cannon, gave name to ships of both the Imperial Russian and Soviet Navies." |
Somers | Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Somers.? | "USS Somers, a destroyer comissioned in 1937, was named after U.S. Navy officer Richard Somers, who gained fame for countering piracy in the Mediterranean. Somers died during an attack on Tripoli in 1804." |
Colbert | Unknown. | "An entire range of ships in the French Navy were named after Jean Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683), one of the most prominent statesmen in France. The sixth ship to carry the noble gentleman's name was an anti-aircraft cruiser which entered service in 1959." |
Siegfried | Unknown. | "Siegfried, or Sigurd, is one of the most famous characters in German mythology, and a hero of the heroic poem "Song of the Nibelungs." He was a character in opera and film, and ships were also named after him." |
Thunderer | While its first appearance is unknown, this flag was on one of the Auctions of the Update 0.10.4. | ""Thunderer" is a traditional name for large British battleships in both the sailing-fleet era and the age of armor and steam." |
Hayate | Unknown. | ""Hayate" is the Japanese word for "gale" or "storm wind"." |
St. George Flag | Unknown. | "This ensign was the highest award granted to heroic ships of the Imperial Russian Navy, whose crews had demonstrated exceptional courage and bravery." |
Paolo Emilio | Unknown. | |
Puerto Rico | Unknown. | "One of the earliest versions of the 'large cruisers' project named after the U.S. 'territories'-Puerto Rico being one of them-carried twelve 305mm main battery guns on board." |
California | Unknown. | "I Love You, California!" |
Ohio | Unknown. | "The name of the state of Ohio originates from the word in the laguage of the Native American Seneca people, and translates as "good river". The fourth ship of the U.S. Navy carrying the name Ohio was designed as one of the Montana-class battleships, and was officially ordered in July, 1940." |
Gorizia | Unknown. | "One of the Zara-class heavy cruisers that was launched in December 1930 and named after the city of Gorizia, whih was incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy as an outcome of World War I." |
Mainz | Unknown. | "During the 1920s and 1930s, the light cruisers of the German Navy were named after the Imperial German Navy's "small cruisers" that perished during World War I. SMS Mainz was sunk on August 28, 1914, during the battle of Heligoland Bight." |
HMS London | Unknown. | "The badge of HMS London, a cruiser that joined the Royal Navy in 1929, depicts a sword - one of the symbols of Saint Paul, patron saint of London city." |
Atago | Unknown. | "Japanese heavy cruiser Atago was named after a mountain located near Kyoto, which holds one of the most revered Shinto shrines atop of it." |
Sims | Unknown. | "Admiral William Sims is one of the main Navy reformers whose efforts in the first decades of the 20th century allowed the U.S. Navy to stand on par with the most powerful navies of the world at that time. In 1939, a destroyer named after the admiral was comissioned as the lead ship in a series of twelve ships." |
Alaska Black | Unknown. | "A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)." |
Asashio Black | Unknown. | "A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)." |
Atago Black | Unknown. | "A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)." |
Graf Zeppelin Black | Unknown. | "A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)." |
Massachusetts Black | Unknown. | A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)."" |
Scharnhorst Black | Unknown. | "A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)." |
Sims Black | Unknown. | "A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)." |
Tirpitz Black | Unknown. | "A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)." |
Siliwangi | Unknown. | "In 1959, Soviet destroyer Volevoy (Project 30-bis) was transferred to the Indonesian Navy and renamed "Siliwangi" in honor of the semi-mythical ruler of the Sunda Kingdom located in the island of Java, who, according to the legend, transformed into a tiger." |
Borodino | Unknown. | "A number of Russian and Soviet Navy ships carried the name "Borodino", honoring the famous Battle of Borodino of 1812." |
Cheshire | Unknown. | "Located in the north-west of England, Cheshire is one of Great Britain's historic counties. The tradition of naming warships in honor of counties was established in the Royal Navy in the 1900s." |
Wukong | Unknown. | - |
Bajie | Unknown. | - |
Smaland | Unknown. | "One of a pair of large destroyers of the Halland class, launched in 1952. The ship was named after the historical province in Southern Sweden, whose coat of arms is depicted on the flag." |
Ägir | Unknown. | "In Norse mythology, Aegir is a god associated with the oceans. Like Poseidon and its Roman equivalent, Neptune, he possessed a divine attribute of power - a trident of his own." |
Shikishima | Unknown. | "Shikishima was a further development of the Yamato-class battleships, also known as the Super Yamato class. The project was to be armed with 510mm main battery guns and planned to be ordered under the 1942 shipbuilding program. "Shikishima" is one of the ancient poetic names for Japan." |
Ochakov | Unknown. | "For your service and bravery." |
ORP Orkan | Unknown. | "Destroyer Orkan was comissioned into the Polish Navy in November 1942. She took part in the protection of convoys in the Arctic and Atlantic, and was sunk in the spring of 1943." |
Champagne | Unknown. | "Champagne is a province in the northeast of France that is famous throughout the world for its sparkling wines. Its history can be traced back to the county of Champagne, the first mention of which dates back to the turn of the 12th century." |
Franklin D. Roosevelt | Unknown. | " "Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again!" " |
Kirov | Unknown. | "The first cruiser designed and built in the USSR received her name in honor of the famous Soviet political leader, Sergei Kirov (1886-1934)." |
Mikoyan | Unknown. | "In 1943, as the Great Patriotic War was raging on, Anastas Mikoyan was awarded the Hammer and Sickle medal and received the title of "Hero of Socialist Labor" for his merits in arranging supplies for the Red Army." |
Pyotr Bagration | Unknown. | "In the Battle of Schöngrabern, which took place in November 1805, General Pyotr Bagration earned fame as an outstanding military commander and was awarded the star of the Order of St. George second class." |
Z35 | Unknown. | "Among the several hundred warships built at the AG Weser shipyard in Bremen was Z-35, the lead ship in a series of Type 1936B destroyers." |
Erich Loewenhardt | Unknown. | "A recipient of the Pour le Mérite order of merit, Erich Loewenhardt (1897-1918) was a brilliant infantry officer and an equally outstanding pilot, the third-ranking German ace of World War I." |
Pommern | Unknown. | "In the 1920s and 30s, large warships of the German Navy were typically named after their predecessors that had perished in World War I. Pre-dreadnought battleship Pommern, named after the province on the coast of the Baltic Sea, was sunk in the Battle of Jutland." |
Moskva | Unknown. | "Named after the capital city of the Soviet Union, this heavy cruiser was created under Project 66 - the world's last heavy gunship project designed specifically to destroy enemies with her main battery in encounters at sea." |
München | Unknown. | "The first German ship named after the capital of Bavaria. The ship carried a blue and white coat of arms of that land on its stern." |
Anchorage | Given to players who completed Anchorage Dockyard. (???) | "Anchorage, now the largest city in Alaska, was established in 1914 on the shores of the Cook Inlet. the city's name means a "place off the coast which is suitable for ships to anchor"." |
Brandenburg | "The province of Brandenburg is the cradle of the German state. The Brandenburg Gate is a symbol of its capital city, pinnacled with a quadriga reined by Victoria, the goddess of victory." | |
Florida | Unknown. | "The battleship bears the name of the 27th state of the U.S.A., also known as the "Sunshine State". It is no coincidence that its symbol is a flower of the orange tree, which yields bright orange fruit." |
Belfast | Unknown. | "The coat of arms of the light cruiser Belfast depicting a seahorse as part of the large coat of arms of the capital of Northern Ireland - the city of Belfast." |
Oklahoma | Unknown. | "Oklahoma has been the 46th U.S. state since 1907, and its first flag was in use between 1911 and 1925." |
Hizen | Given to players who completed Hizen Dockyard. (???) | "Hizen Province, the history of which dates back to the 7th century, was located on the south-western coast of Japan. The center of the province was located near Yamato city." |
Z-44 | Unknown. | "Commissioned in Bremen in January 1944, Z-44 was one of the 1936B-class destroyers." |
Strasbourg | Unknown. | "The second Dunkerque-class battleship, which entered service in 1939, was named after the capital of the Alsace province - the French city of Strasbourg." |
Plymouth | Unknown. | "The four towers on the coat of arms of Plymouth (Devon, United Kingdom) can have their history traced bak to four strongholds that protected the city during the English Civil War." |
Kitakami | Unknown. | "The fourth Kuma-class cruiser was named after the river Kitakami - the fourth largest river in Japan." |
Mysore | Unknown. | "The crest for Indian cruiser Mysore (formerly HMS Nigeria) depicted the mythological bird Gandaberunda - a symbol of the ancient Kingdom of Mysore." |
Ise | Unknown. | "Ise is one of Japan's historic provinces that is home to the Ise Grand Shrine, which is the most important Shinto shrine in the country. The flag depicts the emblem of the Ise Grand Shrine." |
Atlanta B | Unknown. | "A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)." |
Cossack B | Unknown. | "A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)." |
Kaga B | Unknown. | "A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)." |
Jean Bart B | Unknown. | "A flag dedicated to "Black Friday" - the day when Christmas sales officially start in many countries of the world (including non-English-speaking ones)." |
Tone | Unknown. | "The Tone River is one of the three largest rivers in Japan. Japanese dragons are wingless water deities, which is why a gold dragon crowns the warship that bears the river's name as it sails the seas." |
Fenyang | Unknown. | "A destroyer that served in 1940s and 50s as part of the Republic of China Navy. The ship's coat of arms had a South China tiger depicted on it. Its image is very popular and widespread in Chinese culture and art." |
Vampire II | Unknown. | "A Daring-class destroyer that served in the Royal Australian Navy from the 1950s to the mid-1980s. A legendary Australian ship. The ship's badge is a bat that is realistically depicted on the official badge and stylized on the unofficial one." |
Marco Polo | Unknown. | "The most iconic and distinctive image of the traveler Marco Polo is a portrait of him from the middle of the 19th century on a mosaic from Genova." |
Sha Wujing | Unknown. | "Previously a celestial General who was banished to the mortal realm, Sha Wujing is a character from "Journey to the West", a novel by Wu Cheng'en." |
Tang Sanzang | Unknown. | "A Buddhist monk, Tang Sanzang is the main character from "Journey to the West", a novel by Wu Cheng'en." |
Juruá | Given to players who purchased Juruá's Admiral Pack. | "The banner of the Brazillian Navy is an honorable symbol of this military branch kept by the naval commander-in-chief and carried in front of the formation on the most solemn occasions, along with the national flag." |
Flandre | Unknown. | "The battleship is named after Flanders, a historial province where violent battles unfolded between 1914 and 1918. During World War I, the Croix de Guerre (French: War Cross), a military decoration, was created in France to reward feats of bravery in military action." |
Max Immelmann | Unknown. | "Navigating a fighter, Max Immelmann gained his first air victory on August 1, 1915, having shot down a British aircraft and then taken its pilot prisoner on land. For this, the future ace was deorated with the Iron Cross, 1st Class." |
Austin | Unknown. | "The coat of arms of Austin, the state capital of Texas, contains an image of a lamp of knowledge that symbolizes the largest university. The shield in the flag's colors is crowned with a Latin cross from the private oat of arms of Stephen Austin, the "Father of Texas"." |
Hyūga | Unknown. | "Since ancient times, Hyūga Province has been a key region of Kyūshū island. From the 12th to the 19th century, control over the island was held by the powerful Shimazu samurai clan. The commemorative flag of the battleship depicts the Kamon, the Shimazu family emblem." |
ZF-6 | Given to players who completed ZF-6 Dockyard in Update 0.10.4 | "A military decoration worn on the chest and awarded to officers and crew for service on Kriegsmarine destroyers. It was issued from 1940 to those who were wounded in action, who survived from ships sunk in action, and who participated in several enemy engagements or sorties, as well as for outstanding performance or other heroic deeds in a single action." |
Weimar | "After the fall of the monarchy in Germany in 1919, the Weimar Constitution declared Germany a republic. It was suggested that the flag of the navy be replaced with a new state eagle and the Iron Cross, but this idea was rejected." | |
Tiger | Unknown. | "In the entire history of the Royal Navy so far, 15 ships have been named Tiger. From 1944 to 1945, three cruisers that were being built shared that name. This Tiger entered service in 1959, and her side number was C20." |
Constellation | Given to players who purchased the Admiral Pack. | "The first ship of the same name in the U.S. Navy in 1797 was named in honor of the "New Constellation of Stars" on the flag of the United States. The frigate served until 1853 when the name "Constellation" passed over to a new sloop-of-war that served with the Navy until 1955. Today, it's a museum ship stationed in Baltimore, Maryland." |
Druid | Unknown. | "The sacred symbol of Triquetra is incribed on numerous runestones scattered around the British Isles. It embodied the Sun and its main provisions being sunrise, zenith and sunset. The Irish Celts believed the Triquetra to be the symbol of Manannán mac Lir, the mighty ruler of the seas capable of sparking storms and destroying hostile ships." |
Napoli | Unknown. | "Since the early 14th century, when the Kingdom of Naples was under the reign of the Angevin dynasty, the city of Naples came to be symbolized by a combination of gold and red colors. In 1866, the shield depicted on the coat of arms of Naples was stamped with a turreted city crown, a heraldic symbol of "municipal independence"." |
Yukon | Given to players who purchased a special bundle | "Yukon is an embodiment of how people living in her namesake territory have adopted to Canada's harsh conditions through everlasting perseverance and pride. The Canadian territory of Yukon is represented by the Malamute dog, and the yellow colors of the Klondike Gold Rush." |
Congress | "USS Congress left her mark in history as one of six sailing frigates built according to the Naval Act of 1794. The frigates laid the foundation for the modern U.S. Navy. Today, the name Congress is given to the second of the newest Constellation-class frigates. She is planned to be laid down in the coming years." | |
De Zeven Provinciën | "HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën was named after The United Provinces of the Netherlands of the Dutch Republic, 1581-1795. Its coat of arms depicts a lion with seven arrows - the same number as the number of provinces - with a sword as a sybol of determination to protect their freedom, and a count's crown that symbolizes their sovereignty." | |
Ragnar | "Ragnar Lodbrok, the legendary king of the 9th century who struck fear in the hearts of his enemies and rivals. The ship carries the Helm of Awe (Aegishjalmur), one of the most widely known Viking symbols of protection." | |
Repulse | "The official crest of Repulse perfectly matches the ship's name - a mighty fortress tower, ready to repel any hostile assault. The battlecruiser carried the crest until October 1941." | |
Carriers, clear for action! | "A unique flag for the owner of an entire armada of aircraft carriers." | |
Agincourt | "Royal Navy ships bearing this name traditionally carried badges depicting a silver antelope. The antelope was part of the heraldic device of the Lancaster dynasty to which Henry V belonged. Henry V was a king whose military successes culminated in his victory at the Battle of Agincourt (1415)." | |
Chkalov | "O famoso piloto soviético Valery Chklavo (1094 - 1938), terminou a escola de aviação e começou seu serviço em um esquadrão de caças em 1924. No mesmo ano, uma insígnia de manga especial foi introduzida para tripulantes das Forças Aéreas Soviéticas e Força Aérea da Marinha, utilizada até 1943." | |
Rochester | "O cruzador foi nomeado em homenagem à cidade de Rochester, Nova York, um dos maiores centros científicos, tecnológicos e de educação nos Estados Unidos. A bandeira da cidade, adotada em 1934, tem o brasão de armas do Coronel Nathaniel Rochester, que fundou o assentamento no início do século XIX." | |
Kearsarge | "A tradição de decorar hastes de navios com belas esculturas continuou na Marinha americana até a era dos navios blindados. A bandeira comemorativa tem a decoração da proa do encouraçado Keasarge - um navio que estava em serviço de 1900 a 1923." | |
Carnot | "Lazare Carnot (1753 - 1823) foi um proeminente político, cientista e líder militar. Ficou conhecido como o "Organizador da Vitória" da República Francesa sobre seus inimigos. Em 1815 Napoleão tornou Carnot um conde com cinto do Império Francês. Seu brasão de armas está na bandeira comemorativa do navio." | |
Incomparable | "A ideia do projeto "Incomparable" foi sugerida pelo Primeiro Lorde do Mar, Almirante John Fisher (1841–1920), que se tornou barão em 1909. O brasão dos Fishers apresenta dois leões vermelhos e a popa de uma vela navio, bem como o lema "Tema a Deus e não tema nada."" | |
Groningen | "Groningen é uma província no nordeste da Holanda, e sua bandeira foi estabelecida em 1950. Ela tem a cor verde e branca da bandeira da capital (a cidade de Groningen) no centro, emoldurada pelo vermelho, azul e cor branca das terras vizinhas - Ommelanden." | |
Karl von Schönberg | "Karl von Schönberg (1872–1914) foi o comandante do cruzador leve Nürnberg. Ele conheceu seu destino a bordo deste navio enquanto lutava uma batalha contra as forças inglesas perto das Ilhas Malvinas em 8 de dezembro de 1914. Ele era descendente de uma velha família nobre saxônica. Seu brasão apresenta um leão de duas cores vermelho e verde em um campo de ouro." | |
Béarn | "A província francesa de Béarn, nos Pirenéus, é famosa por seus nativos, incluindo o rei Henrique IV de Navarra e D'Artagnan, o protagonista de Os três mosqueteiros. Também é conhecida por suas ricas tradições de criação de gado. Desde a Idade Média, o brasão dos Viscondes de Béarn foi decorado com duas vacas locais passantes." | |
USS Tulsa | "A cidade de Tulsa, no estado de Oklahoma, era merecidamente chamada de capital mundial do petróleo - ali ficava a sede das maiores empresas petrolíferas dos EUA." | |
HMS Gibraltar | "Em toda a história da Marinha Real até agora, sete navios de guerra foram nomeados em homenagem ao território ultramarino de Gibraltar. Não é à toa que existe uma expressão em inglês que diz "duro como a rocha de Gibraltar"." | |
Saipan B | "Uma bandeira dedicada à "Black Friday" — o dia em que as vendas de inverno começam oficialmente em muitos países do mundo." | |
Pommern B | "Uma bandeira dedicada à "Black Friday" — o dia em que as vendas de inverno começam oficialmente em muitos países do mundo." | |
Yoshino B | "Uma bandeira dedicada à "Black Friday" — o dia em que as vendas de inverno começam oficialmente em muitos países do mundo." | |
Loyang B | "Uma bandeira dedicada à "Black Friday" — o dia em que as vendas de inverno começam oficialmente em muitos países do mundo." | |
Dunkerque B | "Uma bandeira dedicada à "Black Friday" — o dia em que as vendas de inverno começam oficialmente em muitos países do mundo." | |
Giuseppe Verdi | "Regia Marina, a marinha do Reino da Itália, tinha uma tradição única de batizar os navios de guerra em homenagem a luminares da cultura como Dante e Da Vinci. Entre os nomes recomendados no início dos anos 1930 estava o de Giuseppe Verdi, um notável compositor de ópera italiano." | |
Loyang | "Loyang é uma das cidades chinesas mais antigas. Entre o século 18 a.C. e o século 13 d.C., foi várias vezes declarada capital do império. A cidade abriga o famoso Templo do Cavalo Branco, o primeiro templo budista na China, tendo sido estabelecido pela primeira vez em 68 d.C." | |
Marlborough | "Em toda a história da Marinha Real, até seis navios de guerra levaram o nome do proeminente general e estadista inglês John Churchill, primeiro Duque de Marlborough (1650-1722). O brasão deste ramo da árvore genealógica de Churchill representa um leão de prata junto com um cantão de São Jorge concedido no século 17 em reconhecimento ao serviço leal à Coroa." | |
Novorossiysk | "Novorossiysk é uma cidade e o maior porto da costa do Mar Negro. É uma das poucas cidades homenageadas com o título de Cidade Herói, concedido por heroísmo notável durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Em 1943, dois grandes grupos de assalto das Forças Navais Soviéticas desembarcaram com sucesso no porto. Desde maio de 1942, os soldados da infantaria naval soviética usam uma insígnia de manga representando uma âncora dourada em um fundo preto." | |
Bandeira do Czar da Moscóvia | "A primeira bandeira naval russa. Foi erguida em 1693 por Pedro, o Grande, a bordo do iate de 12 canhões "Saint Peter", quando navegava no Mar Branco. Sendo uma relíquia nacional, a Bandeira do Czar da Moscóvia é a mais antiga bandeira tricolor russa sobrevivente." | |
Dalian | "Dalian é uma cidade localizada na costa do Mar Amarelo. Hoje, Dalian é um dos maiores portos da China e do mundo em geral. É também um centro de construção naval militar e civil. O símbolo da cidade é a Rosa da China." | |
USS Forrest Sherman | "O contratorpedeiro foi batizado em homenagem ao almirante Forrest Sherman (1896–1951). O emblema do navio apresenta o topo do mastro com uma flâmula de navio de guerra que carrega quatro estrelas de almirante (correspondendo ao posto de Sherman) em vez das sete exigidas. O pano da flâmula tremula na forma da letra "S" — a primeira letra do sobrenome do almirante." | |
Sevastopol | "A bandeira da cidade apresenta o brasão de Sebastopol, cuja cor branca representa a cidade de pedra branca e a cor azul representa o mar. O monumento aos navios naufragados é um símbolo da defesa da cidade durante a Guerra da Crimeia. A Gold Star Medal (Herói da União Soviética) é um símbolo de defesa durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O ramo de louro que as une representa um passado histórico comum." | |
Canarias | "As duas colunas brancas do brasão da Espanha representam os Pilares de Hércules que ladeiam a entrada do Estreito de Gibraltar. Eles são encimados pelas coroas imperial e real. Quando a América foi descoberta, o lema "Mais Além" (latim: "Plus Ultra") substituiu o lema "Nada Mais Além" (latim: "Nec Plus Ultra") que existia desde os tempos antigos." | |
HMS Dido | "O cruzador britânico Dido foi batizado em homenagem à rainha Dido — a lendária fundadora de Cartago. De acordo com os mitos, depois de se separar do herói da Guerra de Troia Eneias, ela ateou fogo a si mesma. É a este evento que se referem as chamas do brasão do navio." | |
S-189 | "O distintivo de guerra da Marinha Soviética "Comandante de Submarino" foi estabelecido em 1942. Com algumas modificações, ele ainda é concedido pela Marinha Russa. Os oficiais recebem solenemente este distintivo ao assumirem o comando permanente de um submarino por ordem emitida pelo Comandante-Chefe da Marinha." | |
Khabarovsk | "Entre 1920 e 1922, a parte mais oriental do Extremo Oriente russo foi ocupada pela República do Extremo Oriente, um estado aliado da Rússia Soviética. Os navios de sua modesta Marinha Revolucionária Popular hasteavam sua própria bandeira e jaque naval, que repetia o padrão usado na Marinha russa antes de 1917, mas com uma cor vermelha dominante." | |
Großer Kurfürst | "Mesmo durante a vida, Frederick William, Eleitor de Brandenburgo (1620-1688), era popularmente conhecido como o "Grande Eleitor". Eleitores (em alemão: Kurfürst), os príncipes proeminentes do Sacro Império Romano-Germânico, todos usavam o Barrete de príncipe-eleitor — um chapéu de arminho com gola larga — como um símbolo de suas posições elevadas. Foi exatamente esse chapéu que acabou chegando ao emblema do Kurfürst (1914–1921), um encouraçado da classe König Großer da Frota de Alto-mar." | |
FR25 | "O Corpo de Engenharia Naval da Marinha Italiana foi fundado em 1861 e opera até os dias atuais. Seus oficiais atuam como engenheiros mecânicos a bordo de navios, como engenheiros de construção naval em estaleiros militares e em escritórios de projetos. Eles eram os únicos a supervisionar a recuperação e os reparos dos contratorpedeiros franceses afundados em 1942, que foram posteriormente incorporados à Marinha italiana." | |
Atlântico | "Joaquim Marques Lisboa, Marquês de Tamandaré (1807-1897) é um glorioso comandante naval e herói militar nacional que se destaca como patrono da Marinha do Brasil. Seu aniversário, 13 de dezembro, foi escolhido como o Dia do Marinheiro do país. A Medalha Mérito Tamandaré é concedida por serviços excepcionais para o desenvolvimento das tradições da Marinha do Brasil. Durante a cerimônia solene celebrada para a entrega desta medalha, os navios içam a bandeira do patrono com seu brasão." | |
Símbolos de Yukon | "Esta bandeira inclui símbolos do Território de Yukon, incluindo o amarelo da Corrida do Ouro de Klondike, um cão malamute e epilóbio — a flor territorial de Yukon." | |
Maya | "Os cruzadores pesados japoneses do período da Marinha Imperial geralmente eram batizados em homenagem às características geográficas proeminentes do país, incluindo picos de montanhas. Na ilha de Honshu, há uma montanha que leva o nome de Maya, mãe de Buda. Sua estátua, que foi trazida da Índia, está guardada no templo construído no topo da montanha desde o século VIII. A flor de lótus é um dos oito símbolos auspiciosos do budismo e representa iluminação e pureza mental." | |
USS Hornet | "O USS Hornet (CV-8) serviu por apenas 1 ano e 6 dias, mas entrou para sempre na história da Marinha dos Estados Unidos. O Ataque Doolittle, a Batalha de Midway, a campanha das Ilhas Salomão e sua última missão — a Batalha das Ilhas Santa Cruz, onde sucumbiu em ação. O navio, com seu emblema ilustrado por uma vespa combatente, foi o último porta-aviões dos EUA afundado por fogo inimigo em batalha." | |
Toulon | "Toulon é uma cidade portuária na Riviera Francesa. Aqui fica a residência do prefeito marítimo — o Comandante do Departamento Naval do Mediterrâneo e principal Comandante nas águas territoriais francesas deste mar." | |
Iwami | "Iwami é uma província histórica no Japão na parte ocidental da ilha de Honshu. Do início do século 13 até o ano de 1600, Iwami foi governada pelo clã samurai Masuda. A bandeira retrata o emblema de sua família, ou mon." | |
Mecklenburg | "Mecklenburg é uma região histórica no norte da Alemanha. Do século XII até 1918, foi governado por uma dinastia de duques. A cabeça de touro do brasão de Mecklenburg apareceu pela primeira vez no início do século XIII." | |
Aquila | "Uma aquila era um símbolo proeminente na forma de uma águia dourada em um poste, usada pelas legiões romanas na Roma antiga. A aquila era reverenciada como o símbolo divino de Júpiter, e os soldados romanos estavam dispostos a morrer pelo estandarte de sua legião." | |
USS San Diego | "San Diego é a segunda cidade mais populosa da Califórnia e a principal base naval da Marinha dos Estados Unidos no Pacífico. A baía de San Diego foi descoberta por navegadores espanhóis em 1542, e o lema da cidade é "Semper Vigilans" (latim para "sempre vigilantes")." | |
USS Gato | "O submarino USS Gato recebeu o nome de uma espécie de tubarão-gato." | |
USS Black | "O contratorpedeiro USS Black (DD-666) recebeu o nome do tenente-comandante Hugh Black, que morreu junto com seu navio quando foi afundado por um submarino alemão em 1942. O emblema do navio apresenta a imagem de um cavaleiro negro errante." | |
HMS Collingwood | "Cuthbert Collingwood (1750-1810) foi um camarada do vice-almirante Nelson. Após a morte de Nelson, ele assumiu o comando da frota na vitoriosa Batalha de Trafalgar em 1805. O brasão de armas do Barão Collingwood exibe a cabeça de um cervo, o símbolo heráldico de um guerreiro." | |
Azur Lane – Azuma | "Azuma é um cruzador grande do Império Sakura." | |
Azur Lane – Avrora | "Avrora é um cruzador leve e um dos navios mais antigos do Parlamento do Norte. " | |
HMS Hampshire | "A "coroa saxônica" é usada como um dispositivo heráldico inglês desde o início do século XX. Este símbolo remonta às moedas do rei Æthelstan (século X), que continham a primeira representação conhecida da coroa de um monarca inglês." | |
HMCS Huron | "O cultivo do tabaco ocupou um lugar importante na cultura tradicional dos Hurons, um dos povos indígenas da América do Norte. A flor desta planta em particular é retratada no emblema do contratorpedeiro Huron, batizado em homenagem a esse povo." | |
U-4501 | "Em 1944, uma insígnia de mérito foi estabelecida na Alemanha para trabalhadores de estaleiros. Ela era concedida por um excelente desempenho na reparação de (submarinos) U-boats e na sua colocação em serviço. Nesse mesmo ano, foi feito um pedido para a construção de 100 submarinos oceânicos do novo tipo XXVI. No final da guerra, apenas quatro submarinos desse tipo foram lançados, sendo um deles o submarino líder U-4501." | |
Anhalt | "O Estado Livre de Anhalt como parte da Alemanha foi formado em 1918 no território do ducado de mesmo nome e existiu formalmente até 1946. Seu brasão era um símbolo da cidade de Bernburg, a propriedade mais antiga dos Duques de Anhalt ." | |
I-56 | "O segundo submarino da Marinha Imperial do Japão a ter este nome. Como seu antecessor I-56, foi designado para o Distrito Naval de Kure. Ele desapareceu em abril de 1945 após o início da Batalha de Okinawa. O destino do barco permanece desconhecido até hoje." | |
Álvaro de Bazán | "Álvaro de Bazán era um ilustre comandante naval espanhol que não conhecia derrotas. Recebeu o título de Marquês de Santa Cruz em 1569. O escudo representado no brasão sob coroa heráldica do Marquês tem como fundo a cruz da ordem de cavalaria de Santiago, da qual de Bazán fazia parte." | |
Volta ao Mundo | "As primeiras esferas armilares foram inventadas na China Antiga no século IV aC e na Grécia Antiga no século III aC. Elas foram amplamente usadas para determinar as coordenadas dos corpos celestes em navegações marítimas." | |
Rosa Escarlate | "Sabres em fundo preto apareciam com frequência em bandeiras piratas. No centro está o símbolo heráldico do condado de Hampshire, que abriga dois dos maiores portos da Inglaterra." | |
Velos | "Em 1959, a Grécia comprou o Velos, um contratorpedeiro da classe Fletcher, dos Estados Unidos. Velos significa "Flecha" em grego, que também está representada no brasão do navio." | |
Vallejo | "Vallejo é uma cidade da Califórnia, nos Estados Unidos. É aqui que, entre 1854 e 1996, se instalou o Estaleiro da Ilha de Mare, onde foram construídos mais de 500 navios de guerra, incluindo encouraçados. Seu brasão oficial exibe a cabeça de um cavalo." | |
Malta | "Concedida pelo rei George VI por atos de bravura durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Cruz de São Jorge adorna a bandeira de Malta desde 1943. A ilha de Malta foi o principal bastião da Marinha Real no Mediterrâneo." | |
Shinonome | "Traduzido do japonês, Shinonome significa "amanhecer". O Monte Fuji, um símbolo sagrado na cultura japonesa, é retratado na bandeira sob os raios do sol nascente." | |
Tokachi | "A prefeitura de Hokkaido inclui o território da ilha japonesa de mesmo nome, onde se localiza o rio Tokachi. A estrela na bandeira da prefeitura simboliza esperança e desenvolvimento." | |
HNLMS Tromp | "O navio herdou seu nome e brasão de famosos almirantes holandeses do século XVII — Maarten Tromp e seu filho Cornelis Tromp. Maarten Tromp foi nomeado cavaleiro pelo rei Luís XIII por sua vitória na Batalha das Colinas." | |
Admiral Schröder | "Após a Primeira Guerra Mundial, a Cruz de Flandres foi concedida aos veteranos do Corpo de Flandres, comandado pelo Almirante Schröder. O prêmio retrata uma âncora encimada por uma coroa imperial e emoldurada por ramos de louro contra o fundo de espadas cruzadas." | |
HMS Monmouth | "Monmouth, the county town of the Welsh historic county of Monmouthshire, lies at the confluence of the Monnow and Wye rivers. The unique medieval Monnow Bridge is the only remaining fortified river bridge in Great Britain, with its gate tower still standing in place." | |
HMS Renown | "The motto of HMS Renown translates from Latin to 'Guardian of Ancient Renown. The ship's coat of arms depicts an ancient symbol of glory—a torch framed by laurel branches." | |
Leipzig | "Leipzig's coat of arms depicts the heraldic symbols of the two medieval margravates the city belonged to—the black lion symbolizing the Margravate of Meissen and the blue pillars of Landsberg." | |
Shinonome B | "Uma bandeira dedicada à "Black Friday" — o dia em que as vendas de inverno começam oficialmente em muitos países do mundo." | |
Chkalov B | "Uma bandeira dedicada à "Black Friday" — o dia em que as vendas de inverno começam oficialmente em muitos países do mundo." | |
Mainz B | "Uma bandeira dedicada à "Black Friday" — o dia em que as vendas de inverno começam oficialmente em muitos países do mundo." | |
Kearsarge B | "Uma bandeira dedicada à "Black Friday" — o dia em que as vendas de inverno começam oficialmente em muitos países do mundo." | |
Napoli B | "Uma bandeira dedicada à "Black Friday" — o dia em que as vendas de inverno começam oficialmente em muitos países do mundo." | |
HMS Alliance | "O Alliance é o único submarino sobrevivente de sua classe e agora é usado como museu. Seu brasão simboliza a unidade das forças armadas britânicas." | |
Ning Hai | "Mazu é uma deusa do mar que protege os marinheiros na mitologia chinesa. Ela é a forma deificada de Lin Mo Niang, uma garota de uma vila de pescadores. Diz a lenda que ela podia voar sobre as nuvens e vinha ajudar seus irmãos que estivessem em perigo no mar." | |
Hector | "Hector (Heitor) é o herdeiro do trono de Troia e o herói da Guerra de Troia. Ele era o líder dos troianos e de seus aliados em batalha. O povo troiano o reverenciava como um deus, e seus feitos são cantados na Ilíada de Homero." | |
Sun Yat-Sen | "A fênix simboliza tranquilidade, a espiga de arroz representa riqueza e prosperidade, e a taça representa lealdade e respeito. Acredita-se que esses símbolos trazem boa sorte. Como tal, eles eram bordados em mantos imperiais na China Antiga." | |
Dupleix | "Um nome tradicional dado aos navios de guerra da Marinha Francesa se refere ao Marquês Joseph Francois Dupleix, que serviu como governador-geral das possessões da Companhia Francesa das Índias Orientais, na Índia, de 1742 até 1754." | |
HMAS Brisbane | "No topo do brasão da cidade australiana de Brisbane, há duas estrelas e um nó de Staffordshire — um emblema do regimento britânico de mesmo nome — representando os eventos da vida de Sir Brisbane, um governador, oficial e astrônomo. Abaixo, contra um fundo de ondas do rio, o brasão retrata o caduceu — o bastão carregado por Hermes, o deus do comércio, e símbolos do porto nas margens do rio Brisbane." | |
Z-42 | "O projeto do contratorpedeiro Z-42 foi amplamente alterado várias vezes, e navios que diferiam totalmente uns dos outros apareceram sob essa designação em vários estágios. Eles eram unidos apenas pelo local de sua construção planejada — Germaniawerft (estaleiro Germania) — que tinha três anéis presos exibidos em seu emblema." | |
HMS Colossus | "Em 1946, o Colossus foi emprestado à França e renomeado como Arromanches. Cinco anos depois, o navio foi, finalmente, transferido para a Marinha Francesa com este nome. O porta-aviões recebeu foi batizado em homenagem à comuna de Arromanches-les-Bains, na região da Baixa Normandia, na França." | |
USS Illinois | "Em 1912, o ramo de Illinois das Filhas da Revolução Americana, liderado por Ella Park Lawrence, anunciou um concurso para criar a bandeira do estado. O conceito de bandeira que venceu a competição é usado até hoje, e Ella Park Lawrence ainda é considerada a mãe da bandeira do estado de Illinois." | |
Daisen | "Todos os anos, o templo budista mais antigo na encosta da montanha sagrada Daisen, no Japão, recebe o festival de verão para homenagear os espíritos dos ancestrais — o Festival Obon. Durante o festival, o caminho para o templo é iluminado por wagasa, guarda-chuvas de papel tradicionais japoneses que se tornaram um símbolo reconhecível daquele país." | |
BAP Almirante Grau | "Miguel María Grau Seminario é o mais renomado oficial da marinha peruana do século XIX e um herói nacional do Peru. Um dos elementos-chave que compõem os símbolos navais do país é a representação de Inti, o deus do Sol na mitologia inca." | |
Tashkent '41 | "Entre 1939 e 1941, um canhão temporário foi colocado no contratorpedeiro Tashkent devido a atrasos no projeto e teste de novos canhões. Durante esses anos, a URSS trabalhava a todo vapor para criar uma poderosa frota oceânica. Em 1939, uma insígnia chamada "Excelência na Marinha da U.R.S.S." foi estabelecida para ser concedida a militares e trabalhadores da Marinha em reconhecimento por seu serviço heroico ou meritório." |
Lista de Bandeiras de Caridade
Pedimos desculpas por não termos traduzido esta tabela. Optamos por não traduzir por não sabermos exatamente a tradução que está no jogo.
Bandeira | Nome | Obtida por | Efeito | Notas |
Project VALOR: Family Flag |
Available for purchase from the Premium Shop for a limited time (May & December 2017). |
None. | "Hoist the colors of a hero! 100% of all proceeds from this flag go to the Fisher House Foundation, which provides housing for veterans and their families." |
Project VALOR: Home Flag |
Available for purchase from the Premium Shop for a limited time (July & December 2017). |
None. | "Hoist the colors of a hero! 100% of all proceeds from this flag go to the National Military Family Association (NMFA), which provides family related services for military families." |
Project VALOR: Remembrance Flag |
Available for purchase from the Premium Shop for a limited time (September & December 2017). |
None. | "Hoist the colors of a hero! 100% of all proceeds from this flag go to the National Desert Storm War Memorial Foundation." |
Project VALOR: Giving Thanks Flag |
Available for purchase from the Premium Shop for a limited time (November & December 2017). |
None. | "Hoist the colors of a hero! 100% of all proceeds from this flag go to The Battleship Texas Foundation." |
Project V.A.L.O.R. Crest | Given to players who purchased all four Project VALOR charity flags. | None. | "To be updated." |
Uma boa causa | None. | "A bandeira para os participantes de uma atividade de caridade. Obrigado por sua contribuição. Você ajudou a fazer do mundo um lugar melhor!" |