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Křižník | Německo | Tier X
Tech Tree Position
Research price238000 exp
Purchase price19 600 000 Kredity
Hit Points51 900 
Main Battery
203 mm/60 SK C/34 ve věži4 х 3 pcs.
Rate of Fire6.12 shots/min.
Reload Time9.8 sec.
Rotation Speeddeg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time22.5 sec.
Firing Range17.83 km.
Maximum Dispersion156 m.
HE Shell203 mm Spr.Gr. L/4.7 Kz. 
Maximum HE Shell Damage2 500 
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell13 %
Initial HE Shell Velocity925 m./s.
HE Shell Weight122 kg.
AP Shell203 mm P.Spr.Gr. L/4.4 
Maximum AP Shell Damage5 900 
Initial AP Shell Velocity925 m./s.
AP Shell Weight122 kg.
Secondary Armament #1
105 mm/65 SK C/33 na palebném stanovišti Dop. L. C/318 х 2 pcs.
Firing Range8.3 km.
Rate of Fire17.91 shots/min.
Reload Time3.35 sec.
HE Shell105 mm Spr.Gr. Kz. 
Maximum HE Shell Damage1 200 
Initial HE Shell Velocity900 m./s.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell%
Torpedo Tubes
533 mm Vierling4 х 4 pcs.
Rate of Fire0.67 shots/min.
Reload Time90 sec.
Rotation Speed25 deg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time7.2 sec.
TorpedoG7a T1 
Maximum Damage13 700 
Torpedo Speed64 knot
Torpedo Rangekm.
AA Defense
105 mm/65 SK C/33 na palebném stanovišti Dop. L. C/318 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second132.8 
. . . Firing Range4.5 km.
55 mm/77 Gerät 58 na dvouhlavňovém palebném stanovišti7 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second170.8 
. . . Firing Range3.99 km.
20 mm/65 C/38 na dvouhlavňovém palebném stanovišti4 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second16.8 
. . . Firing Range2.01 km.
20 mm/65 C/38 na palebném stanovišti Flak 35 Vierling L/387 х 4 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second42 
. . . Firing Range2.01 km.
20 mm/65 C/38 na palebném stanovišti Flak 35 Vierling L/382 х 4 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second12.8 
. . . Firing Range2.01 km.
55 mm/77 Gerät 58 na samostatném palebném stanovišti2 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second34.6 
. . . Firing Range3.99 km.
Maximum Speed31.5 knot
Turning Circle Radius800 m.
Rudder Shift Time12.1 sec.
Surface Detectability Range15.54 km.
Air Detectability Range8.47 km.
Battle Levels
19 600 000

Hindenburg — Německa Tier X Křižník.

The ship was developed from a series of German heavy cruisers. Unlike ships of preceding classes, she boasted an increased displacement and more powerful main battery guns.


Main Battery Guns Rychlost střelby
Čas otočení o 180°
Maximální rozptyl
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
203 mm/60 SK C/34 ve věži6,122,51562 500135 900 01 800 000
Hull Body výdrže
Hlavní věže
Sekundární dělové věže
Bodová obrana
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
Hindenburg (A)51 90013150488/9/7/4/24 02 200 000
Torpedoes Rychlost střelby
Torpedo Tubes Reload Time
Čas otočení o 180°
Maximální poškození
Rychlost torpéda
Dosah torpéda
Research price
Purchase price
G7a T10,7907,213 700646 0260 000
Fire Control System Zvýšení dostřelu
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
FKS Typ 10 Mod. 1017,8 01 700 000
Engine Maximální rychlost
Research price
Purchase price
Pohon: 155 000 hp31,5 01 400 000


 Slot 1  Úprava hlavní výzbroje 1 Úprava pomocné výzbroje 1 Úprava muniční komory 1 Úprava pozorovacího letadla 1 Úprava havarijního týmu 1
 Slot 2  Úprava systému řízení oprav 1 Úprava obranné protiletadlové palby 1 Úprava hydroakustického vyhledávače 1 Ochrana strojovny
 Slot 3  Úprava hlavní baterie 2 Úprava sekundární baterie 1 Úprava protiletadlových děl 1 Úprava zaměřovacích systémů 1 Úprava torpédometů 1
 Slot 4  Úprava systému řízení oprav 2 Úprava pohonu 1 Úprava řízení 1 Úprava hlubinných náloží 1
 Slot 5  Systém vyhledávání torpéd Úprava maskovacího systému 1 Úprava řízení 2 Zdokonalené vybavení pro řízení oprav Úprava spotřebních doplňků lodi 1
 Slot 6  Úprava hlavní baterie 3 Úprava torpédometů 2 Úprava systému řízení palby 2 Úprava pomocné výzbroje 2

Názor hráče

Představení lodi

Settling in to play Hindenburg at Tier X will feel good to veterans of the branch who took the time to play the previous tier's Roon and get comfortable in her. Hindenburg is essentially a better Roon, with more guns, more torpedoes, more anti-aircraft defenses, and more health.

Sporting more main battery rifles than all other Tier X cruisers save the Japanese Zao, Hindenburg is gifted with a balanced 4x3 turret layout: turrets "Anton" and "Bruno" are forward of the superstructure, while "Caesar" and "Dora" are aft of it. This gives Hindenburg captains the flexibility to put all twelve barrels on a single target as necessary, or to present enemies with a significantly narrower profile to shoot and still keep half her main battery in action. Combined with her rate of fire, this makes Hindenburg a potentially deadly opponent to almost any ship she faces. While her individual high explosive shell performance looks uninspiring, it is deceptive; she fires a dozen, highly accurate shells every eleven seconds. They produce a prodigious number of fires and rack up solid penetration damage thanks to German HE shells penetrating enemy armor thicknesses 1/4 of their diameter and below (as opposed to other cruisers' 1/6th diameter and below). Enemy ships who make the mistake of presenting a broadside profile to Hindenburg should be prepared to pay the price; her armor piercing shells have good penetration values and extremely high damage. Salvos of 10,000 damage or more against enemy battleships at mid-range or closer are not uncommon if they opt to disrespect the power of Hindenburg’s AP rounds.

Aside from her damage output, Hindenburg is a virtual Swiss Army knife of tools that allow her to contribute to her team's success in other ways. Her anti-aircraft suite is solid; captains who opt for an Anti-Aircraft Build and find themselves facing off against an enemy aircraft carrier are sure to watch enemy planes fall from the sky with glee. She is fairly robust, with an armor scheme that leaves her vulnerable at long range, but able to take more punishment than might be expected as she closes with the enemy; her Opravárenská četa (Pokud je aktivní, doplní každou sekundu procentuální část celkového zdraví lodi.) furthers her longevity. Her torpedo armament packs a serious wallop: Hindenburg loves to brawl with her enemies when given the chance, and her torpedoes frequently mean that she is the one sailing away afterwards, even from a point-blank engagement with an enemy battleship. Last — but not least — she can equip the best Hydroakusticý vyhledávač (Zatímco je aktivní, odhaluje všechny nepřátelské lodě a torpéda ve vymezeném okolí, nehledě na překážky (jako kouř nebo ostrovy)) in the game, capable of spotting incoming torpedoes more than four kilometers away, and detecting enemy ships at nearly six kilometers.

On the downside, Hindenburg has a staggering base detection radius of more than 16 kilometers; even when fully-rigged for stealth, the lowest detection radius she can achieve is 12.3 km. This is noteworthy in that there are some Tier X battleships capable of fitting out with an even lower detection radius. Further compounding her detectability issues is her armor scheme's vulnerability to long-range plunging fire. Shells landing on her deck from directly above (or nearly so) will easily penetrate her thin deck armor and cause extreme damage. Hindenburg is most vulnerable to large amounts of incoming damage when at long range. She shines brightest in mid- and short-range engagements, but may struggle to get into those on occasion given her slow top speed (worst among Tier X cruisers) and high detection.

Viewed as a complete package, Hindenburg is the epitome of what a Tier X cruiser should be: she doesn't excel at any one thing, but does enough things well that she is capable of contributing to her team in any situation she might find herself in. Game after game, Hindenburg will provide her captain all the tools they need to win; it's up to that captain to employ those tools correctly to ensure victory.


  • Fast-reloading 203mm guns; not as fast as Des Moines, but with better base range and shell arcs.
  • Excellent shell velocity and low gun arc makes hitting distant targets easier.
  • Good range on her main battery guns, which can be boosted to 20.7 km by equipping Úprava systému řízení palby 2 (: +16% k dostřelu.).
  • One of the highest damage cruiser armor piercing shells in the game; Hindenburg will punish any ship that is completely broadside to her, regardless of class.
  • Strong AA armament, especially if a few modules or commander skill points are invested in maximizing the range.
  • Decent torpedoes with good firing arcs.
  • Armor scheme is deceptively sturdy; she is hard to citadel at medium and short range.
  • Best Hydroakusticý vyhledávač (Zatímco je aktivní, odhaluje všechny nepřátelské lodě a torpéda ve vymezeném okolí, nehledě na překážky (jako kouř nebo ostrovy)) in the game.


  • Armor piercing shells are near useless against targets that are well-angled.
  • High explosive shell damage is lower than all other Tier X cruisers.
  • Sluggish maneuverability and low maximum speed.
  • Large size; Hindenburg is fairly easy for enemies to hit.
  • Large detection radius for a cruiser — 16.0 km base — although this can be reduced to ~12 km with the right equipment modules and commander skills.
  • Prone to citadel penetrations at long range, which makes her large detection radius a huge liability.
  • Has to expose quite a bit of her broadside to bring all guns to bear.


As a Tier X ship, Hindenburg has no additional modules to research.

Doporučená konfigurace

As the pinnacle of the German cruiser line, Hindenburg offers more flexibility to her captain than any other top-tier cruiser in the game. She can be fitted out as an anti-aircraft platform rivaling that of Des Moines; she can boost her main battery range and rain shells on opponents from positions that make her difficult to hit; she can boost the rate of fire of her main battery significantly and turn her into one of the best damage dealers in the game. All of these options — and more — are available to Hindenburg captains, depending on which upgrades and commander skills they choose.


The recommended upgrades for Hindenburg are as follows:

Slot 6 is one of the primary determining factors in how Hindenburg will play. Her main battery can be fitted out for either maximum range with Úprava systému řízení palby 2 (: +16% k dostřelu.), or for maximum rate of fire with Main Battery Modification 3. Neither option is bad, though with a stock range of 17.8 km, the likelihood of hitting targets more than 20 km out with her shells is somewhat questionable. Most players opt for Main Battery Modification 3, lowering the reload time on her 203mm guns to a base of 9.7 seconds (which can be further improved with the Adrenaline Rush commander skill).

Kapitánské body

Spotřební doplňky

Hindenburg can equip the following consumables:

Hindenburg’s best-in-game Hydroakusticý vyhledávač (Zatímco je aktivní, odhaluje všechny nepřátelské lodě a torpéda ve vymezeném okolí, nehledě na překážky (jako kouř nebo ostrovy)) is one of her strengths; the premium version is highly recommended for the reduced cooldown. It allows her to hunt down destroyers in close proximity — particularly those shielded by smoke — and to warn friendly captains of incoming torpedoes in more than ample time to avoid them. Due to the rarity of carriers in high tier games, it is generally preferable to Obranná protiletadlová palba (Zatímco je aktivní, zvýší se udílené poškození AA zbraní velké ráže.), although the odd carrier might ruin a match. Opravářská četa II (Zatímco je aktivní, obnoví pevně danou procentuální hodnotu zdraví lodi.) is also recommended for the quicker cool down and extra charge; Hindenburg’s detectability radius means that she may come under concentrated fire from the enemy team. Quicker access to her health regeneration ability will improve her survivability greatly.


Type 1, 2, or 5 camouflage can be equipped for credits; Types 2 or 5 are recommended at a minimum to reduce the accuracy of incoming shells.

Players who wish to spend doubloons can equip Hindenburg with Type 20 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, reduces her repair costs, increases her credit earnings, and increases the amount of experience she earns.


Signals boosting the fire chance of her main battery — Victor Lima (+1% šance způsobit požár bombou nebo granátem ráže nad 160mm / +0,5% šance způsobit požár bombou nebo granátem ráže pod 160mm / +4% šance způsobit zaplavení.) and India X-Ray (+1% šance způsobit požár bombou nebo granátem ráže nad 160mm / +0,5% šance způsobit požár bombou nebo granátem ráže pod 160mm / +5% nebezpečí exploze vlastní muniční komory.) — are recommended. India Delta (+20% obnoveného zdraví při použití spotř. doplňku Opravářská četa.) should be flown to maximize health recovered via Opravárenská četa (Pokud je aktivní, doplní každou sekundu procentuální část celkového zdraví lodi.). Sierra Mike (+5% k maximální rychlosti lodi.) is a good pick to increase her somewhat low top speed, while November Echo Setteseven (+10% průměrného poškození za sekundu u všech AA zbraní / +10% průměrného poškození obranné výzbroje u letadel se zadním střelcem.) will help pile on more DPS for an Anti-Aircraft Build. India Bravo Terrathree (-10% z ceny oprav lodi po bitvě.) helps keep her operating costs down.

Poznámka: Použití signálu Juliet Charlie plně zabraňuje detonaci.


Historické informace

Historické snímky

Ships of Germany
Torpédoborce  II V-25 • III G-101 • IV V-170 • V T-22 • VI Ernst Gaede • VI T-61 Doubloons • VI Karl von Schönberg Doubloons • VII Leberecht Maass • VII Z-31 • VII Z-39 Doubloons • VIII Z-23 • VIII Gustav-Julius Maerker • VIII Z-35 Doubloons • IX Z-46 • IX Felix Schultz • IX Z-44 Doubloons • IX ZF-6 Doubloons • X Z-52 • X Elbing • X Z-42 
Křižníky  I Hermelin • II Dresden • II Emden Doubloons • III Kolberg • IV Karlsruhe • V Königsberg • VI Nürnberg • VI Admiral Graf Spee Doubloons • VI Leipzig • VI HSF Admiral Graf Spee Doubloons • VII Yorck • VII München Doubloons • VII Weimar Doubloons • VIII Admiral Hipper • VIII Prinz Eugen Doubloons • VIII Mainz Doubloons • VIII Mainz B Doubloons • VIII Cross of Dorn Doubloons • IX Roon • IX Siegfried • IX Ägir • IX Admiral Schröder Doubloons • X Hindenburg •  Clausewitz 
Bitevní lodě  III Nassau • III Von der Tann • III König Albert Doubloons • IV Kaiser • IV Moltke • V König • V Derfflinger • VI Bayern • VI Mackensen • VI Prinz Eitel Friedrich Doubloons • VII Gneisenau • VII Prinz Heinrich • VII Scharnhorst Doubloons • VII Scharnhorst B Doubloons • VIII Tirpitz Doubloons • VIII Bismarck • VIII Zieten • VIII Odin Doubloons • VIII Brandenburg Doubloons • VIII Anhalt Doubloons • VIII Tirpitz B Doubloons • IX Friedrich der Grosse • IX Prinz Rupprecht • IX Pommern Doubloons • IX Pommern B Doubloons • X Grosser Kurfürst • X Schlieffen • X Preussen • X Mecklenburg •  Hannover 
Letadlové lodě  IV Rhein • VI Weser • VI Erich Loewenhardt Doubloons • VIII August von Parseval • VIII Graf Zeppelin Doubloons • VIII Graf Zeppelin B Doubloons • X Manfred von Richthofen • X Max Immelmann
Japonsko  I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III Katori Doubloons • IV Yūbari Doubloons • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki Alpha Doubloons • V Furutaka • V Agano • V Yahagi Doubloons • VI Aoba • VI Gokase • VII Myōkō • VII Omono • VII Tokachi Doubloons • VII Maya Doubloons • VII ARP Myōkō Doubloons • VII ARP Ashigara Doubloons • VII ARP Haguro Doubloons • VII Southern Dragon Doubloons • VII Eastern Dragon Doubloons • VII ARP Nachi Doubloons • VIII Mogami • VIII Tone Doubloons • VIII Atago Doubloons • VIII Shimanto • VIII Atago B Doubloons • VIII ARP Takao Doubloons • VIII ARP Maya Doubloons • IX Ibuki • IX Takahashi • IX Azuma Doubloons • IX AL Azuma Doubloons • X Zaō • X Yodo • X Yoshino Doubloons • X Yoshino B • X Kitakami 
U.S.A.  I Erie • II Chester • II Albany Doubloons • III St. Louis • III Charleston Doubloons • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V Marblehead Doubloons • V Marblehead Lima Doubloons • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII Atlanta Doubloons • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII Indianapolis Doubloons • VII Atlanta B Doubloons • VII Boise Doubloons • VII Flint Doubloons • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII Wichita Doubloons • VIII Anchorage Doubloons • VIII Congress Doubloons • VIII Rochester Doubloons • VIII San Diego Doubloons • VIII AL Montpelier Doubloons • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX Vallejo • IX Alaska Doubloons • IX Tulsa Doubloons • IX Alaska B Doubloons • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto Rico • X Salem Doubloons • X Austin •  Annapolis 
Pan-Asie  I Chengan • III Ning Hai Doubloons • V Chungking • VI Rahmat • VI Huanghe Doubloons • VII Chumphon • VIII Harbin • VIII Irian Doubloons • VIII Wukong Doubloons • IX Sejong • IX Dalian Doubloons • X Jinan 
Německo  I Hermelin • II Dresden • II Emden Doubloons • III Kolberg • IV Karlsruhe • V Königsberg • VI Nürnberg • VI Admiral Graf Spee Doubloons • VI Leipzig • VI HSF Admiral Graf Spee Doubloons • VII Yorck • VII München Doubloons • VII Weimar Doubloons • VIII Admiral Hipper • VIII Prinz Eugen Doubloons • VIII Mainz Doubloons • VIII Mainz B Doubloons • VIII Cross of Dorn Doubloons • IX Roon • IX Siegfried • IX Ägir • IX Admiral Schröder Doubloons • X Hindenburg •  Clausewitz 
Evropa  I Gryf 
U.S.S.R.  I Orlan • II Diana Doubloons • II Diana Lima Doubloons • II Novik • III Aurora Doubloons • III Bogatyr • III Oleg Doubloons • III Varyag Doubloons • III AL Avrora Doubloons • IV Svietlana • V Murmansk Doubloons • V Kotovsky • V Krasny Krym Doubloons • V Mikoyan Doubloons • V Kirov Doubloons • VI Budyonny • VI Molotov Doubloons • VI Admiral Makarov Doubloons • VII Shchors • VII Lazo Doubloons • VIII Chapayev • VIII Tallinn • VIII Mikhail Kutuzov Doubloons • VIII Ochakov Doubloons • VIII Pyotr Bagration Doubloons • VIII Bagration • IX Dmitri Donskoi • IX Riga • IX Kronshtadt Doubloons • X Moskva • X Alexander Nevsky • X Petropavlovsk • X Stalingrad Doubloons • X Smolensk Doubloons • X Sevastopol 
U.K.  I Black Swan • II Weymouth • III Caledon • IV Danae • V Emerald • V Hawkins • V Exeter Doubloons • VI Leander • VI Devonshire • VI London Doubloons • VI Dido Doubloons • VII Fiji • VII Surrey • VII Belfast Doubloons • VIII Edinburgh • VIII Albemarle • VIII Cheshire Doubloons • VIII Tiger '59 Doubloons • VIII Belfast '43 Doubloons • VIII Hampshire Doubloons • IX Neptune • IX Drake • X Minotaur • X Goliath • X Plymouth • X Gibraltar • X Monmouth •  Edgar 
Itálie  I Eritrea • II Nino Bixio • III Taranto • IV Alberto di Giussano • V Raimondo Montecuccoli • V Genova Doubloons • VI Trento • VI Duca d'Aosta Doubloons • VII Zara • VII Duca degli Abruzzi Doubloons • VII Gorizia Doubloons • VIII Amalfi • IX Brindisi • X Venezia • X Napoli • X Napoli B 
Nizozemí  I Van Kinsbergen • II Gelderland • III Java • IV De Ruyter • V Celebes • VI Kijkduin • VII Eendracht • VIII Haarlem • VIII De Zeven Provinciën Doubloons • IX Johan de Witt • X Gouden Leeuw 
Francie  I Bougainville • II Jurien de la Gravière • III Friant • IV Duguay-Trouin • V Émile Bertin • VI La Galissonnière • VI De Grasse Doubloons • VI Dupleix Doubloons • VII Algérie • VII Toulon Doubloons • VIII Charles Martel • VIII Cherbourg • VIII Bayard Doubloons • IX Saint-Louis • IX Brest • IX Carnot Doubloons • X Henri IV • X Marseille • X Colbert Doubloons •  Condé 
Commonwealth  VI Perth Doubloons • VI Mysore Doubloons • IX Hector Doubloons • X Brisbane 
Španělsko  VI Canarias Doubloons 
Pan-Amerika  I Hércules • II Almirante Barroso • II Almirante Abreu Doubloons • III Vicente Guerrero • IV Córdoba • V La Argentina • VI Almirante Cochrane • VII Coronel Bolognesi • VII Nueve de Julio Doubloons • VIII Ignacio Allende • VIII Almirante Grau • IX Santander • X San Martin