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Posição na Árvore Tecnológica
Preço de Comprapromo Dobrões
Pontos de Energia9 500 
Bateria Principal
102 mm/45 QF Mk.V em uma torreta LA CP Mk.II4 х 1 pçs.
Taxa de Fogo12 tiros/min.
Tempo de Recargaseg.
Velocidade de Rotação10 graus/seg.
Tempo para Virar 180 Graus18 sec.
Distância Máxima10.11 km.
Dispersão Máxima90 m.
Projétil HE102 mm HE 31lb 
Dano Máximo do Projétil HE1 500 
Chance de Incendiar com HE%
Velocidade Inicial do Projétil HE805 m/s
Peso do Projétil HE14.06 kg.
Projétil AP102 mm SAP 31lb 
Dano Máximo do Projétil AP1 700 
Velocidade Inicial do Projétil AP805 m/s
Peso do Projétil AP15.2 kg.
Tubos de Torpedos
533 mm TR Mk I1 х 3 pçs.
Taxa de Fogo0.97 tiros/min.
Tempo de Recarga62 seg.
Velocidade de Rotação25 graus/seg.
Tempo Para Virar 180 Graus7.2 seg.
Torpedo533 mm Mk II 
Dano Máximo10 000 
Velocidade do Torpedo53 nós
Distância Máxima dos Torpedoskm.
Defesa Antiaérea (AA)
40 mm/39 Vickers QF Mk.II em uma torreta Mk.II HA2 х 1 pcs.
. . . Dano Médio por Segundo11.4 
. . . Distância Máxima2.49 km.
20 mm Breda Model 1940 em uma torreta Model 19401 х 1 pcs.
. . . Dano Médio por Segundo3.4 
. . . Distância Máxima2.01 km.
13.2 mm Breda Model 1931 em uma torreta dupla2 х 2 pcs.
. . . Dano Médio por Segundo8.2 
. . . Distância Máxima1.2 km.
Velocidade Máxima34 nós
Raio da curva520 m.
Tempo de virada do leme2.5 seg.
Distância de detecção em Superfície6.29 km.
Distância de detecção no Ar2.38 km.
Níveis de Batalha

Vampire — Contratorpedeiro da Comunidade das Nações Promo Premium Tier III.

One in a series of advantageous Type 5 flotilla leaders designed and built for the Royal Navy. In 1933, the ship was transferred to the Royal Australian Navy. During World War II, she was slightly upgraded and partially rearmed.

Vampire was awarded for free to players who completed a series of in-game missions in December 2017, and also offered for sale worldwide starting on 5 December 2017.


NA Taxa de Disparo
Tempo de Virada de 180º
Dispersão Máxima
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
102 mm/45 QF Mk.V em uma torreta LA CP Mk.II1218901 50051 700 00
Casco Pontos de Vida
Torres Principais
Torres Secundárias de Canhões
AA Montadas
Tubos de Torpedos
Hangar Capacity
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Vampire9 50061042/1/21 00
Torpedos Taxa de Disparo
Torpedo Tubes Reload Time
Tempo de Virada de 180º
Dano Máximo
Velocidade do Torpedo
Alcance do Torpedo
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
533 mm Mk II1627,210 000536 00
Sistema de Controle de Fogo IDS_SHIP_PARAM_SUO_INCREASE_DIST
Maximum Firing Range
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Mk III0 00
Motor Velocidade Máxima
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Propulsão: 27.000 hp34 00

Atualizações Compatíveis

 Slot 1  Modificação dos Armamentos Principais 1 Modificação dos Armamentos Auxiliares 1 Modificação do Paiol 1 Modificação do Grupo de Controle de Dano 1
 Slot 2  Modificação do Sistema de Controle de Danos 1 Modificação do Impulso de Motor 1 Proteção da Casa das Máquinas

Opinião dos Jogadores


Vampire is a Tier III Commonwealth destroyer that combines good maneuverability, great guns, and surprising torpedoes into a deadly package. Rounding her toolkit off is a decent stealth with the Concealment Expert commander skill, allowing stealth torpedo attacks on unsuspecting victims.

Her guns are her bread and butter. They have a high rate of fire at 12 rounds a minute, a decent fire chance at 5% (buff-able to 8% with relevant commander skills and signal flags), and excellent fields of fire for the A, B, and X, turrets, with X turret practically able to fire forward. Her armor piercing rounds are very potent as well, having excellent penetration for a 102mm shell — able to citadel cruisers at mid-to-close range — while also being able to get decent penetration damage on broadside battleships and cruisers at mid to long range.

Her torpedo launcher is a different matter, though one that isn't as bad as the stats may say. She has one triple torpedo launcher able to fire 6.0 km range torpedoes; the tricky part is the firing patterns. She has two patterns: single launch and wide spread. Wide spread is great for large groups of enemies, and the single launcher allows precision firing of the torpedoes one at a time at targets. A quick 62 second reload has torpedoes in the tubes quickly for the next strike.

Her AA isn't much to write home about; captains should steer clear of aircraft wherever possible. Her maneuverability is fantastic with a 520m turning circle and 2.5s rudder shift time. She is able to dodge and weave incoming fire very well, and makes retreating from enemies much easier.

Vampire’s Smoke GeneratorWhile active, generates a smoke screen that blocks line-of-sight for both enemies and teammates. is a key part of her arsenal; it is the same one afforded to her American cousins, packing a 109 second uptime for her smoke giving her ample time to fire out of her smoke as she caps, deals damage, or simply retreats.


  • Main guns have a great fire rate and range for her tier.
  • The wide firing arcs of the main guns allow captains to fire without exposing much of the ship’s side.
  • Like Gallant, Vampire can launch each torpedo individually, allowing for more precise torpedo attacks.
  • Quick rudder shift time combined with a tight turning circle allow the ship to easily dodge incoming fire.
  • Vampire’s smoke screen has a longer duration than most other destroyers at her tier.


  • Shell arcs are only slightly below orbital.
  • Vampire only has three torpedoes.
  • Inability to stealth torpedo without Concealment Expert. With the captain skill, she has a 200 meter stealth torpedo window.


As a premium ship, Vampire doesn't have any upgrades to research.

Melhor Configuração


The recommended upgrades for Vampire are as follows:

Upgrade Slot 1 provides players with a choice between two viable upgrade options. The first is Main Armaments Modification 1, which improves the survivability and repair time of the ship's main armaments. Alternatively, some players may choose to mount Predefinição:Magazine Modification 1, an upgrade which significantly reduces the chance of detonation.

Habilidades de Comandante

Key skills for Vampire commanders include anything that boosts her gun power — such as Basic Firing Training, Adrenaline Rush, and Demolition Expert — as well as other destroyer staples like Last Stand, Survivability Expert, and Concealment Expert. With only a single torpedo launcher, Vampire does not benefit as much from torpedo skills as other destroyers.

Predefinição:Commander Skills 3 DD


Vampire can equip the following consumables:


As a premium ship, Vampire comes included with Type 9 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, and increases the amount of experience she earns.


Vampire can utilize various signal flags that can boost her offensive and defensive capabilities. India X-Ray (+1% de chance de incendiar com bombas e projéteis de calibre maior que 160mm. / +0.5% de chance de incendiar com bombas e projéteis de calibre menor ou igual a 160mm. / +5% de risco de detonar.) and Victor Lima (+1% de chance de incendiar com bombas e projéteis de calibre maior que 160mm. / +0.5% de chance de incendiar com bombas e projéteis de calibre menor ou igual a 160mm. / +4% de chance de causar Inundação.) are very useful in boosting main battery power by increasing fire chance, while Juliet Whiskey Unaone (+15% de chance de causar inundação. / +5% de risco de detonar.) helps increase flooding chance for torpedoes. Taking Sierra Mike (+5% para a velocidade máxima do navio.) will increase Vampire’s the top speed. Finally, Juliet Charlie (-100% de risco de detonação do pente do seu navio.) is a recommended to prevent an early exit to port via detonation.


Informações Históricas

Galeria Histórica



  1. HMAS Vampire (D68) - Wikipedia
  2. V and W-class destroyer - Wikipedia
Navios da Comunidade das Nações

 III VampireDobrões • VII HaidaDobrões • VII HuronDobrões • X Vampire II 


 I Sutlej • II Port Jackson • III Caradoc • IV Dunedin • V Delhi • VI Hobart • VI PerthDobrões • VI MysoreDobrões • VII Uganda • VIII Auckland • IX Encounter • IX HectorDobrões • X Cerberus • X Brisbane 


 VII YukonDobrões 

Os Países Baixos

 IX GroningenDobrões • X Tromp 


 II Sampson • II SmithDobrões • III Wickes • IV Clemson • V Nicholas • V HillDobrões • VI Farragut • VI MonaghanDobrões • VII Mahan • VII SimsDobrões • VII Sims BDobrões • VIII Benson • VIII KiddDobrões • IX Fletcher • IX BenhamDobrões • IX HalfordDobrões • IX Black BDobrões • IX BlackDobrões • IX JohnstonDobrões • IX Frank Friday • X Gearing • X SomersDobrões • X Forrest Sherman • X [[Ship:[Gearing]|[Gearing]]] •  Joshua Humphreys 


 II Tátra • III Romulus • IV Klas Horn • V Visby • V Muavenet • V Kalmar • VI Västerås • VI Stord • VII Skåne • VII Grom • VII BłyskawicaDobrões • VII Stord '43Dobrões • VIII Öland • VIII Split • VIII OrkanDobrões • IX Östergötland • IX Lambros Katsonis • IX VelosDobrões • IX FrieslandDobrões • IX JägerDobrões • X Halland • X Gdańsk • X SmålandDobrões • X Ragnar • X Södermanland •  Dalarna 


 II V-25 • III G-101 • IV V-170 • V T-22 • VI Ernst Gaede • VI T-61Dobrões • VI Karl von SchönbergDobrões • VII Leberecht Maass • VII Z-31 • VII Z-39Dobrões • VII Z-32Dobrões • VII Z-33Dobrões • VII Z-34Dobrões • VII Z-38Dobrões • VIII Z-23 • VIII Gustav-Julius Maerker • VIII Z-35Dobrões • IX Z-46 • IX Felix Schultz • IX Z-44Dobrões • IX ZF-6Dobrões • X Z-52 • X Elbing • X Z-42 • X Georg Hoffmann • X Lübeck 


 II Storozhevoi • III Derzki • IV Izyaslav • V GremyashchyDobrões • V [[Ship:Gnevny (< 06.03.2017)|Gnevny (< 06.03.2017)]] • V Podvoisky • V OkhotnikDobrões • VI [[Ship:Ognevoi (< 06.03.2017)|Ognevoi (< 06.03.2017)]] • VI Gnevny • VII [[Ship:Kiev (< 06.03.2017)|Kiev (< 06.03.2017)]] • VII Minsk • VII LeningradDobrões • VII Tashkent '39Dobrões • VIII [[Ship:Tashkent (< 06.03.2017)|Tashkent (< 06.03.2017)]] • VIII Ognevoi • VIII Kiev • IX Udaloi • IX Tashkent • IX NeustrashimyDobrões • X Khabarovsk • X Grozovoi • X Delny • X [[Ship:[Grozovoi]|[Grozovoi]]] •  Zorkiy 


 II Curtatone • III Nazario Sauro • IV Turbine • V Maestrale • VI Aviere • VI LeoneDobrões • VII Luca Tarigo • VII FR25Dobrões • VIII Vittorio Cuniberti • IX Adriatico • IX Paolo Emilio • X Attilio Regolo 


 VI JuruáDobrões • X La Pampa 


 II TachibanaDobrões • II Umikaze • II Tachibana LimaDobrões • III Wakatake • IV Isokaze • V Minekaze • V FūjinDobrões • V KamikazeDobrões • V Kamikaze RDobrões • V Mutsuki • VI [[Ship:Mutsuki (< 01.12.2016)|Mutsuki (< 01.12.2016)]] • VI Fubuki • VI Hatsuharu • VI Shinonome BDobrões • VI ShinonomeDobrões • VII [[Ship:Hatsuharu (< 01.12.2016)|Hatsuharu (< 01.12.2016)]] • VII Akatsuki • VII Shiratsuyu • VII YūdachiDobrões • VIII [[Ship:Fubuki (< 01.12.2016)|Fubuki (< 01.12.2016)]] • VIII Akizuki • VIII Kagerō • VIII AsashioDobrões • VIII HSF Harekaze IIDobrões • VIII Asashio BDobrões • VIII HSF HarekazeDobrões • VIII AL YukikazeDobrões • IX [[Ship:Kagerō (< 01.12.2016)|Kagerō (< 01.12.2016)]] • IX Yūgumo • IX Kitakaze • IX MinegumoDobrões • IX STAR KitakazeDobrões • X Shimakaze • X Harugumo • X Hayate • X AL Shimakaze • X [[Ship:[Shimakaze]|[Shimakaze]]] •  Yamagiri 

Reino Unido

 II Medea • III Valkyrie • III CampbeltownDobrões • IV Wakeful • V Acasta • VI Icarus • VI GallantDobrões • VII Jervis • VII Jupiter '42Dobrões • VIII Lightning • VIII CossackDobrões • VIII Cossack BDobrões • IX Jutland • IX SommeDobrões • X Daring • X Druid 


 II Enseigne Gabolde • III Fusilier • IV Bourrasque • V L'Adroit • V Jaguar • V SirocoDobrões • VI Duchaffault • VI Guépard • VI AigleDobrões • VII Le Hardi • VII Vauquelin • VIII L'Aventurier • VIII Le Fantasque • VIII Le TerribleDobrões • IX Orage • IX Mogador • X Cassard • X Kléber • X Marceau • X Kléber CLR 


 II Longjiang • III Phra Ruang • IV Shenyang • V Jianwei • VI Fushun • VI AnshanDobrões • VII Gadjah Mada • VIII Hsienyang • VIII SiliwangiDobrões • VIII LoyangDobrões • VIII FenyangDobrões • VIII Loyang BDobrões • VIII Zhu QueDobrões • VIII Ship SmashaDobrões • IX Chung Mu • X Yueyang • X Lüshun •  Kunming 


 X Álvaro de Bazán 

Comunidade das Nações

 III VampireDobrões • VII HaidaDobrões • VII HuronDobrões • X Vampire II