127 mm/50 3rd Year Type em uma torreta Type B1 х 1 / 2 х 2 pçs. |
Taxa de Fogo8 tiros/min. |
Tempo de Recarga7.5 seg. |
Velocidade de Rotação6 graus/seg. |
Tempo para Virar 180 Graus30 sec. |
Distância Máxima10 km. |
Dispersão Máxima97 m. |
Projétil HE127 mm HE Type1 |
Dano Máximo do Projétil HE2 150 |
Chance de Incendiar com HE9 % |
Velocidade Inicial do Projétil HE915 m/s |
Peso do Projétil HE23 kg. |
Projétil AP127 mm AP Type0 |
Dano Máximo do Projétil AP2 200 |
Velocidade Inicial do Projétil AP915 m/s |
Peso do Projétil AP23 kg. |
610 mm Quádruplo2 х 4 pçs. |
Taxa de Fogo0.64 tiros/min. |
Tempo de Recarga94 seg. |
Velocidade de Rotação25 graus/seg. |
Tempo Para Virar 180 Graus7.2 seg. |
TorpedoType8 mod. 2 |
Dano Máximo16 267 |
Velocidade do Torpedo59 nós |
Distância Máxima dos Torpedos9.99 km. |
25 mm/60 Type 96 em uma torreta simples4 х 1 pcs. |
. . . Dano Médio por Segundo7.2 |
. . . Distância Máxima2.49 km. |
Velocidade Máxima34 nós |
Raio da curva590 m. |
Tempo de virada do leme4.4 seg. |
Distância de detecção em Superfície6.46 km. |
Distância de detecção no Ar2.78 km. |
Shiratsuyu — Contratorpedeiro Japonês Tier VII.
Foi desenvolvido da classe de contratorpedeiros Hatsuharu, mas equipado com armamento de torpedo mais poderoso. Entretanto, o navio era levemente mais lento que seus anteriores. Ele foi o primeiro dos contratorpedeiros da frota japonesa a ser equipado com tubos quádruplos de torpedo.
Atualizações Compatíveis
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Opinião dos Jogadores
Shiratsuyu is the Tier VII entry in the IJN "gunboat" branch of the tech tree. She can be played as a gunboat, however, she also plays like an entry in the "torpedo boat" branch, as if unsure to which she belongs.
Shiratsuyu is an improvement upon Hatsuharu in a few small but notable ways.
The first is Shiratsuyu’s main battery guns. She has one more barrel than her immediate predecessor, carrying 5 guns with a longer range. With them she poses a significant threat to other destroyers, should her captain decide to use her guns. They boast high alpha strike potential that can take large chunks out of enemy destroyers, though the rather long reload time prevents her from winning prolonged gun fights against gunboat destroyers. The high fire chance also equals that of Vauquelin. Combined with above-average damage per shell and excellent concealment, Shiratsuyu is more than capable of finding and ambushing crippled destroyers, finishing them off with her main battery. Otherwise, her guns should really only be used when in smoke, when able to break line of sight quickly by ducking behind an island, or when in situations where she has adequate support from her allies without the threat of significant return fire.
Her improved torpedo armament is also of note. Shiratsuyu moves from the two triple-tube launchers found on Hatsuharu to a pair of quadruple-tube launchers. She can also upgrade to the Type 90 torpedo if desired, increasing the punch and speed of her fish. Shiratsuyu also gains access to an improved version of the Torpedo Reload Booster consumable that drops her reload to only 5 seconds, and has a cooldown of 160 seconds when compared to the 240 seconds of most other ships with this consumable. Using the Booster allows Shiratsuyu to put up to 16 torpedoes into the water in a very short amount of time. However, installing the Booster is not an easy choice as she must give up her Smoke Generator
to do so.
While she retains Hatsuharu’s low detection radius, her anti-aircraft suite actually gets worse. Shiratsuyu’s speed and rudder shift performance are also a downgrade; while the latter is not really noticeable, the former definitely is. She is highly vulnerable to enemy aircraft and gunboat destroyers that are faster than she is (such as Sims, Kiev, or Leningrad).
Nonetheless, Shiratsuyu is a well-rounded Tier VII destroyer with excellent torpedoes and guns that are more than capable of contributing to her damage output when used judiciously in the right situations.Prós:
- Much improved main battery guns over Hatsuharu: more barrels and longer range.
- HE shells have good damage and good fire chance.
- Strong torpedo armament: two quadruple-tube launchers with not-unreasonable reload time (95 seconds).
- Torpedos have high damage and reasonable speed that allows players to get more damage and torpedo hits.
- Can equip the powerful Torpedo Reload Booster
- Excellent 5.8 concealment(with concealment expert) that allows her to get really close to enemy ships and launch torpedos with high hit rates.
- Overall, plays more like a tier 7 version of Kagero with one less gun and easier matchmaking.
- Smallest health pool of all Tier VII destroyers, will not last long in a gunfight against rapid firing gun ships.
- Main battery traverse time is painfully slow with equally slow reload time. Situationally useful, but not really those of a "gunboat".
- Main battery range is not as good as other destroyers at her tier.
- When using Torpedo Reload Booster
she is extremely vulnerable to planes and rapid firing ships when detected.
- Anti-aircraft suite is terrible, in fact even worse than Hatsuharu.
- Slowest top speed of any Tier VII destroyer and slow rudder shift.
Prioritize Hull (B) for ~10% more health, a significantly better rudder shift time, and less terrible AA. Hull (B) also unlocks Tier VIII Akizuki, a true gunboat.
After the hull, the improved torpedoes and longer range are captain's choice.Melhor Configuração
- Slot 1: Predefinição:Main Armaments Modification 1
- Slot 2: Predefinição:Engine Room Protection
- Slot 3: Predefinição:Aiming Systems Modification 1 or Predefinição:Main Battery Modification 2 *
- Slot 4: Predefinição:Propulsion Modification 1
In slot 3, Predefinição:Torpedo Tubes Modification 1 is a reasonable choice for a straight torpedo boat build.
Habilidades de Comandante
Commander skill points are best spent on the level 2 Last Stand skill, which allows the engine and the rudder to function with a penalty when the would usually be incapacitated. This skill is highly advised for all destroyers. Mastering the level 4 skill Concealment Expert, lowers detection range, is also strongly encouraged.
While Shiratsuyu is very much a torpedo oriented destroyer, the subsequent destroyers Akizuki at tier VIII; Kitakaze at tier IX; and Harugumo at tier X are also very much gunboat destroyers. As such, it is advisable to consider resetting captain skills to suit a gunboat destroyer after grinding through Shiratsuyu, or pick up such skills towards the end of the grind, depending on resources available to you.
Predefinição:Commander Skills 3 DD
Shiratsuyu can equip the following consumables:
- Slot 1: Damage Control Party
- Slot 2: Smoke Generator
or Torpedo Reload Booster
- Slot 3: Engine Boost
Shiratsuyu’s improved Torpedo Reload Booster is an appealing choice for veteran captains who are able to forego her Smoke Generator.
Sierra Mike is probably the single most important signal flag that Shiratsuyu captains can equip. Other recommended flags would be Juliet Whiskey Unaone, Juliet Charlie, and — given how important some of her consumables are — November Foxtrot.
Sinais de Combate Recomendados ![]() | |||||
![]() ★★★ |
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Legenda: ★★★ - Extremamente Útil ★★ - Frequentemente Útil ★ - Ocasionalmente Útil Sem estrelas - Não é Útil |
Shiratsuyu uses every available weapon against an enemy Colorado class battleship.
Informações Históricas
Galeria Histórica
- Japanese destroyer Shiratsuyu (1935) - Wikipedia
- Japanese Destroyers - Shiratsuyu - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
- Shiratsuyu-class destroyer - Wikipedia
Predefinição:WoWS Ship Changelog Insert