Armored vehicles manufactured and fielded by Sweden are currently the second newest in the game next to Poland.
Although it remained neutral during World War II Sweden developed several tanks and a fine tank industry. German designs laid the engineering foundation for early vehicle development and the Swedish military harnessed their country's attention to detail and the employment off the Irish Landsverk company to develop an array of interesting models.
The rich and varied Swedish tank building industry provided enough machines to make a diverse tech tree. Two lines of Swedish vehicles were introduced into the game in Update 9.17. Currently there is a line of tank destroyers, and a hybrid line of light, medium, and heavy tanks all produced by German and Irish designs, plus the EMIL/UDES tank projects.
Mixed Tank Line:
</div>Light Tanks (Tiers I - III):
At Tier I is the Strv fm/21 light tank constructed from WWI German design. Tanks from Tiers II to VII were all produced by the Irish Landsverk company.
At Tier II is the Strv m/38 light tank, a perfect introduction to the mixed tank line thanks to its balanced stats. Also at Tier II is the L-60 premium tank. The L60 is definitely a gift tank to keep, with decent speed and mobility, okay armor and a gun that is brutal at it's tier. The Tier III Strv m/40L light tank is similar with decent gun elevation/depression and a striking profile.
Medium Tanks (Tiers IV - VII):
These medium tanks were all constructed by the Landsverk company.
The Lago is a solid Tier IV medium tank that follows in the tracks of previous tiers. The Tier V Strv m/42 medium tank is on par with the M4 Sherman, T-34, and Pz.Kpfw. IV, but with a remarkable 15° of gun depression. At Tier VI is the Strv 74 medium tank which sports one of the best guns for its tier. There is also the Swedish Tier VI premium medium tank, the Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2. At Tier VII is the Leo with the best top speed for its tier and the highest damage per shot, making it a real predator.
In Tier VIII position, the Swedish mixed line divided into two parts; the UDES medium tank project, and the EMIL heavy tank project.
Medium Tanks (Tiers VIII - X):
The UDES tank project is a mixed project by Swedish army to producing a new turreted tank that utilizing a new mechanics closely resembles to that of the high tier Swedish tank destroyer, hydropneumatic suspension, which allows the tank to using more gun depression and elevation while moving at low speed or stationary. They were also utilizing the same extremely sloped, yet thin armor from the Swedish high tier TD's to protecting them against low-caliber guns.
The UDES 14 Alt 5 is the first tank in the UDES project, while it had a rather weak protection (due to armor thickness), it featured the high alpha guns as well as decent camouflage ratings that allowed them to hide or abusing several terrain covers with its unique suspension to gave it more protection. The UDES 16 positioned at Tier IX, while it didn't provides much upgrade to damage output, it makes up for it with better protection than its predecessor. The UDES 15/16 marks the end of the line, it featured a 120mm gun which provides 440 alpha damage; highest of all medium tanks in the game, and provides greater protection as well as relatively high DPM for its tier.
Heavy Tanks (Tiers VIII - X):
The Emil project leads a host of heavy tanks with autoloaders based off of the AMX 13/50 projects.
Emil I is a tier VIII heavy tank that borrows the magazine reloading system of the AMX 50 100. However, it has an increased reloading time (3 seconds vs 2.75 seconds) and lower penetration (217 by APCR shells vs. 232 by AP shells). The turret armor can easily block shots from lower or same-tier opponents. Its relatively small size and great gun depression (12°) makes the Emil I command an array of situations. The Emil II follows at tier IX. It can also be compared to a French tank, in this case the AMX 50 120. However, it is smaller and has vastly better frontal turret armor. Its decent gun depression/elevation allows this vehicle to locate away from the heat of battle and pick off foes. At the top of the tree is the tier X heavy tank Kranvagn. It is very similar to the previous autoloading heavies, and plays almost in the same way, except with heavier armour.
Tank Destroyer Line:
The Swedish tank destroyers are swift, well-armed, and excellent at keeping low profiles. They lack armour protection, though at higher tiers this is somewhat mitigated by extreme sloping.
Low Tiers II - IV:
The Pvlvv fm/42, Ikv 72 and Sav m/43 (tiers II–IV) are the bread-and-butter low-tier TDs. They deal impressive damage if they secure good vantage point and have allied support to keep them safe. They can't count on their armor, but make up for it with above-average maneuverability and decent guns, while small silhouettes reduce the chance of being spotted. Tiers III–IV can excel by abusing their amazing gun depression and taking unusual positions on uneven terrain. The Sav m/43 can choose from two guns: a more accurate 75mm gun that also has solid pen stats or the DPM-strong, but less accurate 105mm.
Medium Tiers V - VII:
Sitting at tiers V–VII are three textbook snipers: Ikv 103, Ikv 65 Alt II and Ikv 90 Typ B. They are good on maps with hills and ridges thanks to solid gun depression and elevation angles. The Ikv 103 comes with a set of two 105mm top guns, equipped with HEAT shells. Tiers VI–VII mount monstrous 9cm Bofors guns with respectable penetration. Keep in mind the unreliable armor—stay near teammates who can keep you from the scrap heap.
High Tiers VIII - X:
Tiers VIII–X introduce new gameplay mechanics: Travel and Siege modes. Once you reach tier VIII's UDES 03, there’s one simple rule: avoid firing when going at full speed; in Travel mode, it's the worst of its tier (but considerably better at it than its brethren at tiers IX–X). Just find a favorable spot and empty your gun in Siege mode, because that turns the UDES 03 into the most formidable TD tier VIII has ever seen. Top-tier Swedish tank destroyers, the Strv 103-0 and Strv 103B, demand rapid decision making. The Strv 103B is similar to some tanks in Armored Warfare with its front grille, that causes HE and HEAT shells to detonate before it hits the main armour. The grille also can make it tricky for small to mid-calibre AP shells to penetrate the tank because of the incredibly sloped main armour. If you’re in Travel mode, use speed to your advantage and don’t even think about shooting—save it for Firing mode once you’ve secured a good position. With their highly regarded damage making capability, you should be able to rack up hits with uncanny frequency.