380 mm/45 Mle 1935 ve věži2 х 4 pcs. |
Rate of Fire2.14 shots/min. |
Reload Time28 sec. |
Rotation Speed5 deg./sec. |
180 Degree Turn Time36 sec. |
Firing Range23.82 km. |
Maximum Dispersion299 m. |
HE Shell380 mm HE OEA Mle 1945 |
Maximum HE Shell Damage5 400 |
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell36 % |
Initial HE Shell Velocity830 m./s. |
HE Shell Weight884 kg. |
AP Shell380 mm AP OPfK Mle 1943 |
Maximum AP Shell Damage11 900 |
Initial AP Shell Velocity830 m./s. |
AP Shell Weight885 kg. |
100 mm/45 Mle 1933 na palebném stanovišti Mle 19378 х 2 pcs. |
Firing Range7.6 km. |
Rate of Fire15 shots/min. |
Reload Time4 sec. |
HE Shell100 mm HE OEA Mle 1928 |
Maximum HE Shell Damage1 400 |
Initial HE Shell Velocity780 m./s. |
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell6 % |
152 mm/55 Mle 1930 na palebném stanovišti Mle 19363 х 3 pcs. |
Firing Range7.6 km. |
Rate of Fire5 shots/min. |
Reload Time12 sec. |
HE Shell152 mm HE OEA Mle 1937 |
Maximum HE Shell Damage2 200 |
Initial HE Shell Velocity870 m./s. |
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell12 % |
100 mm/45 Mle 1933 na palebném stanovišti Mle 19378 х 2 pcs. |
. . . Average Damage per Second54.4 |
. . . Firing Range5.01 km. |
152 mm/55 Mle 1930 na palebném stanovišti Mle 19363 х 3 pcs. |
. . . Average Damage per Second24.9 |
. . . Firing Range5.01 km. |
37 mm/70 Mle 1935 na palebném stanovišti ACAD Mle 19368 х 2 pcs. |
. . . Average Damage per Second96.8 |
. . . Firing Range3.51 km. |
25 mm Hotchkiss Mle 1939 na palebném stanovišti CAD Mle 19399 х 2 pcs. |
. . . Average Damage per Second50.4 |
. . . Firing Range2.49 km. |
37 mm/50 CAIL Mle 1933 na palebném stanovišti CAD Mle 19338 х 2 pcs. |
. . . Average Damage per Second18.4 |
. . . Firing Range3 km. |
Maximum Speed32 knot |
Turning Circle Radius850 m. |
Rudder Shift Time15.3 sec. |
Surface Detectability Range16.24 km. |
Air Detectability Range11.02 km. |
Gascogne — Frencie premium Tier VIII Bitevní loď.
A battleship design developed on the basis of the very successful Richelieu class, which received improved AA capabilities and had the main turrets placed in the ship's aft and forward ends. Like her prototype, the ship boasted a high speed and very good torpedo protection.
Slot 1 | |||||
Slot 2 | |||||
Slot 3 | |||||
Slot 4 | |||||
Slot 5 |
Názor hráče
Představení lodi
Tier VIII French premium battleship Gascogne has the same two quad-barreled turrets found on her tech tree counterpart Richelieu, but in a more conventional layout where one turret is forward of the superstructure and one behind. The two ships share many similarities aside from the gun placement: they have identical handling, speed, and concealment, while their guns, secondaries, and health are near identical. As a result, playing them similarly will net fairly good results, though Gascogne has her own quirks.
To address the elephant in the room, Gascogne does not have particularly good guns. They suffer from comparatively poor dispersion and sigma, meaning it can be an exercise in frustration trying to land shells on target. Richelieu has the same issue, and the solution towards mitigating the floundering accuracy of their main batteries is similar as well: use Gascogne and Richelieu’s superior speed and handling to flank enemy positions, getting those juicy broadside shots on them. They are tied for fastest battleship of Tier VIII, with a respective top speed of 32 knots. This can be further boosted using the Sierra Mike () signal, plus the Posílení motoru consumable found on all French battleships at Tier VIII and up. Combined, all these factors create a battleship capable of hitting ludicrous speeds (compared to other battleships).
Gascogne, on top of being agile, has fairly good armor. While she does not have Bismarck’s level of protection, it is not bad at all. Her citadel is well protected against shells and bombs alike, and sits just at the waterline. She won't be taking massive, un-healable hits very often; though some care should still be taken in close quarters, since it becomes much easier to send shells into Gascogne’s citadel. However, there is a massive drawback to Gascogne’s armor scheme, as she has 32mm of plate almost everywhere. This makes it exceptionally easy for HE shells to do significant damage to her when given the opportunity, and normal AP penetrations will quickly gouge away her health. While her citadel is indeed well-protected, that simply is not the case for the rest of the ship.
Thankfully, Gascogne’s survivability issues are mitigated somewhat by her unique Opravárenská četa () consumable, which has a faster cooldown than usual at 60 and 40 seconds for normal and premium versions, respectively. This works well in conjunction with her armor, since most the damage Gascogne takes will likely be of the repairable variety.
- Higher reload speed of 28 seconds helps offset the different gun layout from Richelieu.
- Better sigma (shell distribution inside her dispersion circle) than Richelieu (1.9 vs. 1.8).
- High top speed of 32 knots, able to be increased even further with the Posílení motoru consumable.
- Good shell velocity helps with long range gunnery.
- Impressive secondary battery with a great 7.0 kilometer base range.
- Quadruple-barreled turrets means she always has four guns on target at any given time.
- Quick cooldown on Opravárenská četa () consumable.
- Turret arrangement makes it tricky to use all eight guns at once.
- Relatively weak broadside for a Tier VIII at only eight (8) 380mm guns.
- Mediocre anti-aircraft armament.
- Takes large amounts of damage from battleship AP when caught broadside.
- Reload speed is still worse than the other Tier VIII battleships armed with 15-inch guns like Bismarck and Monarch.
- Health pool is on the low side for a Tier VIII battleship.
- Like all French battleships, she is coated primarily in 32mm plating all across the entire ship, making her highly vulnerable to HE shells from enemy heavy cruisers and battleships.
Doporučená konfigurace
The recommended upgrades for Gascogne are as follows:
- Slot 1: Úprava hlavní výzbroje 1 ()
- Slot 2: Úprava systému řízení oprav 1 ()
- Slot 3: Úprava zaměřovacích systémů 1 ()
- Slot 4: Úprava řízení 2 ()
- Slot 5: Úprava maskovacího systému 1 ()
Slot 1 provides two viable options. Generally, Main Armaments Modification 1 is recommended because it increases the survivability of the main battery guns. With only two turrets, the loss of one decreases the ship's primary firepower by 50%. Players wishing to specialize in the secondary armament or in AA duties should mount Úprava pomocné výzbroje 1 () to increase the survivability of those armaments.
Slot 3 allows for the specialization in different roles. To reduce the dispersion of the main battery, players should mount Aiming Systems Modification 1. Alternatively, Úprava sekundární baterie 2 () will increase the firing range and reduce the dispersion of the secondary armament. To increase the range of the AA armament, mount Úprava protiletadlových děl 1 ().
Slot 4 provides players a choice between survivability and maneuverability. To reduce the rudder shift time, players should mount Steering Gears Modification 2. Players wishing to reduce the amount of time that fires and flooding inflict damage to the ship should mount Úprava systému řízení oprav 2 ().
Kapitánské body
Key skills for Gascogne commanders include Expert Marksman at Level 2, Superintendent at Level 3, and Fire Prevention at Level 4. Basic Firing Training, Advanced Firing Training, and Manual Fire Control for Secondary Armament are recommended for players looking to specialize in the ship’s secondary armament. Basics of Survivability is recommended to reduce repair time. Concealment Expert is also recommended to reduce the ship's detection range, allowing her to close in further while remaining undetected.
Doporučené přidělení kapitánských bodů | ||||||||
Cena (body) |
Vytrvalostní | Útočné | Podpůrné | Všestranné | ||||
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Key: ★★★ - Extrémně užitečné ★★ - Často užitečné ★ - Příležitostně účinné nic - zbytečné |
Spotřební doplňky
Gascogne can equip the following consumables:
- Slot 1: Havarijní tým ()
- Slot 2: Opravárenská četa ()
- Slot 3: Posílení motoru
- Slot 4: Pozorovací letadlo () or Katapultovaný stíhač ()
Because Gascogne is a high-tier premium ship, it is recommended that Captains use the premium versions of the consumables, especially Damage Control Party and Repair Party, to improve her performance in battle. Her repair party is of special note, since both the normal and premium versions have a faster than normal cooldown of 60 and 40 seconds, respectively.
As a premium ship, Gascogne comes included with Type 10 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, reduces her repair costs, and increases the amount of experience she earns.
As a battleship, the Gascogne has 8 slots for signal flags. Standard flags to take as a battleship are India Delta (), November Foxtrot (), and India Yankee (). These flags help increase the survivability of the Gascogne. In addition, Sierra Mike () will help the Gascogne go slightly faster and Mike Yankee Soxisix () will boost the power of the already strong secondaries.
Doporučené Signály | |||||
Bojové | |||||
Poznámka: Použití signálu Juliet Charlie plně zabraňuje detonaci.
Historické informace
Historické snímky
Torpédoborce | II Enseigne Gabolde • III Fusilier • IV Bourrasque • V Jaguar • V Siroco • VI Guépard • VI Aigle • VII Vauquelin • VIII Le Fantasque • VIII Le Terrible • IX Mogador • X Kléber • X Marceau |
Křižníky | I Bougainville • II Jurien de la Gravière • III Friant • IV Duguay-Trouin • V Émile Bertin • VI La Galissonnière • VI De Grasse • VI Dupleix • VII Algérie • VII Toulon • VIII Charles Martel • VIII Cherbourg • VIII Bayard • IX Saint-Louis • IX Brest • IX Carnot • X Henri IV • X Marseille • X Colbert • ★ Condé |
Bitevní lodě | III Turenne • IV Courbet • V Bretagne • VI Normandie • VI Dunkerque • VI Dunkerque B • VII Lyon • VII Strasbourg • VIII Richelieu • VIII Gascogne • VIII Champagne • VIII Flandre • IX Alsace • IX Jean Bart • IX Jean Bart B • X République • X Bourgogne • ★ Patrie |
Letadlové lodě | VI Béarn |