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Leopard Prototyp A

Leopard Prototyp A

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Pro_Ag_A (Stock)

3450000 Preis
1550 SPRobustheit
39.17 / 42 Gewicht
  1. Kommandant
  2. Funker
  3. Richtschütze
  4. Fahrer
  5. Ladeschütze
70/35/25Wannenpanzerung(Front/Seiten/Heck mm)
52/60/60Turmpanzerung(Front/Seiten/Heck mm)
630 PSMotorleistung
65 km/hHöchstgeschwindigkeit vorwärts/rückwärts
38 °/sDrehen/Wenden
225 damage
212 mmMittlere Durchschlagskraft
6.1 Dauer für vollständiges Nachladen
36 °/sGeschützrichtgeschwindigkeit
260 mSichtweite
500 mFunkreichweite
Leopard Prototyp A
Dieser Prototyp wurde von 1960 bis 1961 als mittlerer Panzer für die Bundeswehr entwickelt, insgesamt baute man 26 Prototypen. Diese wurden bis 1963 erprobt. Das Fahrzeug war der Vorgänger des mittleren Panzers Leopard.

The Leopard PTA is typically regarded as one of the toughest tanks in the game to play and master, due to the fact that it has essentially no armour and a very poor potential damage per minute compared to other Tier IX mediums. The Leopard PTA is perhaps best compared to Light tanks, rather than falling into the Medium tank category due to its maneuverability and complete lack of armour protection. With its speed allowing it to re-position quickly, and it's highly accurate low aim time high penetration gun with a devastating alpha damage of 350, the PTA is best played as a mobile sniper and support tank. The play-style necessary to do well in the PTA is a pre-cursor to the gameplay of the Leopard I.

Due to the tanks extremely poor armour and low rate of fire, it is recommended that the PTA never be engaged in 1 v 1 brawls with enemy medium tanks at any tier. The Leopard PTA leads to the Leopard I.



Stufe Turm Turmpanzerung (Front/Seiten/Heck mm) Geschützrichtgeschwindigkeit (°/s) Sichtweite (m) Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
VIII Leopard Prototyp A2 52/60/60 36 260 0 7018
Stufe Geschütz Mittlere Durchschlagskraft (mm) Feuergeschwindigkeit Streuung auf 100 m Zielerfassung Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
VIII 9 cm Bordkanone 212/259/45 225/225/270 9.84 0.34 2.9 0 1650
X 10,5 cm L7A1 268/330/53 350/350/400 6.67 0.36 2.9 77500 1282
Stufe Turm Turmpanzerung (Front/Seiten/Heck mm) Geschützrichtgeschwindigkeit (°/s) Sichtweite (m) Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
IX Porsche Standardpanzer 52/60/60 36 260 30190 7218
Stufe Geschütz Mittlere Durchschlagskraft (mm) Feuergeschwindigkeit Streuung auf 100 m Zielerfassung Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
VIII 9 cm Bordkanone 212/259/45 225/225/270 10.17 0.32 2.3 0 1650
X 10,5 cm L7A1 268/330/53 350/350/400 7.06 0.32 2.3 77500 1282


Stufe Motor Motorleistung (PS) Brandwahrscheinlichkeit bei Treffer Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
IX MTU MB 837 A 630 12 0 1500
X MTU MB 838 CaM 500 830 10 42000 1700

Stufe Fahrwerk Maximalgewicht Drehen/Wenden (°/s) Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
VIII Leopard Prototyp A1 42 38 0 10000
IX Leopard Prototyp A2 42 42 28880 10000


Stufe Funkgerät Funkreichweite (m) Erfahrung Gewicht (t)
IX AN-GRC-4 500 0 80

Compatible Equipment

Vertikaler Stabilisator Stufe 1
Mittlerer Splitterschutz
Entspiegelte Optik
Verbesserter Waffenrichtantrieb
Verbesserte Drehstabfederung 3-t-Klasse
Verbesserte Lüftung Klasse 2
Ansetzer für Panzergeschütze mittleren Kalibers
„Nasses“ Munitionslager Klasse 1

Compatible Consumables

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Very fast
  • Very maneuverable
  • Highly accurate gun
  • High penetration on gun
  • Comparatively high alpha damage


  • Zero armour
  • Low rate of fire
  • Mediocre power to weight ratio causing acceleration to be rather poor
  • Large profile
  • Poor gun depression


The Leopard PTA has a unique play-style, similar to that of a light tank. Its lack of armor makes it a very poor brawler, and it is vulnerable to any tank it will face, including tier VIIs. This lack of armor coupled with the fairly poor DPM means the PTA should avoid one on one situations with any medium tank. The PTA is best suited to more of a harassment role, zipping in behind enemy TDs or heavies, popping a quick round into their rear, then rapidly relocating to set up another shot. The PTA can also be played as a sniper, utilizing bushes and long range lines of sight to damage unsuspecting enemies. Players should make sure to be constantly aware of their surroundings, keeping track of which enemy tanks have already fired and are reloading, and potential threats from all directions, as the PTA seems to be a constant target.

When playing the PTA, always analyze the situation. Make sure that an escape route is always available so that if one is in a tight situation, they can easily get out. This tank is not suited for frontline duty. Always stay behind several teammates; ignore any comments other players may make about one's decisions in the PTA: you control the tank.

The PTA's poor gun depression hinders its abilities to utilize hills and ridges. Be sure to act as if you have been spotted, as Sixth Sense activates a full 3 seconds after you have already been spotted.

Early Research

The Leopard PTA can be researched two ways:

  • If one is extremely cautious, then mobility is not a problem, so the 10,5 cm L7A1 is advisable. The 9cm's low alpha can be a major hindrance for the PTA, which will only be able to make a few shots per game. Start by researching the upgraded turret to improve gun statistics, then the L7A1, then the engine, and the tracks can be researched last.
  • The second way is to go with the engine first. If you can bear with the 9cm stock gun, then getting the engine first will be extremely helpful. If you prefer speed and maneuverability, then research the top engine, tracks, turret, and the 10,5 cm L7A1 last.

History for this tank not found

Medium Tanks
ru:Blitz:Pro Ag A