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Bat.-Châtillon 25 t

Bat.-Châtillon 25 t

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Bat.-Châtillon 25 t

Frankreich | Mittlerer Panzer | Stufe X
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6.100.000  Credits Kosten
1800360 HP Struktur
24.48/2814.61/28 t Höchstgewicht
  1. Kommandant (Funker, Ladeschütze)
  2. Richtschütze (Ladeschütze)
  3. Fahrer
720720 hp Motorleistung
65/23 km/h Höchstgeschwindigkeit
4242 deg/s Wendegeschwindigkeit
29.4149.28 hp/t Leistungsgewicht
YesYes Pivot
// mm Wannenpanzerung
50/30/1550/30/15 mm Turmpanzerung






240/240/320390/390/480 HP Schaden
170/248/45259/330/53 mm Durchschlag





10.26 r/m 

Magazine-fed Gun

Burst Length: 1 rounds
Magazine Size: 6 rounds
Cycle Time: 2.22 s
Magazine Reload Times
Nominal: 24 s
50% Crew: 29.73 s
75% Crew: 25.96 s
100% Crew: 23.01 s
With Vents: 22.5 s
With Vents and BiA: 22.01 s

Click here for more information.





5.89 r/m 

Magazine-fed Gun

Burst Length: 1 rounds
Magazine Size: 5 rounds
Cycle Time: 2.73 s
Magazine Reload Times
Nominal: 40 s
50% Crew: 49.55 s
75% Crew: 43.27 s
100% Crew: 38.35 s
With Vents: 37.5 s
With Vents and BiA: 36.69 s

Click here for more information.






Magazine-fed Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (240 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal: 2462.4
50% Crew: 2116.8
75% Crew: 2330.4
100% Crew: 2532
With Vents: 2498.4
With Vents and BiA: 2536.8

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
Loaded-mag DPM: 3446.4
50% Crew: 3165.6
75% Crew: 3340.8
100% Crew: 3504
With Vents: 3477.6
With Vents and BiA: 3506.4

Click here for more information.

Clip-fed Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (240 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal: 2462.4
50% Crew: 2116.8
75% Crew: 2330.4
100% Crew: 2532
With Vents: 2498.4
With Vents and BiA: 2536.8

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
Loaded-mag DPM: 3446.4
50% Crew: 3165.6
75% Crew: 3340.8
100% Crew: 3504
With Vents: 3477.6
With Vents and BiA: 3506.4

Click here for more information.

Clip-fed Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (320 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal: 3283.2
50% Crew: 2822.4
75% Crew: 3107.2
100% Crew: 3376
With Vents: 3331.2
With Vents and BiA: 3382.4

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
Loaded-mag DPM: 4595.2
50% Crew: 4220.8
75% Crew: 4454.4
100% Crew: 4672
With Vents: 4636.8
With Vents and BiA: 4675.2

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Magazine-fed Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (390 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal: 2297.1
50% Crew: 1934.4
75% Crew: 2160.6
100% Crew: 2375.1
With Vents: 2340
With Vents and BiA: 2379

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
Loaded-mag DPM: 3829.8
50% Crew: 3533.4
75% Crew: 3716.7
100% Crew: 3892.2
With Vents: 3861
With Vents and BiA: 3896.1

Click here for more information.

Clip-fed Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (390 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal: 2297.1
50% Crew: 1934.4
75% Crew: 2160.6
100% Crew: 2375.1
With Vents: 2340
With Vents and BiA: 2379

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
Loaded-mag DPM: 3829.8
50% Crew: 3533.4
75% Crew: 3716.7
100% Crew: 3892.2
With Vents: 3861
With Vents and BiA: 3896.1

Click here for more information.

Clip-fed Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (480 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal: 2827.2
50% Crew: 2380.8
75% Crew: 2659.2
100% Crew: 2923.2
With Vents: 2880
With Vents and BiA: 2928

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
Loaded-mag DPM: 4713.6
50% Crew: 4348.8
75% Crew: 4574.4
100% Crew: 4790.4
With Vents: 4752
With Vents and BiA: 4795.2

Click here for more information.
Schaden pro Minute



0.38 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.471 m
With 75% Crew: 0.411 m
With 100% Crew: 0.364 m
With BiA: 0.356 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.349 m
Maximum possible: 0.334 m

For more details, see Crew



0.38 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.471 m
With 75% Crew: 0.411 m
With 100% Crew: 0.364 m
With BiA: 0.356 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.349 m
Maximum possible: 0.334 m

For more details, see Crew



2.3 s 

With 50% Crew: 2.849 s
With 75% Crew: 2.488 s
With 100% Crew: 2.205 s
With GLD: 2.005 s
With BiA: 2.157 s
With BiA and Vents: 2.11 s
With both and GLD: 1.918 s
Maximum possible: 1.839 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment



2.7 s 

With 50% Crew: 3.345 s
With 75% Crew: 2.92 s
With 100% Crew: 2.589 s
With GLD: 2.354 s
With BiA: 2.532 s
With BiA and Vents: 2.477 s
With both and GLD: 2.252 s
Maximum possible: 2.158 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment
3838 deg/s Turmdrehgeschwindigkeit
360° Waffenwinkel
-6°/+11°-6°/+11° Richtwinkel
3630 rounds Munitionskapazität
1010 % Brandwahrscheinlichkeit

400 m 

With 50% Crew: 314.3 m
With 75% Crew: 357.2 m
With 100% Crew: 400 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 420.2 m
With Coated Optics: 440 m
With Binocular Telescope: 500 m
Maximum possible: 572.6 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment

400 m 

With 50% Crew: 314.3 m
With 75% Crew: 357.2 m
With 100% Crew: 400 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 420.2 m
With Coated Optics: 440 m
With Binocular Telescope: 500 m
Maximum possible: 572.6 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment



750 m 

With 50% Crew: 605.4 m
With 75% Crew: 693.4 m
With 100% Crew: 782.2 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 900 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 825 m
Maximum possible: 1125.9 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment



750 m 

With 50% Crew: 605.4 m
With 75% Crew: 693.4 m
With 100% Crew: 782.2 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 900 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 825 m
Maximum possible: 1125.9 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment
Werte sind Stock - klick für Top
Bat.-Châtillon 25 t

Additional Statistics
(Top Configuration)




Der Bat.-Châtillon 25 t ist ein französicher mittlerer Panzer der Stufe 10.

Ein mittlerer Panzer mit einem Wiegeturm und einem 90-mm-Geschütz. Mitte der 1950er von Batignolles-Châtillon entwickelt. Zwei Prototypen wurden gebaut. Der Panzer wurde weder in Produktion gegeben noch eingesetzt.

Built by Société Batignolles-Châtillon à Nantes, the Batignolles-Châtillon 25t, often known in-game as the "Batmobile" or "Batchat", lives up to its reputation as one of the game's best assassin tanks, fit for many roles which include but are not limited to Scout, Sniper (when using the 100 mm SA 47 gun), Flanker, Brawler and Artillery hunter, with a high mobility and powerful gun it's capable of devastating any tank that it encounters.

Keep in mind that once your shell drum is depleted (5 or 6 shells, depending on the gun), the gruesome reloading time will make you a very easy prey, and the very thin armor will not save you from any kind of shell as it relies on its mobility as a sort of protection. It also has rather poor aim time so you need to get close while moving or stay hidden to fully utilize its awesome cannon. While it can hold ground on its own, it is best used on high-risk high-gain encounters in the mid-late part of the round, preferably with another medium tank as support.

Der Bat.-Châtillon 25 t markiert das Ende seiner Linie französicher mittlerer Panzer.

Module / Verfügbare Zubehörteile und Verbrauchsgegenstände




Stufe Geschütz Durchschlag

VII 90 mm F3 170/248/45 240/240/320 10.25 0.38 2.3 2200 87000
VIII 100 mm SA47 232/263/50 300/300/400 7.25 0.36 2.5 3000 127550
X 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) 259/330/53 390/390/480 5.89 0.38 2.7 3000 325000



Stufe Motor Leistung

X Hispano-Suiza HS 110 720 10 1426 94250



Stufe Ketten Höchstgewicht
Rmin Gewicht

X Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t 28 42 0 4100 68200



Stufe Funkgerät Funkreichweite

X SCR 528F 750 80 54000

Verfügbare Zubehörteile

Geräuscharmes Abgassystem, Klasse 1 Vertikaler Stabilisator, Klasse 1 Mittlere Splitterschutzbeschichtung Tarnnetz, Klasse 2 Entspiegelte Optik, Klasse 1 Sichtsystem des Kommandanten Stabilisierungssystem Experimentelle Optik Verschleißfester Richtantrieb Verbesserte Konfiguration Lüftungssystem Verbesserter Waffenrichtantrieb, Klasse 1 Verbesserte Härtung, Klasse 2 Zusätzliche Laufpolster, Klasse 1 Veränderte Konfiguration, Klasse 1 Verbessertes Funkgerät Verbesserter Drehmechanismus, Klasse 1 Verbesserte Zielführung, Klasse 1 Verbesserte Lüftung, Klasse 2 Scherenfernrohr, Klasse 1 Turbolader, Klasse 1 

Verfügbare Verbrauchsgegenstände

Stabilisatorschmierung Automatisches Feuerlöschsystem Natürliche Deckung Kalibrierte Optik Visierfeinabgleich Erfahrene Brandbekämpfer Handfeuerlöscher Starker Kaffee Penible Wartung Lüftungsreinigung Großer Erste-Hilfe-Kasten Große Ersatzteilkiste Die Pflicht zuerst Granatensortierer Aufs Ziel fokussiert Volle Konzentration Kleiner Erste-Hilfe-Kasten Kleine Ersatzteilkiste Kunstvolles Schalten Schnappschuss Kampflinie 

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • High burst damage
  • Amazing acceleration and top speed
  • Low profile and excellent camouflage.
  • Has great penetration on shells.


  • Poor armor, bounces are very rare.
  • Slow drum reload time; low ammo stock.
  • Low weight, prone to ramming damage.
  • Low HP.
  • Long aiming time and low accuracy


The Batchat is unique as it is capable of delivering incredible burst damage with its 105 mm gun, combined with high speed. With this gun the tank can, on average, deliver 1950 hp damage in less than 14 seconds. Putting this firepower to use, though, requires a skilled player; as while the Bat may be capable of doing immense damage, it is not very capable of taking it. It has the lowest HP of any tier X tank, and its armor is virtually nonexistent. It can survive two or three hits on average. Another thing to note is that the Batchat is the lightest tier X weighing in at only 25 tons, so avoid ramming enemies. Its standard ammunition is APCR for the top gun.

Like other autoloaders, the batchat is a favorite target due to its combination of high burst damage and soft armor. A batchat should use its combination of speed burst to find vulnerable opponents and avoid unfavorable encounters. Skilled opponents are able to count the number of shots a Batchat has fired in close engagements, so it is important to reload whenever the opportunity presents itself and have an escape route planned at all times.

The Batchat really comes into its own during the mid-game and late-game, especially if it still has a substantial amount of hitpoints left. By this stage, enemy positions should be known and many tanks will already have taken damage and have spread out across the map. The Bat excels in "pouncing" on these lone and/or wounded enemy tanks, since it has both the speed to chase them down and the firepower to finish them off before they can do much in return. These qualities are also very useful when using the Bat as an artillery hunter: even the artillery piece based on this tank cannot outrun it forever and one drum contains enough firepower to finish off two tier X artillery pieces, or even more lower tier ones. The fun doesn't last forever, though: the Batchat only carries 30 rounds of ammunition and they can run out quickly if you let them go to waste by missing or bouncing shots. Like all other autoloader tanks, it is absolutely critical to make every shot count.

Suggested Equipment

Improved VentilationCoated Optics Vertical Stabilizer Enhanced Gun Laying Drive 

External Reviews and Opinions


Historical Info

Batignolles-Chatillon 25t a prototype that almost revived the concept of modern medium tank

In the beginning of the fifties, development of the very effective HEAT ammunition which basically negated the (homogeneous steel) armor of existing heavy tanks, for the moment revived the idea of medium tanks. Batignolles-Châtillon, renowned manufacturer of railway cars and locomotives, started the development of a new medium tank that eventually evolved into an “as light as possible” main battle tank concept. Batignolles-Châtillon's Char 25t had a very flat hull, with 80 mm of highly sloped front armor, hydraulic suspension with six wheels and a oscillating tower.

Oscillating Turret

The oscillating turret design, lacking a conventional gun-mantlet, is in two separate parts, with an upper and lower part connected by two hinge bolts or pivots, the gun being fixed within the upper section. The horizontal movement of the gun (traversing) is conventional, but the vertical movement (elevation) is achieved through the pivoting of the entire upper section with respect to the lower section. This method of elevation has two main advantages. Firstly, it allows for a smaller turret volume, as no internal space is needed for the vertical movement of the gun breech. Secondly, it allows the use of a relatively simple auto-loader fed by multi-round magazines,
Batignolles-Châtillon 25t close up of the oscillating turret
achieving a very high rate of fire as the gun's position was fixed with respect to the auto-loader located in the back of the upper turret in a protruding bustle. The oscillating turret was a very fashionable concept in the fifties, and also applied in some American projects, such as the T57 and T58. Only the French, however, produced operational systems.

Armament And Other Design Features

Main armament consisted of a powerful 90 mm gun, with initial muzzle velocity of 930 m/s. As a secondary armament, the Char 25t had a single 7,5 mm machine gun. With very compact dimensions of only 5.67m in length, 3.16m in width, and 2.37m in height, mass of the vehicle stayed below 25 tones. With such a low weight, the Char 25t could achieve a very high top speed of 65 km/h. The crew consisted of four; a commander and gunner placed in the turret, while the driver and radio operator were placed in the hull.

Batignolles-Châtillon 25t at depot in Saumur tank museum (France) awaiting restoration


Batignolles-Châtillon Char 25t lost the competition for the next French main battle tank in favor of the AMX 30, mainly because of an unreliable and maintenance intensive hydraulic suspension, as well as fading interest in the oscillating turret concept. It was relatively tall (compared to its size) and it was very difficult to make it gas tight. In the era of cold war with a high risk of nuclear and chemical warfare, this was considered a major flaw. However, some of the technology was used in later vehicles.

Two prototypes were built.

Historische Galerie

Historical Accuracy Errata

The following are consensus errors or inconsistencies which have been identified with the configuration of the vehicle in question and conflict with information available on the public record. The causes for these divergences in the game are normally not disclosed and may be rooted in game balance.

The 25T's only primary armament is the 90 mm F3 gun, which the surviving prototype still carries today. Also, the tank was intended to have a crew of four, of whom the radio operator is currently missing.
  • Overall, I really recommend this tank.

Sources and External Links

Light Tanks IRenault FT IID1 IIAM 39 Gendron-Somua IIAMR 35 IIFCM 36 IIRenault R35 IIHotchkiss H35 IIIAMX 38 IVAMX 40 VAMX ELC bis VIAMX 12 t VIPanhard AMD 178B VIIAMX 13 75 VIIHotchkiss EBR VIIAMX 13 57 VIIAMX 13 57 GF VIIIPanhard EBR 75 (FL 10) VIIIPanhard AML Lynx 6x6 VIIIBat.-Châtillon 12 t VIIIELC EVEN 90 IXAMX 13 90 IXPanhard EBR 90 XPanhard EBR 105 XAMX 13 105
Medium Tanks IIID2 IIISomua S35 IVSARL 42 VRenault G1 VIBretagne Panther VIM4A1 FL 10 VIIIBat.-Châtillon Bourrasque VIIIAltProto AMX 30 VIIILorraine 40 t VIIIAMX Chasseur de chars VIIIM4A1 Revalorisé IXAMX 30 1er prototype IXChar Futur 4 IXBat.-Châtillon 25 t AP XBat.-Châtillon 25 t XAMX 30 B
Heavy Tanks IVB1 VBDR G1 B VIARL 44 VIIAMX M4 mle. 45 VIIIAMX 50 100 VIIIAMX M4 mle. 49 VIIIAMX M4 mle. 49 Liberté VIIIAMX 65 t VIIISomua SM VIIIFCM 50 t IXAMX 50 120 IXLorraine 50 t IXAMX M4 mle. 51 XAMX 50 B XAMX M4 mle. 54
Tank Destroyers IIRenault FT AC IIIFCM 36 Pak 40 IIIRenault UE 57 IVSomua SAu 40 VM10 RBFM VS35 CA VIARL V39 VIIAMX AC mle. 46 VIIIAMX AC mle. 48 VIIIAMX Canon d'assaut 105 IXAMX 50 Foch XAMX 50 Foch (155) XAMX 50 Foch B
Self-Propelled Artillery IIRenault FT 75 BS IIILorraine 39L AM IVAMX 105 AM mle. 47 VAMX 13 105 AM mle. 50 V105 leFH18B2 VIAMX 13 F3 AM VIILorraine 155 mle. 50 VIIILorraine 155 mle. 51 IXBat.-Châtillon 155 55 XBat.-Châtillon 155 58
Mittlere Panzer
USA IIT2 Medium Tank IIIConvert. Medium Tank T3 IIIM2 Medium Tank IVT6 Medium IVM3 Lee VM4 Improved VM4A2E4 Sherman VM4A1 Sherman VRam II VIM4A3E8 Fury VIM4A3E8 Thunderbolt VII VIM4A3E8 Sherman VIM4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo VIIT26E3 Eagle 7 VIIT20 VIIT23E3 VIIIT25 Pilot Number 1 VIIITL-1 LPC VIIIT42 VIIIASTRON Rex 105 mm VIIIAMBT VIIIM46 Patton KR VIIIM26 Pershing VIIIT26E4 SuperPershing VIIIT69 VIIIT95E2 IXM46 Patton XM48A5 Patton XM60 XT95E6
UK IVickers Medium Mk. I IIVickers Medium Mk. II IIIVickers Medium Mk. III IVMatilda IVMatilda LVT IVGrant IVAC 1 Sentinel VCavalier VValiant VSherman III VMatilda Black Prince VISherman Firefly VICromwell VIAC 4 Experimental VICromwell B VISherman VC Firefly VIIComet VIIICenturion Mk. I VIIIFV4202 VIIIChieftain/T95 VIIICenturion Mk. 5/1 RAAC VIIIChimera IXCobra IXCenturion Mk. 7/1 XCenturion Action X
Germany IIIGroßtraktor - Krupp IIIPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A IIIPz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) IVPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J IVPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D IVVK 20.01 (D) VPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. K VTurán III prototípus VPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H Ankou VPz.Kpfw. III/IV VPz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat. VPz.Kpfw. V/IV VPz.Kpfw. V/IV Alpha VPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H VPz.Kpfw. T 25 VVK 30.01 (H) VIPz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm VIVK 30.01 (D) VIVK 30.02 (M) VIIPanther/M10 VIIPanther VIIVK 30.02 (D) VIIIPanther mit 8,8 cm L/71 VIIIPanzer 58 VIIISchwarzpanzer 58 VIIIPanzer 58 Mutz VIIIM48A2 Räumpanzer VIIIKampfpanzer 07 RH VIIIIndien-Panzer VIIIPanther II IXE 50 IXT 55A IXKampfpanzer 50 t IXKunze Panzer IXLeopard Prototyp A XE 50 Ausf. M XLeopard 1
France IIID2 IIISomua S35 IVSARL 42 VRenault G1 VIBretagne Panther VIM4A1 FL 10 VIIIBat.-Châtillon Bourrasque VIIIAltProto AMX 30 VIIILorraine 40 t VIIIAMX Chasseur de chars VIIIM4A1 Revalorisé IXAMX 30 1er prototype IXChar Futur 4 IXBat.-Châtillon 25 t AP XBat.-Châtillon 25 t XAMX 30 B
USSR IIIT-29 IVA-32 IVT-28E mit F-30 IVT-34 mit L-11 IVT-28 VMatilda IV VT-34 geschützt VM4-85 VT-34 VIA-43 VIT-34-85M VIT-34-85 Rudy VILozas M4-A2 Sherman VIT-34-85 VIIA-44 VIIKV-13 VIIT-43 VIIT-44-122 VIIIObjekt 416 VIIIT-54 Erster Prototyp VIIIT-44-100 Igrovoy VIIIT-44-100 (R) VIIISTG VIIISTG Garde VIIIObjekt 274a VIIIT-44 IXObjekt 430 Version II IXObjekt 430 IXT-54 XObjekt 140 XObjekt 907 XT-22 medium XK-91 XObjekt 430U XT-62A
China VType T-34 VIType 58 VIIT-34-1 VIIIType 59 VIIIT-34-2 VIIIT-34-3 VIII59-Patton VIII122 TM VIIIType 59 G IXWZ-120 X121 X121B
Japan IIChi-Ni IIType 89 I-Go/Chi-Ro IVType 1 Chi-He VType 3 Chi-Nu VType 3 Chi-Nu Kai VIType 4 Chi-To VIIType 5 Chi-Ri VIIISTA-1 VIIISTA-2 IXType 61 XSTB-1
Czechoslovakia IVST vz. 39 VŠkoda T 24 VIŠkoda T 40 VIŠkoda T 25 VIIKonštrukta T-34/100 VIIITVP VTU Koncept VIIIŠkoda T 27 IXŠkoda T 50 XTVP T 50/51
Sweden IVLago VStrv m/42 VIStrv m/42-57 Alt A.2 VIStrv 74 VIILeo VIIIStrv 81 VIIIPrimo Victoria VIIILansen C VIIIUDES 14 Alt 5 IXUDES 16 XUDES 15/16
Poland V25TP KSUST II VDS PZInż VIPudel VI40TP Habicha VIT-34-85 Rudy VIB.U.G.I. VIICS-44 VIIICS-52 LIS VIIICS-53 IXCS-59 XCS-63
Italy IIM14/41 IIIM15/42 IVP26/40 VP.43 VIP.43 bis VIIP.43 ter VIIIProgetto M35 mod. 46 VIIIP.44 Pantera IXPrototipo Standard B XProgetto M40 mod. 65 XCarro da Combattimento 45 t