Changelog: World of Tanks (PC) Patch 0.7.5
New Content
- Added 3 new maps: Seaport, Highway, Serene Coast
- Added new tier X medium tanks: Е-50 Ausf.M, Т-62А, M48A1
- Added new tier V French light tank: ELC AMX
- Added new tier VIII German tank destroyer: Jagdpanther II
- Added new tier X tank destroyers: JagdPz E-100, Object 268, AMX 50 Foch 155, T110E3, T110E4
- Finalized parameters for tier 6 Premium TD Dickermax and tier 8 Medium Tank Superpershing. Both added to the in-game shop
- Added 'planes in the sky' environment effect to ‘Airfield’ map.
Game Mechanics Changes
- Following French light and medium tanks have moved one tier up: AMX 12t, AMX 13 75, AMX 13 90, Lorraine 40t, Bat Chatillon 25t (details can be found here)
- Added a research path from Tiger P to Ferdinand (150 000 exp.)
- Added a research path from AMX 12t to Lorraine 155 50 (140 000 exp.)
- Credit revenue and repair cost rebalanced for some tanks basing on statistics results (details can be found here)
- Reworked Match-Making for the majority of vehicles. Now players won't normally see vehicles of more than two tiers difference to the tier of his/her own vehicle (new MM chart can be found here)
- All experience from elite Ferdinand transferred to Jagdtiger
- KV-5 removed from the in-game shop
- Reworked mechanism of knocking out crew members with HE shells
- Now a hit to an internal module will still deal damage even if the armour wasn’t penetrated.
- Vehicle Model Changes and Rebalance:
- Rebalanced tier II and III tank destroyers
- Basing on statistics results, French TD’s and SPGs, which were added in 7.4 update, slightly rebalanced
- Rebalanced parameters of second USSR Heavy Line: Т-150, КV-3, КV-4, SТ-1, IS-4.
- E-100 and Maus rebalanced according to the statistics results
- Due to the introduction of tier X Medium tanks, the following tier IX vehicles have been rebalanced: E-50, M46 Patton, Т-54
- Due to MatchMaker changes, parameters of following USSR Medium tanks and TD’s were rebalanced: Т-28, Т-34-85, Т-43, КV-13, SU-85
- KV-5 slightly buffed
- Changed IS-8 armouring in the lower plate.
USA Vehicle changes
- M2 LT
- Reduced view range of the first turret from 262.5 to 260m
- Increased view range of the second turret from 315 to 320m
- M22 Locust;
- Decreased view range of the first turret from 332.5 to 330m
- M24 Chaffee;
- Increased view range of the first turret from 367.5 to 370m
- Reduced view range of the second turret from 402 to 400m
- M3 Lee
- Increased view range from 315 to 320m
- M46 Patton
- Slightly changed the dispersion on move
- Increased reload time of the 105mm Gun T5E1M2 from 8.9 to 9.3 seconds
- Increased the dispersion of the 105mm Gun T5E1M2 with the first turret rotation by 40%
- Increased the dispersion of the 105mm Gun T5E1M2 with the second turret rotation by 50%
- Increased the price from 2980000 to 3450000 credits
- M6;
- Increased the view range of the first turret from 315 to 320
- T110E5;
- Increased the price from 6000000 to 6100000 credits
- T18;
- Reduced the reverse speed from 10 to 8 km/h
- Increased the dispersion on rotating for the 75mm Howitzer M1A1 gun from 0.12 to 0.16
- Reduced the elevation angles for 75mm Howitzer M1A1 gun from 8 to 5 degrees
- Reduced the elevation angles for Ordnance QF 2pdr AT Gun Mk.X from 8 to 5 degrees
German Vehicle changes
- E-100
- Front armor increased by 10 mm up to 250 mm
- Minorly increased aiming time of 15сm KwK44 L38 Gun
- Reloading time of 15сm KwK44 L38 Gun increased by 1,1 sec
- Accuracy of 15сm KwK44 L38 Gun increased from 0,42 to 0,40
- Durability increased by 100 HP
- E-50
- Suspension E-50-Ketten Ausf. C traverse speed decreased by 1 deg/sec
- Slightly increased gun dispersion with E-50-Ketten Ausf. C suspension when moving
- Durability decreased by 50 HP
- Marder II
- Marder-II-Ketten Ausf. A suspension traverse speed decreased by 1 deg/sec
- Marder-II-Ketten Ausf. B traverse suspension traverse speed decreased by 2 deg/sec
- Decreased accuracy for both suspensions when moving
- Reduced passability of Marder-II-Ketten Ausf. A suspension on medium and soft soils
- Increased passability of Marder-II-Ketten Ausf. B suspension on all soils
- Durability decreased on 5 HP
- Maximum reverse speed increased from 11 to 12 km/h
- View range decreased from 400 m to 360 m
- Reloading time of 5cm PaK39 L60 Gun increased by 0,1 sec
- Aiming time of 7,5cm PaK40/2 Gun increased from 1,7 to 2,3 sec
- Reloading time of 7,5cm PaK40/2 Gun increased from 4 to 4,5 sec
- Dispersion after firing for 7,5cm PaK40/2 Gun increased by 30%
- Aiming time for 7,6сm PaK36r Gun increased from 1,7 to 2,3 sec
- Reloading time of 7,6сm PaK36r Gun increased from 4,3 to 4,8 sec
- Dispersion after firing for 7,6сm PaK36r Gun increased by 30%
- Maus
- Durability increased by 200 HP
- Front armor increased from 220 to 240 mm
- PanzerJager I
- PzJg-Ketten I s uspension traverse speed decreased by 2 deg/sec
- Slightly increased passability of PzJg-Ketten I suspension on hard and medium soils
- PzJg-Ketten II suspension traverse speed decreased by 2 deg/sec
- Slightly increased gun dispersion with Suspension PzJg-Ketten I when moving
- Slightly increased passability of PzJg-Ketten II on hard and medium soils
- Increased visibility during the movement
- Maximum reverse speed decreased from 10 to 8 km/h
- Increased aming time of 3,7сm PaK38t L47 Gun from 1,1 to 1,4 sec
- Decreased depression and elevation degrees of 3,7сm PaK38t L47 Gun by 3 and 2 deg accordingly
- Increased aming time of 4,7сm PaK 38t L43 Gun from 1,26 to 2 sec
- Decreased elevation degrees of 4,7сm PaK 38t L43 Gun by 2 deg
- Increased aming time of 4,7сm PaK 38t L43 Gun from 2,26 to 2,5 sec
- Increased aming time of 5сm PaK39 L60 Gun from 1,7 to 2,3 sec
- Increased reloading time of 5сm PaK39 L60 Gun from 2,3 to 2,9 sec
- Increased dispersion of 5сm PaK39 L60 Gun after firing and during turret rotation
French Vehicle changes
- AMX 12t
- Load capacity of stock suspension increased by 350 kg
- Gun dispersion when moving and traversing decreased by 8%
- First suspension passability on solid soils increased by 8%
- First suspension passability on medium soils increased by 14%
- First suspension passability on soft soils increased by 15%
- Second suspension passability on medium soils increased by 15%
- Second suspension passability on soft soils increased by 10%
- ER 53 radio replaced with SCR 528 radio
- View range increased by 20m
- Vehicle durability increased by 180 HP
- 75 mm Long 44 and 75 mm SA32 removed
- 75 mm SA50 gun researchable after 75 mm SA49 L48 added
- Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA49 L48 gun increased by 22%
- 75 mm SA49 L48 gun dispersion with turret rotation increased by 11%
- AMX 13 75
- Dispersion when moving and traversing with first suspension decreased by 8%
- First suspension passability on solid soils increased by 10%
- First suspension passability on medium soils increased by 9%
- First suspension passability on soft soils increased by 11%
- Dispersion when moving and traversing with second suspension decreased by 4%
- Second suspension passability on solid soils increased by 11%
- Second suspension passability on medium soils increased by 10%
- Second suspension passability on soft soils increased by 13%
- Tank durability increased by 250 HP
- View range increased on 10m
- Turret turning speed increased by 2 degrees per second
- Aiming time for 75 mm SA49 L48 gun decreased by 0,2 sec
- Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm of SA49 L48 gun increased by 9%
- Reloading time of 75 mm SA49 L48 gun decreased by 1 sec
- Aiming time for 75 mm SA50 decreased by 0,2 sec
- Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA50 increased by 11%
- Reloading time of 75 mm SA50 gun decreased by 1 sec
- AMX 13 90
- Dispersion when moving and traversing with first suspension decreased by 4%
- First suspension passability on solid soils increased by 10%
- First suspension passability on medium soils increased by 9%
- First suspension passability on soft soils increased by 11%
- Second suspension passability on solid soils increased by 11%
- Second suspension passability on medium soils increased by 10%
- Second suspension passability on soft soils increased by 13%
- Tank durability increased by 100 HP
- Turret turning speed increased by 2 degrees per second
- Aiming time for 75 mm SA50 decreased by 0,2 sec
- Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA50 increased by 11%
- Lorraine 40t
- Load capacity of first suspension increased by 100 kg
- First suspension passability on solid soils increased by 8%
- First suspension passability on medium soils increased by 14%
- First suspension passability on soft soils increased by 9%
- Dispersion when moving and traversing with second suspension decreased by 10%
- Second suspension passability on solid soils increased by 9%
- Second suspension passability on medium soils increased by 8%
- Second suspension passability on soft soils increased by 10%
- Maybach HL 230 and Maybach HL 230P45 engines removed
- Tank durability increased by 250 HP
- Turret turning speed increased by 4 degrees per second
- 90 mm Canon DCA45 gun removed
- Reloading speed within the drum of 100 mm SA47 gun increased by 38%
- Reloading time of 100 mm SA47 mm decreased by 12 sec
- Dispersion 100 mm SA47 gun while turning the turret decreased by 10%
- Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 of 100 mm SA47 gun decreased by 45 mm
- Reloading speed within the drum of 90 mm F3 gun increased by 23%
- Reloading of 90 mm F3 gun decreased by 10 sec
- Dispersion of 90 mm F3 gun while turning the turret decreased by 10%
- Bat Chatillon 25t
- Stock suspension, SCR 508 radio and SOFAM 12GSds engine removed
- Vehicle can now turn in place without moving (same feature have all TD’s)
- Dispersion when moving and traversing decreased by 11%
- Chance of fire of Hispano-Suiza HS110 engine decreased by 2%
- Tank durability increased by 300 HP
- 90 mm Canon DCA45 gun removed
- 105 mm CN105 57 gun added as researchable aftre 100 mm SA47 gun
- Aiming time of 100 mm SA47 gun decreased by 0,3 sec
- Reloading time of 100 mm SA47 gun decreased by 4 sec
- Dispersion of 100 mm SA47 gun with turret rotation decreased by 11%
- Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 of 100 mm SA47 gun decreased by 45 mm
- Aiming time of 90 mm F3 gun decreased by 0,3 sec
- Reloading time of 90 mm F3 gun decreased by 6 sec
- Dispersion of 90 mm F3 gun with turret rotation decreased by 11%
- AMX 13 F3AM
- Reloading time of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1917 gun increased by 1,2 sec
- Gun dispersion on traversing increased by 25%
- Lorraine 155 50
- Dispersion when moving and traversing increased by 8%
- Reloading time of Canon de 155 mm de 33 calibres gun increased by 1,6 sec
- Elevation angles of Canon de 155 mm de 33 calibres gun decreased by 4 degrees
- Reloading time of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 increased by 2 sec
- Elevation angles of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 decreased by 4 degrees
- Lorraine 155 51
- Dispersion when moving and traversing with first suspension increased by 8%
- Dispersion when moving and traversing with second suspension increased by 9%
- Reloading time of Canon de 155 mm L GPF gun increased by 1 sec
- Elevation angles of Canon de 155 mm L GPF gun decreased by 4 degrees
- Reloading time of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 gun increased by 2,5 sec
- Elevation angles of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 gun decreased by 4 degrees
- Bat Chatillon 155
- Dispersion when moving and traversing decreased by 4%
- Chance of fire of Hispano-Suiza HS110 engine decreased by 2%
- Elevation angles of Canon de 155 mm gun decreased by 4 degrees
- AMX 50 100
- Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 100 mm of SA47 gun decreased by 45mm
- AMX 50 120
- Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 100 mm of SA47 gun decreased by 45mm
- Renault UE 57
- View range decreased by 40m
- S35 CA
- Dispersion of 17 pdr Gun Mk.II gun doubled when moving the gun
- Dispersion of 17 pdr Gun Mk.II after firing increased by 17%
- Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA gun increased by 01 sec
- Dispersion of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA gun increased by 33% when moving the gun
- Dispersion of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA after firing increased by 17%
- Reloading time of Canon de 105 mle.1930 Schneider AC increased by 0,3 sec
- ARL V39
- Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA gun increased by 0,6 sec
- Dispersion of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA gun by 50% when moving the gun
- Dispersion of Canon de 105 mle.1930 Schneider AC gun by 33% when moving the gun
- AMX AC mle.1946
- Vehicle durability decreased by 10 HP
- Max speed on move decreased on 2 km/h
- Dispersion of 100 mm SA47 AC gun increased by 33% when moving the gun
- Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 of 100 mm SA47 AC gun decreased by 45mm
- Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA increased by 0,3 sec
- Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA45 AC gun increased by 0,1 sec
- Dispersion of 90 mm Canon DCA45 AC gun on turret rotation increased by 50%
- AMX AC mle.1948
- Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 of 100 mm SA47 AC gun decreased by 45mm
- Reloading time of 120 mm SA46 AC increased by 0,2 sec
- AMX 50 Foch
- First suspension passability on solid soils decreased by 8%
- First suspension passability on medium soils decreased by 7%
- First suspension passability on soft soils decreased by 9%
- Second suspension passability on solid soils decreased by 8%
- Second suspension passability on medium soils decreased by 8%
- Second suspension passability on soft soils decreased by 10%
- Durability decreased by 50 HP
- Reloading time of 120 mm SA46 AC gun increased by 0,6 sec
- Dispersion of 120 mm SA46 AC gun doubled when moving the gun
- Accuracy of 120 mm SA46 AC gun decreased by 0,01
Soviet Vehicle changes
- А-20
- First turret turning speed decreased by 0.25 degrees per second
- View range with second turret decreased by 2.5m
- АТ-1
- Turning speed with first suspension decreased by 3 degrees per second
- Turning speed with second suspension decreased by 3 degrees per second
- Reverse speed decreased by 1 km/h
- View range increased by 5 m
- BТ-2
- Turning speed of the second turret increased by 0,5 degrees per second
- IS-4
- Vehicle durability increased by 100 HP
- Dispersion decreased by 33% when moving
- IS-8
- First turret 122 mm BL-9 gun reloading time decreased by 4,5 %
- First turret 122 mm D25T gun reloading time decreased by 4 %
- First turret 122 mm М62Т gun reloading time decreased by 4,5 %
- Vehicle durability increased by 20 HP
- Second turret 122 mm BL-9 gun reloading time decreased by 3 %
- Second turret 122 mm D25T gun reloading time decreased by 4 %
- Second turret 122 mm М62Т gun reloading time decreased by 3 %
- KV-13
- Increased turning speed of the first suspension by 1 degree per second
- Dispersion with first suspension increased by 18% when moving
- Dispersion on traversing with first suspension increased by 18%
- Durability with first turret decreased by 30 HP
- Turning speed of first turret increased by 1 degree per second
- Dispersion with second suspension increased by 20% when moving
- Dispersion on traversing with second suspension increased by 20%
- View range of the second turret increased by 10 m
- Turning speed of the second turret increased by 2 degrees per second
- Durability with second turret increased by 48 HP
- For 85mm D5Т-85BМ ammorack reduced by 14 shells
- Reverse speed decreased by 2 km/h
- Speed decreased by 10 km/h
- KV-3;
- Increased HP by 100
- KV-4;
- Increased medium and soft soils passability for all suspensions
- Increased durability by 70 HP
- Reduced the reload time of 107mm ZiS-24 gun by 0.86% mounted on the first turret
- Reduced the dispersion of the 107mm ZiS-24 gun with the first turret rotation by 10%
- Increased the second turret rotation speed by 2 degree/second
- Reduced aiming time of the 107mm ZiS-6 gun mounted on the second turret by 14%
- Reduced the dispersion of the 107mm ZiS-6 gun during the second turret rotation by 14%
- KV-5;
- Increased accuracy by 10% when moving
- Increased accuracy when traversing by 10%
- Increased durability by 100 HP
- Increased the turret rotation speed by 1 degree per second
- Object 704;
- Increased the view range by 13.75m
- ST-1;
- Increased medium soils passability for both suspensions
- Increased the traversing speed for the second suspension by 2 degree/second
- Increased the view range of the first turret by 10m
- Increased HP with the first turret by 100
- Reduced the reload time of the 122mm BL-9 gun mounted on the first turret by 0.5%
- Reduced the reload time of the 122mm D25Tgun mounted on the first turret by 2.5%
- Increased the view range of the second turret by 10m
- Increased HP with the second turret by 100
- Reduced the reload time of the 122mm BL-9 gun mounted on the second turret by 2.32%
- Reduced the reload time of the 122mm D25Tgun mounted on the second turret by 3.3%
- Reduced the reload time of the 122mm M62-T2 gun mounted on the second turret by 8.9%
- SU-100;
- Increased by 4 the amount of ammo in the 85mm D5S-85BM gun ammorack
- SU-76;
- Reduced the traverse speed on the first suspension by 5 degree per second
- Increased the dispersion on the first suspension by 21% when moving
- Reduced the turning speed on the second suspension by 6 degree/second
- Increased the dispersion on the second suspension by 30% when moving
- Reduced durability by 5 HP
- Increased the reload time of the 57mm ZiS-2 gun by 15%
- SU-85;
- Removed the 107mm ZiS-6S gun. The 85mm D-5S-85BM gun was added instead to replace it. 14400 free Experience points have been granted as compensation in cases where the 107mm ZiS-6S gun was researched. All 107mm ZiS-6S guns have been sold from the depot and the credits have been returned to the accounts.
- Added the 85mm D5S-85C-85BM gun
- T150;
- Increased durability by 40 HP
- Reduced the reload time of the 107mm ZiS-6 gun by 4.6%
- Reduced the dispersion during turret rotation by 16%
- T-28;
- Reduced the second turret traverse speed by 1.5 degrees per second
- Removed the 85mm F-30 gun. 4250 free Experience points have been granted as compensation in cases where the 85mm F-30 gun was researched. All 85mm F-30 guns installed on the tanks have been sold at the purchase price in amount of 41000 credits; the credits have been returned to the accounts.
- Increased the reload time of the 57mm ZiS-4 by 8%
- Reduced the view range of the first turret by 3.75
- T-34-85;
- Added the V-54K engine
- Increased durabilitty with the first turret by 30 HP
- Reduced the first turret traverse speed by 3 degree per second
- Increased reload time of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun mounted on the first turret by 4%
- Increased reload time of the 122mm U-11 gun mounted on the first turret by 3.5%
- Reduced reload time of the 76mm S-54 gun mounted on the first turret by 10%
- Removed the 100mm D10T gun on the second turret. The 85mm D-5T-85BM as well as the new V-54K engine have been installed as compensation.
- Increased the view range of the second turret by 10m
- Reduced the reload time of the 76mm S-54 gun mounted on the second turret by 12%
- Increased the reload time of the 85mm D5T-85BM gun mounted on the second turret by 3%
- Increased HP with the second turret by 30
- Reduced the amount of ammo in the 85mm D5T-85BM gun by 12 shells
- Reduced the aiming speed in the 85mm D5T-85B by 19%
- Reduced the aiming speed 85mm ZiS S-53 by 19%
- Reduced the aiming speed 85mm S-54 by 19%
- T-43;
- Reduced the traverse speed of the first suspension by 1 degree per second
- Increased the dispersion with the first suspension by 4% when moving
- Reduced the traverse speed of the second suspension by 2 degree persecond
- Increased the dispersion with the second suspension by 4.7% when moving
- Removed the 100mm D10T gun. The 85mm D-5T-85BM as well as the new V-54K engine have been installed as compensation.
- Added the V-54K engine
- Increased the view range of the first turret by 10m
- Reduced the first turret traverse speed by 1 degree per second
- Increased the view range of the second turret by 20m
- Reduced the aiming time of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun mounted on the second turret by 19%
- Reduced the reload time of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun mounted on the second turret by 4%
- Reduced the aiming time of the 85mm D5T-85BM gun mounted on the second turret by 19%
- Reduced the reload time of the 85mm D5T-85BM gun mounted on the second turret by 7%
- Reduced the reload time of the 122mm U-11 gun mounted on the second turret by 1.9%
- Reduced the amount of ammo in the 85mm D5T-85BM gun by 12 shells
- T-44;
- Reduced the dispersion with the first suspension by 8% when moving
- Reduced traverse speed of the second suspension by 2 degrees per second
- Reduced the dispersion with the second suspension by 5% when moving
- Increased durability with the first turret by 10 HP
- Increased the view range of the first turret by 2.5m
- Reduced the first turret traverse speed by 1 degree per second
- Reduced the reload time of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun mounted on the first turret by 3%
- Reduced the reload time of the 85mm D5T-85BM gun mounted on the first turret by 1.8%
- Reduced the second turret view range by 5m
- Reduced the second turret traverse speed by 1 degree per second
- Reduced the reload time of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun mounted on the second turret by 6%
- Reduced the shooting dispersion of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun during the second turret rotation by 12%
- Reduced the reload time of 85mm D5T-85BM gun by 3.6% mounted on the second turret
- Reduced the shooting dispersion of the D5T-85BM gun during the second turret rotation by 12%
- Reduced by 6 the amount of ammo in the 85mm D5T-85BM gun mounted on the second turret
- Reduced the shooting dispersion of the 122mm D25-44 gun during the second turret rotation by 12%
- Reduced the reload time of the 100mm D10T gun by 3% mounted on the second turret
- Reduced the shooting dispersion of the 100mm D10T gun during the second turret rotation by 12%
- Reduced the shooting dispersion of the 100mm LB-1 gun during the second turret rotation by 12%
- T-54;
- Increased the traverse speed of the first suspension by 1 degree per second
- Reduced the dispersion with the first suspension by 15% when moving
- Reduced durability with the first turret equipped by 20 HP
- Increased the view range of the first turret by 5m
- Reduced the first turret traverse speed by 1 degree per second
- Increased the reload time of the 100mm LB-1 gun by 5% mounted on the first turret
- Increased the reload time of the 100mm D10T mod. 45 gun by 1% mounted on the first turret
- Reduced the view range of the second turret by 3.75m
- Reduced the second turret traverse speed by 1 degree per second
- Reduced the shooting dispersion of the 100mm LB-1 gun during the second turret rotation by 12%
- Reduced the shooting dispersion of the 100mm D10T mod. 45 gun during the second turret rotation by 12%
- Reduced the reload time of 100mm D10T mod. 45 gun by 2.5% mounted on the second turret
- Increased the reload time of 100mm D54 mod. 45 gun by 0.4% mounted on the second turret
- Removed 100mm UBR-412 AP shell, added 100mm 3UBK4 shell instead.
UI Changes
- Added and reworked some battle hints.
- Reworked hint pop-up text on buttons in replays
- Added option to restore converted XP to the original vehicle by clicking on the vehicle checkbox in the XP exchange window.
- Made some additions to the battle hint window which pops-up when pressing 'F1' in battle.
- Added a notification for when Premium Account compensation has been made due to server maintenance.
- Slightly changed mini-map icon colours.
- Fixed the icon for French SPG: AMX 105 AM
- Fixed the name and characteristics of Lorraine 155 51 top suspension
- Fixed the display of "ZigZag" camouflage on M18 Hellcat TD
- Fixed a bug which made it impossible to buy а M24 Chaffee stock engine after selling it
- Fixed some errors in the visual models of the following vehicles: AMX AC Mle 1948, ARL 44, IS-8
- Fixed errors in armouring of AMX 50 Foch TD.
- Fixed name of Somua Sau 40 TD.
- Fixed the extended view range of T1 Cunningham.
- Fixed some errors in visual model of the Super Pershing tank.
- Fixed the 'We hit them hard' voice replay when setting an enemy tank on fire.
- Fixed the bug of not damaging enemy vehicle by getting the suspension, which was destroyed prior to that.
- Fixed a bug causing game crash when leaving battle to garage
- Fixed the density of some bushes. This influences camouflage level.
- Fixed the WoT symbol not appearing on the white banner in 'Encounter' battle mode.
- Fixed some rare cases of training room chat not being removed once the room is dismissed.
- Fixed the login screen not displaying correctly when quickly pressing ‘Enter’ after the client loads.
- Fixed the display of damaged modules when watching an ally vehicle in 'postmortem' mode.
- Fixed suspension repair option when using 'Ctrl + LMB' click on the image.
- Fixed a disparity between the actual state of the scrolling buttons and their display in 'carousel' of chat channels.
- Fixed storage of the platoon window in garage.
- Fixed the shortened names of tanks in the battle loading screen.
- Fixed the position of vehicle icons in historical description.
- Fixed the description and conditions for obtaining Fadin's medal.
- Fixed some errors in chat filter.
- Fixed the display of durability marker over tanks with all crew wounded.
- Fixed the functionality of 'Attention to the sector X' with max-scaled mini-map.
- Fixed the pop-up hint for mastery badges.
- Fixed the change of marker colours when toggling 'alternative colour scheme' on and off.
- Fixed the functionality of alternative colour scheme in training rooms.
- Fixed the description for 'Ace Tanker' mastery badge.
- Fixed the description of some crew skills and perks.
- Fixed some errors in the interface training.
- Fixed some places where it is possible to get ‘stuck’ on 'Wide Park' map.