New Mexico
New Mexico
Battleship | U.S.A. | Tier VI
Tech Tree Position
Main Battery
356 mm/50 Mk74 х 3 pcs. |
Rate of Fire1.75 shots/min. |
Reload Time34.2 sec. |
Rotation Speed3 deg./sec. |
180 Degree Turn Time60 sec. |
Firing Range14.62 km. |
Maximum Dispersion220 m. |
HE Shell356 mm HE/HC Mk22 |
Maximum HE Shell Damage5000 |
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell30 % |
Initial HE Shell Velocity861 m./s. |
HE Shell Weight578.34 kg. |
AP Shell356 mm AP Mk16 |
Maximum AP Shell Damage10 500 |
Initial AP Shell Velocity823 m./s. |
AP Shell Weight680.4 kg. |
Secondary Armament #1
127 mm/51 Mk712 х 1 pcs. |
Firing Range4 km. |
Rate of Fire8.57 shots/min. |
Reload Time7 sec. |
HE Shell127 mm HE/HC Mk39 |
Maximum HE Shell Damage1800 |
Initial HE Shell Velocity960 m./s. |
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shel6 % |
Secondary Armament #2
127 mm/25 Mk19 mod. 68 х 1 pcs. |
Firing Range4 km. |
Rate of Fire13.33 shots/min. |
Reload Time4.5 sec. |
HE Shell127 mm HE/HC Mk36 |
Maximum HE Shell Damage1800 |
Initial HE Shell Velocity657 m./s. |
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shel9 % |
AA Defense
12.7 mm Browning M2 mod. 212 х 1 pcs. |
. . . Average Damage per Second45.6 |
. . . Firing Range1.2 km. |
127 mm/25 Mk19 mod. 68 х 1 pcs. |
. . . Average Damage per Second58.4 |
. . . Firing Range4.2 km. |
Maximum Speed18.48 knot |
Turning Circle Radius640 m. |
Rudder Shift Time19.7 sec. |
Surface Detectability Range14.22 km. |
Air Detectability Range11.34 km. |
Battle Levels
New Mexico — American Tier VI battleship.
El barco pertenecía a la generación de acorazados convencionales de la U.S. Navy. Los cañones de la batería principal se concentraron en las partes delantera y trasera del barco y se colocaron en torretas de súper fuego, lo que pronto sería lo estándar. El acorazado estaba blindado según el concepto de «todo o nada», con la ciudadela localizada en el centro del casco, estando muy bien protegida.
Compatible Upgrades
Slot 1 | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM030_MainWeapon_Mod_I_bb1e79efbcc73dfa03a6dd5ae173566ee691b77e3a6587389d6f7ea07eb03588.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del armamento principal|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del.C2.A0armamento_principal]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM031_SecondaryWeapon_Mod_I_5369d8b071df59a515906433ea1fff10a55841495258bcd04d3365467e61e4af.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del armamento auxiliar|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del.C2.A0armamento_auxiliar]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM032_PowderMagazine_Mod_I_9607d8ec91ddcca4a95443845b888fbd9de4cd81df5a30a199d400657a552017.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de la santabárbara|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_la.C2.A0santab.C3.A1rbara]] | |
Slot 2 | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM006_MainGun_Mod_II_bffc35efc4e090487fd6110a10a2be1f5d51b7918303f724194817e698055412.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 2 de la batería principal|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A02_de_la.C2.A0bater.C3.ADa_principal]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM012_SecondaryGun_Mod_II_c87da07dc4aebb94da59f3df3f8c2934279decb9677334a1a7e4b1f1c9f9ad04.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de la batería secundaria|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_la.C2.A0bater.C3.ADa_secundaria]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM018_AirDefense_Mod_III_d3f357c6dc4e5e627a86e17a16432cb38da32bb1b7999b4a7852371491511770.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de los cañones AA|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_los.C2.A0ca.C3.B1ones_AA]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM028_FireControl_Mod_I_US_c5594545cedeb1f273aecbd98d18c8dbbcc7b0edc9b5e1b8184eacb443991cb5.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de la sala de control de la artillería|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n_1_de_la.C2.A0sala_de_control_de_la.C2.A0artiller.C3.ADa]] |
Slot 4 | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM020_DamageControl_Mod_I_bbc708467bc8f1e6264ac88fb8999ea40660e4b0b94b59ab7b3f1a8b60539ed8.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del sistema de control de daños|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del.C2.A0sistema_de_control_de_da.C3.B1os]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM069_Movement_Mod_I_ca8429dcc45fdad36cdd474a13e5a289d6f7cf27ae32c9f30d42b72b9db493af.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Protección de la sala de máquinas|link=Ship:Upgrades#Protecci.C3.B3n_de_la_sala_de_m.C3.A1quinas]] | ||
Slot 5 | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM023_DamageControl_Mod_II_3c6aea0c5bccc94f1d8f1fa52662232afa007d784638ce6e981c8ad3457c63fa.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 2 del sistema de control de daños|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A02_del.C2.A0sistema_de_control_de_da.C3.B1os]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM024_Engine_Mod_II_4b4f4c217cf5cf580f47ccbbf76ecede110c5143055c55ab45a82d19e87423fb.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de la propulsión|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_la.C2.A0propulsi.C3.B3n]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM025_SteeringGear_Mod_II_523c86ce4c7d228e73ee3d2cb406f4d78a205aa2453fec45b0925dec519bf7c5.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del aparato de gobierno|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del.C2.A0aparato_de_gobierno]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM087_AirSupport_Mod_I_d26ea96903bf2c47669142777cfa61b0285e652ce26304ed9502bc8de35d0ded.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del ataque aéreo|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del_ataque_a.C3.A9reo]] |
Player Opinion
New Mexico continues with the tradition of American battleships up to this point. She's slow but armored like, well, a battleship. Her main advantage over her Tier VI battleship competitors (Warspite, Bayern, and Fuso) is the layout of her main gun; she has four triple-barrel super-firing turrets, two fore and two aft. This means that New Mexico can face the enemy more head on than other battleships, thus giving the ship even better armor due to angling. Use this to close in on those opponents who out-range you while providing a small silhouette.
- Large number of main guns: she has the same number of 14-inch (356mm) guns as her Japanese tier equivalent, Fuso.
- High shell velocity: amazing shell velocity even with range upgrades makes aiming easier.
- Very thick belt armor.
- All-or nothing armor: she has an all-or-nothing armor scheme that is one of the most resilient in the game, providing a large immune zone when angled.
- Large broadside firing arc: her firing arc allows it to minimize the broadside she shows while shooting all guns, and angle quickly after shooting
- Powerful anti-aircraft armament; AA suite is enough to shoot down 2-3 planes before a strike occurs.
- Decent torpedo defenses: effective torpedo defenses allows her to take solitary midships torpedo hits with only small permanent loss in hitpoints (after partial regeneration).
- Shells have amazing penetration qualities.
- Poor gun characteristics: much shorter range, slower reload and worse dispersion compared to Fuso, and can find herself helpless against longer ranged opponents with bigger guns.
- Very low mobility: like the preceding American battleship New York, she is incredibly slow with only a 21kts top speed upgraded, and poor rudder shift in stock configuration.
- Poor stock anti-aircraft defenses: AA on stock hull is horrible and not too much better with Hull (B), and only gets good with Hull (C).
- All-or-nothing armor drawbacks: While her armor prevents citadel hits, it guarantees regular hits which can be problematic against other battleships of equal tier.
- More guns concentrated per turret: having only 4 turrets, she loses a quarter of her firepower if a turret is knocked out.
- Large and vulnerable superstructure: large superstructure makes it vulnerable to HE damage.
- AP penetration is fairly weak until getting to medium range (~9-10 km) or closer.
Your first step in research should be the B hull. Not only does it give you additional combat capability points, WWII ammunition and a well-needed dose of AA batteries, it shortens your rudder shift time from 25.7 to 18.4 seconds (-28%) - this can be the difference between two or three impacts from a destroyer or airplane torpedo salvo. Once your survivability is in order, it's time to look at your playstyle for the next upgrades. If you find yourself lagging behind the team and not contributing to the battle due to your short stock range and low speed, upgrade the aiming system and engine first. Just be careful with enemy aircraft! If you can anticipate the turns of the battle well enough to be in range of enemies enough of the time, you can go straight for the C hull to beef up your Anti-Aircraft batteries to their final levels.
Optimal Configuration
Commander Skills
Recommended Commander Skills | ||||||||
Cost (points) |
Endurance | Attack | Support | Versatility | ||||
1 |
★★ |
★ |
★ |
★ |
2 |
★★ |
★★ |
★★★ |
★ |
3 |
★★ |
★★★ |
★★★ |
★ |
★ |
4 |
★★ |
★★★ |
★ |
★★★ |
Key: ★★★ - Extremely Useful ★★ - Frequently Useful ★ - Occasionally Useful No stars - Not Useful |
Type 1, 2, or 5 camouflage can be equipped for credits; Types 2 or 5 are recommended at a minimum to reduce the accuracy of incoming shells.
Players who wish to spend doubloons can equip New Mexico with Type 16 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, and increases the amount of experience she earns.Gallery
Historical Info
Historical Gallery
Ships of U.S.A.