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China | Leichter Panzer | Stufe IX
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3.400.000  Credits Kosten
1250250 HP Struktur
23.69/2414.4/27 t Höchstgewicht
  1. Kommandant
  2. Fahrer
  3. Richtschütze
  4. Ladeschütze (Funker)
700770 hp Motorleistung
64/23 km/h Höchstgeschwindigkeit
4446 deg/s Wendegeschwindigkeit
29.5553.47 hp/t Leistungsgewicht
NoNo Pivot
// mm Wannenpanzerung
55/35/2055/35/20 mm Turmpanzerung






250/250/330320/320/420 HP Schaden
189/225/50220/248/50 mm Durchschlag





7.79 r/m 

Standard Gun

Reload Times
Nominal: 7.7 s
50% Crew: 9.54 s
75% Crew: 8.33 s
100% Crew: 7.38 s
Rammer: 6.64 s
Vents: 7.22 s
Both: 6.5 s
Both and BiA: 6.35 s
Both and Max Crew %: 6.09 s

See Crew, Consumables, or Equipment for more information.





6.52 r/m 

Standard Gun

Reload Times
Nominal: 9.2 s
50% Crew: 11.4 s
75% Crew: 9.95 s
100% Crew: 8.82 s
Rammer: 7.94 s
Vents: 8.63 s
Both: 7.76 s
Both and BiA: 7.59 s
Both and Max Crew %: 7.28 s

See Crew, Consumables, or Equipment for more information.






Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (250 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1947.5
50% Crew: 1572.5
75% Crew: 1800
100% Crew: 2030
100% Crew
Vents: 2075
Rammer: 2255
Both: 2307.5
Both and BiA: 2357.5
Both and Max Crew %: 2460

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2197.5
50% Crew: 1822.5
75% Crew: 2050
100% Crew: 2280
100% Crew
Rammer: 2505
Vents: 2325
Both: 2557.5
Both and BiA: 2607.5
Both and Max Crew %: 2710

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (250 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1947.5
50% Crew: 1572.5
75% Crew: 1800
100% Crew: 2030
100% Crew
Vents: 2075
Rammer: 2255
Both: 2307.5
Both and BiA: 2357.5
Both and Max Crew %: 2460

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2197.5
50% Crew: 1822.5
75% Crew: 2050
100% Crew: 2280
100% Crew
Rammer: 2505
Vents: 2325
Both: 2557.5
Both and BiA: 2607.5
Both and Max Crew %: 2710

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (330 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 2570.7
50% Crew: 2075.7
75% Crew: 2376
100% Crew: 2679.6
100% Crew
Vents: 2739
Rammer: 2976.6
Both: 3045.9
Both and BiA: 3111.9
Both and Max Crew %: 3247.2

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2900.7
50% Crew: 2405.7
75% Crew: 2706
100% Crew: 3009.6
100% Crew
Rammer: 3306.6
Vents: 3069
Both: 3375.9
Both and BiA: 3441.9
Both and Max Crew %: 3577.2

See here, here, or here for more information.






Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (320 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 2086.4
50% Crew: 1683.2
75% Crew: 1929.6
100% Crew: 2176
100% Crew
Vents: 2224
Rammer: 2419.2
Both: 2473.6
Both and BiA: 2528
Both and Max Crew %: 2636.8

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2406.4
50% Crew: 2003.2
75% Crew: 2249.6
100% Crew: 2496
100% Crew
Rammer: 2739.2
Vents: 2544
Both: 2793.6
Both and BiA: 2848
Both and Max Crew %: 2956.8

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (320 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 2086.4
50% Crew: 1683.2
75% Crew: 1929.6
100% Crew: 2176
100% Crew
Vents: 2224
Rammer: 2419.2
Both: 2473.6
Both and BiA: 2528
Both and Max Crew %: 2636.8

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2406.4
50% Crew: 2003.2
75% Crew: 2249.6
100% Crew: 2496
100% Crew
Rammer: 2739.2
Vents: 2544
Both: 2793.6
Both and BiA: 2848
Both and Max Crew %: 2956.8

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (420 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 2738.4
50% Crew: 2209.2
75% Crew: 2532.6
100% Crew: 2856
100% Crew
Vents: 2919
Rammer: 3175.2
Both: 3246.6
Both and BiA: 3318
Both and Max Crew %: 3460.8

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 3158.4
50% Crew: 2629.2
75% Crew: 2952.6
100% Crew: 3276
100% Crew
Rammer: 3595.2
Vents: 3339
Both: 3666.6
Both and BiA: 3738
Both and Max Crew %: 3880.8

See here, here, or here for more information.
Schaden pro Minute



0.38 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.471 m
With 75% Crew: 0.411 m
With 100% Crew: 0.364 m
With BiA: 0.356 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.349 m
Maximum possible: 0.334 m

For more details, see Crew



0.42 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.52 m
With 75% Crew: 0.454 m
With 100% Crew: 0.403 m
With BiA: 0.394 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.385 m
Maximum possible: 0.369 m

For more details, see Crew



2.1 s 

With 50% Crew: 2.601 s
With 75% Crew: 2.271 s
With 100% Crew: 2.014 s
With GLD: 1.831 s
With BiA: 1.969 s
With BiA and Vents: 1.926 s
With both and GLD: 1.751 s
Maximum possible: 1.679 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment



2.3 s 

With 50% Crew: 2.849 s
With 75% Crew: 2.488 s
With 100% Crew: 2.205 s
With GLD: 2.005 s
With BiA: 2.157 s
With BiA and Vents: 2.11 s
With both and GLD: 1.918 s
Maximum possible: 1.839 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment
4040 deg/s Turmdrehgeschwindigkeit
360° Waffenwinkel
-5°/+20°-5°/+20° Richtwinkel
4340 rounds Munitionskapazität
1212 % Brandwahrscheinlichkeit

390 m 

With 50% Crew: 306.4 m
With 75% Crew: 348.2 m
With 100% Crew: 390 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 409.7 m
With Coated Optics: 429 m
With Binocular Telescope: 487.5 m
Maximum possible: 558.3 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment

390 m 

With 50% Crew: 306.4 m
With 75% Crew: 348.2 m
With 100% Crew: 390 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 409.7 m
With Coated Optics: 429 m
With Binocular Telescope: 487.5 m
Maximum possible: 558.3 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment



600 m 

With 50% Crew: 484.3 m
With 75% Crew: 554.7 m
With 100% Crew: 625.8 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 720 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 660 m
Maximum possible: 900.7 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment



750 m 

With 50% Crew: 605.4 m
With 75% Crew: 693.4 m
With 100% Crew: 782.2 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 900 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 825 m
Maximum possible: 1125.9 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment
Werte sind Stock - klick für Top




Der WZ-132A ist ein chinesischer leichter Panzer der Stufe 9.

Die Weiterentwicklung des Projekts WZ-132. Hier sollte eine kürzere Wanne realisiert werden. Die Ingenieure wollten große Beweglichkeit und Feuerkraft vereinen. Ein Prototyp wurde in den 1960ern erfolgreich erprobt, das Projekt aber aufgegeben. Das Fahrzeug wurde nie in Serie gefertigt. Der Prototyp ging verloren.

Der WZ-132A führt zum WZ-132-1.

Module / Verfügbare Zubehörteile und Verbrauchsgegenstände




Stufe Geschütz Durchschlag

IX 100 mm 62-100TA 220/248/50 320/320/420 6.52 0.42 2.3 2557 218000
IX 100 mm 60-100TA 189/225/50 250/250/330 7.79 0.38 2.1 2257 166000



Stufe Motor Leistung

VIII 8V135 700 12 740 55000
IX 12150LT2 770 12 750 99700



Stufe Ketten Höchstgewicht
Rmin Gewicht

VIII WZ-132A 24 44 B/2 5250 31000
IX WZ-132B 27 46 B/2 5250 61500



Stufe Funkgerät Funkreichweite

X A-220A 750 40 54000
IX A-220 600 40 38000

Verfügbare Zubehörteile

Geräuscharmes Abgassystem, Klasse 1 Vertikaler Stabilisator, Klasse 1 Leichte Splitterschutzbeschichtung Tarnnetz, Klasse 2 Entspiegelte Optik, Klasse 1 Sichtsystem des Kommandanten Stabilisierungssystem Experimentelle Optik Verschleißfester Richtantrieb Verbesserte Konfiguration Lüftungssystem Innovatives Ladesystem Verbesserter Waffenrichtantrieb, Klasse 1 Verbesserte Härtung, Klasse 2 Zusätzliche Laufpolster, Klasse 1 Veränderte Konfiguration, Klasse 1 Verbessertes Funkgerät Verbesserter Drehmechanismus, Klasse 1 Verbesserte Zielführung, Klasse 1 Verbesserte Lüftung, Klasse 3 Scherenfernrohr, Klasse 1 Ansetzer, Klasse 2 Turbolader, Klasse 1 

Verfügbare Verbrauchsgegenstände

Stabilisatorschmierung Automatisches Feuerlöschsystem Natürliche Deckung Kalibrierte Optik Visierfeinabgleich Erfahrene Brandbekämpfer Handfeuerlöscher Penible Wartung Lüftungsreinigung Großer Erste-Hilfe-Kasten Große Ersatzteilkiste Die Pflicht zuerst Granatensortierer Qualitätsöl Ordentliches Munitionslager Aufs Ziel fokussiert Verbesserte Rationen Entfernter Drehzahlbegrenzer Volle Konzentration Kleiner Erste-Hilfe-Kasten Kleine Ersatzteilkiste Kunstvolles Schalten Schnappschuss Kampflinie 

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Excellent Alpha and penetration for a tier 9 light tank.
  • Modest handling.
  • Decent speed and acceleration for a tier 9 light.
  • Enough armor to pull off auto-ricochets
  • Painless grind, stock it's basically a WZ-132 from the last patch


  • Poor gun depression compared to others, on par with T-54 ltwt.
  • Terrible accuracy compared to other 9 lights, will miss many shots even when fully aimed.
  • Modest handling meaning that it may take some time after moving to fully aim.
  • Lower DPM than other lights make it difficult to pull off successful one-on-ones.


The tank performs much like a tier 9 medium with less armor and more speed. It's 2400 DPM can be a challenge as far as getting damage quick is concerned, but overall the alpha damage makes up for this. Play it more passively than it's counterparts as they are all faster than you are, despite your decent hp/T ratio. Take advantage of flanks and reloads to abuse the high alpha and leave opponents wondering why they gave a tier 9 light tank a tier 8 heavy tank's gun.

Early Research

  • Only the radio carries over from the previous tank, mount that now.
  • Upgrading anything else would require the top tracks unless you don't mount any equipment that weighs.
  • After researching & mounting the tracks (or substitute with ETB 3t class equipment), grind straight for the top gun.
  • The top engine is optionally because the engine power only increases from 29.3 to 32.1, which is manageable.
  • Go from there.

Suggested Equipment

The current meta for light tanks is kitting them to be faster mediums. Since their guns cannot compete directly with the med gunskit them to compete better. Use Vertical StabilizersGun rammerand your choice of Vents or GLD. Vents are more preferred because it increases overall qualifications of the tank.

External Reviews and Opinions


History for this tank not found

Light Tanks IIVickers Mk. E Type B IIIType 2597 Chi-Ha IVM5A1 Stuart VI59-16 VIType 64 VIIType 62 VIIWZ-131 VIIIWZ-132 VIIIM41D IXWZ-132A XWZ-132-1
Medium Tanks VType T-34 VIType 58 VIIT-34-1 VIIIType 59 VIIIT-34-2 VIIIT-34-3 VIII59-Patton VIII122 TM VIIIType 59 G IXWZ-120 X121 X121B
Heavy Tanks VIIIS-2 VIIIWZ-111 VIIIWZ-111 Alpentiger VIII110 VIII112 IXWZ-111 model 1-4 IXWZ-114 X113 X113 Pekingoper XWZ-111 Modell 5A XWZ-111 Qilin
Tank Destroyers IIT-26G FT IIIM3G FT IVSU-76G FT V60G FT VIWZ-131G FT VIIT-34-2G FT VIIIWZ-111-1G FT VIIIWZ-120-1G FT IXWZ-111G FT IXWZ-120G FT XWZ-113G FT X114 SP2
Self-Propelled Artillery
Leichte Panzer
USA IT1 Cunningham IIM2 Light Tank IIT1E6 IIT2 Light Tank IIT7 Combat Car IIIM22 Locust IIIM3 Stuart IIIMTLS-1G14 IVM5 Stuart VM24 Chaffee VM7 VIM24E2 Super Chaffee VIT21 VIT37 VIIT71 CMCD VIIT71 DA VIIIT92 VIIIM41 Walker Bulldog IXT49 XXM551 Sheridan
UK ICruiser Mk. I IIM2 IICruiser Mk. II IILight Mk. VIC IIIValentine IIIStuart I-IV IIICruiser Mk. III IVCruiser Mk. IV VCovenanter VIA46 VICrusader VIIGSR 3301 Setter VIIIFV1066 Senlac VIIILHMTV IXGSOR3301 AVR FS XManticore
Germany ILeichttraktor IIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. D IIMKA IIPz.Kpfw. 35 R IIPz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f) IIPz.Kpfw. 35 (t) IIPz.Kpfw. I IIPz.Kpfw. II III43 M. Toldi III IIIPz.Kpfw. M 15 IIIPz.Kpfw. 38 (t) IIIPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E IIIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J IIIPz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C IIIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G IIIPz.Kpfw. T 15 IVPz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. IVPz.Kpfw. II Luchs VVK 16.02 Leopard VIVK 28.01 mit 10,5 cm L/28 VIVK 28.01 VIIAufklärungspanzer Panther VIISpähpanzer SP I C VIIIleKpz M 41 90 mm VIIIleKpz M 41 90 mm GF VIIIHWK 12 VIIIHWK 30 IXSpähpanzer Ru 251 XRheinmetall Panzerwagen
France IRenault FT IID1 IIAM 39 Gendron-Somua IIAMR 35 IIFCM 36 IIRenault R35 IIHotchkiss H35 IIIAMX 38 IVAMX 40 VAMX ELC bis VIAMX 12 t VIPanhard AMD 178B VIIAMX 13 75 VIIHotchkiss EBR VIIAMX 13 57 VIIAMX 13 57 GF VIIIPanhard EBR 75 (FL 10) VIIIPanhard AML Lynx 6x6 VIIIBat.-Châtillon 12 t VIIIELC EVEN 90 IXAMX 13 90 IXPanhard EBR 90 XPanhard EBR 105 XAMX 13 105
USSR IMS-1 IIBT-2 IIT-45 IIT-26 IIT-60 IITetrarch IIIBT-SV IIILTP IIIM3 Light IIIBT-7 Artillerie IIIT-116 IIIBT-5 IIIT-127 IIIT-46 IIIT-70 IVBT-7 IVT-80 IVValentine II VA-20 VT-50 VIMT-25 VIT-50-2 VIILTG VIIILTTB VIIILP-432 IXT-54 lt. XT-100 LT
China IIVickers Mk. E Type B IIIType 2597 Chi-Ha IVM5A1 Stuart VI59-16 VIType 64 VIIType 62 VIIWZ-131 VIIIWZ-132 VIIIM41D IXWZ-132A XWZ-132-1
Japan IRenault Otsu IIType 95 Ha-Go IIType 97 Te-Ke IIIType 97 Chi-Ha IIIType 98 Ke-Ni IVType 5 Ke-Ho
Czechoslovakia IKolohousenka IILT vz. 35 IIILT vz. 38
Sweden IStrv fm/21 IIStrv m/38 IIL-60 IIIStrv m/40L IIILago M38
Poland I4TP IITKS z n.k.m. 20 mm II7TP III10TP IV14TP
Italy IFiat 3000 IIL6/40
ru:Tank:Ch28 WZ 132A