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Tech Tree Position
Research price249000 exp
Purchase price20 600 000 Kredity
Hit Points97 200 
Main Battery
460 mm/45 Type 94 ve trojhlavňové věži3 х 3 pcs.
Rate of Fireshots/min.
Reload Time30 sec.
Rotation Speeddeg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time60 sec.
Firing Range26.63 km.
Maximum Dispersion275 m.
HE Shell460 mm HE Type0 
Maximum HE Shell Damage7 300 
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell35 %
Initial HE Shell Velocity805 m./s.
HE Shell Weight1360 kg.
AP Shell460 mm AP/APC Type91 
Maximum AP Shell Damage14 800 
Initial AP Shell Velocity780 m./s.
AP Shell Weight1460 kg.
Secondary Armament #1
127 mm/40 Type 89 na palebném stanovišti Model A1 Mod.36 х 2 pcs.
Firing Range7.3 km.
Rate of Fire10 shots/min.
Reload Timesec.
HE Shell127 mm HE Type0 
Maximum HE Shell Damage2 100 
Initial HE Shell Velocity725 m./s.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell%
Secondary Armament #2
127 mm/40 Type 89 na palebném stanovišti Model A16 х 2 pcs.
Firing Range7.3 km.
Rate of Fire12 shots/min.
Reload Timesec.
HE Shell127 mm HE Type0 
Maximum HE Shell Damage2 100 
Initial HE Shell Velocity725 m./s.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell%
Secondary Armament #3
155 mm/60 3rd Year Type ve trojhlavňové věži2 х 3 pcs.
Firing Range7.3 km.
Rate of Fireshots/min.
Reload Time12 sec.
HE Shell155 mm HE Type0 
Maximum HE Shell Damage2 600 
Initial HE Shell Velocity925 m./s.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell10 %
AA Defense
127 mm/40 Type 89 na palebném stanovišti Model A1 Mod.36 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second60.6 
. . . Firing Range5.01 km.
127 mm/40 Type 89 na palebném stanovišti Model A16 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second60.6 
. . . Firing Range5.01 km.
25 mm/60 Type 96 na trojhlavňovém palebném stanovišti4 х 3 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second13.2 
. . . Firing Range2.49 km.
25 mm/60 Type 96 na trojhlavňovém palebném stanovišti24 х 3 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second79.2 
. . . Firing Range2.49 km.
25 mm/60 Type 96 na trojhlavňovém palebném stanovišti16 х 3 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second52.8 
. . . Firing Range2.49 km.
25 mm/60 Type 96 na samostatném palebném stanovišti6 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second10.8 
. . . Firing Range2.49 km.
25 mm/60 Type 96 na trojhlavňovém palebném stanovišti8 х 3 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second26.4 
. . . Firing Range2.49 km.
13 mm/76 Type 93 na dvouhlavňovém palebném stanovišti2 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second
. . . Firing Range1.2 km.
Maximum Speed27 knot
Turning Circle Radius900 m.
Rudder Shift Time22.1 sec.
Surface Detectability Range17.46 km.
Air Detectability Range12.79 km.
Battle Levels
20 600 000

Yamato — Japonska Tier X Bitevní loď.

The biggest warship of World War II and the world's largest battleship. Yamato was designed around the idea that an individual ship could have superiority over any battleship of a potential enemy. Her main guns had overwhelming firepower. The ship maintained a very high level of survivability due to reliable armor and robust torpedo protection. Yamato’s AA capabilities were highly efficient due to carrying numerous AA artillery guns.


Main Battery Guns Rychlost střelby
Čas otočení o 180°
Maximální rozptyl
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
460 mm/45 Type 94 ve trojhlavňové věži2602757 3003514 800 02 300 000
Hull Body výdrže
Hlavní věže
Sekundární dělové věže
Bodová obrana
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
Yamato (A)97 2001965036/6/252/2/6/6/6 03 300 000
Fire Control System Zvýšení dostřelu
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
Type10 mod. 1026,6 02 100 000
Engine Maximální rychlost
Research price
Purchase price
Pohon: 150 000 hp27 0590 000


 Slot 1  Úprava hlavní výzbroje 1 Úprava pomocné výzbroje 1 Úprava muniční komory 1 Úprava pozorovacího letadla 1 Úprava havarijního týmu 1
 Slot 2  Úprava systému řízení oprav 1 Ochrana strojovny
 Slot 3  Úprava hlavní baterie 2 Úprava sekundární baterie 1 Úprava protiletadlových děl 1 Úprava zaměřovacích systémů 1
 Slot 4  Úprava systému řízení oprav 2 Úprava pohonu 1 Úprava řízení 1 Úprava náletu 1
 Slot 5  Systém vyhledávání torpéd Úprava maskovacího systému 1 Úprava spotřebních doplňků lodi 1
 Slot 6  Úprava hlavní baterie 3 Úprava systému řízení palby 2 Systém navádění hlavní baterie Úprava pomocné výzbroje 2

Názor hráče

Představení lodi

The pinnacle of all Japanese battleship design philosophy and possibly of the entire world, Yamato gains its place as the one of the most solid battleship at her tier. She has the second largest hit points of any ship in the game at a staggering 97200 next to Großer Kurfürst’s 105800 and her guns have the highest citadel hit damage of any round in the game, at 14800 HP per citadel hit. While individual AA mounts are mediocre, the sheer number of AA guns, nearly 150 25mm AA barrels (in real life, 162 25mm AA barrels in latest upgrade) and 24 127mm DP guns, provides a mild deterrent particularly against lower tier carriers. She, along with her sister ship Musashi holds the record for best torpedo protection in game, with a value of 56%, which is rather surprising considering that in real life, they both suffered from weak torpedo protection due to design flaws with the area joining the upper and lower armour belts. In game, Yamato represents the upgraded 1945 variant while Musashi depicts the original version. With a turning radius of 800m and a top speed of 27.2 kts, she is also surprisingly maneuverable despite her large size, though still quite short of her real life maneuverability. However, with a long rudder shift time and extremely slow turret traverse, one must plan all actions in advance, or risk being caught off-guard and unable to react. The guns, while having better accuracy than Conqueror, Montana and Großer Kurfürst, are very unforgiving, with a 30 second reload stock, which can be decreased to just under 27 seconds at the expense of further reducing its abysmal turret traverse by using a piece of equipment. Being one of the biggest ships in the game, Yamato is constantly targeted by Aircraft Carriers, and despite the numerous AA guns, high tier carriers can still get planes through, so it is advised to stay near ships that have solid AA suites such as cruisers for an AA "aegis" to be created. In addition, even though your armor is the most solid in the game you should still try to angle your ship as sometimes shells may have a chance to hit home and deal glaring damage. Keep in mind that her high citadel can easily be hit if the enemy manages to penetrate your armor.

Despite all of these drawbacks, Yamato is by far, the most powerful battleship in the game in a long ranged and defensive position. She may not be the fastest, the stealthiest or the Tier X battleship with the highest RoF, but her armor, gun caliber and health more than makes up for it. Her guns are so massive that they can score citadels on virtually any Tier VIII+ battleship and combined with their immense accuracy, she is a formidable foe. With good aim and some luck, Yamato's glaring damage can wipe battleships off the sea, allowing other more vulnerable cruisers, such as Des Moines and Hindenburg, to quickly mop up the remaining enemies while simultaneously serving as an AA screen for Yamato. Overall, she is a powerful asset that, with the right build, good teammates and in the hands of a skilled player, will dominate the battle and can even control it.


  • Unrivaled main battery guns that can even penetrate other battleships at close range when they're bow on.
  • Extremely good dispersion, but landing hits on targets beyond 18 kilometers is still challenging.
  • Accuracy and firing time can be improved even further with a legendary upgrade.
  • Second largest health pool and heaviest armor in the game.
  • Large quantity of secondaries can easily kill a destroyer at very close range.
  • Impressive torpedo damage reduction as long as torpedoes hit her torpedo belt.
  • Longest main battery stock range in the game.
  • Legendary upgrade takes advantage of her massive range and improves her accuracy.
  • Insane turret armor that deflects all but Tier X battleship AP shells at point blank.
  • Despite modest muzzle velocity, the huge shell mass means the shell travel time even at longer ranges is quite respectable.


  • Extremely large size (but still smaller than Izumo and Großer Kurfürst) makes direct hits more likely.
  • Very high notoriety and potential danger make her a priority target for the enemy team the moment she becomes visible(though this is somewhat mitigated by her decent detection radius).
  • Though buffed, turret traverse rate of 60 seconds for traversing 180 degrees is quite slow, decreased even further if a legendary upgrade is taken.
  • Long rudder shift time.
  • The majority of her AA defenses are short ranged, rendering her unable to shoot down planes before they drop their payloads.
  • Despite her citadel is well armored, but the large size and octagonal shape of the forward portion mean she is still very vulnerable to any sorts of citadel damage when improperly angled.


As a Tier X ship, Yamato has no additional modules to research.

Doporučená konfigurace


The recommended upgrades for Yamato are as follows:

Slot 1 provides players with the first option in choosing a desired role. Typically, Úprava hlavní výzbroje 1 (-20% nebezpečí vyřazení hlavní baterie / +50% odolnosti hlavní baterie. / -20% doby opravy hlavní baterie. / -20% nebezpečí vyřazení torpédometů. / +50% odolnosti torpédometů. / -20% doby opravy torpédometů.) is recommended to provide additional survivability to the main battery, but players who desire to specialize in the secondary or anti-aircraft armament should choose Úprava pomocné výzbroje 1 (+100% k odolnosti sekundární baterie. / +100% k odolnosti AA baterie.).

Slot 3 allows for further specialization. Generally, Úprava zaměřovacích systémů 1 (-7% k rozptylu hlavní baterie. / +20% k rychlosti otáčení torpédometů / +5% k dostřelu sekundární baterie. / -5% k rozptylu sekundární baterie.) is recommended because it reduces shell dispersion of the main and secondary armaments. To increase the effectiveness of the anti-aircraft armament, mount Úprava protiletadlových děl 1 (: +20% ke snížení doby přípravy prioritního sektoru AA). Players wishing to specialize for secondaries may mount Úprava sekundární baterie 2 (+20% k dostřelu sekudnární baterie. / -20% k rozptylu sekundární baterie.).

Slot 6 gives players options to finalize their build. For gunnery, mount Úprava hlavní baterie 3 (-12% k času nabíjení hlavní baterie. / -13% rychlosti otáčení věží hlavní baterie.) to decrease the reload time of the main battery, or Šablona:Enhanced Main Battery Guns for lower dispersion and a reload boost (albeit only half as much as the former). Úprava protiletadlových děl 2 (+20% k dostřelu protiletadlových děl.) may be mounted for AA duties to increase the DPS of AA guns. Players wishing to increase the effectiveness of the secondaries may mount Úprava sekundární baterie 3 (-20% z doby nabíjení sekundární výzbroje.).

Kapitánské body

Yamato can be built for survivability, anti-aicraft, or secondary focus. For a survival captain, skills like Fire Prevention and Basics of Survivability are very important. Captains wanting to focus on secondaries should pick up Basic Firing Training, Advanced Firing Training, and possibly Manual Fire Control for Secondary Armament. Captains wishing to spec for anti-aircraft should take Manual Fire Control for AA Armament. Concealment Expert is highly recommended with all builds, but one must weigh the benefits and trade-offs of investing an additional four points here instead of somewhere else.

Spotřební doplňky

Yamato can equip the following consumables:

It is strongly recommended to take the Premium versions of Havarijní tým (Zatímco je aktivní, okamžítě opravuje všechny vyřazené moduly, ohně a zaplavení.) and Opravárenská četa (Pokud je aktivní, doplní každou sekundu procentuální část celkového zdraví lodi.) to maximize surviveability. Katapultovaný stíhač (Dokud je aktivní, krouží stíhač okolo lodě a poskytuje další obranu proti stíhačkám a bombardérům.) is also recommended to defend against aircraft.


Type 1, 2, or 5 camouflage can be equipped for credits; Types 2 or 5 are recommended at a minimum to reduce the accuracy of incoming shells.

Players who wish to spend doubloons can equip Yamato with Type 20 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, reduces her repair costs, increases her credit earnings, and increases the amount of experience she earns. She also has an alternative permanent camo, "K-117" it is only obtainable by completing the HSF Collection as an end reward. K-117 provides most of the same benifets as the Type 20 the only change between the camos are that the Type 20 provides +20% more credits while the K-117 provides +50% in commander XP in exchange for the additional credit earning; however the collection was a limited time by signup between version 0.7.2 and 0.7.3, as such it is unobtainable.


As with all battleships, Yamato comes with 8 signal flag slots. The three most important flags are India Delta, Juliet Yankee Bissotwo and India Yankee; all of which will improve your surviveability. If the captain goes with the Secondary Build, the addition of Mike Yankee Soxisix will further improve the performance of Yamato`s secondaries.

Poznámka: Použití signálu Juliet Charlie plně zabraňuje detonaci.


Historické informace

Historické snímky


Ships of Japan
Torpédoborce  II Tachibana Doubloons • II Umikaze • II Tachibana Lima Doubloons • III Wakatake • IV Isokaze • V Minekaze • V Fūjin Doubloons • V Kamikaze Doubloons • V Kamikaze R Doubloons • V Mutsuki • VI Fubuki • VI Hatsuharu • VI Shinonome B Doubloons • VI Shinonome Doubloons • VII Akatsuki • VII Shiratsuyu • VII Yūdachi Doubloons • VIII Akizuki • VIII Kagerō • VIII Asashio Doubloons • VIII HSF Harekaze II Doubloons • VIII Asashio B Doubloons • VIII HSF Harekaze Doubloons • VIII AL Yukikaze Doubloons • IX Yūgumo • IX Kitakaze • X Shimakaze • X Harugumo • X Hayate •  Yamagiri 
Křižníky  I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III Katori Doubloons • IV Yūbari Doubloons • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki Alpha Doubloons • V Furutaka • V Agano • V Yahagi Doubloons • VI Aoba • VI Gokase • VII Myōkō • VII Omono • VII Tokachi Doubloons • VII Maya Doubloons • VII ARP Myōkō Doubloons • VII ARP Ashigara Doubloons • VII ARP Haguro Doubloons • VII Southern Dragon Doubloons • VII Eastern Dragon Doubloons • VII ARP Nachi Doubloons • VIII Mogami • VIII Tone Doubloons • VIII Atago Doubloons • VIII Shimanto • VIII Atago B Doubloons • VIII ARP Takao Doubloons • VIII ARP Maya Doubloons • IX Ibuki • IX Takahashi • IX Azuma Doubloons • IX AL Azuma Doubloons • X Zaō • X Yodo • X Yoshino Doubloons • X Yoshino B • X Kitakami 
Bitevní lodě  II Mikasa Doubloons • III Kawachi • IV Myōgi • IV Ishizuchi Doubloons • V Kongō • V ARP Kongō Doubloons • V ARP Kirishima Doubloons • V ARP Haruna Doubloons • V ARP Hiei Doubloons • V HSF Hiei Doubloons • VI Fusō • VI Mutsu Doubloons • VI Ise Doubloons • VII Nagato • VII Ashitaka Doubloons • VII Hyūga Doubloons • VIII Amagi • VIII Kii Doubloons • VIII Ignis Purgatio Doubloons • VIII Ragnarok Doubloons • IX Izumo • IX Musashi Doubloons • IX Hizen Doubloons • IX Iwami Doubloons • IX Daisen • X Yamato • X Shikishima • X ARP Yamato •  Satsuma 
Letadlové lodě  IV Hōshō • VI Ryūjō • VIII Shōkaku • VIII Kaga Doubloons • VIII Kaga B Doubloons • X Hakuryū •  Sekiryu
Bitevní lodě
Japonsko  II Mikasa Doubloons • III Kawachi • IV Myōgi • IV Ishizuchi Doubloons • V Kongō • V ARP Kongō Doubloons • V ARP Kirishima Doubloons • V ARP Haruna Doubloons • V ARP Hiei Doubloons • V HSF Hiei Doubloons • VI Fusō • VI Mutsu Doubloons • VI Ise Doubloons • VII Nagato • VII Ashitaka Doubloons • VII Hyūga Doubloons • VIII Amagi • VIII Kii Doubloons • VIII Ignis Purgatio Doubloons • VIII Ragnarok Doubloons • IX Izumo • IX Musashi Doubloons • IX Hizen Doubloons • IX Iwami Doubloons • IX Daisen • X Yamato • X Shikishima • X ARP Yamato •  Satsuma 
U.S.A.  III South Carolina • IV Wyoming • IV Arkansas Beta Doubloons • V New York • V Oklahoma Doubloons • V Texas Doubloons • VI New Mexico • VI Arizona Doubloons • VI W. Virginia 1941 Doubloons • VII Colorado • VII Florida Doubloons • VII California Doubloons • VIII North Carolina • VIII Kansas • VIII Nebraska • VIII Alabama Doubloons • VIII Massachusetts Doubloons • VIII Alabama VL • VIII Constellation Doubloons • VIII Massachusetts B Doubloons • VIII Alabama ST Doubloons • IX Iowa • IX Minnesota • IX Delaware • IX Missouri Doubloons • IX Kearsarge Doubloons • IX Illinois • IX Kearsarge B Doubloons • IX Georgia Doubloons • X Montana • X Vermont • X Louisiana • X Ohio Doubloons 
Pan-Asie  IX Bajie Doubloons • IX Wujing Doubloons • IX Sun Yat-Sen Doubloons 
Německo  III Nassau • III Von der Tann • III König Albert Doubloons • IV Kaiser • IV Moltke • V König • V Derfflinger • VI Bayern • VI Mackensen • VI Prinz Eitel Friedrich Doubloons • VII Gneisenau • VII Prinz Heinrich • VII Scharnhorst Doubloons • VII Scharnhorst B Doubloons • VIII Tirpitz Doubloons • VIII Bismarck • VIII Zieten • VIII Odin Doubloons • VIII Brandenburg Doubloons • VIII Anhalt Doubloons • VIII Tirpitz B Doubloons • IX Friedrich der Grosse • IX Prinz Rupprecht • IX Pommern Doubloons • IX Pommern B Doubloons • X Grosser Kurfürst • X Schlieffen • X Preussen • X Mecklenburg •  Hannover 
Evropa  V Viribus Unitis Doubloons 
U.S.S.R.  III Knyaz Suvorov • IV Imperator Nikolai I Doubloons • IV Gangut • V Pyotr Velikiy • V Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya Doubloons • VI Izmail • VI Novorosijsk Doubloons • VII Sinop • VII Poltava Doubloons • VIII Vladivostok • VIII Lenin Doubloons • VIII Borodino Doubloons • VIII V. I. Lenin • IX Sovetsky Soyuz • IX AL Sov. Rossiya Doubloons • X Kremlin • X Slava •  Admiral Ushakov 
U.K.  III Bellerophon • III Indefatigable • III Dreadnought Doubloons • IV Orion • IV Queen Mary • V Iron Duke • V Tiger • V Agincourt Doubloons • VI Warspite Doubloons • VI Queen Elizabeth • VI Renown • VI Repulse Doubloons • VII King George V • VII Rooke • VII Hood Doubloons • VII Nelson Doubloons • VII Duke of York Doubloons • VII Collingwood Doubloons • VII Renown '44 Doubloons • VIII Monarch • VIII Hawke • VIII Vanguard Doubloons • IX Lion • IX Duncan • IX Marlborough Doubloons • X Conqueror • X St. Vincent • X Thunderer Doubloons • X Incomparable 
Itálie  IV Dante Alighieri • V Conte di Cavour • V Giulio Cesare Doubloons • VI Andrea Doria • VII Francesco Caracciolo • VIII Vittorio Veneto • VIII Roma Doubloons • VIII AL Littorio Doubloons • IX Lepanto • IX Marco Polo Doubloons • IX Giuseppe Verdi Doubloons • X Cristoforo Colombo 
Francie  III Turenne • IV Courbet • V Bretagne • VI Normandie • VI Dunkerque Doubloons • VI Dunkerque B Doubloons • VII Lyon • VII Strasbourg Doubloons • VIII Richelieu • VIII Gascogne Doubloons • VIII Champagne Doubloons • VIII Flandre Doubloons • IX Alsace • IX Jean Bart Doubloons • IX Jean Bart B Doubloons • X République • X Bourgogne Doubloons •  Patrie 
Commonwealth  VII Yukon Doubloons 
Pan-Amerika  V Rio de Janeiro Doubloons • VIII Atlântico Doubloons