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Cruzador | E.U.A. | Tier VIII
Posição na Árvore Tecnológica
Preço de Comprapromo Dobrões
Pontos de Energia51 150 
Bateria Principal
305 mm/50 Mk.8 em uma torre2 х 2 / 1 х 3 pçs.
Taxa de Fogo2.73 tiros/min.
Tempo de Recarga22 seg.
Velocidade de Rotaçãograus/seg.
Tempo para Virar 180 Graus30 sec.
Distância Máxima17.5 km.
Dispersão Máxima195 m.
Projétil HE305 mm HE Mk17 mod. 1 
Dano Máximo do Projétil HE4 300 
Chance de Incendiar com HE27 %
Velocidade Inicial do Projétil HE808 m/s
Peso do Projétil HE462.3 kg.
Projétil AP305 mm AP Mk18 mod. 1 
Dano Máximo do Projétil AP8 900 
Velocidade Inicial do Projétil AP762 m/s
Peso do Projétil AP517 kg.
Armamento Secundário #1
127 mm/38 Mk.12 em uma torreta Mk.326 х 2 pçs.
Distância Máxima6.6 km.
Taxa de Fogo10 tiros/min.
Tempo de Recargaseg.
Projétil HE127 mm HE Mk32 
Dano Máximo do Projétil HE1 800 
Velocidade inicial do Projétil HE792 m/s
Chance de Incendiar com HE%
Defesa Antiaérea (AA)
127 mm/38 Mk.12 em uma torreta Mk.326 х 2 pcs.
. . . Dano Médio por Segundo90.6 
. . . Distância Máxima5.01 km.
40 mm/56 Bofors em uma torreta Mk.114 х 2 pcs.
. . . Dano Médio por Segundo158.2 
. . . Distância Máxima3.51 km.
20 mm Oerlikon em uma torreta Mk.420 х 1 pcs.
. . . Dano Médio por Segundo72 
. . . Distância Máxima2.01 km.
Velocidade Máxima33 nós
Raio da curva850 m.
Tempo de virada do leme13 seg.
Distância de detecção em Superfície15.04 km.
Distância de detecção no Ar9.72 km.
Níveis de Batalha

Congress — Cruzador Americano Promo Premium Tier VIII.

American promo premium Tier VIII cruiser.
A variant of the "large cruiser" project with seven 305 mm guns as her main battery. She was similar to the Alaska-class ships in terms of her other characteristics.

Congress was first released on 05 Aug 2021.


NA Taxa de Disparo
Tempo de Virada de 180º
Dispersão Máxima
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
305 mm/50 Mk.8 em uma torre2,7301954 300278 900 00
Casco Pontos de Energia
Torres Principais
Torres Secundárias de Canhões
AA Montadas
Tubos de Torpedos
Hangar Capacity
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Congress51 150163251/2614/20/6 00
Sistema de Controle de Fogo Aumento no Alcance de Disparo
Maximum Firing Range
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Mk8 mod. 1017,5 00
Motor Velocidade Máxima
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Propulsão: 180.000 hp33 00

Atualizações Compatíveis

 Slot 1  Modificação dos Armamentos Principais 1 Modificação dos Armamentos Auxiliares 1 Modificação do Paiol 1 Modificação da Detecção de Aeronave 1 Modificação do Grupo de Controle de Dano 1
 Slot 2  Modificação do Sistema de Controle de Danos 1 Modificação do Disparo AA Defensivo 1 Modificação da Busca Hidroacústica 1 Modificação do Radar de Vigilância 1 Proteção da Casa das Máquinas
 Slot 3  Modificação da Bateria Principal 2 Modificação da Bateria Secundária 1 Modificação dos Canhões AA 1 Modificação dos Sistemas de Mira 1
 Slot 4  Modificação do Sistema de Controle de Danos 2 Modificação de Propulsão 1 Modificação da Caixa de Direção 1 Modificação de Ataque Aéreo 1
 Slot 5  Sistema de Vigilância de Torpedos Modificação do Sistema de Ocultamento 1 Modificação da Caixa de Direção 2 Modificação dos Consumíveis do Navio 1

Opinião dos Jogadores


Warning. The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.

USS Congress is an American Tier VIII large cruiser design. Her design is based off the Tier IX premium ship USS Alaska. Like the other large cruisers in game, Congress features large caliber guns, good armor (for a cruiser), and the sixty second fire duration. Captains would not technically be wrong if they said that Congress is a down-tiered clone of Alaska but this does not paint a complete picture. While she sports the same modules as her Tier IX counterpart, including radar, there are enough differences to distinguish the ships from each other.

The hull and armor of Congress and Alaska are identical, except that Congress has fewer hit points at 51,150 compared to 60,800. Much like many of the high tier American cruisers she has 27mms of armor on her bow and stern; as well as strong deck armor. Congress benefits from having a water line citadel which helps her avoid being citadeled at close ranges. While her armor is overall decent, captains need to be mindful that she is still a cruiser.

Congress is armed with seven 305mm guns with five mounted forward and two aft. These are the same 305mm/50 mk.8 rifles found on her higher tier sister but there are several differences that will impact performance. Congress has a firing range of 17.5km compared to Alaska’s 18.97. This can be offset by using the spotter plane consumable but captains do so at the risk of reducing her air defenses. Furthermore, Tier VIII Congress does not have the option of mounting the Main Battery Mod 3 to improve reload. Thus her reload is at best 22 seconds vs. Alaska’s 17.6 seconds. Combine this with Congress having two fewer rifles means that her damage output just does not keep up with her higher tier sister. That said, these 305mm rifles do still pack a punch when they find their mark on an enemy ship.

One would expect that such a large ship would have amazing air defense but, sadly she is just middle of the pack for USN Cruisers. Sporting the standard 5 inch rifles of the USN gives her a decent range of 5.8kms but the majority of her AA damage comes from her dual mounted 40mm’s and her single mounted 20mm’s. The main drawback here is that the engagement range for these guns is 3.5km at best and aircraft do not spend much time in this range. This translates into very little engagement time and can see planes get through as a result. As part of a group is where her AA shines like most USN cruisers but alone her AA is just average.

While she can readily contribute a decent amount of damage to enemy aircraft as a group, alone she will find herself vulnerable to a determined carrier captain.

Her maneuverability is as expected. Congress is a large ship with a fairly long rudder shift time of 13 seconds. Considering her top speed of 33 knots before speed flags her turning radius of 850m is surprisingly good for her size but still not great. Further, she is the most detectable cruiser at her tier. Captains should stay at range to allow her rudder the maximum time to work so that she can reduce damage by dodging shells.

Much of Congress’s play style is based on choosing fights wisely. Although she has great armor for a cruiser and solid guns, she still can be out-damaged by equal and higher tier cruisers due to her slower rate of fire. Her armor will not stand against high-tier battleships; captains should avoid thinking that her large guns and good armor can allow her to carry such an engagement. Captains should spend the early game working with their teammates like normal but, a healthy Congress really begins to show its teeth towards the end game. Captains can use her radar early game to aid in removing destroyers and other cruisers. Furthermore, being able to preserve her health via a heal is a major boon and will help her win one on one fights later in the match. Learning when Congress can safely engage targets in duels and win is an important skill for captains looking to maximize her game play.


  • Most health of the Tier VIII cruisers
  • Hard hitting 305mm guns at Tier VIII
  • Excellent accuracy and the same improved AP angles found in same tier US cruisers on her main battery armament reinforces her role of a cruiser-killer.
  • Has access to Surveillance RadarWhile active, detects all enemy ships within the specified radius, disregarding obstacles such as smoke and terrain..


  • Long main battery reload at 22 seconds.
  • Increased fire duration (60 seconds) and vulnerability to multiple fires when under HE spam compared to other cruisers.
  • Large size and more sluggish maneuverability makes her an easier target for both enemy shells and torpedoes.


As a premium ship, Congress has no module upgrades to research.

Melhor Configuração


The recommended upgrades for Congress are:

Habilidades de Comandante

Predefinição:Commander Skills 3 CR


Congress can equip the following:


Congress comes with Type 10 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, reduces her service cost, and increases the amount of experience she earns.



Informações Históricas

Galeria Histórica


Predefinição:WoWS Ship Changelog Insert

Navios dos E.U.A.

 II Sampson • II SmithDobrões • III Wickes • IV Clemson • V Nicholas • V HillDobrões • VI Farragut • VI MonaghanDobrões • VII Mahan • VII SimsDobrões • VII Sims BDobrões • VIII Benson • VIII KiddDobrões • IX Fletcher • IX BenhamDobrões • IX BlackDobrões • X Gearing • X SomersDobrões • X Forrest Sherman •  Joshua Humphreys 


 I Erie • II Chester • II AlbanyDobrões • III St. Louis • III CharlestonDobrões • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V MarbleheadDobrões • V Marblehead LimaDobrões • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII AtlantaDobrões • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII IndianapolisDobrões • VII Atlanta BDobrões • VII BoiseDobrões • VII FlintDobrões • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII WichitaDobrões • VIII AnchorageDobrões • VIII CongressDobrões • VIII RochesterDobrões • VIII San DiegoDobrões • VIII AL MontpelierDobrões • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX Vallejo • IX AlaskaDobrões • IX TulsaDobrões • IX Alaska BDobrões • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto Rico • X SalemDobrões • X Austin •  Annapolis 


 III South Carolina • IV Wyoming • IV Arkansas BetaDobrões • V New York • V OklahomaDobrões • V TexasDobrões • VI New Mexico • VI ArizonaDobrões • VI W. Virginia 1941Dobrões • VII Colorado • VII FloridaDobrões • VII CaliforniaDobrões • VIII North Carolina • VIII Kansas • VIII Nebraska • VIII AlabamaDobrões • VIII MassachusettsDobrões • VIII Alabama VL • VIII ConstellationDobrões • VIII Massachusetts BDobrões • VIII Alabama STDobrões • IX Iowa • IX Minnesota • IX Delaware • IX MissouriDobrões • IX KearsargeDobrões • IX Illinois • IX Kearsarge BDobrões • IX GeorgiaDobrões • X Montana • X Vermont • X Louisiana • X OhioDobrões 


 IV Langley • VI Ranger • VIII Lexington • VIII EnterpriseDobrões • VIII SaipanDobrões • VIII HornetDobrões • VIII Saipan BDobrões • X Midway • X Franklin D. Roosevelt •  United States


 I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III KatoriDobrões • IV YūbariDobrões • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki AlphaDobrões • V Furutaka • V Agano • V YahagiDobrões • VI Aoba • VI Gokase • VII Myōkō • VII Omono • VII TokachiDobrões • VII MayaDobrões • VII ARP MyōkōDobrões • VII ARP AshigaraDobrões • VII ARP HaguroDobrões • VII Southern DragonDobrões • VII Eastern DragonDobrões • VII ARP NachiDobrões • VIII Mogami • VIII ToneDobrões • VIII AtagoDobrões • VIII Shimanto • VIII Atago BDobrões • VIII ARP TakaoDobrões • VIII ARP MayaDobrões • IX Ibuki • IX Takahashi • IX AzumaDobrões • IX AL AzumaDobrões • X Zaō • X Yodo • X YoshinoDobrões • X Yoshino B • X Kitakami 


 I Erie • II Chester • II AlbanyDobrões • III St. Louis • III CharlestonDobrões • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V MarbleheadDobrões • V Marblehead LimaDobrões • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII AtlantaDobrões • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII IndianapolisDobrões • VII Atlanta BDobrões • VII BoiseDobrões • VII FlintDobrões • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII WichitaDobrões • VIII AnchorageDobrões • VIII CongressDobrões • VIII RochesterDobrões • VIII San DiegoDobrões • VIII AL MontpelierDobrões • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX Vallejo • IX AlaskaDobrões • IX TulsaDobrões • IX Alaska BDobrões • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto Rico • X SalemDobrões • X Austin •  Annapolis 


 I Chengan • III Ning HaiDobrões • V Chungking • VI Rahmat • VI HuangheDobrões • VII Chumphon • VIII Harbin • VIII IrianDobrões • VIII WukongDobrões • IX Sejong • IX DalianDobrões • X Jinan 


 I Hermelin • II Dresden • II EmdenDobrões • III Kolberg • IV Karlsruhe • V Königsberg • VI Nürnberg • VI Admiral Graf SpeeDobrões • VI Leipzig • VI HSF Admiral Graf SpeeDobrões • VII Yorck • VII MünchenDobrões • VII WeimarDobrões • VIII Admiral Hipper • VIII Prinz EugenDobrões • VIII MainzDobrões • VIII Mainz BDobrões • VIII Cross of DornDobrões • IX Roon • IX Siegfried • IX Ägir • IX Admiral SchröderDobrões • X Hindenburg •  Clausewitz 


 I Gryf 


 I Orlan • II DianaDobrões • II Diana LimaDobrões • II Novik • III AuroraDobrões • III Bogatyr • III OlegDobrões • III VaryagDobrões • III AL AvroraDobrões • IV Svietlana • V MurmanskDobrões • V Kotovsky • V Krasny KrymDobrões • V MikoyanDobrões • V KirovDobrões • VI Budyonny • VI MolotovDobrões • VI Admiral MakarovDobrões • VII Shchors • VII LazoDobrões • VIII Chapayev • VIII Tallinn • VIII Mikhail KutuzovDobrões • VIII OchakovDobrões • VIII Pyotr BagrationDobrões • VIII Bagration • IX Dmitri Donskoi • IX Riga • IX KronshtadtDobrões • X Moskva • X Alexander Nevsky • X Petropavlovsk • X StalingradDobrões • X SmolenskDobrões • X Sevastopol 

Reino Unido

 I Black Swan • II Weymouth • III Caledon • IV Danae • V Emerald • V Hawkins • V ExeterDobrões • VI Leander • VI Devonshire • VI LondonDobrões • VI DidoDobrões • VII Fiji • VII Surrey • VII BelfastDobrões • VIII Edinburgh • VIII Albemarle • VIII CheshireDobrões • VIII Tiger '59Dobrões • VIII Belfast '43Dobrões • VIII HampshireDobrões • IX Neptune • IX Drake • X Minotaur • X Goliath • X Plymouth • X Gibraltar • X Monmouth •  Edgar 


 I Eritrea • II Nino Bixio • III Taranto • IV Alberto di Giussano • V Raimondo Montecuccoli • V GenovaDobrões • VI Trento • VI Duca d'AostaDobrões • VII Zara • VII Duca degli AbruzziDobrões • VII GoriziaDobrões • VIII Amalfi • IX Brindisi • X Venezia • X Napoli • X Napoli B 

Os Países Baixos

 I Van Kinsbergen • II Gelderland • III Java • IV De Ruyter • V Celebes • VI Kijkduin • VII Eendracht • VIII Haarlem • VIII De Zeven ProvinciënDobrões • IX Johan de Witt • X Gouden Leeuw 


 I Bougainville • II Jurien de la Gravière • III Friant • IV Duguay-Trouin • V Émile Bertin • VI La Galissonnière • VI De GrasseDobrões • VI DupleixDobrões • VII Algérie • VII ToulonDobrões • VIII Charles Martel • VIII Cherbourg • VIII BayardDobrões • IX Saint-Louis • IX Brest • IX CarnotDobrões • X Henri IV • X Marseille • X ColbertDobrões •  Condé 

Comunidade das Nações

 VI PerthDobrões • VI MysoreDobrões • IX HectorDobrões • X Brisbane 


 VI CanariasDobrões 


 I Hércules • II Almirante Barroso • II Almirante AbreuDobrões • III Vicente Guerrero • IV Córdoba • V La Argentina • VI Almirante Cochrane • VII Coronel Bolognesi • VII Nueve de JulioDobrões • VIII Ignacio Allende • VIII Almirante Grau • IX Santander • X San Martin