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Encouraçado | E.U.A. | Tier IX
Posição na Árvore Tecnológica
Preço de Comprapromo Dobrões
Pontos de Energia84 300 
Bateria Principal
406 mm/45 Mk.6 em uma torreta4 х 3 pçs.
Taxa de Fogo1.67 tiros/min.
Tempo de Recarga36 seg.
Velocidade de Rotaçãograus/seg.
Tempo para Virar 180 Graus45 sec.
Distância Máxima19.57 km.
Dispersão Máxima255 m.
Projétil HE406 mm HE/HC Mk13 
Dano Máximo do Projétil HE5 700 
Chance de Incendiar com HE36 %
Velocidade Inicial do Projétil HE820 m/s
Peso do Projétil HE862 kg.
Projétil AP406 mm AP Mk8 
Dano Máximo do Projétil AP13 100 
Velocidade Inicial do Projétil AP701 m/s
Peso do Projétil AP1225 kg.
Armamento Secundário #1
127 mm/38 Mk.12 em uma torreta Mk.3214 х 2 pçs.
Distância Máxima6.95 km.
Taxa de Fogo10 tiros/min.
Tempo de Recargaseg.
Projétil HE127 mm HE Mk32 
Dano Máximo do Projétil HE1 800 
Velocidade inicial do Projétil HE792 m/s
Chance de Incendiar com HE%
Defesa Antiaérea (AA)
127 mm/38 Mk.12 em uma torreta Mk.3214 х 2 pcs.
. . . Dano Médio por Segundo211.4 
. . . Distância Máxima5.01 km.
40 mm/56 Bofors em uma torreta Mk.210 х 4 pcs.
. . . Dano Médio por Segundo159 
. . . Distância Máxima3.51 km.
20 mm Oerlikon em uma torreta Mk.420 х 1 pcs.
. . . Dano Médio por Segundo72 
. . . Distância Máxima2.01 km.
Velocidade Máxima30 nós
Raio da curva1 050 m.
Tempo de virada do leme18.4 seg.
Distância de detecção em Superfície16.41 km.
Distância de detecção no Ar14.02 km.
Níveis de Batalha

Kearsarge — Encouraçado Americano Promo Premium Tier IX.

The unique project of a powerful battleship aircraft carrier that was developed in the United States in the second half of the 1930s (Project 1058.1).

Kearsarge was first released for sale on 21 Oct 2021.


NA Taxa de Disparo
Tempo de Virada de 180º
Dispersão Máxima
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
406 mm/45 Mk.6 em uma torreta1,7452555 7003613 100 00
Casco Pontos de Energia
Torres Principais
Torres Secundárias de Canhões
AA Montadas
Tubos de Torpedos
Hangar Capacity
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Kearsarge84 3001940641410/20/14 00
Sistema de Controle de Fogo Aumento no Alcance de Disparo
Maximum Firing Range
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Mk9 mod. 1019,6 00
Aeronaves de Ataque Velocidade
Dano Médio por Segundo
CarregamentoPontos de Energia
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
F8F Bearcat176001 840 00
Motor Velocidade Máxima
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Propulsão: 300.000 hp30 00

Atualizações Compatíveis

 Slot 1  Modificação dos Armamentos Principais 1 Modificação dos Armamentos Auxiliares 1 Modificação do Paiol 1 Modificação do Grupo de Controle de Dano 1
 Slot 2  Modificação do Sistema de Controle de Danos 1 Proteção da Casa das Máquinas
 Slot 3  Modificação da Bateria Principal 2 Modificação da Bateria Secundária 1 Modificação dos Canhões AA 1 Modificação 1 da Sala de Plotagem da Artilharia
 Slot 4  Modificação do Sistema de Controle de Danos 2 Modificação de Propulsão 1 Modificação da Caixa de Direção 1 Modificação dos Grupos Aéreos 3
 Slot 5  Sistema de Vigilância de Torpedos Modificação do Sistema de Ocultamento 1 Modificação dos Consumíveis do Navio 1
 Slot 6  Modificação da Bateria Principal 3 Modificação 2 da Sala de Plotagem da Artilharia Modificação dos Armamentos Auxiliares 2

Opinião dos Jogadores


Warning. The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.

Being released just prior to Halloween is fitting for this ship. The Tier IX hybrid battleship Kearsarge appears at a glance to be a frankensteined Montana, North Carolina, Bogue, and Midway. She is armed with the traditional heavy guns of a battleship yet also brings a squadron of attack aircraft to the fight. While her ungainly appearance may be off-putting to some, she may just surprise those willing to take the helm.

The Ship

Kearsarge's armored belt consists of a lower belt with 254mm thickness, a middle section with 330mm thickness and an upper belt at only 38mm thick. Her bow and stern at 32mm thick are in theory capable of bouncing 16-inch shells but it most likely will not feel that way in battle. With her large flight deck that occupies most of amidships, she takes a lot of damage to this area. As of this writing it does NOT saturate.[1] so enemy captains capable of hitting this massive area with little to no difficulty can farm damage at will. At 84,300 health points she has the largest health pool of the Tier IX American battleships which does help to offset this, but she also has the worst torpedo damage reduction at just 24%. As a result, she will not hold up in a one on one fight and captains will find themselves in trouble quickly if they are too aggressive.

Kearsarge has some of the worst maneuverability of Tier IX American battleships. Her speed at 30 knots base is okay. But she is sluggish with a 1050m turning circle radius — worse than the larger Tier X American battleships — and a rudder shift time of 18.4 seconds. Captains will struggle to respond quickly to emergency situations. Her base surface detection is 16.9km (14km from the air) so she isn’t exactly a subtle ship. Together with her armor profile, this suggests more of a support ship staying at range where she can better respond to situations and decrease the chance that she is shot at.


Kearsarge is armed with twelve 406mm/45 mk.6 rifles in four triple turrets. These are the same guns found on her lower tiered sister North Carolina, with a few differences. With two turrets forward and two back she boasts surprisingly good firing angles considering the large flight deck amidships. Captains can bring all of her guns to bear while showing a surprisingly small amount of her side to the enemy. While on paper Kearsarge has better stated dispersion than her lower tiered sister it is because she has a shorter range at just 19.6km. [2] She does have access to Artillery Plotting Room Module 2 to extend her range. Combining typical USN accuracy with a potential broadside of 157,200 damage she can pack a heavy punch against broadside battleships and especially enemy cruisers.

Kearsarge boasts a potentially stronger secondary battery with fourteen dual-purpose 127mm guns per side per side — eight more 5" rifles than any other USN battleship. With a base reload of 6 seconds (slower than those on other USN BBs) and a base range of 7km, these guns should discourage an opponent from approaching too closely. But, considering the DPM is not as high as might be expected, and how large and sluggish she is, Secondaries is not a recommended build.

In terms of AA, she bristles with weaponry, bringing twenty 20mms, forty 40mm barrels, and her twenty-eight 5" rifles to the party. The majority of her damage is done at medium to long range or 3.5–5.8km. Planes approaching her will have a hard time living through the storm of flak before being able to drop their ordnance.

A hybrid battleship is distinguished by its aviation arm. Kearsarge launches a flight of five F8F Bearcats each armed with three Tiny Tim rockets. As with the Russian carriers, all planes in the flight attack at the same time so each launch is one and done. Tiny Tim rockets are very dangerous to an enemy ship, with a 33% chance of causing a fire, a solid 68mm of penetration, and 5400 damage each. Unlike an aircraft carrier the captain does not need to worry about running out of planes. The two minute ready timer starts at each launch and another flight is ready as soon as it expires.

Although capable of significant damage, don't focus on the air group as the main source of damage throughout the battle. In some situations it may best be deployed to spot. In the meantime, don't neglect the potential of Kearsarge's powerful main battery.

Game Play

This is not a forgiving ship if played overly aggressively. She is simply too large and sluggish to get herself out of danger. Captains would be advised to play her as a mid range support ship from 12-15kms out to make the most out of her guns and planes. Early game, a Kearsarge captain should try to preserve health and keep an eye on the map to position the ship to flank targets or use their planes to spot. Having preserved health, captains can afford to be more aggressive towards the later half of the battle. By this stage enemy ships should have reduced health and damaged AA suites, making it easier to strike them. The captain might be a little devious if they work with a friendly carrier or another Kearsarge to stagger their attacks to take advantage of enemies who burn their damage control party to put ‘permanent’ floods or fires on them. Captains should be careful of the autopilot mode. It is well known that sometimes the autopilot has a mind of its own.


  • Large health pool for the tier.
  • Good reload for the weight of her broadside.
  • Has access to attack aircraft.
  • Can provide invaluable spotting.


  • Flight deck does not saturate, allowing for consistent damage for the enemy.
  • Sluggish rudder shift time and large turning circle.
  • Has neither the Catapult Fighters of many large surface ships, nor the CAP Fighters of aircraft carriers.
  • Large, ungainly profile makes her an easy target to hit.


As a premium ship, Kearsarge has no module upgrades to research.

Melhor Configuração

The default recommendation is for a standard USN battleship build.


Recommended upgrades:

Habilidades de Comandante

Favor fire prevention/mitigation and concealment. She has little need of Attack skills.

Predefinição:Commander Skills 3 BB


Kearsarge equips:


Kearsarge comes with permanent Type 10 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, reduces her service cost, and doubles the amount of experience she earns.



Informações Históricas

Galeria Histórica



Predefinição:WoWS Ship Changelog Insert

Navios dos E.U.A.

 II Sampson • II SmithDobrões • III Wickes • IV Clemson • V Nicholas • V HillDobrões • VI Farragut • VI MonaghanDobrões • VII Mahan • VII SimsDobrões • VII Sims BDobrões • VIII Benson • VIII KiddDobrões • IX Fletcher • IX BenhamDobrões • IX BlackDobrões • X Gearing • X SomersDobrões • X Forrest Sherman •  Joshua Humphreys 


 I Erie • II Chester • II AlbanyDobrões • III St. Louis • III CharlestonDobrões • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V MarbleheadDobrões • V Marblehead LimaDobrões • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII AtlantaDobrões • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII IndianapolisDobrões • VII Atlanta BDobrões • VII BoiseDobrões • VII FlintDobrões • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII WichitaDobrões • VIII AnchorageDobrões • VIII CongressDobrões • VIII RochesterDobrões • VIII San DiegoDobrões • VIII AL MontpelierDobrões • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX Vallejo • IX AlaskaDobrões • IX TulsaDobrões • IX Alaska BDobrões • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto Rico • X SalemDobrões • X Austin •  Annapolis 


 III South Carolina • IV Wyoming • IV Arkansas BetaDobrões • V New York • V OklahomaDobrões • V TexasDobrões • VI New Mexico • VI ArizonaDobrões • VI W. Virginia 1941Dobrões • VII Colorado • VII FloridaDobrões • VII CaliforniaDobrões • VIII North Carolina • VIII Kansas • VIII Nebraska • VIII AlabamaDobrões • VIII MassachusettsDobrões • VIII Alabama VL • VIII ConstellationDobrões • VIII Massachusetts BDobrões • VIII Alabama STDobrões • IX Iowa • IX Minnesota • IX Delaware • IX MissouriDobrões • IX KearsargeDobrões • IX Illinois • IX Kearsarge BDobrões • IX GeorgiaDobrões • X Montana • X Vermont • X Louisiana • X OhioDobrões 


 IV Langley • VI Ranger • VIII Lexington • VIII EnterpriseDobrões • VIII SaipanDobrões • VIII HornetDobrões • VIII Saipan BDobrões • X Midway • X Franklin D. Roosevelt •  United States


 II MikasaDobrões • III Kawachi • IV Myōgi • IV IshizuchiDobrões • V Kongō • V ARP KongōDobrões • V ARP KirishimaDobrões • V ARP HarunaDobrões • V ARP HieiDobrões • V HSF HieiDobrões • VI Fusō • VI MutsuDobrões • VI IseDobrões • VII Nagato • VII AshitakaDobrões • VII HyūgaDobrões • VIII Amagi • VIII KiiDobrões • VIII Ignis PurgatioDobrões • VIII RagnarokDobrões • IX Izumo • IX MusashiDobrões • IX HizenDobrões • IX IwamiDobrões • IX Daisen • X Yamato • X Shikishima • X ARP Yamato •  Satsuma 


 III South Carolina • IV Wyoming • IV Arkansas BetaDobrões • V New York • V OklahomaDobrões • V TexasDobrões • VI New Mexico • VI ArizonaDobrões • VI W. Virginia 1941Dobrões • VII Colorado • VII FloridaDobrões • VII CaliforniaDobrões • VIII North Carolina • VIII Kansas • VIII Nebraska • VIII AlabamaDobrões • VIII MassachusettsDobrões • VIII Alabama VL • VIII ConstellationDobrões • VIII Massachusetts BDobrões • VIII Alabama STDobrões • IX Iowa • IX Minnesota • IX Delaware • IX MissouriDobrões • IX KearsargeDobrões • IX Illinois • IX Kearsarge BDobrões • IX GeorgiaDobrões • X Montana • X Vermont • X Louisiana • X OhioDobrões 


 IX BajieDobrões • IX WujingDobrões • IX Sun Yat-SenDobrões 


 III Nassau • III Von der Tann • III König AlbertDobrões • IV Kaiser • IV Moltke • V König • V Derfflinger • VI Bayern • VI Mackensen • VI Prinz Eitel FriedrichDobrões • VII Gneisenau • VII Prinz Heinrich • VII ScharnhorstDobrões • VII Scharnhorst BDobrões • VIII TirpitzDobrões • VIII Bismarck • VIII Zieten • VIII OdinDobrões • VIII BrandenburgDobrões • VIII AnhaltDobrões • VIII Tirpitz BDobrões • IX Friedrich der Grosse • IX Prinz Rupprecht • IX PommernDobrões • IX Pommern BDobrões • X Grosser Kurfürst • X Schlieffen • X Preussen • X Mecklenburg •  Hannover 


 V Viribus UnitisDobrões 


 III Knyaz Suvorov • IV Imperator Nikolai IDobrões • IV Gangut • V Pyotr Velikiy • V Oktyabrskaya RevolutsiyaDobrões • VI Izmail • VI NovorossiyskDobrões • VII Sinop • VII PoltavaDobrões • VIII Vladivostok • VIII LeninDobrões • VIII BorodinoDobrões • VIII V. I. Lenin • IX Sovetsky Soyuz • IX AL Sov. RossiyaDobrões • X Kremlin • X Slava •  Almirante Ushakov 

Reino Unido

 III Bellerophon • III Indefatigable • III DreadnoughtDobrões • IV Orion • IV Queen Mary • V Iron Duke • V Tiger • V AgincourtDobrões • VI WarspiteDobrões • VI Queen Elizabeth • VI Renown • VI RepulseDobrões • VII King George V • VII Rooke • VII HoodDobrões • VII NelsonDobrões • VII Duke of YorkDobrões • VII CollingwoodDobrões • VII Renown '44Dobrões • VIII Monarch • VIII Hawke • VIII VanguardDobrões • IX Lion • IX Duncan • IX MarlboroughDobrões • X Conqueror • X St. Vincent • X ThundererDobrões • X Incomparable 


 IV Dante Alighieri • V Conte di Cavour • V Giulio CesareDobrões • VI Andrea Doria • VII Francesco Caracciolo • VIII Vittorio Veneto • VIII RomaDobrões • VIII AL LittorioDobrões • IX Lepanto • IX Marco PoloDobrões • IX Giuseppe VerdiDobrões • X Cristoforo Colombo 

Os Países Baixos  

 III Turenne • IV Courbet • V Bretagne • VI Normandie • VI DunkerqueDobrões • VI Dunkerque BDobrões • VII Lyon • VII StrasbourgDobrões • VIII Richelieu • VIII GascogneDobrões • VIII ChampagneDobrões • VIII FlandreDobrões • IX Alsace • IX Jean BartDobrões • IX Jean Bart BDobrões • X République • X BourgogneDobrões •  Patrie 

Comunidade das Nações

 VII YukonDobrões 


 V Rio de JaneiroDobrões • VIII AtlânticoDobrões